Chapter 269 The three realms of the cave, Daluo Daoguo! (big cup)
"Dry Heaven Palace".

This place itself is a pseudo-innate spiritual treasure of the cave, and if it goes one step further to become an innate spiritual treasure, the cave here will truly grow into a real cave comparable to the nine great caves.

At that time, the interior of "Qiantian Palace" will become its own realm.

And the controller of "Qiantian Palace" will also become the master of the cave, and get the bonus of the power of the cave inside the "Qiantian Palace", just like a god.

However, it is not an easy task to remove the word "false". It needs to absorb a lot of the original power of the cave to transform it into an innate spiritual treasure.

At the beginning, the owner of the "Qiantian Palace" Shiyang Daoist was the true king who had completed the three calamities. He did not complete the evolution of the "Qiantian Palace" until his body and spirit were destroyed under the catastrophe.

Although the current "Qiantian Palace" is just a fake cave, but the inner hall alone is comparable to half of Yuanchang Mansion.

As for the scope of the outer hall, it is probably larger than Yunzhou.

There are more than [-] disciples in Qiantian Palace, and it is more than enough to stay in the inner hall of "Qiantian Palace".

Most of these people, led by Han Yan, entered the Five Elements Wood Mansion to practice.

Because Han Zhao had already made all the preparations, before the arrival of heaven and man and the Holy Lord, he hoarded a large amount of rice, flour, grain and oil, enough to feed 10 people for several years.

Moreover, high-level fighters such as the Grand Master, in places with sufficient aura of heaven and earth, will not have any effect even if they do not eat for ten and a half months.

As for the warriors in the Condensation Realm, they can completely rely on the Tianmai and the aura of heaven and earth to survive for more than half a year.

The outer hall of "Qiantian Palace" has a relatively complete ecological environment. Among them, the mountains are vertical and horizontal, and there are endless monsters everywhere. not finished.

Therefore, although the freedom here is limited, but in the inner hall of the "Qiantian Palace" where the nine spiritual acupoints meet, even the vast number of low-level disciples have no complaints, and even hope to stay here for a while.

After all, there is a lot of aura here, and occasionally you can eat monster meat with powerful blood.

The elders of the Grandmaster Realm and the Martial Saint Realm would take turns to teach martial arts almost every few days.

That is, the top ten true disciples, as well as the pseudo-supernatural powers of the Xuanying Hall, will give sermons every month.

For low-level disciples, this place is simply heaven.

In just half a year, the cultivation bases of all the outer disciples in Qiantian Palace have improved greatly compared to before.

On this day, the disciples gathered in the hall of the inner hall of "Qiantian Palace".

The originally spacious hall suddenly became crowded with nearly 10 people.

However, all the disciples sat cross-legged on the ground in an orderly manner, and the entire hall was silent, and no one chatted loudly.

And sitting at the front of the hall, there are quite a few inner sect elders with strong aura and profound cultivation.

Many of the Martial Saint Realm enshrined in the Xuanying Hall have all arrived.

Because it is Han Nianxuan who is going to teach martial arts today.

Although she is only 32 years old this year, her cultivation has already reached the perfection of the Eight Demons Realm, and she will practice the top ten martial arts taught by real people, as well as the Nirvana True Devil Kungfu and other major exercises to the realm of transformation.

In the entire Qiantian Palace, Han Nianxuan's strength is second only to Yu Chongxiao, the master of Xuanying Palace.

At this age, to be able to achieve such a level of cultivation is not only a height that can be achieved by the status of the eldest daughter of a real person in charge.

His talent, savvy, and temperament are far beyond those of his peers.

The most important thing is that Han Nianxuan is very good at teaching, and she is also the best in the world.

Compared to listening to those old men's lectures, who doesn't like to be taught martial arts by a good-looking and nice-talking master sister?
Sometimes, not only men are so simple, women are the same.

Han Nianxuan's popularity among female disciples is not low at all.

"Master is here."

