Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 294 Time-Space Immortal Physique!News from Space India!

Chapter 294 Time-Space Immortal Physique! News of "Space Seal"! (big cup)
With the end of the choice, Han Zhao's whole body burst into misty white light.

In the brilliance, there is a very strong power of law.

Soon, Han Zhao discovered an inexplicable change in his body.

It is a wonderful state like an epiphany.

[Time Holy Body]: The special physique favored by the power of time can enhance the affinity of the law of time and increase the speed of practicing time-like exercises; the first holy body in ancient and modern times that can continuously evolve with the progress of mastering the law of time, A powerful physique that surpasses ordinary fairy bodies.

Han Zhao's eyes suddenly froze.

Originally, he thought that the Eucharist was not worthy of his current cultivation, but he did not expect that the Eucharist of Time would be hailed as the number one Eucharist in ancient and modern times.

[Law of Time: 7% Mastery Progress]

Han Zhao soon noticed that the mastery of the Law of Time had directly increased by 2%.

He killed Qianling Bingzhu only to increase the progress of the law of destruction and law of strength by 2%, and the law of space only increased by 1%.

Now just by obtaining a Time Eucharist, his progress in mastering the Law of Time has increased by 2%, which is really an exaggeration.

It can be seen that the Eucharist of Time has great potential for exploration.

After familiarizing himself with the physical changes, Han Zhao looked at a golden seal floating in the void in front of him.

"Is this the "time stamp"? "

Han Zhao held the golden seal in his hand, and the "Time Seal" in front of him had no spiritual fluctuations, just like a stone painted with gold paint.

"Why is it different from the simulation?" Han Zhao asked suspiciously.

[Time Seal]: The treasure that contains the origin of the Dao, has the power to control time.Controlling the "time seal" can reduce the difficulty of mastering the power of the law of time, greatly increase the chance of breaking through, and reduce the chance of backlash from heaven.

[The current "Time Seal" lacks the spirit of the Dao, and its grade has been reduced to an innate Dao weapon, and the Emperor Realm can be activated by the law of time. 】

"???" Han Zhao looked at the system's description and prompt about "Time Stamp", with question marks all over his face.

"Only in the emperor's realm can it be mobilized, what do I want to do?"

【Supplemented by the will of the world and the merits of heaven, the "time seal" can give birth to a new spirit of the great way, completely dominated by you, reducing the backlash of heaven and eliminating the hidden dangers left by the previous master. 】

[Current system upgrade, this tip is free. 】

"Eliminate the hidden dangers left by the previous owner. It seems that my guess is correct. The Emperor of Heaven has indeed left behind." Han Zhao looked at the system's prompt and felt awe-inspiring.

How could the Heavenly Emperor, who had reached the peak of He Dao and was known as the strongest Taoist monarch by the two supreme laws of time and space, be willing to be defeated like this.

Even if the Heavenly Emperor had no bad intentions, after his defeat, after a long time, the souls left behind by him may not be born with new consciousness.

"That is to say, the current "time stamp" is of no use to me, but a trouble. "

Han Zhao's expression darkened slightly.

"If you want to activate the "time stamp", you need the time law of the emperor's realm. But I have deliberately obtained the "time stamp" to increase the chance of breaking the realm, but without the spirit of the great way and the time law of the emperor's realm, I can't control it "Time Stamp". "

Han Zhao felt trapped in an endless loop.

"Unless... kill the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon who has mastered the law of time in the simulation, or a strong man in the emperor realm voluntarily strips the source of the law of time he has mastered to fulfill me."

These two conditions cannot be achieved in reality, and even in simulation, it is as difficult as heaven.

The Jiuyou Heavenly Demon who has mastered the supreme law is definitely the most powerful person in the same rank.

Han Zhao had reached the perfection of the third stage of refining the gods in the simulation. With the power of the pseudo-spiritual domain of time and space, if he wanted to defeat the ordinary Jiuyou Tianmo, he had to bear a lot of risks.

Facing the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon who also masters the law of time, then the reliance for him to leapfrog the battle does not exist.

"Now all the entries have evolved into fate. They can't beat them in simulation, and they can't beat them in reality."

Han Zhao felt helpless.

Unless, like before, the character explodes and triggers the instant death effect of [Emperor Smash Demon].

"The remnant soul of the Emperor of Heaven can activate the "Time Seal", but obviously his power is only one-time," Han Zhao pondered in his heart.

In the simulation, after the "Time Stamp" took him back to the past, he lost his power, so he exchanged the "Time Stamp" and ended up in an inactive state.

And according to the system's prompt, if the former master, the Remnant Soul of the Heavenly Emperor, is allowed to activate the "Time Stamp", it is likely to leave hidden dangers.

After thinking for a while, Han Zhao has sorted out his thoughts.

The core of the next simulation is to activate the "time stamp".

Excluding killing Jiuyou Tianmo and the emperor, he can also try to attack the emperor's realm by himself.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao said silently: "System."

