Chapter 281 System Upgrade!Fate of all staff!
Han Zhao suppressed the surprise in his heart, on the surface the situation was calm.

He waved his sleeve robe.

The breeze came slowly, and the ten thousand-foot demon body in front of him turned into dust and flew away.

Qianqiu Bingzhu's form and spirit are all destroyed!

The yin energy of the heavenly demon, which seems to be substantial, will then dissipate.

Other than that, only the original law of destruction is left to condense into a light mass, floating in the void.If you look carefully, there is also a golden eyeball-shaped magic soldier full of cracks inside.


The scene in front of them made the twelve celestial beings utterly horrified, and felt a piercing chill go straight to the heavenly spirits.

The mighty and powerful soldier leader was actually beaten and killed by Han Zhao face to face.

"Impossible! Impossible" Nie Chen, who urged everyone to deal with Han Zhao, lost his mind and turned pale.

Other celestial beings who harbored ill intentions towards Han Zhao were also terrified.

Even if Han Zhao tried his best to injure or kill the Qianqiu Bingzhu who was suppressed by the power of the realm with the power of the innate spirit treasure, they would not feel frightened.

Master Biri suppressed the shock in his heart, drove forward with the Dunguang, saluted respectfully, and asked: "Fellow Daoist Han, could it be that you have already achieved the Dao of the True Monarch?"

"So it's fellow Daoist Concealing the Sun." Han Zhao returned the salute by cupping his hands.

When he first came out and saw the twelve celestial beings, he was also taken aback.

Because the celestial beings will not be suppressed by the outer celestial beings, and can exert their full strength.

He would rather face Qianqiu Bingzhu than face twelve celestial beings.

After all, among these 12 people, there are four high-level celestial beings in the triple realm of celestial beings.

Even if he comprehended the space-time pseudo-field, it would not be easy to defeat 12 people unscathed.

Although these people are unlikely to join hands with Master Qianqiu, if something happens, it will be troublesome.

But just now [Emperor Smash Demon] triggered the special effect of [Instant Death], killing Qianqiu Bingzhu with one blow, obviously the 12 people have been suppressed.

At the beginning, Han Zhao was a little panicked, but now they are probably panicked to death.

Han Zhao noticed that there was a middle-aged man with a demonic aura on the right side of the crowd, who seemed to be a demon celestial being.

At this moment, the other party's Yintang was blackened, his pupils were dilated, his breath was disordered, and he kept chanting 'impossible', showing signs of madness, and he seemed to be scared out of his wits.

"It's not easy to achieve the Dao of the True Monarch, you're just joking," said Han Zhao with a secretive look.

As he said that, he waved his sleeve robe, releasing a stream of extremely pure mana, engulfing the law of destruction left by Qianqiu Bingzhu and the golden eyeball-shaped magic soldier inside, and at the same time gathering the demonic yin energy that diffused in the sky.

The divine soldiers and demonic yin energy entered his body, even though Han Zhao had an innate spiritual treasure as a soul-absorbing object, and his body was as strong as a spiritual treasure, his body trembled slightly due to the extremely cold chill.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

Han Zhao immediately activated the five-color thunder gourd, the innate spiritual treasure, to protect himself with the power of the innate five-element god thunder, and at the same time stepped up refining the yin energy of the demon.

"If it weren't for the [instant death] special effect, it would really not be an easy task to kill Qianqiu Bingzhu." Han Zhao was awed in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm, as if everything was under control.

At the same time, he said silently in his heart: "System, refine the original law of Qianqiu Bingzhu and recharge."

The celestial beings present all looked shocked when they saw that Han Zhao easily suppressed Qianqiu Bingzhu's original law of destruction and divine weapons, and at the same time inhaled the extremely filthy celestial demon Yin Qi into his body.

It doesn't matter whether Han Zhaocheng admits that he has broken through to the Heavenly Cave Realm, or whether he is a real king or not.

The strength gap between the two sides is so large that they can't actually be regarded as the same realm.

"Fellow Daoist Han is serious" to hide that the real person has run out of words and can't find words to describe his mood at the moment.

"Ah!" A shrill scream made the heavens and humans in the field tremble.

Everyone followed the prestige and saw that Nie Chen's eyes were red, and he roared like a wild beast, and then transformed into a ferocious black tiger as tall as a mountain.

