Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 288 Stepping through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to

Chapter 288 Stepping through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it!
As soon as Han Zhao's voice fell, the seven-colored glow on the system panel flowed and became more and more dazzling.

This time the system upgrade lasted for a long time, Han Zhao waited for several hours, and the upgrade process was not over yet.

"Could there be any surprises this time?" Han Zhao was looking forward to it.

Seeing that the system upgrade process could not end for a while, Han Zhao's attention returned to the simulation process.

"The balance of spirit crystals and demon yin qi can no longer support the next simulation, so we still have to go to the demon cave."

Han Zhao pondered in his heart, Qian Ling Bingzhu is strong, obviously above Qianqiu Bingzhu.

If it hadn't been for triggering the instant death effect of [Emperor Slayer], it would not have been easy to kill Qianqiu Bingzhu.

Today, Han Zhao naturally cannot gamble on luck in reality.

"Retreat and attack the cave-heaven realm first, so that in the simulation, you can also cultivate to the third-level realm of refining gods as soon as possible."

After thinking for a while, Han Zhao made a decision. If he directly chooses the realm in the simulation, then he can overcome the tribulation with the realm and cultivation base of the third level of refining gods. The favor of the will of the world, but there is no need to take unnecessary risks.

In addition, this cultivation base will be dissipated when traveling through time and space, so it is a waste to choose.

The most important thing is that the cultivation base has directly reached the third level of refining gods. If you want to simulate it again, the cost required will probably increase sharply.

By first cultivating to the Dongtian Realm on your own, you can not only have enough strength to deal with the Thousand Spirit Warrior Master and eliminate the Heavenly Demon Dongtian, but also reduce the cost of the simulation by two times, which saves the cost of the simulation to the greatest extent.

"The "Time Seal" and "Space Seal" should be the key to the achievement of the Emperor and Daojun for me who practice the Supreme Law. "

"If you can get the "Reincarnation Seal" again, and then stick to the imitation, then the world will be so big that you can go there.What about the Vientiane Heavenly Demon? "

"What can be confirmed so far is that the "Time Stamp" and "Space Stamp" are in the hands of the Heavenly Emperor Remnant Soul, but the Heavenly Emperor Remnant Soul only used the "Time Stamp". I don't know if he didn't take it out, or lost it, or"

Han Zhao pushed himself and others, if he is the Emperor of Heaven, and if he really left the inheritance, he would definitely set up some fake secret treasures to confuse outsiders, and at the same time, the real inheritance would be divided into several places to prevent it from being obtained by the demon.

"If this conjecture is true, then the "Space Seal" should be placed in other secret treasures. "

There are ten secret treasures of the Emperor of Heaven, and some of them have been found.

"Anyway, let's get the "Time Stamp" first. "

With Han Zhao's current strength, if he has the "Time Seal" in his hand, even if he doesn't have Daluo Daoguo, he should be able to become an emperor with the law of time, and he will be safe when the time comes.

"The road ahead is clear."

Han Zhao left the inner hall, and the system upgrade was not over yet.

When he walked to the hall of the inner hall, he saw Han Nianxuan and the elders discussing matters in the door.

It seems to be a question of the quota for the next True Biography Competition, because Han Nianxuan and Han Yan broke through to the supernatural realm one after another, so there are two vacant quotas for the True Biography Competition.

After Han Nianxuan gained supernatural powers, Han Zhao prepared to step down as the head teacher and let her be the head teacher.

But after asking her about her wishes, Han Nianxuan said that she only wanted to concentrate on cultivation, so she would only serve as the substitute head teacher temporarily.

Afterwards, Han Zhao went to ask Han Yan again, and he was willing to take over the responsibility, but he said on the spot that when Han Miao was trained, he would be allowed to take over the position.

Han Zhao also felt that this was feasible. Han Miao and Han Yan's unruly and unruly personalities are just the opposite. They are calm and capable in doing things, and they are an excellent candidate to be the head teacher.

In any case, as long as there was his threat of force, even if Han Shuangning and Han Lianxin were the teachers, they would be able to control the situation.

Because his previous cultivation base had risen to the peak of the third level of heaven and man, the cultivation bases of Han Shuangning and Han Lianxin's two daughters also increased accordingly, breaking through to the Nine Fiends Realm and the Eight Fiends Realm respectively.

Even Lian Chengye, who took the Shenbing system, gained a bonus in mana because of Han Zhao's improvement in cultivation, and he was only one step away from the realm of the third-tier commander.

With the resources that Han Zhao currently possesses, it will be a sure thing for the two women to break through the supernatural powers in more than a hundred years.

If it really doesn't work, when he breaks through the Cave Heaven Realm, his descendants will all get a huge improvement in cultivation.

