Chapter 268 Triple Heaven and Man (Middle Cup)
[At the age of 60, the "Qiantian Palace" came to the world, and the six holy masters and the four heavenly beings joined hands to descend to the source world, intending to seize the "Qiantian Palace".You fight with the Nine-Dragon Formation, survive the catastrophe of heaven and man, kill the five holy masters and two heaven and man, and shake the nine great caves. 】

[While you were recovering from your injuries, multiple caves gradually encroached on the Kunlun Heaven, preparing to take over the cave that lost the auspices of the heavenly beings. 】

[After several years of contention, Kunlun Heaven was finally divided among the three caves of Zizai Heaven, Tianyao Dongtian, and Xuanming Dongtian. 】

[At the age of 70, Zhu Yuan came to the source world and came to "Qiantian Palace" to ask for help. 】

[It turns out that Yuan Xiyu was captured by Yan Shuangbai ten years ago to help you defend against the attack of heaven and man. 】

[After a ten-year ban, Yan Shuangbai refined most of Yuan Xiyu's mana, successfully broke through to the third level of heaven and man, and seized the position of teaching master in one fell swoop, becoming the master of heaven and cave. 】

[Song Dengyun, who discovered the truth by accident, decided to go down to the realm with Zhu Yuan for help, but was discovered by Yan Shuangbai. 】

[Song Dengyun used a taboo secret technique to delay time, allowing Zhu Yuan to escape successfully, but he was swallowed by Yan Shuangbai, and his body and spirit disappeared. 】

【After careful consideration, you decided to follow Zhu Yuan to the Heavenly Sacred Cave to rescue Yuan Xiyu. 】

[Before going to Tianshengdongtian, you once again found the real person covering the sun in Zizaitian, and used the pseudo-innate spiritual treasure of the Zimu Yinlei Sword to make a deal with the real person covering the sun, so that when you were fighting with Yan Shuangbai, Stop other celestial beings who might come. 】

[After some haggling, you also used another damaged fake Xiantian Lingbao Nine-Color Clothes as a bargaining chip. In the end, the real person concealing the sun agreed to the deal and decided to make a deal with the real person Tianyan. 】

[After everything is prepared, you and Zhu Yuan sneak into the Heavenly Sacred Cave. 】

[It's just that you just sneaked in, and you were discovered by Yan Shuangbai, who is the master of the cave. 】

[You fight hard. 】

[You suddenly discovered that the third-level heaven and man without the will of the source world are stronger than you imagined. 】

【Yan Shuangbai has mastered the perfect frost rules, and the Chilong body he transformed into can resist your five-color divine light. 】

[As time goes by, you are gradually suppressed by Yan Shuangbai, and you are at a disadvantage. 】

[You fought for three days and three nights, Yan Shuangbai became more and more courageous. 】

[In the end, you consume all the blood essence and provide it to the dragon blade, manifest the real body of the nightmare dragon, severely injure Yan Shuangbai, and destroy his body.But you were also severely injured by Yan Shuangbai's super supernatural power "Frozen World", and your body died. 】

【You put your soul in the innate thunder gourd and escaped from the holy cave. 】

[You just came to the source world, and you were stopped by the other four holy masters of the Heavenly Demon Cave. 】

[You lose your physical support, you can't fight for a long time, and you are going to avoid the edge temporarily. 】

[But you are trapped in a tight siege, you can't get out of it, you can only fight. 】

[In the end, although you severely wounded a holy master with the light of the demon-slaying light and the innate thunder of the innate thunder gourd, you still lost. 】

[In order to avoid being captured alive by the opponent, you chose to explode your innate Thunder Gourd Vine, and finally died together with the seriously injured Holy Master. 】

"It seems that when the home field advantage is in the hands of others, it is not so easy to leapfrog the battle."

Looking at the information in the simulation, Han Zhao frowned slightly.

Because he is a Martial God who successfully crossed the Tribulation in the Origin Realm, and he also became a celestial being in the Origin Realm, so when he went to the Heavenly Sage Cave Heaven, he would not be suppressed by the Cave Heaven World and affect his strength.

But in the same way, Yan Shuangbai was born in the Heavenly Sacred Cave, so he can also display his full strength.

Even because he became the master of the cave and took advantage of the home court, Han Zhao fell into a disadvantageous situation.

"Yuan Xiyu is very kind to me, and I must be saved!" Han Zhao pondered in his heart.

Since he has predicted the future in advance, and there are still ten years of preparation time, then he doesn't have to worry so much.

"Since it is difficult to fight Chilong at the first level of heaven and man, if I become the third level of heaven and man and fight against Yan Shuangbai at the second level of heaven and man, then it will be easier to fight."