"Huh!" Han Zhao snorted coldly, the five-color thunder gourd sprayed out five highly condensed five-element divine thunders, and finally merged with the five-color divine light, and the sword with five-color halos fell into his palm.

Han Zhao cut lightly.

The five-color divine light and the five-element divine thunder flashed across the space and came to Nie Chen's head.

"Roar~!" Nie Chen's transformed black tiger roared up to the sky, protected by a black mysterious light, and a beam of magical light in black, white, and gray spewed out from his mouth.

When the three-color beam of light was brushed by the five-color divine light, it froze for an instant, and was finally defeated by the five-element divine thunder.


Accompanied by an earth-shattering bang, Nie Chen was overwhelmed by the Five Elements Divine Thunder.

When the thunder light in the sky gradually dimmed, the black tiger transformed by Nie Chen was scorched black and covered in blood, and a ten-meter-square blood hole was created in the chest by the lightning of the Five Elements God.


Nie Chen exhausted his last strength and ran towards the space crack. Han Zhao's second five-element divine thunder hit his body instantly. Into the space crack.

Seeing that Nie Chen's soul was about to flee, Han Zhao's eyes narrowed. Now that he had made a move, how could he let Nie Chen go.

"Want to escape? Come back to me!"

Han Zhao squeezed his sword fingers, and a dazzling white light bloomed from his whole body, and the violent fluctuations of the power of rules filled the void.

As soon as Nie Chen's spirit escaped from the field, the space cracks began to shrink, and when they were about to disappear, white light hit the space cracks.


The sound of space tearing sounded, and the space crack, which had been reduced to two meters in diameter, expanded rapidly, and a black glow shot out from the space crack, which was Nie Chen's soul.

"Ah! What is this?! Let me go!" Nie Chen's soul screamed, as if being pulled by an invisible big hand, he was still flying, but his soul was like rewinding Generally, retreated beyond the space crack.


The five-element divine thunder resounded through the void, instantly dissipating the black light, and Nie Chen's soul exploded and completely dissipated.

"This is...the power of time?!!" Everyone in the field was shocked.

Han Zhao was able to kill Qianqiu Bingzhu with one blow, making everyone think that he had achieved the Dao of the True Monarch, but when he dealt with Nie Chen, who was only at the second level of heaven and man, he failed to achieve success with one blow. They thought it was Han Zhao who had exhausted his mana .

Looking at it now, Han Zhao actually still had the strength to use the power of time, which is a god-defying supernatural power. Obviously, the first attack just now didn't take Nie Chen seriously at all.

"Fellow Daoist Han, what mistake did Nie Chen make? You are so ruthless?! Do you want to kill us all! Do you want to dominate the source world?" Xuan Mingtian's Master You Ye asked sharply, but he was obviously The look is fierce and the inside is soft, and the confidence is insufficient.

"The people of the Heavenly Demon and the Cave Heaven have repeatedly made enemies with Han. It is only natural for me to kill him now! And...he left without saying goodbye, it is too rude!"

Han Zhao was serious and authentic.

Originally, he didn't plan to make a move immediately, but planned to go back and take a rest first.

But this time when they competed for the cave, the warrior god of the Tianyao cave spoke rudely, and Nie Chen left without saying goodbye with malice in his heart. Naturally, Han Zhao couldn't tolerate it.

If you don't make a move, that's all. Once you make a move, you will get a thunderous blow, which is used to frighten everyone.

Han Zhao wants to give them an invincible impression!

After finishing speaking, Han Zhao looked at the tense people and chuckled lightly: "As for everyone, you don't have to be too sensitive, Han is not a bloodthirsty person."

Let Nie Chen's body and spirit be wiped out as soon as he made a move, and he is not a bloodthirsty person?

Tianren cursed secretly in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face.

Especially the few people who also had mischievous intentions towards Han Zhao, who were almost scared and ran away with Nie Chen just now.

Facing Han Zhao's gaze at this moment, they felt like ants were crawling on their bodies.

"It's dangerous!" Daoist Tianyan looked at his senior sister gratefully. If he hadn't been reprimanded by the senior sister just now, he would have been incited by Nie Chen.

Han Zhao controlled the cave behind him, and after a while, the dormant warriors who were trapped in the cave by him woke up one after another and left the cave.

"Teaching a real person!"


A group of Martial Gods saw their ancestors rushing to the scene, and eleven celestial beings came together, and they immediately gained confidence.

Someone complained immediately.

"Old Ancestor! Zhenren Han is too deceitful!"