"Teacher Daoist!" "Daddy!"

Seeing Han Zhao suddenly appear in the hall of the inner hall, the elders and Han Nianxuan got up to greet each other and saluted respectfully.

"Excuse me." Han Zhao waved his sleeves and came to the main seat.

"Nian Xuan, you stay." Han Zhao said with a smile.

"Yes." Han Nianxuan replied.

"I'll take my leave." Seeing this, the other elders bowed and retreated.

"Daddy, aren't you in seclusion? Why did you leave so soon?" Han Nianxuan asked.

Her supernatural ceremony lasted for three days. After Han Zhao took away the spiritual crystals given by the guests, she announced that she would go into seclusion, but unexpectedly, she left within a day.

"Father is here for this purpose." Han Zhao nodded.

"My father has already touched the bottleneck of the Dongtian Realm, so this time I will retreat, I will go all out, and I will not leave until I break through."

"What?!" Han Nianxuan's beautiful eyes widened, she was surprised and delighted, with an expression of disbelief.

As if thinking of something, Han Nianxuan asked: "Could it be that when Dad killed Qianqiu Bingzhu before, he didn't break through the Cave Heaven Realm?"

"Of course not. If I had broken through, I would have killed the Heavenly Demon Cave. The Qianqiu Bingzhu was suppressed by the Outer Heavens, and his strength could not be fully utilized. Naturally, there is no need to break through the Cave Heaven to deal with him." Han Zhao took it for granted.

"." Han Nianxuan was at a loss for words for a while, and didn't know how to describe it.

"Although there is an example of Tianmo Dongtian, other caves do not dare to be enemies with Qiantian Palace, but just in case, before I leave the customs, Qiantian Palace will focus on stability." Han Zhao Again.

"Dad, don't worry, I will take care of this matter, and it will definitely not affect your retreat." Han Nianxuan looked solemn.

"I will keep the soul. If there is any trouble that can't be dealt with, just let the soul notify me." Han Zhao added.

"Yes." Han Nianxuan replied.

"There is one last thing, that is, before I am about to break through, there will definitely be a celestial phenomenon at that time. From then on, you must let Shuangning, Lianxin, and Miao'er stay in the "Qiantian Palace" temple! "Han Zhao said seriously.

"Is it because of the improvement in cultivation?" Han Nianxuan immediately realized.

"Exactly, if they are outside the "Qiantian Palace" and break through the supernatural power realm because of my improvement, they are caught off guard, and it is very likely that they will not be able to survive the supernatural catastrophe. "Han Zhao said in a deep voice.

Even if the will of the source world has reduced the power of the Qiantian Palace lineage, but this kind of thing is only relative.

The stronger the strength and the deeper the background, the stronger the Heavenly Tribulation will naturally be.

Han Nianxuan's cultivation has reached the first level of supernatural powers, and her cultivation level even surpassed that of Han Zhao when she crossed the catastrophe. However, facing the catastrophe of supernatural powers, it can't be said that she passed it easily.

So she knew the seriousness of the matter.

"I'll call them here and explain the situation." Han Nianxuan immediately flew out of the hall.

Seeing this, Han Zhao also left the inner hall and flew towards Daliang City in Tianzhou.

When Han Zhao was trapped before, when the Heavenly Demon Cave attacked suddenly, Ji Baiwei came to support him, but was injured by the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Cave, and later returned to Ji's family to recuperate.

A few days ago, the ancestor of Ji's family came to participate in Han Nianxuan's supernatural power ceremony. Han Zhao also met with him alone, learned about Ji Baiwei's situation, and learned that she had fallen into a dormant state, recovering the original power of the magic weapon.

This time, Han Zhao felt sure enough to hit the cave realm, but he didn't know how long it would take. He had to meet Ji Baiwei first.

He still has some pure demon yin energy left on his body. Although it is far from enough for imitation, it is still possible to replenish Ji Baiwei's original mana.

In this simulation, Han Zhao obtained a technique called 'Xuantian Sacrifice Thunder Art', which can maximize the ability of the Five Thunder Saint Physique.

So he is going to practice Xuantian Sacrifice Thunder Art in this retreat.

Relying on the Holy Body of the Five Thunders, and the innate five-element divine thunder in the five-color thunder gourd of the innate spirit treasure, which is the innate spirit treasure, the cultivation of the Xuantian Sacrifice Thunder Art will definitely be twice the result with half the effort.

Anyway, he had memorized all the training memories during the simulation.

Now at the pinnacle of the Heaven-Man triple realm, under a high-level view, there will certainly not be any bottlenecks.

Compared to putting hope on the will of the source world, Han Zhao still prefers to rely on himself.

The power of God and Demon Heavenly Tribulation is no small matter.