As a black awn flew out of the Five Elements Wood Mansion, there was some commotion in the crowd, but it stopped in a flash.

The black mang dissipated, and Han Nianxuan's figure appeared.

She came in front of everyone, bowed her hands, and immediately said loudly:
"Last time, we talked about the core of the top ten martial arts, which is the three-point return to vitality. The key to the three-point return to vitality is to practice the three-element strength. The three types of strength are completely different in nature. If you want to integrate them into one, It has to be done."

Han Nianxuan unhurriedly explained the key to practicing three-point return to vitality.

Everyone was so engrossed that they couldn't wait to prick up their ears to listen.

Compared with the unrealistic idea of ​​mastering ten kinds of martial arts to become the top ten martial arts, most people think about practicing three-element energy, and then learn to return three points to vitality.

Just a three-point return to vitality, leapfrog fighting is as simple as eating and drinking.

It was like Xu Ting who was ranked last among the top ten true disciples. Although he was only a master of the five qi, he was able to be the last one after defeating two inner disciples who were in the first evil realm in the real competition.

Xu Ting came from a real grassroots background, without any background, and even just started practicing martial arts.

If he hadn't been taken out of the small village by a passing dart caravan, he would probably be farming with his back facing the loess at this moment, how could he become a high-ranking true disciple in Qiantian Palace.

When Xu Ting explained the Sanyuan Jin last time, he also invited a worship elder from the Ersha Realm to cooperate.

Although it was said to be a sparring session at the time, but after the fight, the worshiping elder was obviously impatient and really moved.

Even so, Xu Ting used three points to return to vitality to defuse all the offensive.

Maybe Xu Ting will lose if it is dragged to the end.

But if the master of the five qi can pass a few tricks in the martial saint of the second evil realm, his strength is astonishing.

What's more, it was a battle of hundreds of rounds.

In fact, Xu Ting is the most suitable martial artist to teach the practice experience of Sanyuanjin. However, he belongs to the kind of person who knows it himself but is at a loss when teaching others.

Therefore, when Han Nianxuan agreed to teach her experience in Sanyuanjin cultivation, the warriors were very excited.

Although the disciples of the true biography will all be instructed by the real head teacher, Han Nianxuan, as the eldest daughter of the real head teacher, is also extremely talented, so listening to her guidance is similar to listening to the real head teacher preaching.

Such an opportunity is absolutely impossible for any aristocratic family and sect to have. Only Qiantian Palace teaches the real thing.

I am not afraid that you will not learn, but I am afraid that you will not learn.

"Next, let me demonstrate the fusion technique of Sanyuanjin, everyone observe carefully." After Han Nianxuan finished explaining the key points, she waited for everyone to digest for a while before continuing.

She stretched out her hand, and saw the strength of blue, white, and blue slowly condensed in the slender and white palm, corresponding to the strength cultivated by the three exercises of Tianshuang Fist, Paiyun Palm, and Fengshen Leg force.

"According to individual differences, for the same exercise, the total amount of strength released by each person is different each time.

Therefore, it is a shortcut to fuse the three kinds of power, although it is a shortcut to fuse the power in a way similar to the vortex of water flow.

But sometimes it needs to rotate in the forward direction, sometimes it needs to rotate in the opposite direction, and there are special cases where random rotation is required.

This is the most important thing when merging the Sanyuan Jin in the early stage.

For example, the strength I released this time needs to be rotated and fused in a forward direction. "

While explaining, Han Nianxuan controlled the three forces in her hands to rotate and merge in a forward direction.

In order to let everyone see clearly, she deliberately slowed down the fusion speed.

After a full ten breaths, there was a buzzing sound from the three kinds of power in Han Nianxuan's hands, and a group of translucent spherical power condensed in her palm.

"What a terrifying control!"

The elders sitting in the front row were shocked.

"Eldest sister is amazing!" Han Shuangning and Han Lianxin, who also practiced top ten martial arts, couldn't help but glance at each other, seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

If you use ten breaths of time to fuse Sanyuan Jin in battle, then ten lives are not enough to die.