Han Zhao's eyes were serious, now that Yan Shuangbai had just trapped Yuan Xiyu and hadn't broken through the third realm of heaven and man, it was a good time to deal with him.

It's always his turn to bully the lower realms if he is always asked to leapfrog the ranks.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


[attribute point +1000000]

"Since Yan Maha was able to achieve perfection at the third level of supernatural powers back then, he used the dragon blade to fight against Yan Shuangbai, who was at the first level of heaven and man, and suffered both losses. In addition to showing the strength of the real magic power of Nirvana, it also shows that the magic dragon blade is very powerful against dragons. Bloodline has a certain restraint ability." Han Zhao thought to himself.

If you want to bring out the strongest ability of the Demon Dragon Blade, you still need to continue to improve the Nirvana True Demon Art.

Or, directly use attribute points to fill up the Xiantian Thunder Gourd Vine, and let the Xiantian Lingbao appear in the world.

It's just that it's too eye-catching.

Moreover, it is unknown how much power he can exert on this kind of treasure at the level of a true king.

Once the Xiantian Lingbao appears, it will be a big trouble if it is targeted by Zhenjun and Xuanyin Tianmo.

After all, if he went to the outer world, he would not have such a powerful debuff as the will of the source world.

"One's own strength is the foundation, and relying on foreign objects is not the right way after all."

Han Zhao pondered for a moment, and decided to add some improving exercises first.

[Nirvana True Demon Skill: Fourth Level (0/600000); Can be upgraded; Special Effects: Nirvana Body Dacheng; Limit-breaking Special Effects: One Nirvana, Two Nirvana]

"System, improve Nirvana True Devil Art!"

Han Zhao said silently in his heart.

【Attribute points: 1000000→400000】

[Nirvana True Devil Art: Fourth Level (600000/600000); Cannot be promoted; Not yet met the promotion conditions: Heaven and Man Double Realm; Can be deduced (0/800000); Rules of strength · entry; limit-breaking special effects: one nirvana, two nirvana, three nirvana]


With the consumption of attributes, the progress of the technique skyrocketed, and the Nirvana True Demon Kung Fu reached the fourth level of perfection. Suddenly, a terrifying breath erupted from Han Zhao's body.

If he hadn't been in the inner hall of "Qiantian Palace", the pseudo-innate spiritual treasure, the aura just now might have directly destroyed everything around him.

Han Zhao stretched out his right hand and gave a false grab in front of him, leaving a white mark wherever he passed.

Spatial fluctuations came from within the white marks.

"What a strong physical body! If you use all your strength, it feels like the physical body alone can tear the space here."

Han Zhao felt a steady stream of power coming from his body, as if everything could be blown up with one punch.

The body was originally injured by mana and the power of rules. After half a year, the injury was only stabilized, but with the improvement of Nirvana True Demon Art, the physical body was greatly strengthened, and the injury was basically healed by [-]% to [-]%.

"Even the magic soldiers suppressed in the body have settled down a lot."

Han Zhao found that the speed of absorbing the yin qi of the holy master-level divine soldier in the body increased accordingly.

"Come again!"

Han Zhao started the second simulation.

【60 years old】

【You took the initiative to communicate with Heavenly Sacred Cave Heaven and let Song Dengyun and Zhu Yuan go down to the lower realm, but Yan Shuangbai stopped you. 】

[One year later, Zhu Yuan went to the outer world and made a detour to the source world. 】

[You told Zhu Yuan the truth, the other party turned pale with shock, and finally chose to believe you. 】

【He secretly returned to the cave, and together with Song Dengyun went to Yuan Xiyu's cave to seek an audience.But they were told that Yuan Xiyu had decided to enter the cave, and they were about to enter the cave by force, but they were stopped by Yan Shuangbai. 】

[At this point, the two of them completely believed what Han Zhao said, and secretly discussed with the direct Martial God of the lineage of master and apprentice about the solution to rescue Yuan Xiyu. 】

[After deliberation, the master and apprentice decided to ask for help from the heavens, and asked the ancestors of the ancestors to issue a decree. 】

[In the end, the ancestor of the Tianshengzong, the real king, came to the world in the incarnation, but was shot dead by Yan Shuangbai on the spot. 】

[Afterwards, Yan Shuangbai launched the Heavenly Sacred Sect's formation to seal off the mountain, and a war broke out between the lineage of the Heavenly Sacred Sect's family and the lineage of master and apprentice. 】

[After the bloody suppression, Yan Shuangbai ascended to the position of head teacher of Tiansheng Sect and became the master of Tiansheng Cave. 】


[One year later, you went to Tiansheng Cave to rescue Yuan Xiyu. 】

【You were discovered by Yan Shuangbai as soon as you entered the Tiansheng Cave. 】