With Han Zhao's escape speed, he quickly crossed the continent and rushed from Yunzhou to Daliang City in Tianzhou.

He lowered the light and came to the top of the [-]-meter-high city wall.

Back then, he still vividly remembered the scene when he participated in the Zhongzhou Trial.

Han Zhao looked down at the city, and within the city wall that could not be seen at a glance, there were large purple tower-shaped buildings densely distributed, dozens of them.

The height of each tower is more than [-] meters. The tallest tower in the center has its top directly into the clouds, and its true height is unknown at all.

The entire Daliang City was shrouded in a translucent light curtain.

"Daliang City was built on the ruins of Xianyang, the capital of the former Great Qin Dynasty. Since this is the case, we can collect more information about Xianyang City and the Great Qin Empire here."

Han Zhao thought to himself.

If you want to obtain the "Reincarnation Seal", you must travel through time and space. The aristocratic families in Daliang City should know the Great Qin Empire best.

Since Han Zhao started with the Great Qin Empire in the simulation, if he traveled through time and space in reality, he would continue to start with this, which would save a lot of trouble.


At this time, the guards on the city wall saw Han Zhao wrapped in a golden light group and loudly warned.

Seeing this, Han Zhao ignored it.

He appeared outside the light curtain in a flash, and then, a dark hole appeared on the surface of the light curtain in an instant, Han Zhao's figure flashed, and he entered the big formation.

The guards felt a blur before Han Zhao's figure disappeared.

Seeing this situation, everyone couldn't help but looked at each other in blank dismay, horrified in their hearts.

Even the ancestors of the soldiers in charge and the spirit callers could not easily penetrate the formation from the outside. This must be the peerless power of the heavenly realm and the holy master realm, and he is also the ancestor of the top family in the city, otherwise it would not be possible. Will know Dazhen so well.

Everyone felt chills down their backs, and walked through the gate of hell.

At this time, Han Zhao had already scanned the whole city with his spiritual thoughts and found the residence of Ji's family.

"Who is so bold?!"


The upper echelons of the aristocratic families in the city only felt a wave of divine thoughts swept away, and immediately flew into the sky in anger, to see who dared to provoke so brazenly in the city.

"Really Han Han?!"

"Senior Han?!"

However, when everyone came to the sky and saw the god-like figure in the golden light, the anger on their faces dissipated instantly, leaving only awe and trembling.

"Meet the real Han!"

Even ordinary celestial beings come here, if they are so arrogant in the city, everyone has to work together to make them shed a layer of skin, so that they can know the strength of the five surnames and ten rich families of Wei State.

But Han Zhao's current strength is the joint efforts of the five surnames and Dongtian behind the ten rich families, and he can only protect himself in the source world.

So the senior members of the aristocratic family who were still arrogant just now stood in the void with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, and saluted Han Zhao respectfully, with smiles on their faces that were almost flattering.

So what about the five surnames and ten rich families, Han Zhao really wanted to destroy one of them, and it was as easy as pie.

"I'm here to look for Ji's family, you can go by yourself." Han Zhao waved his sleeve robe and flew towards Ji's residence.

"I'll take my leave." The senior members of the aristocratic family saluted again.

Naturally, he can keep a low profile, but for the aristocratic family, what he wants is to do as he pleases.

As soon as Han Zhao landed at the gate of Ji's house, an old man led two middle-aged men and ran out of the inner house like a flash, and made a big gift to Han Zhao.

"I don't know that Master Han is coming, so I'm going to be far behind to meet you, so please forgive me!"

The three of them are all strong soldiers at the level of military commanders, and they are naturally superior at ordinary times, but in front of Han Zhao, they are all juniors.

"Exemption." Han Zhao said lightly, "I'm here to visit Bai Wei, I wonder if it's convenient for Ji's family?"

"Convenience, convenience!" An old man with a dove face showed a warm smile, "The ancestor is not in the clan at the moment, the predecessors will visit Bai Wei first, and I will invite the ancestors right away."

"En." Han Zhao nodded slightly.

As he said that, the old man with a dove face said to the middle-aged man in black robe: "Elder Elder, you take Master Han to Baiwei's retreat first, and I'll be there later."

"Yes, patriarch." The Great Elder responded, and immediately came to Han Zhao with an extremely respectful expression: "Really Han, please!"

Han Zhao followed the elder to the inner house.

After Han Zhao left, the smile on Ji's family head faded away, and he said urgently: "Sixth Elder, please go and ask the ancestor to come back immediately, and say that Daoist Han from Qiantian Palace is here, hurry up!"

Another middle-aged man in a purple robe was a little puzzled: "Patriarch, why should you be so alarmed, this real Han just came to visit Bai Wei. The ancestor has something important to do at the moment, isn't it inconvenient to disturb you?"

