Chapter 287 [Son of Destiny], system upgrade!

[Jiuyou Tianmo was instantly killed, a large amount of Yin energy from the Tianmo was released, and at the same time a fragment containing fluctuations in the power of law appeared. 】

[The sudden shock caused panic among the other heavenly demons in the field.You take this opportunity to collect the Yin Qi of the Heavenly Demon overflowed by the Nine Nether Heavenly Demon, and get the spar fragments. 】

[Just when you were about to gather all the Yin Qi of the Heavenly Demon, the Vientiane Heavenly Demon appeared. 】

[In a critical moment, the Heavenly Emperor's Secret Treasure was opened, and you were sucked into a different space. 】

[The remnant soul of the Emperor of Heaven has witnessed everything in the battle and is very interested in you. 】

[After some conversation, the Emperor of Heaven will pass on the first volume of "Chaos Star Atlas" to you. 】

[After teaching you for more than a year, the Emperor of Heaven gave you the "Time Seal", one of the nine seals of the "Da Dao Seal", allowing you to go back to the source world more than 1000 years ago. 】

[The Emperor of Heaven imprinted the contents of the "Chaos Star Map" into your mind, and then urged the "Da Dao Seal" to allow you to travel through time and space. 】

[You go back to the source world more than 1000 years ago when the world changed drastically, only to find that when you crossed over, you lost all your cultivation and became an ordinary person. 】

【You crossed directly to the battlefield of the two races of humans and demons, and you were shocked to death by the aftermath of the battle on the spot. 】

[The golden 'Fortune of Destiny' took effect, and the 'Puppet for Robbery' withstood this wave of attacks. 】

[Seeing the aftermath of the second wave of attacks coming, the golden destiny 'Fate of Destiny' was upgraded to become the Platinum destiny 'Child of Destiny', and you have another 'Replacement Doll', which is immune to the second wave of damage. 】

[Finally, when the aftermath of the third wave of battle came, you were seriously injured and unconscious on the spot. 】

[By the time you wake up, most of your bones have been shattered, all your veins are damaged, and you are already lying in the Xianyang Palace of the Great Qin Empire. 】

[It turns out that the two parties to the war are the warrior gods of the imperial family of the Great Qin Empire and the envoys of the Heavenly Demon clan. 】

【You were seriously injured by the aftermath of the battle. Afterwards, the Valkyrie who cleaned the battlefield discovered you. Because your injuries were too serious to be cured, the Valkyrie wanted to send you a ride to relieve your pain.But after a sweep of the divine sense, I found that although all your meridians are damaged, your celestial meridians are self-generated, and you have three special physiques: 'Tianlong Spirit Physique', 'Flawless Physique' and 'Five Thunder Physique'. A peerless genius who is unique in a million. 】

【Thus, you were brought back to the palace by the Martial God of the Great Qin Empire. 】

[When you wake up, a Valkyrie will come to ask about your origin. 】

[You said that you have lost your memory and can't remember the past. 】

[The Martial God measured your bone age, and it turns out that you are already 20 years old, but there is no sign of having practiced martial arts. 】

[It is impossible for hostile forces to prevent a genius like you from practicing martial arts until the age of 20, let alone use you as a bait to take such a risk. 】

【Afterwards, you continue to rest in bed, hoping to re-practice the formula of longevity to recover from the injury. 】

[In this way, you have been recuperating in the small courtyard of the palace, and this kind of life lasted for a whole year. 】

[One year later, the ancestor of heaven and man came, and the other party gave the golden pill of three apertures, which was placed in your heart. 】

[With the gradual effect of the medicine, and the Platinum Fate 'Dou Zhan Eucharist' taking effect, your injuries will recover quickly, and in just two years, you will recover as before. 】

[At this time, the Celestial Patriarch of the Great Qin Empire accepted you as a closed disciple and began to teach you a magical skill called 'Xuantian Sacrifice to Thunder Art'.This skill is a peerless magic skill that directly points to the Dao of Dongtian.Non-thunder attribute spiritual bodies cannot be cultivated, and when the seven evil spirits are practiced to perfection, there is hope to condense small supernatural powers with the "acquired god thunder". 】

[If you can condense the small supernatural powers of Houtianshenlei with the supernatural seeds, and cultivate to great success, it is expected to reach the terrifying power comparable to that of the gods and thunders. . 】

[And when surviving the supernatural catastrophe, it can also greatly enhance the resistance of the thunder catastrophe, reduce the power of the catastrophe, and even help other people overcome the catastrophe. 】

[After becoming the closed disciple of the Celestial Ancestor, you analyzed the timeline where you appeared in through insinuations and investigations. It should be 700 years ago when the world changed in the source world, and there are still 120 years before the opening of the "Hall of Reincarnation" Year. 】

[In order to be able to go to the "Reincarnation Hall" to find out, you decided to cultivate to the supernatural power state as quickly as possible. 】