[After a great battle, Yan Shuangbai was defeated. 】

[You chased into the big formation and were injured by the formation. 】

[In a critical moment, Qibao Umbrella came to rescue you, helping you escape and return to the source world. 】

【Two years later, you recovered from your injuries. Under the leadership of Seven Treasures Umbrella, you secretly sneaked into the Heavenly Sacred Cave, but you were discovered when you entered the formation. 】

【In the end, you and Yan Shuangbai died together. 】


Looking at the information in the simulation, Han Zhao couldn't help cursing inwardly.What a pig!
Yan Shuangbai even plotted against Yuan Xiyu, the current head teacher and master of the cave, so what's the use of a real king's incarnation coming?
The incident was brought to light, but it only increased the casualties.

"It seems that I can only rely on myself in this matter." Han Zhao pondered.

He can know what will happen in the future through the simulator, so he can constantly adjust and make the best choice.

But other people don't know, so they often make stupid tricks.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


[attribute point +1000000]

"If you don't improve your realm, you won't be able to increase your combat power if you deduce your skills, so that's the case."

Han Zhao thought silently in his heart.

"System, enhance the five-color peacock martial arts will."

[Martial Arts Will Five-Colored Peacock: Tier 780000 (3000000/[-]); can be improved: Special Effect: Five-Colored Peacock]

【Attribute points: 1400000→0】

[Will of Martial Arts·Five-Colored Peacock: Tier 2180000 (3000000/[-]); can be improved: special effects: Five-Colored Peacock, Five-Element Rules·Xiaocheng]


As the progress of the will to martial arts climbed, Han Zhao's body glowed with five-color glare.

He suddenly had a lot of understanding of the power of the five elements rule in his heart, as if he had been immersed in the power of the five elements rule for many years.

Moreover, with the skyrocketing mana, not only did his injuries fully recover, but his cultivation base also improved a lot, which was a step closer to the perfection of the first stage of heaven and man.

"System, continue the simulation."

【60 years old】

[After you cultivated for half a year, you secretly sneaked into the Heavenly Sacred Cave, turned into a five-color peacock, and used five-color divine light to sneak attack Yan Shuangbai and wound him. 】

[Tianshengzong opened a large formation, and a group of supernatural powers formed a large formation to surround you. 】

【Seven Treasures Umbrella appeared and together with you exposed Yan Shuangbai's conspiracy. 】

【In the end, you rescued Yuan Xiyu, who was seriously injured and frozen, from Yan Shuangbai's cave. 】

[Everyone uses a large formation to capture Yan Shuangbai. 】

【After a big battle, Yan Shuangbai saw that he could not escape from the big formation, so he launched an attack on you with all his strength. 】

[With the cooperation of everyone, you use the five-color divine light to injure it severely. 】

[Yan Shuangbai consumes all Chilong's true blood, burns his soul, and uses desperate moves. 】

【Before he died, Yan Shuangbai came to you with hatred and blew himself up. At the same time, he released his natal supernatural power "Frozen World". 】

[Although you used the five-color divine light to brush off most of the frost power, you were still injured by Yan Shuangbai's "Frozen World". 】

[At this time, because your soul is damaged, the original divine soldiers you suppressed in your body rioted, and your injuries aggravated. 】

【You pretended to be calm and returned to the source world. 】

[After returning to the source world, you start to retreat, suppress the original divine soldiers again, and use the longevity formula to repair the damage to the soul. 】

[110 years old, after more than 40 years of retreat, your soul damage has only recovered half. 】

[Because the reincarnation hall is about to open, you broke through to fulfill your promise. 】

[110 years old, "Reincarnation Palace" opened, you won the innate treasure "Reincarnation Mirror" fragments and "Reincarnation Edict", and you sent the "Reincarnation Mirror" fragments to Zizai Tian. 】

[Two hundred years old, your soul damage has basically recovered, and there is an unowned cave in the outer world, you go to fight for it. 】

[As soon as you appeared, the supernatural powers of the major caves gave up consciously. 】

[Heaven and man came to the world, and we had a discussion with you, and after a cutscene, they gave up fighting for the ownerless cave. 】

[The master of the army (Xuanyin Tianmo) behind the Heavenly Demon Cave comes incarnate and breaks out a battle with you. 】

[After a shocking battle, you killed the incarnation of Qianqiu Bingzhu, but you were also injured by the power of the opponent's original law, and your soul was severely injured again.And the original magic weapon in your body rioted again, and your injuries were beyond control. 】

[After you win the Wuzhu Cave, immediately transfer the "Qiantian Palace" in the source world to the Wuzhu Cave, and use the "Qiantian Palace" as the core to set up the Nine Dragons Formation again. 】

