Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 280 [The Demon Emperor]!Kill the soldier!

Chapter 280 [The Demon Emperor]!Kill the soldier!
"Fishing, right?" Looking at the information in the simulation, Han Zhao frowned.

The inheritance of the Heavenly Emperor turned out to be true, but it was also true under the eyes of the Heavenly Demon.

"The Vientiane Heavenly Demon is comparable to a Daoist in the Dao Realm. Even if he gets the Heavenly Emperor's inheritance, he still has no chance to leave Taimingtian alive."

A thought emerged in Han Zhao's mind. It is estimated that the Heavenly Demon already knew the location of the Heavenly Emperor's inheritance, but he could not take it away, so he used it as bait to lure people from the heavenly realm to come.

"Fortunately, the system has been upgraded, otherwise this Tai Ming Tian would not be able to go at all."

Han Zhao couldn't help sighing.

"It's a pity that the "Chaotic Star Map" mentioned by the Emperor of Heaven did not appear in the simulation. "

According to the Emperor of Heaven, he came 1 years earlier, that is, before he was [-] years old, he rushed to the different space of Tai Mingtian. At that time, the remnant soul of the Emperor of Heaven still retained the power of inheritance.

At Han Zhao's current state, he can only deduce his skills step by step. Although the deduced skills are very strong, he needs a lot of attribute points, otherwise he wouldn't have to work so hard.

When the realm continues to improve, I really don't know how many attribute points are needed to deduce the exercises.

Now that he has mastered the pseudo-spiritual domain of time and space, he can major in the laws of time and space.

The Heavenly Emperor was able to die together with the three Vientiane Heavenly Demons of the same level, which shows his strength.

The "Chaos Star Map" is so valued by the Emperor of Heaven, it should be able to point directly to the realm of harmony.

"The reason why the skills deduced by the system are powerful is not only the effect of attribute points, but also the addition of entries. If the quality of entries can be improved, the "Chaos Star Map" may be deduced in the future. "

Han Zhao stared.

Those advanced exercises and top-level exercises, after deduction and addition of entries, can make him leapfrog to fight. If he directly deduces the top-level exercises, the power may be beyond imagination.

After pondering for a moment, Han Zhao's gaze returned to the last option on the system panel.

[The simulation is over, you can choose two of the following]

[[-]. Obtained entries (Emperor Smash Demon·Colorful Fate)]

[180. Obtain attribute points ([-]w)]

[[-]. Obtaining the realm in the simulation (excluding cultivation)]

[[-]. You can randomly refresh the things that appeared in the simulation (Lei Tan Xianguo) (you can pay to refresh)]

[[-]. After you choose 'Option [-]' to get the entry, you can get a chance to refresh or combine three entries into a fate word (free)]

"Emperor Smash Demon?! Another Seven-Colored Fate?!"

Looking at option one, Han Zhao's eyes froze.

"This Heavenly Emperor is really powerful! A little bit of original power left by the remnant soul can actually make [Light of Dispelling Demons] get such a huge improvement!"

In this way, Han Zhao doesn't have to hesitate about how to choose.

At the end of this simulation, there are only 150 spirit crystals left, which cannot pay the refresh fee.

It is a waste to choose attribute points, and you can't choose the realm. After the entry has [Dangmo Tiandi], he has no shortage of entries.

So I can only choose one more [Option [-]].

This Thunder Sandalwood Fairy Fruit can ripen the innate Thunder Gourd Vine, which can act as an attribute point, and at the same time strengthen the soul and the law of thunder, which is much stronger than the attribute point.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao immediately said silently: "System, I will choose one and four."

[Obtain the seven-color fate 'Swing Demon Emperor']

[Obtain the innate spiritual object 'Thunder Sand Fairy Fruit']

With the end of the selection, Han Zhao's whole body was full of purple light, showing the trend of purple energy coming from the east, which is indescribable.

At the same time, a golden fruit the size of a longan appeared in his palm.