However, it is possible to slow down the speed of force fusion and make the process detailed and specific, which also requires a strong control ability.

Both of them have also practiced three-point return to vitality, but they absolutely can't control the three-point energy so smoothly.

"Next, I will use half of the strength just now, and this time I need to rotate in the opposite direction."

Han Nianxuan dissipated the Sanyuan Jin from her hands, and released the three kinds of strength again.

"When to rotate in which direction, you still need to practice more, so that you can find the direction in an instant."

After finishing speaking, Han Nianxuan reversed the force in her hand.

This time, when the three forces were about to merge, they suddenly exploded, and there was a loud bang in the void.

"Om!" Han Nianxuan's bodyguard's celestial energy was activated automatically, which prevented her palm from being injured.

"This is?!" Han Nianxuan's eyes widened, and the devilish energy overflowed her body, forming a devilish armor on her body.

"It greatly slows down the speed of Sanyuanjin's condensing. Mistakes are normal. Don't be surprised." Seeing that Han Nianxuan's expression was constantly changing, she stood still in silence. As an honest person, Ling Yun stood up and smoothed things over for her.

However, as soon as he said this, all the disciples in the field shuddered.

It is dangerous even for a strong person like Senior Sister to make a mistake, let alone them.

If it had been them, they would have lost their hands just now.

Ling Yun was about to open his mouth to relieve the awkward atmosphere, when Han Nianxuan behind him suddenly burst out with an astonishing devilish energy.

Under the guidance of the devil's energy, the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth formed black ripples that seemed to be substantial, setting off a gust of wind and spreading out in all directions.

"what happened?!"

The low-level disciples in the field were blown to this side by the strong wind.

The elders in the front row also felt the strong pressure, and they mobilized their strength and energy to block the oncoming gust of wind.


Seeing that their protective power was violently shaken by the blow, everyone was shocked.

Han Nianxuan's true strength was far beyond their expectations.

"Han Zhenchuan couldn't be mad, right?!"

Seeing Han Nianxuan's aura rising steadily, everyone had a bad feeling.


Han Shuangning and Han Lianxin flew forward and came to Han Nianxuan to check the situation.

As soon as the two of them arrived at her side, the innate qi of the body's protection was instantly activated, forming a translucent air shield on the body surface.

At the same time, the aura in their bodies also rose.

"what happened?!"

Feeling the strange movement, Han Yan was about to get up.

Suddenly, a mass of extreme heat rose from his body.

"In the end what happened?!"

The elders sitting beside Han Yan were startled, and the extremely hot force almost hurt them.


At this time, there were bursts of thunder-like loud noises in the void at the top of the hall.

A large amount of spiritual energy gathered here, and finally formed a vortex of spiritual energy that seemed to be real.

Immediately afterwards, it was the second, the third. The ninth!
All nine spiritual acupoints manifested.

"Such an astonishing celestial phenomenon! Could it be that the head teacher is about to leave the test?!"

Everyone turned pale with shock, and immediately felt affirmed.

Only Daoist Zhangjiao can have such unparalleled supernatural powers, and every move can attract the power of heaven and earth.

After all, when the real person in charge fought against the heavenly man, even the void was shattered, so that's nothing.


Accompanied by a clear cry, an extremely gorgeous and invaluable five-color peacock condensed in the void, then flapped its wings and flew into the vortex of spiritual energy.

Astronomical phenomena come and go quickly.

At this time, everyone noticed that Han Nianxuan, Han Yan, Han Shuangning, and Han Lianxin's aura rose sharply.

Especially Han Shuangning and Han Lianxin.

At the last moment, Han Shuangning was still in the realm of the second evil spirit, and Han Lianxin was only perfect in the realm of the first evil spirit.

At this moment, Han Shuangning broke through three realms in a row and directly reached the perfection of the five evil realms.

Han Lianxin was even more outrageous, breaking through the four realms in a row, and breaking through to the five evil realms.

And Han Nianxuan and Han Yan also made a lot of progress.

