Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 291 The Heavenly Demon Cave is Destroyed

Chapter 291 The Heavenly Demon Cave is Destroyed!

When the last wave of black and white thunder tribulation fell, the thunder light in the thunder pool quickly dimmed.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

A five-color gourd the size of a palm floated above Han Zhao's head, spraying out five-color lightning arcs all over the sky, and finally formed a huge light curtain, taking care of Han in it.

However, the light curtain only weakened half of the two-color thunder calamity, and it was completely broken.

The rest of the two-color Thunder Tribulation continued unabated, and broke through Han Zhao's Tathagata Dharma Body, swallowing his body instantly by the Thunder Tribulation.

[Replacement puppet (1/2)]

When the thunderstorm dissipated, Han Zhao's figure reappeared, his whole body was unscathed, but his aura was greatly weakened.

"This catastrophe is here to kill me! Is it targeted by the will of the source world, or is it because I have practiced the laws of time and space?" Han Zhao's face was a little gloomy.

With so many preparations, he still died in the thunder calamity, and finally had to rely on the calamity puppet to block the disaster.

"Even I won't be able to survive this catastrophe. If I were any other true monarch who had completed the first stage of refining gods, I'm afraid there would be ten deaths and no life!"

Han Zhao looked up at the sky, and the robbery cloud covering thousands of miles began to dissipate slowly.

The aura of heaven and earth began to replenish his nearly exhausted mana.

At the same time, drastic changes took place in Han Zhao's dantian space.

The dao tree, which had grown to a height of one hundred feet, grew at a speed visible to the naked eye under the infusion of heaven and earth spiritual energy. In just a few breaths, it grew to three hundred feet.

The power of various rules in Han Zhao's body quickly transformed into laws.

hum, hum, hum!

The five-color thunder gourd on top of Han Zhao's head trembled violently, making a humming sound.

Supplemented by the aura of heaven and earth, the five-color thunder gourd quickly refined the remaining power of the two-color thunder calamity, and the fluctuation of the law of thunder and lightning in it became more powerful.

The five-color halo that originally surrounded the surface gradually solidified, as if it were real.

The aura of heaven and earth and the power of law manifested, and finally formed a huge vortex funnel, pouring into Han Zhao's body.

His aura continued to rise, and surpassed the state before the transition.

"The first stage of refining the gods has been completed."

When the spiritual vortex gradually dissipated, Han Zhao checked his status.

Han Zhao felt that the Thunder Sandalle Fairy Fruit in his soul had been partially refined by the five-color Thunder Gourd.

[Five-color thunder gourd: middle-level innate spirit treasure; can be improved: need to absorb the original law of thunder to upgrade the rank; special effects: innate five-element god thunder, nirvana god thunder]

"I didn't expect that after a tribulation, the grade of the five-color thunder gourd would be raised."

"It's a pity that such a thunder tribulation is really too dangerous."

Looking at the information on the system panel, Han Zhao thought to himself.

After the rank of the five-color thunder gourd has been raised, its power has greatly increased. Not only has the power of the innate five-element god thunder increased, but it can also release the nirvana god thunder.

You must know that with Han Zhao's supernatural powers, it consumes a lot of mana to resist the Nirvana Divine Thunder ahead, and ordinary people don't have the means to weaken the power of the Thunder Tribulation, such as the Five-Color Thunder Gourd, Five-Thunder Saint Body, and Xuantian Sacrifice Thunder Technique, so they are caught off guard. Under the circumstances, I am afraid that I will suffer heavy losses.

[Law of Time: 5% mastery progress (Origin Realm Law, an additional 1% bonus; skill bonus 1%)]

[Law of space: 4% mastery progress (the original law of the source world, an additional 2% bonus)]

[Law of Destruction: 10% mastery progress (the original law of the source world, an additional bonus of 2%; skill bonus of 3%)]

[The law of life and death: 11% of the mastery progress (the original law of the source world, an additional 2%; the skill bonus 3%)]

[The Law of the Five Elements: 12% mastery progress (the original law of the source world, an additional 2%; martial arts will bonus +4%)]

[Law of Strength: 10% mastery progress (Original Law of the Source Realm, an additional 2% bonus; skill bonus 3%)]

[Law of Thunder and Lightning: 15% mastery progress (the original law of the source world, an additional 2% bonus; physique and skills bonus 6%)]

"I didn't expect that it was the original law of thunder that reached 15% progress first."

Han Zhao stared.

The three realms of the cave, refining the gods, returning to the void, and joining the Tao.

When it comes to the realm of refining the gods, it is mainly based on the cultivation of laws and the power of the soul.

Cultivators in this realm, the law is integrated into the soul, and the soul is so solid that even if they are separated from or lose their physical body, they can still exert more than [-]% of their own strength.

Of course, this does not mean that the physical body is not important.

On the contrary, the power of law that the soul can bear is limited, so the body needs to be used as a container to accommodate more power of law.

Practitioners in the realm of refining the gods can open the immortal aperture by stimulating the physical body.

