Chapter 286 Immediate Death×Protagonist Halo√

After pondering for a while, Han Zhao came to his senses and stopped thinking about it.

Many things cannot be clarified in reality, so we explore them in simulation.

Try a few more times, and naturally there will be no secrets.

"Let's go home first." Han Zhao was certain that he hadn't been home for more than 80 years. This was the longest time he had been away from home so far.

His life has never been stable for long, but he can provide security for his family.

Han Zhao suddenly had a premonition.

"Maybe the time away from home will be longer next time."

Han Zhao dissipated the mana fluctuations and rule power fluctuations in the void, and then tore apart the space and returned to the source world.

Soon, his figure appeared above the "Qiantian Palace", but he didn't show up immediately.

Because Han Nianxuan has survived the supernatural catastrophe and is receiving the baptism of heaven and earth aura.

Seeing her aura getting stronger and stronger, Han Zhao couldn't help but sigh inwardly.


A large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy formed a huge funnel in the sky and poured into Han Nianxuan's body. Her injuries from the thunder disaster quickly recovered.

This process lasted a whole day.

When Han Nianxuan finished absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, she felt that her whole body had been reborn, and her strength had greatly improved.

"Is this the real God of War? No wonder Daddy was invincible!" Han Nianxuan felt the power in her body, and the power of heaven and earth seemed to be cheering around her.

Every move can easily attract the power of heaven and earth, exerting a power far beyond the previous one.

At this moment, her magic power is becoming more and more pure, and her cultivation has reached the acme of the first level.

Now retreating and attacking the second level of supernatural powers, it is estimated that he can succeed in one go.

"It's hard to imagine how my father broke through the siege of the family and became a peerless martial god!" Han Nianxuan recalled in Han Nianxuan's mind that Han Zhao told her about his experience of cultivation when he was a child.

At that time, she just felt that the family was dangerous. When she grew up, the situation of warriors had changed drastically.

She was attacked by the Holy Master just now, and life and death were hanging by a thread. She really realized what it means to try her best to overcome the catastrophe, but also to immediately join the battle and break through the encirclement and suppression of the wealthy family.

"I must practice hard, catch up with Dad as soon as possible, and share more for him." Han Nianxuan muttered to herself, making up her mind.

"You have such filial piety, and I am very pleased for my father."

A gentle voice sounded beside Han Nianxuan.

Han Nianxuan was startled when she heard the words, and immediately turned her head to look, only to see Han Zhao in a familiar white dress not far from her, looking at her with a smile on her face.

"Daddy!" Han Nianxuan jumped into Han Zhao's arms as if she was a child.

"It's the master teacher!"

"The Master Master is back!"

"See Master Master!"

Seeing Han Zhao's appearance, the warriors on the "Qiantian Palace" square cheered loudly, as if they had regained their backbone.

A group of warriors paid respects in the square.

Qiantian Palace cannot live without Han Zhao, just like heaven and earth cannot live without the sun.

Han Zhao turned into a ball of golden light, fell into the square of "Qiantian Palace", and smiled at everyone, "Excuse me, everyone."

"Thank you Master Master." Everyone stood up.

At this time, Lu Yingxuan, Xu Ling, the three daughters of the Lian family, Han Yan, Han Shuangning, Han Lianxin, Lian Chengye and others came to Han Zhao together.

"Husband!" "Father." "Daddy!"

Lu Yingxuan looked at Han Zhao with a smile on her face, seeing that Han Nianxuan was still hugging Han Zhao, she said angrily, "Nianxuan, how grown up you are, you are still clinging to your father!"

"In front of Daddy, I will never grow up." Han Nianxuan smiled slyly, she didn't have the air of a true senior sister before, and she didn't look like a martial god who had just advanced.

"Indeed, eldest sister is just a child over 100 years old!" Han Yan who was on the side teased.

"It seems that you want to compete with me again." Han Nianxuan narrowed her eyes, but she let go of Han Zhao.