Han Nianxuan broke through to the Realm of the Nine Demons, while Han Yan broke through to the Realm of the Eight Demons.

"how can that be?!"

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it.

Even if the Martial God of the Divine Ability Realm exhausted all his mana to pour his body, it would not be possible for a strong Martial Saint Realm to break through several realms in a row.

After all, most of the mana will be wasted in the process of filling the body.

"The five-colored peacock must be the Master Master!"

"That's right! Such a miracle can only be done by the master teacher."

Everyone looked excited, and looked at the four with envy.

"This is the awakening of the blood!"

Many priests of the Martial Saint Realm have seen the scene of the children of the Shenbing family awakening the power of their blood, but they never imagined that such a scene would appear on the warrior one day.

Judging from the appearance just now, it must be that the head teacher has made great progress in his cultivation and made great achievements, otherwise there would not be such a big movement, which would directly affect the direct bloodline.

Sure enough, talent, luck, savvy, and hard work are not as important as casting a good tire.

inner hall.

The original multicolored egg gradually disappeared, and Han Zhao's figure reappeared.

"The true spirit of the five-color peacock is indeed the darling of heaven and earth."

Han Zhao recovered his sanity and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

When the five-color peacock's martial arts will reached the fifth level of perfection, he suddenly felt that he had become a five-color peacock, and saw some pictures from the five-color peacock's perspective.

He has mastered power beyond his cognition since he was born, and with the swipe of the five-color divine light, multiple realms are instantly destroyed.

It is too exaggerated to be born with the original law of the power of the five elements.

Because the will of martial arts has been promoted to the fifth level of perfection, Han Zhao's mana is also rising steadily, and his cultivation level is directly promoted to the first level of heaven and man.

As long as there is a little more wave, the cultivation base can reach the second level of heaven and man.

Anyway, there is no realm bottleneck, and the skills can be improved accordingly, and then the cultivation base can be directly improved.

[Continue to absorb the true blood of the five-color peacock to improve the will of martial arts, master the power of the five elements, and have a certain probability to return to the ancestors and become the real five-color peacock spirit. 】

"It's a pity." Looking at the system's prompt, Han Zhao sighed inwardly.

If there is no system, returning to his ancestors and becoming the true spirit of the five-color peacock would be extremely attractive to him.

Taking this route will naturally allow him to skyrocket in strength in a relatively short period of time.

But the five-color peacock true spirit has an upper limit.

The five-color divine light can only be used as one of many methods, and cannot be the biggest reliance.

"Before the realm is improved, you can no longer continue to improve your martial arts will."

Han Zhao had a vague feeling in his heart that if he continued to improve his martial arts will, something would go wrong in his martial arts path.

"Other matters must be arranged before continuing to retreat."

Han Zhao felt that the holy master-level divine soldiers in his body were about to move again, ready to suppress all the divine soldiers except the original divine soldiers, and then break through to find Yan Shuangbai to settle the score.


【Collect 115860 units of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, is it possible to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consume 200000 units of demonic yin energy, 2000000 gold beads or magic gold, and you will definitely get a one-time basic entry 'life simulation'. 】

[Consume 400000 units of Omen Yin Qi, 400 Spirit Crystals or Omen Stones to perform a special simulation. 】

[Current balance: 157w pieces of magic gold, 200w pieces of gold beads, 362 pieces of spirit crystals, and 28 pieces of sky magic stones. 】

[New features are enabled, 'Option [-]' is upgraded!There is a certain probability of obtaining special talents and abilities in the simulation and converting them into entries. 】

"New system features?!" Han Zhao's eyes lit up.

"When we reach the Realm of the True Monarch, I'm afraid we will have to find a way to capture the krypton gold in the cave world."

"I've seen the real headmaster!"

When Han Zhao flew out of the inner hall surrounded by the golden light group and came to the top of the hall, hundreds of thousands of disciples shouted in unison.

Han Zhao waved his sleeve robe.