Compared with the mediocre innate dao fruit, the Thunder Sandalle Fairy Fruit seems to be an extremely precious innate spiritual object. With the strength of Han Zhao's physical body, even after touching it, he will be shocked by the small amount of innate thunder spirit power overflowing from it. The whole body is numb.

Generally, heavenly beings contact rashly, fearing that their bodies will be directly damaged, or even seriously injured.

[Thunder Sand Fairy Fruit]: Innate spiritual object, containing the original law of thunder, non-emperor realm or thunder-attribute holy body cannot be directly refined, it can be used to strengthen the power of the soul, ripen the thunder-attribute innate spirit treasure, and can also be used as a soul Things, cultivated into the innate thunder spirit true soul.

Han Zhao put the Thunder Sandalwood Fairy Fruit between his eyebrows, and his spiritual sense touched it.

The Thunder Sandal Fairy Fruit between his brows swished into his sea of ​​consciousness, and then came under the innate Thunder Gourd Vine that he enshrined his soul in, releasing extremely strong thunder spirit power.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

Golden arcs filled Han Zhao's sea of ​​consciousness, and the terrifying power of the law of thunder made his heart skip a beat.

However, the Xiantian Thunder Gourd Vine is like a dry sponge meeting water, absorbing all the power of the arc and the law of thunder.

When the sea of ​​consciousness stabilized, Han Zhao's attention shifted to the system panel again, checking the effect of the upgraded [Emperor Slayer].

【Emperor of Slaying Demons】: Colorful entries; Heavenly demons are rampant, and the world is suffering.The magic blade of the magic weapon, covering the world.

Under the light of the swaying demon, the heavenly demon whose realm is lower than yours can't hurt you at all;
Under the radiance of the demon swaying light, the realm is equal to your heavenly demon, and the damage to you is reduced by [-]%;

Your magical powers are doubled in all directions.

Under the radiance of the demon swaying light, the demons whose realm is higher than yours will reduce your damage by [-]%;
Your supernatural power is doubled in all directions.

You are born to be the nemesis of celestial demons. When fighting celestial demons, there is a certain probability of triggering the 'instant death' effect, which can instantly kill celestial demons regardless of all defenses.

The larger the difference in realm, the lower the probability of triggering the 'instant death' effect.

(The current entry has reached the upper limit and cannot be upgraded)


[Emperor Smash Demon] The astonishing effect enhancement made Han Zhao's eyes widen suddenly.

The final instant death special effect is simply a must-have magic skill of Ouhuang.

And even if the special effect of instant death is not triggered, the current Light of Smite Demon can reduce the damage by [-]% when facing the heavenly demon whose realm is higher than his. In this way, the most dreaded soul injury of Han Zhao can be effectively reduced. .

The supernatural power has been doubled in all aspects, naturally including the pseudo-spiritual domain.

"Under the ups and downs, it should be able to give Qianqiu Bingzhu a surprise."

Han Zhao sneered.

He immediately began to retreat. On the one hand, he refined the power of Thunder Sandalwood Fairy Fruit, and on the other hand, he felt the power of various rules comprehended in the simulation, and began to combine the power of time and space rules to condense the pseudo-space-time spiritual domain.

Thirty years passed in a flash.

In the world of spirits.

On a mountain of white bones composed entirely of divine soldiers, the surroundings are surrounded by yin and demons.

Among them, in a blood-colored hall in the center of Baigu Mountain, a handsome young man sits in the first place. His upper body looks slender at first glance, but the position below the waist is full of squirming black trees lingering in the air of heavenly demons. Root, looks extremely weird.

This person is impressively the Thousand Spirit Soldier Lord in human form.

Since the Qianqiu Bingzhu has not returned, the Yuanshen Daoist in the Huanling Realm launched three consecutive large-scale battles and regained many states and lands occupied by the demons.

Therefore, Bingzhu Qianling summoned the Holy Master under his command to discuss the matter here, and decided to summon Bingzhu Qianqiu to return.

"What the hell is Qianqiu doing? Are human warriors really so troublesome?"