"." Han Yan shrank his neck and shut up immediately. A Martial God who was about to reach the second level was bullying him who hadn't crossed the tribulation yet.

Han Nianxuan was about to continue, when she saw Lu Yingxuan flying over and hugging Han Zhao, she immediately became unhappy.

"Mom! You still talk about me! Are you still the same?"

"Is there anything wrong with me hugging my husband?" Lu Yingxuan was in a great mood, uncharacteristically, she joked with her daughter proudly.

"No! I want to hug too!" Saying that, Han Nianxuan hugged Lu Yingxuan's arm, trying to pull her away.

"I also want!"

Seeing this, Han Shuangning and Han Lianxin at the side also stepped forward to join in the fun and surrounded them.

"Shuang Ning, you are not allowed to rob me, and I am too." Even Cheng Xue was about to boo.

"Wait! Second Sister, how grown-up are you, and you are still jealous with your child!" Lian Chengyu grabbed Lian Chengxue, but Lian Chengbing beside her turned into an icy blue light and rushed out.

At this moment, a young man in his early twenties walked behind Han Yan. He had thick black eyebrows, piercing eyes with doubtful eyes, and his appearance was at least five or six points similar to Han Yan. He was dressed in a Dressed in a blue dress, his appearance is extraordinary.

"Father, is this really grandpa?" The young man asked, looking at Han Zhao being dragged by all the girls, he couldn't help being a little dazed, which was quite different from the peerless master he had imagined.

"Our family has always been like this. It's not as rigid as other families. There is no distinction between superiority and inferiority. Miao'er, do you believe it now? Dad has already told you not to keep a straight face all day long, and make it look like you Like an old pedant." Han Yan said with a smile, and taught his son a lesson.

"." Han Miao was silent.

The other aunts and uncles are usually strict. He always thought that only his father was out of shape all day long, but now it seems that he just didn't show it.

But the atmosphere feels good.

"The teacher in charge is indeed an extraordinary person!" Seeing this, many disciples in the field felt envious.Their father basically only had strictness and urging on them. A family atmosphere like this is almost unheard of.

It feels like the Headmaster's family, which was originally above the cloud, is a little more approachable now.

Many disciples who only entered Qiantian Palace when Han Zhao was away were deeply touched by this.

"Everyone, this time I went out to compete for the cave, thanks to everyone's concerted efforts to fight against the powerful enemy. I would like to thank you very much." After playing with his wife and daughter for a while, Han Zhao came to the crowd and bowed his hands to them.

When everyone heard the words, they all returned the salute to Han Zhao excitedly.

Several crises have raised the cohesion of Qiantian Palace disciples to the extreme.

"The Heavenly Demon Cave has been forcing each other repeatedly since the time when I was in the condensed evil state. After the establishment of the Qiantian Palace, it has led people to attack one after another. It is unbearable. This seat has decided to invade the Heavenly Demon Cave soon. Destroy the demons!"

Han Zhaolang said, now the time is ripe.

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

When the elders in the field heard the words, their faces changed, while the disciples cheered loudly.

"Husband." Lu Yingxuan looked worried, just now she was looking forward to Han Zhao's return, and he was going to take risks again, but thinking that Han Zhao has always had opinions in doing things, she didn't say anything to persuade her.

After all, even Qianqiu Bingzhu died in the hands of Han Zhao.

A Heavenly Demon Grotto, perhaps going deep into the Heavenly Demon's home field would be risky, but Han Zhao would definitely be prepared.

"Next, everyone will perform their duties, and everything will be as usual." Han Zhao pressed his hands together.

"I will follow the edict of the head teacher." Everyone saluted respectfully and said in unison.

Han Zhao nodded slightly, and walked towards the inner hall of "Qiantian Palace".

He announced the matter in public, not just to vent his anger.

There are tens of thousands of disciples present, and there must be someone who has contact with the family, so he deliberately released the news to the outside world.

Han Zhao wanted to see how Tianmodongtian would choose.

If Lord Qianling did not return to the Heavenly Demon Cave to sit in command, then with his true strength, the so-called Heavenly Demon Zhuxian Formation would not be able to stop him at all.