[From then on, you directly start to close the dead gate, and use the secret technique recorded in the second layer of the Zen and Wangjing·Shenyou Chapter to restore the damaged soul. 】

[As you refine the original power of the cave, you restore your soul. 】

[Six hundred years old, after 400 years of retreat, your injuries have fully recovered, and because of the thorough refinement of the Wuzhu Cave, your cultivation level has risen to a higher level, breaking through the dual realm of heaven and man. 】


[Nine hundred years old, your cultivation base has reached the third level of heaven and man, and you took the initiative to set off a catastrophe, allowing the nine caves to return to the original world. 】

[One thousand years old, under the care of the will of the source world, your cultivation has reached the perfection of the third level. 】

【In the process of you retreating and hitting the cave realm, the world changed drastically, and the Xuanyin Heavenly Demon descended. 】

【you are dead. 】

"The wound of the soul is so difficult?!" Han Zhao's expression changed slightly, and this original divine weapon is more difficult to refine than you expected.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


[attribute point +1000000]

"System, give me an upgrade"

After Han Zhao finished selecting attribute points, he was planning to add points to raise his martial arts will to the fifth level of perfection, when he suddenly thought of an important thing.

"Three realms of heaven and man! It's just right for me!"

If it is the Dongtian Realm, if he chooses, he will be struck by lightning. He has already passed the Nine Heavens and Human Realm's Nine Heavens Extinguishing Tribulation, and this three-layer Celestial and Human Realm is the most suitable for him.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao immediately began to refine the holy master level divine weapon in his body, and severely squeezed his demon yin energy.

After collecting 20 units of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, he immediately recited silently:

"System, recharge the Heavenly Demon Stone, and start a special simulation."

【60 years old】


[Although you predicted in advance that Yan Shuangbai would explode, you still couldn't dodge in time, and your soul was injured by his super magical power "Frozen World". 】

[Because your soul was damaged, the original divine soldiers suppressed by you rioted in your body, and your injuries aggravated. 】


[Two hundred years old, your soul injury has fully recovered. 】


[The master of the army (Xuanyin Tianmo) behind the Heavenly Demon Cave comes incarnate and breaks out a battle with you. 】

[Because you brought the "Qiantian Palace" in advance to set up a large formation, so when you killed the incarnation of Qianqiu Bingzhu, most of the power of the law was blocked by the Jiulong formation, and you were only slightly injured. 】

[Four hundred years old, your injuries have recovered, and you have broken through to the second level of heaven and man. 】

[Nine hundred years old, your cultivation base has reached the perfection of the three realms of heaven and man, and you have decided to retreat and attack the cave realm first, and then set off a catastrophe. 】

【Just when you were about to retreat and attack the Heavenly Cave Realm, the Demonic Cave captured Lian Chengye and forced you to go to the Demonic Cave in person. 】

[Lian Chengyu begs you not to take risks alone, this is a deadly situation. 】

【You think over and over again, and finally decide to go to the Heavenly Demon Cave. 】

[You entered the Heavenly Demon Grotto, and were deeply trapped in the Heavenly Demon Zhuxian formation. 】

[In the end, you broke out of the formation and rescued Lian Chengye, but you were also severely injured by the original divine soldiers of the Heavenly Demon Zhuxian formation. Not long after you returned to the cave, you collapsed and died. 】

"It's dangerous!" Han Zhao was taken aback. At the critical moment, it had to be the Heavenly Demon Cave, otherwise this time the simulation broke through the cave, and it would be troublesome.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

[[-]. Obtaining the realm in the simulation (excluding cultivation)]


Han Zhao muttered silently.


As soon as the choice was over, an astonishing aura rose from his body.

Heaven and Man Triple Realm!

"System, enhance the five-color peacock martial arts will."

【Attribute points: 1000000→180000】

【Will of Martial Arts·Five-Colored Peacock: Tier 3000000 (3000000/[-]); Can be upgraded; Special Effects: Five-Colored Peacock, Five-Element Rules·Dacheng】

[Continue to absorb the true blood of the five-color peacock to improve the will of martial arts, master the power of the five elements, and have a certain probability to return to the ancestors and become the real five-color peacock spirit. 】

With the completion of the promotion, Han Zhao's figure has disappeared, replaced by a cluster of light clusters with a radius of one foot, which are constantly shining with five-color halos.

Han Zhao felt very sleepy, and his consciousness became more and more blurred.

In a trance, he felt that he had turned into a five-color peacock.

Gradually, he turned into a palm-sized five-color peacock and a colorful egg.

After that, he lost consciousness.

 PS: Sorry, it's a little late to accompany my girlfriend today.

(End of this chapter)

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