Everyone suddenly felt the ground under their feet tremble, and then, a huge space crack appeared in the void above their heads.

With the infusion of Han Zhao's mana, the crack in this space became bigger and bigger, and finally covered the entire inner hall.

The inner hall of "Qiantian Palace" soared into the sky and sank into the space crack.

The next moment, everyone suddenly felt that their eyes were clear.

The inner hall of "Qiantian Palace" descended slowly.

Below is the rough sea.

The original Nujiao Island with a radius of thousands of miles has disappeared and turned into a huge pit. The sea water poured back into it, forming a huge funnel-shaped vortex, as if it were a bottomless pit.

When the inner hall of the "Qiantian Palace" fell steadily to the surface of the sea where Nujiao Island was originally located, the pouring sea water stagnated instantly.


Everyone's minds were settled, and there was a sense of a world away.

After all, it only took one day for the real person in charge to deal with the powerful enemy, but it took nearly a year for him to retreat and recover from his injuries.

Now that the master teacher has broken through and sent the inner hall of "Qiantian Palace" back to the source world, everyone's hanging hearts are finally let go.

"From today onwards, the ban will be lifted, and the affairs of the sect will be as usual."

As soon as Han Zhao finished speaking, he flew back to the inner hall.

The outer hall of "Qiantian Palace" is a false cave, which can only be attached to the source world, but cannot be directly integrated into the source world, otherwise it will be directly absorbed by the source world, so Han Zhao did not move the outer hall.

Han Zhao returned to the inner hall and sat firmly.

After a while, eight people including Liancheng Yu, Liancheng Xue, Liancheng Bing, Lian Chengye, Han Nianxuan, Han Yan, Yu Chongxiao, and Cheng Peng entered the hall.



"I have seen the real headmaster."

Eight people saluted at the same time.

"Excuse me." Han Zhao smiled faintly and raised his hand to help.

"In this war, the door has lost a lot, and it is time to punish the invading forces."

"Father! Is it to destroy the affiliated families of Kunlun Heaven and Tianmodongtian?" Han Yan looked a little excited.

During the trial, they were attacked by the descendants of these families. He couldn't deal with the heavenly beings and the Holy Master, but he could still deal with the descendants of the descendants.

"Almost." Han Zhao nodded slightly.

"Father, please order!" Han Yan said excitedly.

"Yan'er, you, Hall Master Xuanying and Elder Chang, select the elders in the sect, and go to the Red Leaf Mansion in Taizhou, Qi State, to receive the magic gold mine in Soul Valley and start mining." Han Zhao said seriously.

"Ah?!" Han Yan was taken aback, and lost the mining?

"Nianxuan, Chengye, you and my young lady will go to the state of Chu to take over the Murong family's gold and pearl mine." Han Zhao ignored him and turned to look at Han Nianxuan, Lian Chengye, and the three daughters of the Lian family.

"Teacher Daoist, with our strength, go to Hongye Mansion, I'm afraid we won't be able to deal with Soul Valley."

Cheng Peng looked a little hesitant.

He was not afraid, but he was afraid that if Han Yan was attacked and injured, he would be in big trouble.

"It doesn't matter, if someone dares to take action against you, I will take action and wipe them out." Han Zhao smiled lightly.

"Yes!" Cheng Peng felt the absolute confidence emanating from Han Zhao's calm tone, and felt confident.

"In order to avoid complications, Yan'er, Nian Xuan, you two come forward." Han Zhao said again.


Han Yan and Han Nianxuan stepped forward.

Han Zhao stretched out his index finger, and the five-color halo flowed around the fingertips.

Han Yan and Han Nianxuan just felt dazed, and saw a five-color peacock standing proudly in the world.

Tap the eyebrows of the two of them with fingertips, leaving a five-color plume imprint like a sword.

"This is the five-color divine light. If there is a strong enemy coming, you can activate it by pouring your true energy into the center of your eyebrows. Even if a heavenly man descends into the world, you can resist it for a while." Han Zhao said lightly.

