Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 290 Success!The world has changed drastically!

Chapter 290 Success!The world has changed drastically!
A hundred years, for ordinary people, may have already turned into a pile of loess.

Even the high-level warriors in the Grand Master Realm and Martial Saint Realm have already passed the peak training period.

It's just that, for the top practitioners of the supernatural powers, 100 years is just a slightly longer retreat.

As for heaven and man, a hundred years is not worth mentioning.

They lie high in the clouds, sit and watch the spring and autumn come, and the flowers bloom and fall, as if they are not affected by the passage of time.

For celestial beings, as long as there is a hole in the sky, they can easily survive for thousands of years, and it is almost extremely difficult for a top expert at this level to die.

It was only a period of more than a hundred years ago, because Han Zhao rose like a comet and changed the power structure of the source world and the Nine Great Caves.

For more than a hundred years now, Han Zhao has stayed in the "Qiantian Palace" peacefully, which relieves the heavenly beings and holy masters in the major caves.

According to their eyeliner in the "Qiantian Palace", Han Zhao spends most of his time in retreat and practice, and usually only appears under the senior management's request to make decisions when encountering major events.

However, some people suspected that it was only Han Zhao's ghost, not the main body.

Because the inner hall of "Qiantian Palace" has not been opened for a full 100 years.

The former top ten true disciples of Qiantian Palace were Han Nianxuan, Han Yan, Ling Yun, Ling Feng, Cheng Jiao, Han Shuangning, Zhao Qiantao, Han Lianxin, Yu Xuewei, Xu Ting.

Now only Yu Xuewei, who had completed the Nine Demon Realm, and Xu Ting, who was in the Eight Demon Realm, were left in the top two of the top ten true biographies, and the other eight people had already left the list.

Among these people, Han Nianxuan had survived the catastrophe more than a hundred years ago and achieved supernatural powers.

Han Yan, on the other hand, followed Han Nianxuan 70 years ago and achieved supernatural powers.

After that, Yu Chongxiao, the master of Xuanying Palace, also achieved supernatural powers 20 years ago.

For more than a hundred years, three Martial Gods who have survived the catastrophe in the source world have appeared in Qiantian Palace one after another, which is enough to shake all the caves.

In the battle for the cave, the main force has always been the Martial God of the Supernatural Realm.

Because some high-level masterless caves have suppressed heavenly beings and holy masters to a terrifying degree, and even their mana will be weakened to a degree much weaker than ordinary supernatural powers after they descend.

Even if Han Zhao survives the supernatural tribulation and the celestial catastrophe in the source world, he will only be weakened a little less than other celestial beings and holy masters.

In the realm of heaven and man, unless it is related to the Great Dao of the Cave, few people are willing to go to the high-level Wuzhu Cave to fight for their lives. Under such suppression, if they are besieged by a few warriors, they may die.

However, three Martial Gods like Han Zhao appeared in a row in Qiantian Palace, and they would not be suppressed in any way when they came to Wuzhudongtian, which was terrible.

Not to mention that these people are all like Han Zhao, one is against ten, but in the battle for the cave, it should be no problem for one person to deal with four or five of the same level.

If it is said that Han Zhao's success cannot be replicated, then other caves at least feel hopeful.

However, three Martial Gods who successfully crossed the tribulation in the source world appeared one after another in Qiantian Palace, which shocked all the caves.

The movements of Han Nianxuan, Han Yan, and Yu Chongxiao when they crossed the catastrophe have been observed by various forces and heavenly beings. The power of the catastrophe is simply earth-shattering, but the three of them can survive without any danger, and their strength growth is completely beyond Common sense.

The three of them were just like Han Zhao back then, and they didn't look like they had just advanced to the supernatural power level at all.

Moreover, several other fighters who were not listed in the Top Ten True Legends also retreated together in the "Qiantian Palace" for a hundred years. This has to make the outside world suspect that Han Zhao has a way to make the Qiantian Palace appear in batches.

Soon, someone thought it was the ability of the pseudo-innate spiritual treasure "Qiantian Palace".

It's just that what if you guessed it, no one dares to challenge Han Zhao in today's Yuanjie.

The only Heavenly Demon Grotto, who had fought endlessly with Han Zhao, also suffered heavy injuries, so he could only rely on the deterrence of the Thousand Spirit Soldier Lord, so that Han Zhao did not dare to make a move.

From other people's point of view, with Han Zhao's character, he must be retreating and cultivating supernatural powers to deal with the demon cave.

Or just like last time, leaving the soul behind, the main body has already gone to the outer world.

On this day, the disciples of Qiantian Palace were practicing the formula of longevity in the outer hall as usual.

Suddenly, a golden light shot out from the inner hall of "Qiantian Palace".


"It's the inner hall! That's the place where the master teaches real people to retreat."

"What kind of supernatural power is this! So strong!"