It would be even better if the Lord Qianling returned.

When he returns to the Heavenly Demon Cave, he must pass through the Outer World, and that is the perfect time for Han Zhao to make a move.

His first target was the Thousand Spirit Soldier Lord.

As long as you can kill it, you can get a large amount of demonic yin energy, as well as its original law.

Although he has already exchanged all the system options, continuing to recharge the Law of Origin should allow the system to continue to be upgraded.

At that time, the service will definitely be better!
Even if the Lord Qianling didn't dare to come back, he would still be able to destroy the group of demons in the Heavenly Demon Cave, relying on numbers to accumulate the Yin Qi of the Heavenly Demon, and the Heavenly Demon Stone is also the key to the simulation.

As the top three in terms of strength, Tianmo Dongtian can even be said to be the No. [-] cave for a long time. Its reserve of Tianmo stone is absolutely astonishing.

Han Zhao spirit crystals have been used up.

Sky Cangjie and the other cave are low-level caves, and it takes three years to produce one spirit crystal. He has collected more than 300 spirit crystals before, and now it will take 600 years to gather [-] spirit crystals.

He didn't have so much time to wait slowly.

After all, the source world is only temporarily safe. In the outside world, the demon already has the upper hand, and there is no time for him to stabilize his development for a long time.

As for Ascension to Heaven, there are too many uncertain factors.

No matter where you go, you speak with strength.

That night, Han Zhao held a family banquet in Yuanchang Mansion.

Lu Yi and Zhang Mudie, who lived in seclusion in the mountains, also rushed to the city together.

The second son, Han Yan, married Zhao Yuantu's youngest daughter, Zhao Yuan, and gave Han Zhao a grandson, Han Miao.

Han Miao fully inherited Han Yan's talent, and was born with a nine-yang spirit body.Now that she has practiced for only one year, and her cultivation has reached the level of the Eight Demons, her talent is catching up with Han Nianxuan.

The third son, Lian Chengye, has become a second-rank military envoy. In the past 80 years, he has spread his branches and leaves. He already has three sons and four daughters, but they are all far away in Chu State and have not been brought here.

As for Han Nianxuan, Han Shuangning, and Han Lianxin, they are still single.

But this is a major event in life, Han Zhao will not urge them, let them decide by themselves.

It is rare for the family to get together and have a good meal.

That night, Han Zhao took advantage of the long absence to reunite, and exchanged heartfelt feelings with the five girls.

At dawn, Han Zhao walked out of the room refreshed and came to the courtyard.

"No wonder the ancient emperors died early." Han Zhao couldn't help sighing.

It was rare to have such a relaxing time, Han Zhao turned into a ball of golden light, soared into the sky, and came above the clouds.

He flew straight to the nine heavens, enjoying the feeling of traveling freely.

Today, he can truly move across the world.

It's just that, although it can be comfortable in the short term, in the long run, at least the strength of the emperor's realm is required to protect one side under the hands of the demon.

The news of Han Zhao's plan to destroy the Heavenly Demon Cave Heaven soon spread throughout the source world, and the high-level leaders of the major worlds were also shaken.

You know, today's Han Zhao can indeed be called invincible in the source world, even in the outer world, he can kill the Qianqiu soldier master suppressed by the power of the world, but the Tianmo cave has existed for tens of thousands of years, which is different from the other eight caves. It existed before the great changes in the source world, and its background is extremely profound.

Entering the Heavenly Demon Cave, Han Zhao will lose his greatest reliance, and will be suppressed by the Cave instead.

What worries the other caves even more is that if Han Zhao's conquest is unfavorable and he turns to deal with other caves, it will be troublesome.

Especially in the lower ranked caves among the Nine Great Caves, everyone is in danger.

Taking advantage of Han Nianxuan's achievement of supernatural powers, when Qiantian Palace held a supernatural power ceremony, among the nine caves, no one was sent except Tianmo Dongtian, while the eight caves sent envoys to attend the ceremony and presented important gifts.