Now his cultivation has reached the perfection of the first stage of heaven and man, and his realm is as high as the third stage of heaven and man. The power of the five elements rule is great, and the power of the five colors of light is more than double that of the last battle.

Caught off guard, whether ordinary celestial beings can escape from this blow is still a matter of debate.

"Thank you dad!" Han Yan's eyes lit up.

Listening to this meaning, wouldn't it be instant kills below heaven and man?

"After you take over the mine, mine as much as you can, and send the gold beads and magic gold back to the door. When the time is right, I will call you back." Han Zhao added.


The crowd responded in unison.

Looks like it's time to get ready.

"In the future, it will take three to five years, or one or two years. I will face a strong enemy, so Jinzhu and Mojin have a lot to do with it." Han Zhao said in a deep voice.

Everyone was stunned, they didn't expect this to happen.

"In addition, you release the news that Qiantian Palace is willing to exchange Kunluntian's pseudo-innate spirit treasure for spirit crystals, and the highest price will get it." Han Zhao finally ordered.



"I'm waiting to retire."

Everyone exited the inner hall together.

After Han Yan released the five-color divine light and killed a third-tier soldier in Corpse Soul Valley, the process of receiving the magic gold mine became extremely smooth.

On Han Nianxuan's side, the Murong family had already withdrawn from the source world, and the whole family moved to Xuanming Dongtian, so the gold pearl mine naturally became an 'ownerless' thing.

Without the Murong family, Chu State almost became the dominant family of Bailingzong, so Han Nianxuan's mining went very smoothly.

Three months later, the envoy of Zizaitian came to the source world and exchanged the damaged Nine-Color Clothes in Han Zhao's hand with the price of [-] spirit crystals.

Han Zhao also wanted to exchange the Yin Lei Zi Mu Sword for two thousand spirit crystals, but Zi Zai Tian finally chose not to trade.

The same pseudo-innate spiritual treasures also have strengths and weaknesses.

Obviously, if the pseudo-innate spirit treasures of the killing category do not involve the rules of force, they are not as popular as the defensive category.

Zi Zaitian wanted to exchange [-] spirit crystals for "Qiantian Palace", but was rejected by Han Zhao on the spot.

Another half year passed.

Han Zhao completes the deal with Zhenren Zheri.

After the transaction was completed, Han Zhao returned to the inner hall of "Qiantian Palace".

"It's time for the cultivation base to break through."

Nearly two years have passed since Yuan Xiyu was captured, so he must be rescued as soon as possible.

【Collect 359700 units of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, is it possible to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consume 200000 units of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, 2000000 pieces of gold beads or magic gold.]

"There is only the demonic yin energy of the last original divine weapon left." Looking at the information in the simulation, Han Zhao thought to himself.

The original divine weapon is too strong to resist, and now it can only be suppressed. If you want to forcibly absorb the Yin Qi in it, it is very likely to cause backlash.

"System, synthesis."

"Start the simulation."

[At the age of 62, your cultivation has reached the perfection of Heaven and Man. 】

【You secretly went to Tiansheng Cave and rescued Yuan Xiyu. 】

【Relying on the five-color divine light with greatly increased power, you successfully suppressed Yan Shuangbai, but still slightly injured the soul. 】

[One hundred years old, your injuries have recovered, because you have refined the blood of Yanshuangbai Chilong, your physical strength has greatly increased, and your cultivation has reached the second level of heaven and man. 】


[Two hundred years old, you killed the incarnation of the soldier master and won the Lordless Cave.The soul was damaged again. 】

[Four hundred years old, your injuries have recovered, and your cultivation has reached the second level of heaven and man. 】

[520 years old, your cultivation has reached the third level of heaven and man. 】

[Seven hundred years old, you broke through the cave realm, survived the catastrophe of gods and demons, and became a true king of the catastrophe. 】

[You took the initiative to set off a catastrophe and let the nine caves return to the original world. 】