【For this reason, you stop pretending and use your talents to the extreme. 】

[And, you secretly re-cultivated the formula of longevity. 】

[Although your cultivation base is completely lost, because it is a re-cultivation, the speed of cultivation is very fast, which has exceeded everyone's expectations. 】

[Because you are practicing a peerless magical skill like Xuantian Sacrifice Thunder Art, so it is extremely difficult to practice, but in just one year, you can go from practicing leather to practicing strength, the speed is so fast, suddenly Let the ancestors be shocked. 】

[Afterwards, the Great Qin Empire began to use all the strength of the Ying clan to train you, and married the current eldest princess to you. 】

[In just 15 years, you have cultivated to the perfection of the seven evil spirits, and the speed is comparable to that of the real kings in ancient times. 】

【In the following time, while you practiced, you taught the outstanding children of the Ying family to practice in the palace, and you were supported by everyone.Although many disciples of the Ying clan do not have the name of master and apprentice with you, they have the reality of master and apprentice. 】

[In the next 60 years, you have taught as many as 12 martial saints in the Ningsha Realm. 】

[The effect of the seven-color destiny 'Emperor Taoism' has made your cultivation finally reach the perfection of the ten evil realms.After that, you went to the outer world with an excuse, saying that you wanted to find an opportunity to break through the realm of supernatural powers. 】

[One year later, you secretly recultivated to the supernatural realm in the outer world. 】

[After more than 30 years, I have been staying in the outer world, and my cultivation has returned to the second level of supernatural powers. 】

[Because the realm is too low, you can't use the innate spirit treasure five-color Thunder Hu, which is the soul-absorbing thing, but you can use the Xuantian Sacrificial Thunder Technique to activate the innate five-element god thunder, and finally have a certain amount of self-protection power. 】

[When you returned to the palace of the Great Qin Empire, everyone thought you were dead. 】

【Ancestor Tianren rushed over upon hearing the news and asked about the situation. 】

[You said that when you went to the outer world, you accidentally entered a cave, and obtained an innate divine thunder in it, and successfully broke through the supernatural realm. 】

[Ancestor Tianren is happy for you, and said that everyone has their own chances. You should not tell anyone this kind of secret easily, and don't reveal it. As a trump card, you may be able to win by surprise at critical moments. 】

【You immediately express your understanding, and secretly decide in your heart that if the situation permits in the future, you will repay you, your master. 】

[Because you only took more than 110 years to cultivate to the supernatural realm, so you were recommended by the ancestors of heaven and man to enter the "War God Palace" of the Great Qin Empire, and became the No. . 】

[Five years later, the "Hall of Reincarnation" will be opened, and you will take the initiative to invite the high-level officials of the Great Qin Empire to go there. 】

[The ancestors of heaven and humans advise you not to go, because the inner hall of the "Hall of Reincarnation" will also be opened this time. At that time, the real kings and gods of all ethnic groups will enter it. 】

[Although the outer hall of the "Reincarnation Hall" can only accommodate supernatural powers, when the "Reincarnation Hall" is closed, there will be a mixture of powerful people from all parties, and accidents are prone to occur. 】

【Also, the foreign race possesses all kinds of weird secret techniques. With your strength, although you can leapfrog the battle, you will still be in danger of your life when you encounter a foreign race with peak supernatural powers. 】

【However, your attitude is extremely firm, and in the end, with the votes of many celestial ancestors, you were allowed to enter the "Hall of Reincarnation" to seek opportunities. 】

【Afterwards, when the meeting was over, your master found you and expressed his willingness to give you his copy of the "Reincarnation Edict" so that you would give up the adventure of entering the "Reincarnation Palace". Now you regret it and report it to the elders, and room for maneuver. 】

【However, you still rejected the master's proposal, and said that you have enough confidence to retreat unscathed. 】

[In the end, your master stopped persuading you and lent you his Houtian Lingbao Thunder God Spear that he had used for many years. 】

【After thanking you, you accepted the Thunder God Spear. After getting ready, you set off for Lingtai Mountain in the north of Zhongzhou, waiting for the "Samsara Palace" to appear. 】

[At this time, the gods of war and gods and humans from all sides have arrived. There are as many as 66 people present. When the "Hall of Reincarnation" opens, the human race, demons, heavenly demons, and Titans, the six true kings will arrive. . 】

[You enter the "Reincarnation Hall" and find that there are six halls in total, namely Heaven Hall, Human Hall, Shura Hall, Animal Hall, Hungry Ghost Hall and Hell Hall, corresponding to the six realms of reincarnation.Among them, the Temple of Heaven is the main hall of the "Palace of Reincarnation", that is, the inner hall. Once the six true kings enter the "Palace of Reincarnation", they will directly enter the Temple of Heaven. 】

[According to the information you obtained before you came in, you went straight to the Human Palace. 】

[Nearly forty warriors and envoys have gathered here. 】

[In order to compete for the "Decree of Reincarnation" and the golden seal, everyone finally fought. 】