"Not only did he take away the cave, but he also imprisoned me, obviously he didn't put Xuan Mingtian in it at all."

"Shut up!" Master You Ye glared angrily, and sternly reprimanded him.

I want your ancestor to die sooner, right? Daoist You Ye has the heart to kill people now!

"Shut up! You are inferior to others, and you are still talking nonsense here, and you will face the wall for a hundred years when you go back!"

"I haven't apologized to Headmaster Han yet!"

Several other celestial beings also quickly scolded their own warriors.

Everyone looked confused, and couldn't help but look at each other, when did their own heavenly beings be so reasonable?
In the past, when he was in the cave, he seemed to want to come to the door and tear Han Zhao at any time, but now he is suddenly scared.

Eleven Martial Gods can't beat Han Zhao, isn't it a match for eleven celestial beings?
Is it
Feeling the powerful mana fluctuations remaining in the void, an astonishing idea rose in the hearts of the Valkyrie.

It seems that there is only one possibility for the always domineering ancestors of heaven and humans to suddenly become so reasonable.

Could it be that before they came out, the Celestial Ancestors had a fight with Han Zhao.

The results are obvious.

Can't beat it!
However, how is this possible?

They prefer to believe that the ancestors of heaven and humans have suddenly changed their nature, even if they like to reason, they don't want to believe that so many people are no match for Han Zhao.

"Fellow Daoist Han, my disciples didn't mean to offend, so I apologize to you on their behalf." One moment before, Master You Ye was blowing his beard and staring at his subordinate Martial God, but when he turned his head to look at Han Zhao the next moment, he showed an apologetic smile.

After confirming that Han Zhao had no intention of attacking them, Master You Ye instantly changed his strategy.

Instead of inciting other people to join forces to deal with Han Zhao and fight to the death, it is better to give in temporarily and leave this dangerous place first.

Anyway, as long as he returns to the cave, Han Zhao has really achieved the Dao of the True Monarch. With the help of the cave and the power of the formation, he can also have the power to fight.

Save your life, don't be ashamed.

"Everyone can leave on their own, Han will stay soon." Han Zhao cupped his hands at the crowd.

"Farewell!" Seeing Han Zhao's response, Master You Ye bowed his hands immediately, tore apart the space, and left without looking back. The whole movement was done in one go, and even the Valkyrie beside him didn't react.

"Old Ancestor! Wait for us!" After paying respectful salutes to Han Zhao, all the Martial Gods hurriedly chased after him.

Other celestial beings also bid farewell one after another.

The real person concealed the sun hesitated for a moment, and stepped forward and said: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Han, for being merciful to the warriors of Zizaitian. Tiangong's friendship lasts forever."

When Han Zhao heard the words, his heart moved, and he immediately understood, looked at the real person, and said with a smile: "Since this is the case, Han will be disrespectful."

At the beginning, in order to avoid being besieged by heaven and man, he swore an oath of the Dao of Heaven, and it was a heavy oath not to shake his wit, so the fragment of the Innate Lingbao Reincarnation Mirror must be handed over to Zi Zaitian on time, otherwise he will be seriously injured if he does not die.

But now that Master Zheri doesn't want this fragment of the Innate Lingbao Reincarnation Mirror, it will be different.

"Fellow Daoist Han speaks too seriously." Seeing that Han Zhao accepted the kindness he conveyed, Zhenri couldn't help smiling.

Han Zhao's general trend has been achieved, and he can only make good friends, otherwise, whether Zizai will survive in the future is still a matter of debate.

"Junior Brother!" Reverend Man Zheri turned his head to look at Reverend Tianyan next to him, his expression immediately became serious.

"Yes, Senior Sister." Daoist Tianyan reacted, and immediately stepped forward to repeat what Daoist Biri had said. At this point, the oath of heaven was broken.

"Fellow Daoist Han has just experienced a great battle, and it should take time to adjust his breath. The two of us will stop bothering each other, and we will meet again someday." Zhenri Man said sternly.

"Let's go slowly, I won't see you off too far away." Han Zhao smiled lightly and watched the two leave.

When Zhenren Zheri left, Han Zhao couldn't help sighing: "He is indeed a hero among women, and he is decisive enough!"

Although the celestial beings who were present just now were shocked by him, there were still many people with evil intentions. They probably thought that there was a cave to rely on, and they could compete with him.

There are not many people who are as frank and aware of current affairs as Zhenri Zhenren.