[One thousand years old, the world has changed drastically, and the Xuanyin Heavenly Demon descended in a catastrophe, but you killed him on the spot, destroying both body and spirit. 】

[Your strength has attracted the attention of the true emperor who descended from the Qinglan Dao Sect in the heavenly world, and the other party wants to introduce you to Emperor Qinglan. 】

[Four Tribulations and Nine Nether Heavenly Demons came to the world, and Emperor Qinglan sent an incarnation from outside his body to repel them. 】

[Before the stronger Heavenly Demon comes into the world, you use the "Qiantian Palace" to bring your disciples together to the Qinglan Realm and join the Qinglan Taoist Sect. 】

【Emperor Qinglan personally received you, but when he saw you, he let out a long sigh. 】

[As for the reason, it turned out to be because you have a variety of exercises, and at the same time, you have the blood of a true spirit, and you have mastered the power of a variety of laws. This is the root of your strength, but it is also a huge hidden danger. 】

[You will not be affected by it for the time being, but when you reach the realm of the Three Tribulations True Monarch, it will inevitably lead to an imbalance in the power of various systems in your body, ranging from disordered laws to extinction of body and spirit in severe cases. 】

【You have been recognized by Emperor Qinglan, and you have no hope of breaking through the realm of the emperor. 】

[Because to attack the realm of the emperor, you need to use the power of laws to condense the spiritual realm, and you must major in one or more laws of the same origin to hope to condense the spiritual realm. 】

[You have multiple laws in your body at the same time, and they are all integrated with the soul. If you abolish the laws, not only will your strength be greatly damaged, but the potential of your soul will also be exhausted. 】

【Emperor Qinglan proposed two solutions for you. One is to give up the cultivation of this life and reincarnate to rebuild.You refuse on the spot. 】

[Another method is to take a Da Luo Dao Fruit in the Heaven and Man Realm before breaking through the Cave Heaven Realm. In this way, multiple laws can be fused to form the Da Luo Spiritual Realm. 】

[Emperor Qinglan tells you that the Nine Tribulations of the Cave Heaven are divided into three realms: refining the gods, returning to the void, and uniting the Tao. 】

[The realm of refining the gods is called a true monarch, with a lifespan of 3 years.If the cultivation base does not break through the Void Returning Realm, there will be a real yang catastrophe after 3 years. After passing the catastrophe, the magic power will increase, the divine body will recover, and you can live for another 3 years.After that, it will still be a true sun catastrophe every 3 years. In theory, when one reaches the realm of a true king, one's lifespan will be endless. 】

[The Void Return Realm is called the emperor, the law is in the body, and it is almost immortal. 】

[He Dao Jing praises the Lord. 】

[The Dao Luo Dao Fruit is the treasure that the Taoist Lord will leave behind. If there is such a thing, Emperor Qinglan would not be willing to give it to you. 】

[Because you are unwilling to rebuild, Emperor Qinglan no longer cares about you. 】

[Because your strength far surpasses that of your peers, you are still valued. 】

[In Qinglan Realm, you learned more secrets. 】

【Thirty-three heavens in the heavens, divided into the lower ten heavens, the middle ten heavens, the upper ten heavens, and the three highest heavens.Among the three supreme heavens, Yuanshitian was broken, Taimingtian was occupied by Heavenly Demon, and Daluotian was still under the control of Heavenly Court, but because the Heavenly Emperor and the three Vientiane Heavenly Demons died together, the dragons in Heavenly Court had no leader, so they separated Daluotian. 】

[The other thirty heavens lost the control of the heavenly court of Daluotian, and in just tens of thousands of years, most of them were captured. 】

[Eight thousand years old, your cultivation base has reached the perfection of the double mirror of refining gods, and when you are about to break through, you feel that great terror is approaching. 】

[In the end, after exhausting all means, you decided to reincarnate and rebuild. 】

【However, you were reincarnated as a direct bloodline descendant of Jiuyou Tianmo, and the other party obtained the secret deep in your heart through the connection of bloodline power. 】

【you are dead. 】

(End of this chapter)

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