The Qianling Soldier Master showed a pensive look on his face. Although the Qianqiu Soldier Master is not as good as him in overall strength, he is worse than him in terms of law-based destructive power and explosive power.

Facing a low-level human warrior, even with the suppression of the power of the boundary, it would not have been so long without turning around.

"On the other side of Tianmodongtian, it seems that in the source world, it also received fierce resistance from Qiantian Palace, and there was no result."

Thinking of this, Master Qianling was hesitating whether to transfer the four holy masters who descended from the source world. After all, those four were the strongest among the holy masters, and they could only display their true strength in the world of spirits.

A few months later, the Qianqiu Bingzhu sent back a message that he would stick to the outside of the cave.

After receiving the news, Bingzhu Qianling became more and more suspicious of Bingzhu Qianqiu's motives.

"Could it be that there is some big secret in that human warrior, enough to make Qianqiu give up this easily accessible world of spirits?!"

The Thousand Spirit Warrior Lord pondered in his heart.

He didn't believe that Qianqiu Bingzhu wanted to kill that human warrior because of his personal enmity, or for the future of the Heavenly Demon clan, and wanted to prevent problems before they happened.

Heavenly demons are all selfish, their unity is limited to the superiors against the inferiors, and at the level of the military master, everything is for the next step.

"It seems that it is necessary to go and investigate."

source world.

The "Qiantian Palace" hangs high in the sky, and nine golden dragons condensed by aura and earth veins surround the surface of the "Qiantian Palace", forming a golden mask.

The originally clear sky has turned into dark clouds.

The soldiers in charge of Tianmodongtian manipulated the magic soldiers from a long distance, constantly attacking the Kowloon formation.

But the four holy masters lined up in four directions, surrounding but not attacking.

At this time, on the square of the main hall of "Qiantian Palace", Han Zhao's soul was sitting cross-legged, controlling the eyes of the Jiulong formation.

Around him, hundreds of martial saints in the Condensation Realm sat cross-legged, maintaining the consumption of the large formation together.

Twelve hours later, hundreds of martial saints took over.

Everyone looked at Han Zhao's soul-splitting aura, which was less than half that of 30 years ago, and couldn't help feeling a little worried.

The split soul of the real person in charge can maintain the formation for at least a hundred years, but the Nine Dragons formation continues to absorb the energy of the earth veins, and when the energy of the earth veins in a radius of ten thousand miles is completely absorbed, the power of the formation will suddenly decrease, and then it will be troublesome.

However, these demons seem to have become a lot more cunning.

According to the previous plan, it should be Fenhun of the real person in charge, Yuan Zhangjiao of the Tianshengdongtian, and the real Yuren of Bailingzong, and the three of them will join forces to fight against the four holy masters.

But the reality is that the Four Great Holy Masters will retreat at the first touch, regardless of the life and death of other soldiers in charge, and always use guerrilla warfare to deal with them.

It seems that there is a plan to consume the aura of the Nine Dragons formation.

"When will such a day be the end?!"

Everyone lamented in their hearts, although they had long been mentally prepared, but this kind of mentally tense days was really difficult.

I'm afraid that one day they wake up, the formation is broken, and their lives will be gone.

Another ten years passed.

Outside the cave.

Twelve celestial beings from the six great caves, including Xuanmingtian, Zizaitian, and Tianyaotian, came together.

"What exactly does Han Zhao want to do?"

"It's been ten years, why not let him go?!"

"Could it be that he wants to use the Martial God in our school as a hostage to coerce us to help?"

"If we don't help the Heavenly Demon, it's our utmost benevolence. He has done such a thing and wants us to help? It's ridiculous!"

Seeing that there is no movement in the barrier of the cave, the heavenly beings are more and more dissatisfied in their hearts.

It was Han Zhao's ability to win the two great caves by himself. Although the celestial beings felt displeased with him eating alone, there was nothing they could do.

But Han Zhao trapped their warriors in the cave, which touched the bottom line of the heavenly people.