Everyone only felt a vast and vast aura emanating from the golden light, and they themselves were like tiny grains of sand under the might of heaven.

The golden light magnifies at a speed visible to the naked eye, like an open folding fan, and finally turns into a golden beam of light penetrating the sky, piercing through the clouds and reaching the nine heavens.

If you look at it from the outside world, you can see a golden beam of light penetrates the boundary barrier of the source world and goes deep into the void.

At the same time, massive spiritual energy gathered at the top of the "Qiantian Palace".

A vortex of colorful spiritual energy like starlight filled the entire sky.

"what happened?!"

"A spiritual phenomenon appeared again?!"

"How is this going?"

"It's Han Zhao again!!"

Both the source world and the Nine Great Caves were disturbed, and the eyes of the heavenly people focused on the "Qiantian Palace".

Han Zhao made another big commotion.

"With such a celestial phenomenon, could it be that Han Zhao has achieved the Dao?!"

"Impossible! How could it be so fast?"

The hearts of the heavenly people were full of shock.

But at this moment, the huge spiritual pressure over the "Qiantian Palace" is clearly a sign before the catastrophe comes.

It's just that they prefer to believe that Han Zhao has practiced some kind of peerless supernatural powers, and they don't want to believe that Han Zhao has broken through to the cave realm.

Zhenjun, the great power that has stepped into the Dao, how could it be possible to achieve it in just over 200 years of practice.

This is absolutely impossible!

Just as everyone focused their attention on the "Qiantian Palace", the vortex of spiritual energy that covered the sky gradually shrank and finally dissipated.

"I just said that the cave realm is not so easy to break through."

"Even if it is Han Zhao, it is impossible to do such a thing against the sky!"

Seeing the celestial phenomenon gradually dissipate, all the heavenly beings gradually breathed a sigh of relief.

It's hard to live a stable life for a hundred years. If Han Zhao achieves the cave, then there may never be a peaceful day in the future.

When other true kings or warrior masters came to the cave, they might be able to gather the power of the entire cave to resist, but Han Zhao showed his achievements time and time again that he could create miracles.

No one in the same rank is Han Zhao's opponent. If he advances, then everyone would rather hand in their hands and send him to the cave than be his enemy.

"We should let Han Zhao break through to the Heavenly Cave Realm, and let him die under the Heavenly Calamity of Gods and Demons in the Origin Realm!"

In the Heavenly Demon Cave, the only surviving fruit, the Holy Lord of the Absolute Spirit, secretly said it was a pity.

With Han Zhao's advancement speed, he will definitely encounter a terrifying catastrophe unprecedented in the past and present. If he advances now, he will definitely be wiped out under the thunder disaster, leaving the Heavenly Demon Cave with one less enemy.


Absolute Spirit Holy Master really hoped that Han Zhao could break through this time.

"Such a celestial phenomenon is related to Han Zhao, so I have to inform Lord Qianling." Although the Holy Lord Jue Ling wished that Han Zhao would be struck to death by the lightning immediately, he could only report the situation to Lord Qianling at this moment. Take precautions.

At this time, Han Zhao, who was talked about by everyone, had indeed broken through the Cave Heaven Realm.

It's just that as soon as he broke through, he was engulfed by the golden beam of light and brought to a white space.

"Here is..." Han Zhao looked a little dignified, and the scene in front of him was beyond his expectation.

As soon as Han Zhao appeared, in less than a moment, there were bursts of buzzing sounds in the void, and then, strange ripples appeared one after another.

An astonishing spiritual pressure filled the entire space, and even Han Zhao felt a great sense of oppression when he achieved great success.


Just when Han Zhao released his divine thoughts, a huge dark cloud suddenly appeared in the vast white space, within which thunder light flickered, black and white tribulation thunders were constantly brewing.

When Han Zhao was observing Jie Lei, two gaps suddenly opened in the center of Jie Yun, like two huge eyes slowly opening.

In a trance, Jie Yun seemed to have turned into a human face, with no expression on his face and empty and indifferent eyes, as if Han Zhao below was like an ant.

Han Zhao's heart sank, his eyes were fixed, his body felt a tingling pain, and an unprecedented sense of crisis filled Han Zhao's heart.

"You are the will of heaven in the source world?!" Han Zhao's face sank.

"Did you forget your agreement with me, or do you want to go back on your word?!"

Facing Han Zhao's questioning, Jie Yunzhong's face suddenly changed, revealing a hesitant expression.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering loud noise, Jieyun suddenly magnified more than ten times.

With Han Zhao's current divine sense, if he opened it with all his strength, it would be enough to cover a radius of three thousand miles.

However, he couldn't get out of Jieyun's range.

After Jieyun zoomed in, Han Zhao's originally dignified expression relaxed.

Because the original terrifying coercion did not increase, but because of the expansion of Jieyun, it dispersed his strength, which made his pressure a lot less.

"What's going on? Is the Will of Heaven trying to target me, or not?"

