Chapter 293 Time Eucharist!Get "time stamp"!
"Master Qianling is indeed a good man!"

Han Zhao quickly analyzed the power of the law of destruction in the "Heart World" of the Thousand Spirit Warrior Lord. After he sorted out all the lines of the law, he began to devour the power of the law of destruction of the Thousand Spirit Warrior Lord.

Although it cannot be devoured completely, as long as part of it is devoured, the Qianling Bingzhu will undoubtedly be defeated.

"Next is the law of power." Han Zhao found the law of power among the densely packed lines of laws.

After he finished analyzing the law of strength, he continued to devour the law of strength.


The two major laws of the "Psychic World" were swallowed by Han Zhao, and violent spatial fluctuations appeared in the big city shrouded in black mist.

Real ripples appeared in the void, and the black mist became much thinner.

At this time, a phantom giant exuding the aura of a true monarch suddenly burst out of the black mist.

I saw the giant punch out, and a huge fist shadow appeared in the void. Where the fist shadow passed, there were whirlpool space cracks around it.

When Han Zhao saw this, the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a mocking smile.

The golden light suddenly appeared, and a Dharma body of the Great Sun Tathagata rose from behind him, and he struck out with both palms holding the sky.

Although the huge fist shadow is surrounded by terrifying power of space, it is still vulnerable under the laws of time and space of the Great Sun Tathagata Dharma Body.

Although this giant phantom is comparable to a real king, it only has the power of a single blow. Compared with Han Zhao, the real real king, it is not worth mentioning at all.

In particular, his Tathagata Dharma Body possesses the power of time and space at the same time, and the laws mastered by Qianling Bingzhu also include the laws of space, so Han Zhao's use of the laws of space will not be suppressed by the "mind world".

He has already figured out such important information in the simulation.

After all, in the several battles in the simulation, he was defeated by Qian Lingbing master using the law of space and the law of destruction.

The "Psychic World" can absorb the enemies killed by the demon into it, and then realize the enemy's ability, and use the enemy's ability to fight.

However, Xuanyin Tianma's "Psychic World" can only display part of the abilities of the people it absorbs, and cannot fight for a long time.

As for the "Psychic World" of Jiuyou Tianmo, that is a qualitative change.

It is naturally no small matter that the "mind world" of the Jiuyou Tianmo can compete with the spiritual realm of the supreme emperor.

All enemies absorbed by Jiuyou Tianma's "Heart World" can reproduce all their abilities in the "Heart World" again, and turn from virtual to real.

If one can completely absorb an emperor, then entering the "mind world" of Jiuyou Tianmo, one must analyze the power of laws in it, and at the same time fight against the powerful in the emperor realm.

They are both Jiuyou Heavenly Demons, but the power of the "Mind World" may be very different.

The same is the emperor, some emperors may only master the basic spiritual domain, while some emperors may gather the top spiritual domain with the nine original laws, or even the three supreme laws.

For the top-notch Jiuyou Heavenly Demons, they have the ability to kill ordinary emperors and strong men, but it is not an easy task to suck the opponent into the "Psyche World" before killing them, then absorb them, and then manifest them. things.

"I know you're in a hurry, but it's useless." After Han Zhao defeated the giant phantom of the real king, another ghost phantom of the real king descended from the black mist, but facing the big day Tathagata's dharma body was like a copper wall and an iron wall. His offensive and defensive abilities couldn't touch him at all.

Han Zhao began to concentrate on analyzing the power of the Space Law of Qianling Bingzhu.

As he continued to analyze the lines of law transformed by the laws of space, the space transformed by the "mind world" of Qianling Bingzhu appeared turbulent again, and the space faintly showed signs of collapse.

"Han Zhao!!"

A sharp and ear-piercing shout resounded through the void, the black mist at the top of the city parted from the middle, and black tentacles like tree roots protruded out.

Immediately afterwards, the Thousand Spirit Soldier Master appeared, and he had now turned into a strange form with a human upper body and a tree root lower body.

It's just that the aura of Qianling Bingzhu has weakened a lot at this moment.

"I want you to die!" Qianling Bingzhu completely lost his previous indifference, and now his face was distorted, full of violence.

Originally, he brought Han Zhao into the "Psychic World", and he thought he had the chance to win.

Unexpectedly, everything seemed to be calculated by Han Zhao.

He never expected that the three laws he majored in overlapped with Han Zhao's, and Han Zhao also trained two more laws of power than him.

Who is the demon?

He was devoured by Han Zhao one after another with the power of the three laws, and the true king absorbed in the "Heart Vision World" was also defeated by Han Zhao, and he has suffered heavy losses at this moment.

If Han Zhao continues to analyze the remaining two laws, his "psychic world" may collapse, and he will completely lose the ability to resist.

Therefore, the Qianling soldier master tried his best to get out of Han Zhao's soul space and fight him head-on despite being seriously injured.

"You are the one who is going to die!" Han Zhao sneered, since the Thousand Spirit Warrior Master appeared in the world of "Psychic World", the next battle will be easier.

Han Zhao's devilish energy shot up into the sky, and he used the body of a real devil.