[After a bloody battle, King Zixiao won a gold seal. 】

[After he quit the "Reincarnation Hall", you used the effect of the entry "One Person, Thousand Changes" to transform into the true king of the demon clan, and deceived him into getting the gold seal. 】

【However, just as you were returning to the Daqin Palace, the change time for the entry 'One Person, Thousand Changes' expired, and King Tiansha suddenly appeared to snatch the golden seal. 】

[You used the Five Elements Divine Thunder and the Xuantian Sacrifice Thunder Technique to kill the Tiansha King, leaving a mark of his blood on your body. 】

[When you rushed to the outside of Xianyang City, the demon True Monarch came through the air. 】

【you are dead. 】

[The simulation is over, you can choose two of the following]

[[-]. Obtained entries (Platinum Fate · Son of Destiny)]

[180. Obtain attribute points ([-]w)]

[[-]. Obtaining the realm in the simulation · the third stage of refining gods (excluding cultivation base)]

[[-]. Obtaining the cultivation base in the simulation · the third level of refining gods (excluding the realm)]

[[-]. You can randomly refresh the things that appeared in the simulation (Jiuyou Tianmo Heart Phase World Mixing Law Fragments) (Refresh can be paid)]

[[-]. You can get a chance to refresh or combine three entries into a fate entry (free of charge) after you choose 'Option [-]' to get the entry.]

"Jiuyou Heavenly Demon Heart Aspect World Mixing Law Fragment?!" Han Zhao looked at option five in the simulation, and his eyes froze. The most important treasure can be selected directly, which saves the spirit crystal he refreshed.

Although I don't know what this thing is, as long as it is related to the law, the system should not refuse anyone.

"There is no need to choose the realm cultivation base, and the attribute points are not too necessary, so there is only option one."

Han Zhao pondered for a moment, and quickly made a decision, because traveling through time and space would lose all his cultivation, so it is a waste to choose a cultivation realm now.

That being the case, there is nothing to hesitate.

"System, I choose one and five."

[Acquire Platinum Fate 'Son of Destiny']

[Obtain the 'Nine Nether Heavenly Demon Mind World Mixing Law Fragments']

[Child of Destiny]: Platinum fate; you will get two 'replacement dolls' (you can get proficiency upgrade entries, the upper limit is blazing gold entries)

[Replacement Puppet (2/2): Consume one-twentieth of the energy and blood to water the 'Replacement Puppet', and you can actively or passively let the 'Replacement Puppet' take all the damage for you within 20 seconds; Including but not limited to physical and mental fatal injuries, as well as damage to the power of the law; it can be used twice a month; every time you use the 'Traid Doll', you will gain entry proficiency. 】

"After the upgrade, the consumption has been reduced, and the cooling time has also been shortened." Han Zhao couldn't help showing joy when he saw the effect of the Destiny's Fate.

In this way, it is equivalent to two more lives every month.

The fault tolerance rate has increased significantly.

After reading the entry effect of [Son of Destiny], Han Zhao shifted his attention to [Nine Nether Heavenly Demon Heart Aspect World Mixing Law Fragments]

[Jiuyou Heavenly Demon Heart Aspect World Mixed Law Fragment]: The original power of Jiuyou Heavenly Demon is equivalent to the spiritual realm fragments and original law fragments of a strong emperor, and contains five laws of destruction, heart demon, earth, space, and wind at the same time Power.

"Good guy!" Han Zhao's eyes narrowed, and the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon had mastered the power of five laws at the same time.

"The power of multiple laws conflicts with each other. Why can Jiuyou Tianmo perfectly integrate multiple laws?!" Han Zhao pondered in his heart. According to the previous simulation, most of the emperor-level powerhouses only specialize in one law and minor in one at most. There are very few people who practice more than two laws.

Moreover, in the previous simulation, he had used the pseudo-time spiritual domain to repel the Emperor of All Souls with his perfect cultivation in the third stage of refining the gods.

In this simulation, although he broke through the third level of refining God just before the battle, his pseudo-spiritual domain also added the power of multiple laws such as the law of space and the law of destruction, and he still lost to the Jiuyou Tianmo.

It shows that the strength of the opponent is far above the Emperor of All Souls.

At the same time, it should also have something to do with the fact that the other party has cultivated the power of multiple laws, and each law has more mastery than him.

"Could it be that the fusion of multiple laws will cause hidden dangers of conflict, and it's not a big problem for Heavenly Demon?" Han Zhao suddenly had an idea.

"Maybe we can solve this mystery in the simulation!" Han Zhao thought to himself, if he could solve this problem, he would have a chance to hit the Void Return Realm and become an emperor before he got the "Seal of the Great Dao".

[Recharging the 'Jiuyou Tianmo Heart Aspect World Mixing Law Fragments' can upgrade the system again, optimize options, and open new functions. 】

At this point, a system prompt appears.

"Recharge!" Han Zhao immediately muttered silently.

 PS: This month has been full of disasters and disasters, and the supplementary update will be placed next month. Let this month go first.

(End of this chapter)

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