"Could it be that this is some kind of bullshit test, or..."

Just as Han Zhao was meditating, the Jieyun in the sky suddenly changed dramatically.

A majestic heavenly palace gradually solidified, exuding majestic power of law.

There were crowds of people in the front and back of the Tiangong, the throne behind was vacant, and in front of the throne stood a thunder giant with a blurred face, holding a golden hammer and a golden pestle.

Above the Heavenly Palace, the fire phoenix spreads its wings and crows to the sky.

Below the Heavenly Palace, a golden dragon hovers, looking at all directions.

Under the dragon and phoenix, people, demons, demons, all kinds of phantoms are intertwined together.

At the bottom is a thunder pond with a width of [-] feet. In the pond, the blue tribulation thunder gathers and flows like a liquid, exuding a dense and oppressive force of destruction.

"So many God of Nirvana?!"

When Han Zhao was in the Nine Heavens Extinguishing Spirit Tribulation in the Heaven-Human Realm, he only encountered 36 lightnings of the God of Nirvana, and there are probably hundreds of thunders in front of him.

"Really look up to me."

In the cloud of calamity, the thunder pond tilted slightly, and the thunder of Nirvana poured down like a pool of water, and dozens of waves fell at once.

Countless thunderbolts instantly dispelled the darkness around Han Zhao, illuminating the world brightly.

The blue light filled the sky, and Han Zhao's figure was instantly submerged by the God of Nirvana.

When the thunder light faded, Han Zhao's figure reappeared, but he was no longer as calm as before, with ragged clothes, disheveled hair, and blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

"Shenlei of Nirvana! It really tastes good!" Han Zhao spat out a mouthful of blood, with a happy smile on his face.

A body comparable to the hardness of a Lingbao, coupled with the Five Thunder Saint Body, and the Xuantian Sacrifice Thunder Art that can reduce the power of the Heavenly Tribulation, can only resist the first wave of Tribulation Thunder.

This kind of tribulation and thunder is called a catastrophe.

As if sensing Han Zhao's provocation, hundreds of thunders of the God of Nirvana suddenly fell from Jieyun this time.

Han Zhao's eyes were fixed, and the black light all over his body shot up into the sky, transforming into the body of a real demon, with black gold scales all over his body, and the power of destroying rules was urged to the extreme.

Then a ferocious golem with three heads and six arms appeared, and it was only about ten feet long when it appeared, and in an instant it grew into a giant of a thousand feet tall, facing the blue thunder that filled the sky.

In the inner hall of "Qiantian Palace", the door of the hall is open.

At this time, Han Nianxuan, who was practicing, and Han Yan, who was dealing with the affairs of the sect, both rushed to the gate of the inner hall.

"Father is not here, could it be that he has already broken through the cave realm?!" Han Nianxuan was both surprised and delighted.

"I don't know why, but I always feel a little restless." Han Yan's expression was a little cloudy.

"With Daddy's supernatural powers, don't worry." Han Nianxuan mused.

In the next half month, the aura of heaven and earth will become stronger day by day, and every three days, there will be a vortex of aura all over the sky.

The various forces in the source world and Dongtian didn't know what happened, and they sent warriors and soldiers to the lower realm to investigate the situation.

Some of the brave commanders even ran to the vicinity of "Qiantian Palace" to investigate, but when Han Nianxuan and Han Yan joined forces and killed a third-tier commander in one blow, the rest of the forces did not dare to come probed.

In the unknown void.

The entire sky was filled with thunder and thunder.

Han Zhao's aura was much weaker than before.

The calamity cloud that originally covered thousands of miles has also shrunk a lot, and the thunder pool formed by the God of Nirvana has dried up, but another thunder pool overflowing with black and white calamity thunder is slowly condensing.

Except for the first nine waves of tribulation thunders, which released dozens or even hundreds of extinction thunders at one time, the subsequent tribulation thunders basically fell one after another. Although the power was much smaller, the duration was much longer. extended.

It seemed as if he was going to consume him abruptly.

If it wasn't for [God of War]'s continuous recovery of mana, plus the mana recovery bonus attached to [Emperor Daoist], Han Zhao's mana at this moment might have been consumed by [-]% to [-]%.

This time, the thunder tribulation lasted for half a month, and it was not over yet.

And the black and white thunder pool made Han Zhao feel palpitating.

The will of heaven in the source world wants to kill him? ! !

When the black and white tribulation thunder fell, Han Zhao finally released the Dharmakaya of the Great Sun Tathagata.

The power of various rules gathered in one body, and at a critical moment, he activated the spirit domain.

After another half month, the aura of heaven and earth continued to strengthen.

The major caves focused on the source world, and the celestial beings and the Holy Lord sent their avatars to descend, and found that the suppression they received was much less.

"In the end what happened?"

"Is the source world going to return to the state it was a thousand years ago?"

(End of this chapter)

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