Dark golden scales spread all over his body in an instant, and the power of the law of destruction gathered in his body.

The three-headed and six-armed nirvana dharma phase attached to his body, and then merged with the dharmakaya of Dainichi Tathagata.

Han Zhao used the Buddha Demon Golden Body for a long time.

At this time, Han Zhao, who was located between the eyebrows of the Buddha's golden body, looked indifferent, and made a formula with both hands at the same time.

A huge ball of white light flew out of his palms.

In the seemingly ordinary white light ball, it is full of countless spirit patterns the size of a needle eye.

"This is?!" Qianling Bingzhu was stunned, and his eyes widened suddenly. The power of the law of time and the law of space was actually integrated in this spirit pattern, and the two laws could be integrated into one.

Han Zhao clapped his hands, and the white ball of light burst instantly.

The spirit pattern the size of a needle eye burst into flames and rose wildly.

Translucent ripples suddenly appeared in the void where the "Psychic World" was located, and fell on the top of Qianling Bingzhu's head in an instant.The white light in the sky formed a huge white light group, surrounding the Qianling Bing Master.

At the same time, there is obviously no power of the law of time in Qianling Bingzhu's "mind world", but the power of the law of time in the white light group has not been suppressed at all, as if the white light group formed itself One world, which belongs to independent space.

"Spiritual Realm?!! This is impossible!!!" Qianling Bingzhu lost his voice.

At this moment, he was terrified. This spiritual domain is comparable to the "Psychic World" in which the Nine Nether Heavenly Demons materialize, and the spiritual domain is even more solid. At this moment, the "Psychic World" has been severely damaged by the Qianling Warrior Master who has been completely lost. The courage to fight Han Zhao to the death.


The Thousand Spirit Soldier Lord erupted with astonishing power, his body enlarged infinitely, and the spherical white light cluster became an ellipsoid, as if he could break through the domain in the next moment.

boom! ! !
"The ten directions will be destroyed!"

Seeing this situation, Han Zhao made a tactic with both hands, and the golden body of the Buddha Demon performed the strongest killing move of the top ten martial arts.

The "Heart World", which was already on the verge of collapse, suddenly shattered, as if the sky and the earth were torn apart. World", and finally poured into the pseudo-spiritual realm.

For the first time, Han Zhao used the power of the pseudo-spiritual domain to the extreme.

"Ah——!!!" The white light group suddenly magnified several times, and the Thousand Spirit Warrior Master let out an unwilling roar, and the terrifying spiritual pressure and the source power of the heavenly demon erupted, and he was ready to fight to the death.

However, the "Psychic World" has collapsed. While absorbing the power of law overflowing from the "Psychic World", Han Zhao is supplemented by the aura of heaven and earth from the outer space, plus the supernatural power bonus of "Swinging Demon Emperor", Qianling The soldier's master is already the turtle in the urn, and it is impossible to escape with his wings!


At the intersection of the outer world and the source world, the void where the space fluctuations originally appeared suddenly collapsed, and a huge space black hole appeared. Terrifying suction came from the space black hole, and spiritual energy poured into it like a funnel.

"what happened?!"

"Fast back!"

Yuan Xiyu and Zhenren Yanri who were on the edge of the black hole were caught off guard and were almost sucked into the black hole. Immediately, they mobilized their mana and quickly retreated.

The battle lasted for less than an hour. Just now there was a violent fluctuation in the "Heart World" of Master Qianling. Mind World".

Immediately afterwards, in less than a moment, the "mind world" collapsed.

From it came the scream of the Thousand Spirit Warrior Lord.

"It's over?" Yuan Xiyu looked at Master Zheri.

"?" Reverend Jieri showed a puzzled expression, how could she know.

At this time, Han Zhao flew out of the black hole of space, and various threads of laws were still entwined in the void around him.

I saw Han Zhaochong arched his hands to the two of them, then absorbed the thread of law in the void into his body, and then gathered the overflowing demonic yin energy.

Immediately afterwards, Han Zhao entered the fragments of the collapsed "Psychic World".

"Master Qianling is dead?" Yuan Xiyu murmured.

"That's true." Master Zheri nodded subconsciously, because the terrifying spiritual pressure belonging to the Qianling soldier master had been weakened to the extreme in a very short period of time, and there was no other possibility except being killed by Han Zhao.

Fortunately, they were still worried about Han Zhao.

"The sky in the source world is about to change!" Master Zheri was a little worried.

"System, recharge the origin of the demon!"

Han Zhao returned to the fragments of the "Psychic World" and recharged the system with the heart magic rules and devouring rules of Qianling Bingzhu.

At the same time, he began to absorb the yin energy of the heavenly demon left by the Qianling soldier master.

[Law of Space: Mastery Progress 5%]

[Law of Destruction: Mastery Progress 12%]

[Law of Strength: 12% Mastery Progress]

"Both the law of destruction and the law of strength have been increased by 2%, and the law of space has been increased by 1%." Han Zhao looked at the attribute of the power of law that he had increased, and felt that it was much faster than cultivation.