Use the fairy aperture to accommodate more power of laws.

According to the memory in the simulation, generally speaking, if the power of a law is cultivated to half, that is, 5%, it can hit the second stage of refining the gods.

Reaching 10%, [-]%, will be able to hit the third stage of refining gods.

When it reaches one and a half, 15%, it is the completion of the third stage of refining the gods.

If you want to master more power of rules, you must break through the realm of the emperor.

However, there is an exception method, and that is to open the immortal aperture.

Almost every peak powerhouse who breaks through the realm of the emperor will cultivate the immortal aperture.

Because it is almost impossible to succeed in attacking the Void Returning Realm with half the power of the rules.

Especially the nine original laws, if you want to become an emperor, you must at least master 30% of the power of the laws.

This is what Han Zhao learned from the remnant soul of the Emperor in the simulation.

If Han Zhao wants to break through the Monarch Realm, and the laws do not conflict with each other, at least he must master the laws of time and space to 30% before he can hope to break through.

At the beginning, the Emperor of Heaven also relied on the two treasures of "Time Seal" and "Space Seal" to be able to simultaneously cultivate and break through.

And Han Zhao practiced a variety of laws, and if he wanted to increase the chance of breaking through, he had to master the power of the various laws to 30%.

Or master the power of the law of reincarnation to 30%, and then rely on the three supreme laws of time, space, and reincarnation to attack the Void Return Realm and become an emperor.

However, although the path is clear, it is almost impossible to achieve it.

Just like in the previous life, everyone knew that studying hard would lead to good grades in the exam, but most people can't get 150 in the math exam. Is it because they don't want to?
"We can only find a solution in the simulation." Han Zhao thought to himself, if he comprehended the power of the law in reality, no matter how many 3 years it would not be enough.

Han Zhao waited until he absorbed enough aura of heaven and earth, felt his majestic power, immediately broke through the space here, and rushed to the source world.

Soon, Han Zhao came to the intersection of Outer World and Origin World.

Looking at the Nine Great Caves parasitic on the barrier of the source plane, Han Zhao's divine sense swept over and rushed towards the direction of the Heavenly Demon Cave.

At this time, in the Heavenly Demon Cave, the Absolute Spirit Holy Master was sitting in the bloody hall on the White Bone Mountain, listening to the envoy below report the recent great changes in the source world.

"The spiritual energy of the source world is getting stronger day by day, and after the spiritual energy is revived, it may soon be able to accommodate the coming of the Holy Lord without being suppressed.

As long as this continues, Lord Qianling will come to this world sooner or later.When the time comes, Han Zhao and the others from Qiantian Palace must be killed! "

The Holy Lord of Jue Ling changed his mind sharply, and immediately ordered to the envoy:

"Tell this matter to Master Qian Ling immediately!"

"Yes!" The soldier in charge bowed and retreated.

He walked out of the Scarlet Palace, he had just flown out of the White Bone Mountain and went straight to the Nine Heavens, when he suddenly heard a loud, earth-shattering noise from the void on the top.


A huge black hole suddenly appeared in the void, and it continued to expand, covering a range of hundreds of miles in an instant.


The Heavenly Demon on Baigu Mountain was startled by the scene in front of him.

"Could it be that Lord Qianling has descended!"

Just when all the heavenly demons were guessing, the Holy Lord of Absolute Spirit flew out of Baigu Mountain and looked up at the sky.

"This is." Absolute Spirit Holy Master looked suspiciously at the colorful rays of light and violent space fluctuations around the black hole. If Lord Qianling had descended, he would not have made such a big commotion.

However, the Absolute Spirit Holy Master does not doubt that there are foreign enemies invading. After all, even a true king who is proficient in the laws of space cannot easily break through the space barrier of the demon cave.

At this time, there was only a squeak, and the black hole on the top suddenly enlarged, as if it was torn apart by a brute force.

A big golden hand covering the sky and the sun protruded from the black hole, slowly pressing down.

"not good!!!"

Feeling the suffocating mana and law fluctuations in the big golden hands, the Absolute Holy Lord was horrified.

"Quickly launch the Heavenly Demon Execution Formation!!"

The Holy Lord of Absolute Spirit turned into a flying arrow and flew back to the Mountain of White Bone.

On the White Bone Mountain, the dazzling purple-black light of the magic weapon bloomed.


Below the White Bone Mountain, in the endless deep sea, the waves are surging, and the strange black sea water is continuously gathering towards the White Bone Mountain, like a huge palm, lifting the White Bone Mountain.

At the same time, the demonic yin energy remaining in the sea gathered towards the White Bone Mountain.


Accompanied by a roar that shook the ground, Baigu Mountain continued to climb, and soon revealed the whole picture.

Under the light of the divine soldiers all over the sky, Baigushan quickly disintegrated into countless divine soldiers of the bones.

In the end, the Bone God Soldiers were reorganized into a sky-supporting giant, which was as tall as [-] feet.