Because the Martial God under the sect had summoned Han Zhao when he shot, reported the situation to them, and said that there was no conflict with Han Zhao.

That being the case, Han Zhao has no reason to trap them.

"Everyone, don't be impatient. I think Fellow Daoist Han will definitely not do such an unwise thing." Zizai Tian's real man concealed the sun to smooth things over. Han Zhao has not fulfilled his promise, and delivered the fragment of the Xiantian Lingbao reincarnation mirror , she naturally didn't want Han Zhao to be the target of public criticism.

"Hmph! Who doesn't know that Zizaitian has benefited the most from Han Zhao, and nearly half of Kunluntian has fallen into the hands of fellow Daoist Biri. If you think about it, Zizaitian probably has another secret agreement with Han Zhao, right?" Nie the demon god of Tianyaodongtian Chen Leng snorted.

The God of War in the Heavenly Demon Cave was slaughtered by Han Zhao, and he came here to wait for an opportunity to incite other celestial beings.

Those who can cultivate to their level are naturally human beings, and they will not easily become a leader.

But now Han Zhao was blocked by the Qianqiu Bingzhu and stopped in the outer world. Even if Han Zhao had supernatural powers against the heavens and could fight with Qianqiu Bingzhu to lose both sides, they would be able to be the fisherman and reap the benefits.

After all, Heaven outside the world did not suppress these heavenly beings, even if the 12 people joined forces, even Qianqiu Bingzhu would not dare to overthrow their edge.

Otherwise, how could the Qianqiu Bingzhu sit back and watch them come here and wait.

"Fellow Daoist Nie, you want to incite me to deal with fellow Daoist Han. I'm afraid it's a whimsical idea, right?" Zhenri Man replied unceremoniously. In terms of strength, she was the top three existence among the 12 people, so naturally she wouldn't worry about Nie Chen alone.

"A 60-year-old celestial being? Has it appeared since ancient times?" Nie Chen said in a deep voice, then looked around at everyone.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! No matter which side Han Zhao and Qianqiu Bingzhu win, if we join forces, we will be sure. You really don't want to know the secret of Han Zhao's cultivation so fast?"

"." Everyone in the field fell into silence.

"I'll share with you the secret of getting Han Zhao. Don't you all want to go one step further and achieve the Great Dao?!" Nie Chen strikes while the iron is hot.

"Zhi Ri, if you don't want to deal with Han Zhao, we won't force you, but if you want to help Han Zhao, then you are making an enemy of us!" Seeing that everyone was agitated, Nie Chen turned his head to warn Master Zhe Ri , as if reaching a consensus with other celestial beings.

"Hmph! Don't worry, this seat will not help each other." Master Zheri snorted coldly.

She has completed her meritorious deeds and has a lifespan of more than 3000 years. She is expected to become a celestial being, so she doesn't want to take risks, especially with Han Zhao.

"Afterwards, just don't regret it!" Nie Chen sneered.

Maestro Biri was silent, and although the other celestial beings did not speak, nine of them stood beside Nie Chen.

The only one who is still hesitating is Master Tian Yan, the younger brother of Zhen Ri.

Obviously, he also wanted to take a chance on this great opportunity.

"Junior brother!" Zhenren Yanri's expression darkened.

The twelve heavenly beings insisted on waiting outside the cave for another three years.


On this day, there was a burst of multi-colored rays of light in the barriers of the cave, followed by the sound of earth-shattering thunder.

"This is."

"What a powerful power of law!"

"Such a celestial phenomenon, could it be that the innate spirit treasure is present?!"

"How is this possible? An innate spirit treasure was born in a mere low-level cave?!"

At this moment, the twelve celestial beings were shocked by this huge movement.

If they had known earlier, they would have gone to fight for it in person.

Now that the cave has been refined by Han Zhao, the innate spirit treasure must belong to Han Zhao.

In this way, with the Innate Spirit Treasure in his hands, he might be able to escape unscathed.

"Damn it!!" Nie Chen's eyes widened, his intestines turning green with regret.