It's just that it is too dangerous to enter the Heavenly Demon's "Psychic World" to fight. If he hadn't learned the ability of the Thousand Spirit Warrior Master in advance through simulation, he would not take the risk.

Just when Han Zhao realized the change in strength brought about by the increase in the power of the law, the system panel suddenly burst into colorful light.

【The system upgrade is complete! 】

"Finally the upgrade is complete!" Han Zhao's eyes lit up, and he immediately recited silently.


【Collect all 400 units of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, is it possible to synthesize an entry? 】

[Consume 160 units of Omen Yin Qi, 2000 spirit crystals or Omen Stones to perform a simulation. 】

[Current balance: 6161 Sky Demon Stones]

"The will of heaven and earth in the source world has undergone unexpected changes. The aura of heaven and earth has recovered in advance, and the suppression of the demons by the power of the realm has begun to decrease. I have killed Qianqiu and Qianling. What will be the reaction."

"Looks like it's time to look for the "Reincarnation Seal" sooner. "Han Zhao thought to himself.

"Time Seal", "Space Seal", and "Reincarnation Seal", as long as one can get one, the chances of becoming an emperor in the simulation will greatly increase.

If he got all the three seals, he would have the hope of merging the laws of chaos and becoming the most powerful person beyond the Heavenly Emperor.

"System, start the simulation."

[240 Nine years old, you successfully broke through to the cave realm and survived the catastrophe of gods and demons.The Lord of Soldiers of Thousand Spirits came and was killed by you. You absorbed the power of his law, and your strength increased greatly. 】

[At this time, the world of the source world has changed drastically.According to your calculations, in more than a hundred years, the source world will completely lose its suppression of high-level practitioners. 】

"Sure enough something went wrong!" Han Zhao focused his eyes, and immediately controlled himself in the simulation to set off a catastrophe ahead of time, allowing all the caves to return to the embrace of the source world.

[The big caves have returned to the source world, and the world has changed drastically. Before the arrival of the powerful men from the heaven and demon world, you took the "Qian Tian Palace" to the heaven world. 】


[One thousand and seven hundred years old, your cultivation has broken through to the third level of refining gods, you secretly sneaked into the Taiming sky, looking for the inheritance left by the emperor of heaven, but was severely injured by the Jiuyou Tianmo. 】


[Relying on the 'replacement puppet', you avoided two fatal injuries.Finally, the secret treasure of the Emperor of Heaven was opened, and you entered a different space. 】

[The remnant soul of the Emperor of Heaven discovered the imitation of the "Seal of Reincarnation" on your body, and immediately asked you where you got the two seals. 】

[You tell the truth, the remnant soul of the Emperor of Heaven confirmed that what you said is true, he used the remaining power to activate the "time stamp" to pour your body, so that your physique will change. 】

[Because of the power of "Time Stamp" and the fate effect of "Lord of Time", your physique has evolved into a "Holy Body of Time". 】

[Afterwards, the remnant soul of the Emperor of Heaven will give you the "Time Stamp" and use his last strength to let you go back to the past. 】

"Why didn't he pass on the "Chaos Star Atlas" to me this time? ! "

Han Zhao focused his eyes, and the repeated simulation situation changed.

[You returned to the source world more than 1000 years ago, and you were surprised to find that you still retained a part of your cultivation base, and possessed a perfect cultivation base at the first stage of supernatural powers. 】

"Could it be the effect of the Holy Body of Time?!"

[You appeared on the battlefield where the Heavenly Demon and the Human Race were fighting, and because of your sudden appearance, the supernatural powers of the two races were shocked. 】

【You helped the Martial God of the Great Qin Empire to kill all the heavenly demons, and your astonishing strength aroused the amazement of others. 】

【Invitation from God of War of the Great Qin Empire, you thought twice, and finally decided to refuse, and left the battlefield. 】

[Just as you were looking for a place to clear the mark left by the demon, you were overtaken by the demon in the Holy Master Realm. 】

[Because there is no suppression of the will of the plane, you are at an absolute disadvantage in the face of the Heavenly Demon of the Holy Master Realm, which is three realms higher than you, and you will use all the final means. It all ends together. 】

"." Looking at the information in the simulation, Han Zhao fell silent. He didn't expect that the Holy Lord, who was crushed to death like a chicken in the past, would be so strong without the suppression of the power of the realm.

[The simulation is over, you can choose two of the following]

[[-]. Obtain the physique 'Time Holy Body' (choose this option to get a free refresh chance)]

[[-]. Obtaining the cultivation base of the third level of refining gods (including but not limited to realm, mana, supernatural power)]

[[-]. "Time Stamp" (Refreshable for a fee)]

[[-]. Randomly obtain a spirit treasure that appeared in the simulation]

[[-]. Randomly obtain an elixir that appeared in the simulation]

[[-]. Randomly obtain a rule comprehended in the simulation]

"The options have changed!" Han Zhao stared at the options after the simulation ended.

The cultivation base and realm options are combined into one.

And you can directly choose the power of law, which is too exaggerated!

"I choose one and three."

Han Zhao chose the Eucharist of Time and the "Time Stamp" without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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