Phosphorous fires flickered all over the giant, the wind gusts, and countless ghosts hover and dance. The yin energy of the heavenly demon and the light of the divine soldiers quickly materialize, forming an indestructible armor that wraps the giant's whole body.

Whoosh whoosh!
Supplemented by the yin energy of the heavenly demon and the light of the divine soldier, one after another, the ghosts turned into hundreds of phantoms of monsters. Although each of them only had the power of a conventional blow from a soldier, even a strong man in the realm of the real king, Under the suppression of the power of the cave, it is impossible to receive this blow unscathed.

However, as the phantoms of monsters all over the sky rushed towards the big golden hand, before they got close, they were quickly turned into black smoke and dissipated when they were illuminated by the golden light on the surface of the big golden hand.


The Qingtian giant raised his head to the sky and roared furiously, raising his hands in the air of supporting the sky, supporting the big golden hand that covered the sky and the sun.

At this time, the phantoms of monsters gathered around the giant again. Although the number was not as terrifying as before, there were hundreds of them.

The strength of the Heavenly Demon Zhuxian formation this day is the continuous attack. Even if the true emperor came here today, he would have to shed a layer of skin.

"Hold on! Lord Qianling will be there soon"

The voice of the Absolute Holy Lord came from the body of the giant giant.

However, before he could finish his words, the giant Qingtian couldn't bear the huge force, and his legs broke from the middle, then burst open and collapsed.

The big golden hand dropped.

"Why, isn't this—" the desperate voice of the Absolute Spirit Holy Master stopped abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, there was an earth-shattering loud noise.

Huge waves rose up in the black deep sea, the space was full of cracks, and the sea water poured into it, and it was unknown where it flowed.

The giant giant was blown away by Han Zhao's palm, and turned into a bone-filled soldier again.

These magic soldiers seemed to have spirituality, and they fled in all directions.


At this time, a cold snort came from the void.

Immediately afterwards, a great Sun Tathagata rose slowly, like a round of scorching sun, and the precious light suddenly appeared, dispelling the eternal darkness of the Heavenly Demon Cave.

At the same time, where the precious light shines, ripples like water waves appear in the space.

No matter where those divine soldiers fly, they will eventually return to the Great Sun Tathagata in a burst of space fluctuations, and then be sucked into it uncontrollably.

There was a sound like the howling of wild animals, which was the wailing of the spirit of the divine soldier.

As the Dharma Body of the Great Sun Tathagata refined the heavenly demon yin qi and the magic soldiers in his body, Han Zhao noticed that the number of yin qi units on the system panel had risen sharply.


A violent shock came from the Heavenly Demon Cave, and immediately after, the cave barrier shattered.

The huge spatial fluctuation instantly caused the other caves to vibrate.

"what happened?!"

"what's going on?!"

The celestial beings of Zizaitian, Xuanmingtian, Tianyaotian and other major caves were all alarmed.

Everyone checked the situation through the power of the cave, and soon discovered the shocking changes in the demon cave.

"It's the direction of the Heavenly Demon Cave!"

"The plane barrier of the Heavenly Demon Cave is broken!"

"Could it be that Han Zhao really attacked the Demon Cave?"

All the heavenly beings and the Holy Master all had complex expressions.

Han Zhao's move is tantamount to completely grabbing the foundation of their existence.

Today he can attack the demon cave, and tomorrow he can attack any cave.

Even if the celestial beings of Kunlun Heaven were beheaded by Han Zhao, and the major caves divided up Kunlun Heaven, it would only allow their own caves to absorb the aura of Kunlun Heaven and tap its resources. The Yuqing Taoist Sect of Kunlun Heaven did not cut off the orthodoxy.

No one has done anything to kill.

However, this time, Han Zhao's behavior of going to the Demon Cave in person has already crossed everyone's bottom line.

However, when a great Sun Tathagata rose from the sky above the Heavenly Demon Cave, the power of the law of space rippled, and the entire cave collapsed rapidly, and the fragments were absorbed by the source world, everyone felt terrified.

"Law of space?!"

"True Monarch?!"

"How is this possible? Han Zhao broke through!!"

All the celestial beings and the Holy Master were stunned, their brains seemed to explode.

"System, recharge the original law of the Heavenly Demon Cave!"

Inside the Heavenly Demon Cave, Han Zhao recited silently.

Originally promised the will of the source world to return the nine caves, which naturally included the original power of the caves, but this time, the power of the catastrophe was beyond ordinary, which gave Han Zhao a new idea.

[The system upgrade is complete, and the system is being optimized.]

Han Zhao's eyes were fixed, and the system upgrade was finally completed.

Whoosh whoosh!
At this time, Han Zhao used the technique of splitting soul projections to split into hundreds of projections, all of which returned to his body, and he swept away all the treasured celestial magic stones in the celestial demon cave.

【Collect all 300 units of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, is it possible to synthesize an entry? 】

[Consume 160 units of Omen Yin Qi, 2000 spirit crystals or Omen Stones to perform a simulation. 】

(End of this chapter)

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