On the surface, it was for Han Nianxuan, but most of the gifts these people gave were spirit crystals.

Obviously, Han Zhao's reputation for "love money" has spread far and wide.

But this just met Han Zhao's needs.

"System, recharge."

After returning to the inner hall of "Qiantian Palace", Han Zhao recharged all the spirit crystals he had obtained into the system.

[Current balance: 1100 spirit crystals. 】

【Collect all 43 units of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, is it possible to synthesize an entry? 】

[Consume 40 units of Omen Yin Qi, 400 spirit crystals or Omen Stones to perform a simulation. 】

Han Zhao refined the Red Moon Divine Soldier and drained all the demonic yin energy in his body, and finally gathered what he needed for a simulation.

"Start the simulation."

[At the age of 140, Han Nianxuan survived the supernatural catastrophe, your cultivation has reached the perfection of the third level of heaven and man, and you got information about the "Dao Seal" from the king of Tiansha. 】

【You decide to look for an opportunity to destroy the Heavenly Demon Cave. 】

[At 160 years old, Lord Qianling entered the outer world and was discovered by your split soul projection. 】

[You immediately go to the outer world to intercept and kill. 】

【After some battles, you found that the Master of the Thousand Spirits has mastered the laws of life and death. 】

[This time, your luck is not good enough, the instant death effect of the 'Destroyer Demon Emperor' has not been triggered. 】

[In the end, you were severely injured by the Thousand Spirit Soldier Lord, and you used the 'replacement puppet' to recover from your injuries and returned to the source world. 】

"This Thousand Spirit Soldier Master is really tough!" Through the immersive simulation, Han Zhao discovered that the Thousand Spirit Soldier Master's ability is very strange, and the opponent will not resist any of his attacks at all, and basically focuses on dodging .

Obviously, the situation when he killed Qianqiu Bingzhu has already been known by Qianling Bingzhu.

In the end, the reason why Han Zhao was severely wounded by Qianling Bingzhu was because the opponent forcefully dragged him until his pseudo-space-time domain failed and his mana was exhausted, so he made a contribution in one fell swoop.

Although the rules of time and space are strong, compared with the power of laws, they still suffer a lot, especially the life and death rules of the Thousand Spirit Warrior Lord have been mastered.

"Let's hit the big bottleneck first."

[You start to retreat to the Shock Cave Realm. 】

[At 220 years old, you broke through to the Heavenly Cave Realm, and survived the astonishingly powerful catastrophe of gods and demons at the cost of serious injuries, but relying on the robbed puppet, your injuries turned into minor injuries. 】

[Han Nianxuan, Han Yan, Lian Chengye, Han Shuangning, Han Lianxin, Han Miao and others have greatly increased their cultivation bases. 】

[You destroyed the Heavenly Demon Cave in one fell swoop. 】

[And killed Qianling Bingzhu in the outer world. 】

[After that, you let the Nine Great Caves return to the source world, and the world changed drastically at this time. 】

[You took the "Qiantian Palace" to the heaven, and with the help of the resources of the heaven, you broke through to the second level of refining gods at the age of [-]. 】

[One thousand six hundred years old, your cultivation has reached the perfection of the second stage of refining gods, and your cultivation has fallen into a bottleneck. 】

[So you secretly sneaked into the Taiming Heaven to search for the inheritance left by the Heavenly Emperor, but you encountered the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon. After a fierce battle, you were seriously injured and lost to the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon. 】

[In a critical moment, the effect of the fighting holy body is triggered, and you have broken through to the third level of refining gods.And the instant death special effect of 'Dangmo Tiandi' is triggered. 】

【You killed the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon, which is comparable to the Emperor Realm, with one blow. 】

"Kill the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon?!" Han Zhao stared.

"If it can be exchanged for Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, wouldn't it just take off?! The Heavenly Demon Yin Qi of Nine Nether Heavenly Demon in the Monarch Realm, what quality is that?!"

(End of this chapter)

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