After all, at this level, few people are willing to be inferior to others, and they are used to being superior. Wherever they can be easily subdued, they are the masters who do not shed tears when they see the coffin.

"After refining the Yin Qi of the Heavenly Demon, I will go back after simulating it again."

Han Zhao returned to the cave, and continued to refine the Heavenly Demon Yin Qi of Qianqiu Bingzhu.

[Five-color thunder gourd: low-level innate spiritual treasure; can be improved: need to absorb the original law of thunder to increase the rank; special effect: innate five-element god thunder]

Han Zhao looked at the information of the five-color thunder gourd, pondering in his heart.

"It seems that attribute points can only raise innate spiritual objects to maturity, and cannot replace the power of law."

However, this is also within his expectation. At the beginning, the attribute points could not even replace the energy of the five elements and the energy of the ten evil spirits. How could it be possible to replace such profound power as the power of law now?

"The system is constantly being upgraded, and the future can be expected."

Huan Lingjie.

Bone Mountain Divine Soldier, in the Scarlet Hall.

Lord Qianling closed his eyes tightly, and when he opened them again, his eyes were full of shock.

"how can that be?!"

The news came from the Heavenly Demon Cave, Qianqiu's soul card was shattered, and the soul fragment dissipated.

When one reaches the Brigade Master Realm, one's body will be completely destroyed. As long as there is even a trace of soul remaining, there is hope for rebirth.

This kind of method that can attack even the souls at the same time can only be achieved by a very few god-defying supernatural powers.

"Could it be that the emperor of the heavens turned into the lower realm? But the incarnation of the emperor is suppressed by the outer world, unless he is an emperor who cultivates the law of fate and the law of cause and effect, otherwise it will not be like this."

Master Qianling could only think of this possibility.

"But the lower realm of the emperor at this level, the ancestor will definitely inform, what happened to Qianqiu?"

"This is terrible!" Qianling Soldier Master looked gloomy, Qianqiu's sudden death has already affected the progress of capturing the Huanling Realm.

Because although the true king of the spirit world has not successfully communicated with the heavenly world recently, he has united with a realm called the earth fairy world, and a true king who has practiced the original law of water and the law of frost has come, and his strength is not bad.

After fighting against the opponent, Qianling Bingzhu only has a slight upper hand. If it is one against two, it may be difficult to win.

In this way, if you want to occupy the world of spirits, you may need to use the method of gradually nibbling away, at least thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years.


[Recharge the law of origin, you can add a fixed option for special simulations (including but not limited to refining Wuzhudongtian and Xuanyin Tianmo origin)]

[Currently refining the origin of Xuanyin Heavenly Demon]

【System upgrade】

In the cave world, the system successfully refined all the power of the law of Qianqiu Bingzhu.

At this time, the purple-gold system panel glowed with colorful glare.

[You can choose one of the following options to become a fixed option for a special simulation. 】

[[-]. You can obtain the cultivation level in the simulation (not exceeding the current level)]

"There is only one last option left." Han Zhao's eyes narrowed. As long as he completely refines the Innate Dao Fruit, he should be able to completely solve the hidden danger of the conflict of the power of laws.

Realm options and cultivation base options are available, and it will be a breeze to break through to the cave realm through simulation.

Even if you go straight to the sky and become a true monarch at the peak of the third level of refining gods, you don't have to be afraid that you won't be able to resist the gods and demons if you don't have cultivation.

"System, I choose two." Han Zhao said silently.

With the end of Han Zhao's selection, the system panel completely turned into colorful colors.

[System upgrade successful]

[System upgrade reward: All entries you own will be upgraded to fate entries]


Han Zhao's eyes widened.

['Warrior Taoism' upgrade! 】

['Late Bloom' upgrade! 】

['Persistent God of War' upgrade! 】

['Fighting Eucharist' upgrade]

All the regular entries owned by Han Zhao have been upgraded to fate entries.


PS: I wrote [Martial God Taoism] as a fate earlier, and it has been changed.The second Fuyang has a great impact on the state and performance.Speeding up the progress is only to improve the reading experience.This book will be finished in its entirety, as much as it needs to be, even if only a hundred or ten people read it in the end, they will not write indiscriminately.Writing a novel is a valuable experience that I have never had before.It's true that I haven't been in a good state recently, but I won't fool you.Now my body is very weak, so I will make sure to continue to update it first.

(End of this chapter)

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