"What is more important than the life and death of the Ji family? Only the ancestors are there, just in case. Otherwise, the other party will kill us without any reason. No matter whether this Han Zhenren has malicious intentions or not, but he has Easily destroy the Ji family's ability!" The head of the Ji family said in a deep voice.

"Okay! I'll leave immediately!" The Sixth Elder was shocked when he heard this.

When the Sixth Elder left, the head of Ji's family immediately went to the inner house, and came to a huge purple stone building. The whole building was surrounded by extremely strong magic power, and the pure yin energy was as real as it was.

This is the treasure left by the first patriarch of the Ji family, cast with wisteria crystals all over.

Practicing here can strengthen the power of divine soldiers, and only a few third-tier military envoys and holy masters can practice here.

However, Ji Baiwei had the right to enter this place to practice since he was a second-rank military envoy.

Not only because of her outstanding talent, but also because she is Han Zhao's woman.

Ever since Ji Baiwei was injured and fell into dormancy, the entire purple vine crystal training room has completely become a training place for her alone, and all the yin energy inside has been provided to Ji Baiwei.

The reason is also Han Zhao.

In case Ji Baiwei stays awake for a long time and Han Zhao blames him, the Ji family can't afford it.

The Ji family veterans were naturally dissatisfied, but no one dared to show it.

The appearance of Han Zhao alone reminded them of the fear of being dominated by warriors more than 1000 years ago.

When the head of Ji's family came to the training room where Ji Baiwei was dormant, he saw the dark energy of the heavenly demon rushing towards his face in the entire quiet room.


Just by inhaling a little, I feel that the magic weapons in my body are activated.

He looked intently, and saw that Han Zhao was standing in front of a huge bronze mask, and his body was continuously releasing the yin energy of the heavenly demon, providing it to the bronze mask.

This bronze mask is the seven evils, and Ji Baiwei is dormant in the seven evils.

"Could this be the original power of the military master?!" The head of the Ji family set off a storm in his heart, saying that Han Zhao was very kind to the people around him, but he didn't expect it to reach this level.

He saw the Great Elder beside him blushing, and he understood immediately.

It is not an easy task to resist the absorption of this pure demonic yin energy, and only the threat of annihilation can deter it.

"Han Zhenren." The head of the Ji family saluted Han Zhao respectfully.

"Yeah." Han Zhao said without turning his head: "You can go out first, and let me know when your ancestor comes."

"Yes, I will retire." The head of the Ji family and the great elder immediately withdrew.

Ten days later, Ji Dao-shen, the master of the Ji Family, returned to Daliang City.

What caught his eyes was the mountain-like purple-gold mask hanging high above the Ji family's residence.

At this moment, the purple-gold mask is constantly absorbing the power of heaven and earth, and the light of the magic weapon shines on the small half of Daliang City.

"Ten King Nuo Mian!! How is this possible?!"

Ji Daoshen's eyes widened. The Ji family had been planning for thousands of years to reproduce the Ten Kings Nuo Mian, but they never expected that this day would actually come.

"Could it be Bai Wei?!"

Ji Daoshen entered the inner house of the Ji family, and the head of the Ji family greeted him immediately.

"What's going on?" Ji Daoshen said in a deep voice.

"Old Ancestor, Immortal Han gave Bai Wei the original power of Qianqiu Bingzhu when he came. Three days ago, Bai Wei's Qixiefu evolved into Ten King Nuo Mian." The head of Ji's family looked envious.

The Holy Master who is more than 100 years old has also mastered the Ji family's strongest magic weapon ten kings Nuomian. In the future, he will become the military master. The real longevity and long-term vision is not impossible.

"What a great handwriting! Could it be that he is planning to give courtesy first and then fight, is that so?" Ji Daoshen murmured with his eyes fixed.

Thinking of this, he touched the position of the back of his head, and immediately rushed to the wisteria crystal training room.

When he arrived, Ji Baiwei was sitting cross-legged on the stone couch, while Han Zhao was protecting the dharma.

At this time, Han Zhao glanced over, and Ji Daoshen's heart shuddered, and he felt a terrifying pressure rushing towards his face, just like when he was facing the Ji family's first military leader, Patriarch Jing.

Thinking of this, Ji Daoshen gritted his teeth and slapped the back of his head, a boxy seal wrapped in purple light fell into his palm.

"Han Daoyou helped Ji's family to reproduce the ten kings' Nuo noodles. A small gift is not a respect."

"Fellow Daoist Ji, you're being polite." Han Zhao said indifferently, his eyes swept over the seal in Ji Daoshen's hand, and he suddenly stood up.

"Imitation of "Reincarnation Seal"? ! "

Han Zhao stared.

(End of this chapter)

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