Han Zhao has the innate spirit treasure in his hands, so he cultivates directly in the cave. Maybe after hundreds of years of retreat, he can break through the cave realm and become a true king. .

That is a complete innate spirit treasure!

It is not the same as the pseudo Xiantian Lingbao and Xiantian Lingbao fragments.

Just when everyone was full of greed, Qianqiu Bingzhu appeared.

"Get the hell out of here!" Qianqiu Bingzhu opened his single eye on his forehead, turning into a gigantic giant.

The violent sky demon's Yin energy filled the void, and the space became distorted accordingly.

"So strong!" Nie Chen's heart trembled, and the terrifying spiritual pressure made his whole body freeze.

The rest of the people were also overwhelmed by Qianqiu Bingzhu's monstrous magic power.

Everyone immediately urged the body protection of the power of rules in the Dao tree, and circulated the whole body with super magical power, and only then did they regain their ability to move.

Even with the repulsion of the power of the boundary, the strength of the soldier master exceeded their expectations.

Teaming up may be able to fight Qianqiu Bingzhu, but it is not clear how much the price will be paid.

"It just so happens that Han Zhao has an innate spirit treasure, and it's not so easy for Qianqiu Bingzhu to take him down."

The heavenly beings who are preparing to join forces to deal with Han Zhao have their own ideas.

"Hmph!" Qianqiu Bingzhu saw that the twelve heavenly beings were all silent, he couldn't help sneering, this is what he wanted.

At least these people can't be allowed to join forces with Han Zhao to deal with him.

When he captures Han Zhao, he will have a way to escape.


Just when Qianqiu Bingzhu came to the nearest part of the cave barrier to prevent Han Zhao from escaping, thunder and lightning roared suddenly from the cave barrier, and the next moment, a huge black hole quickly formed.

"Could it be that Han Zhao wants to release me and other subordinates?"

"It's too late to be nice now!"

The celestial beings looked at the crack in space.

A young man in fluttering white clothes, Feng Xu Yufeng, with his hands behind his back, appeared in front of everyone surrounded by thunder and lightning.

A five-color gourd the size of a palm is suspended above the young man's head. Wherever it passes, five-color lightning flashes, and the evil energy of the demon is evacuated.

"The power of the law manifests! It's really an innate spirit treasure!"

"Han Zhao?!"

Everyone was surprised and delighted, they never expected Han Zhao to appear.

He just got the Xiantian Lingbao, and he didn't hurry up to refine it, but he took the initiative to leave the cave, it was so stupid that it made people happy.

"Boy! Die for me!" A golden beam of light shot out from the one eye of Qianqiu Bingzhu's forehead.

Wherever the law of destruction passes, the space is torn apart.

Seeing this, Han Zhao squeezed a sword finger with his right hand, and sacrificed the five-color thunder gourd.

The five-element god thunder turned into five sharp swords, and then five-color divine light attached to it, colliding head-on with the golden beam of light.

"Not good! Go back!"

The terrifying fluctuation of the power of the law instantly collapsed the nearby space, and the celestial beings watching from a distance retreated one after another.

The Qianqiu Bingzhu spit out a mouthful of original blood, and the power of the destructive light shot out of his eyes surged.

The golden beam of light broke through the five-element divine thunder and the five-color divine light, unabated, and fell towards Han Zhao head-on.

And the overflowing five-element divine thunder and five-color divine light were also under Han Zhao's control, mixed with the demonic light to attack Qianqiu Bingzhu.

"Hmph! It's a small skill!" Seeing the approach of the five-element god thunder and five-color gods with little power left, Qianqiu Bingzhu sneered and ignored them.

"Worthy of being the master of the army, it really is? This is it?!" Han Zhao's eyes were fixed, and he was about to urge the five-color thunder gourd with all his strength, but found that the golden beam of light dissipated suddenly.

Qianqiu Bingzhu still maintained a disdainful smile on his face, Wan Zhang's body was covered with cracks, and finally every inch was shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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