【Collect all 240 units of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, is it possible to synthesize an entry? 】

[Consume 160 units of Omen Yin Qi, 2000 spirit crystals or Omen Stones to perform a simulation. 】

[Current balance: 4161 Sky Demon Stones]

"Start the simulation."

[240 Nine years old.]

【You took the "Qiantian Palace" to ascend to the heaven. 】

"Since this is the case, you can follow the old path of the previous simulation."

Han Zhao thought to himself, and began to enter the immersive simulation.

He took the "Qiantian Palace" and ascended to Guanglingtian, one of the "Next Ten Heavens".

Then, while cultivating in Guanglingtian, I searched for a way to enter the Daguang Tomorrow in the "Shang Ten Heavens".

You think that if you want to become the Emperor of Time, or obtain the origin of the Nine Nether Heavenly Demon who masters the laws of time, it is more efficient to seek refuge in Daguang Tomorrow's 'Baolun Emperor'.

Although Emperor Baolun had assassinated him in the previous simulation, Han Zhao still faced a huge crisis by relying on the immersive simulation. It took nearly 300 years to find a way to enter Daguang tomorrow.

During this period, Han Zhao experienced several battles that narrowly escaped death.

True Monarchs, who are rarely seen in the lower realms, can be seen everywhere in the heavens, but they can be seen basically in places with rich resources, and some secret realms even appear together.

With Han Zhao's background and the cultivation base of a true king of one calamity, he can also compete with the true kings of the third level of refining gods and the heavenly demons, but the methods and trump cards possessed by the true kings of the heavens are endless.

In a battle with the Three Tribulations True Monarch, Han Zhao was severely injured one after another by the innate spirit treasures possessed by the other party. If he hadn't mastered the time-space pseudo-spiritual field and had a "substitute puppet", he might have been killed by the other party .

Since then, Han Zhao has been more careful in the simulation.

[At the age of 520, your cultivation has broken through to the second stage of refining gods, and you have successfully entered Daguang tomorrow. 】

[In the next few short decades, you made a great name in Daguang tomorrow, and finally attracted the attention of Daguang Shengjiao and Baolun Dijun. 】

[After a friendly conversation, you were persuaded by Emperor Baolun to join the Holy Cult of Great Light. 】

【Emperor Baolun is very curious about your origin, and found that you have ascended from the source world, and you have cultivated to the second level of god refining in just over 500 years, so he will accept you as a closed disciple. 】

[You originally came here to gather the wool of Emperor Baolun, and you hit it off with Emperor Baolun and became his closed disciple. 】

[Because you have the power of multiple laws, Emperor Baolun recommends that you re-cultivate. 】

"Of course it has to be rebuilt."

Han Zhao controls his own reincarnation in the simulation. Before reincarnation, he first went back to Guanglingtian and entrusted the "Time Seal" to his eldest daughter Han Nianxuan.

At this time, Han Nianxuan's cultivation has reached the third level of heaven and man, and she specializes in the law of destruction and the law of life and death in the formula of longevity.

[In less than 200 years, you have recultivated to the perfection of the three realms of heaven and man. 】

[Afterwards, under the 'entrustment' of Emperor Baolun, you will go to the Da Luotian secret realm 'Guangling Immortal Realm' to compete for the nine 'Innate Dao Fruits' born on the 'Chaos Dao Tree'. 】

【This time, you will go with Han Nianxuan and Han Yan who are also at the peak of heaven and man. 】

[Baolun Emperor was amazed that your sons and daughters were also amazingly talented, so he spent all his money, and at the same time bestowed the three treasures of "Time Clock", Nightmare Dragon Horn, and "Great Sun Treasure Wheel".Because of refining the Horn of the Nightmare Dragon, the Demon Dragon Blade finally became an innate spiritual treasure, and its power was greatly increased. 】


[You enter the Guangling Immortal Realm and compete for the Guangling Dao Fruit with the peerless arrogance from the top forces in the heaven and demon world. 】

[After a bloody battle, you won a Dao Fruit. 】

[You wanted to leave, but Han Yan said that one dao fruit is not enough, because you have to hand in one to Emperor Baolun, so you have to grab another one for you to take at least. 】

【You were greatly moved by Han Yan's filial piety, but immediately said that it was enough.Continue to fight to be the target of public criticism. 】

[Han Yan said that if such an opportunity is lost, there will be no more. He joined the battle group again, showed his might, killed three holy masters in the demon world, and won another innate dao fruit. 】

[Han Yan's move has attracted siege from various forces.You and Han Nianxuan had to participate in the battle. During the fierce battle, he was attacked by a celestial being from the "Whirling Heaven" Reincarnation Dao Sect with his innate spiritual treasure, and his body died.Han Nianxuan was also seriously injured. 】

[You were furious and launched a crazy attack on the heavenly beings of the Samsara Dao Sect. Finally, you joined forces with Han Nianxuan and used the two chances to save your life for the robbery puppet. You killed seven heavenly talents in a row, making everyone terrified, and won another congenital Dao fruit. 】

[The forces of the Great Bright Sacred Cult won three Innate Dao Fruits, which attracted the attention of all forces.Han's family and Qiantian Palace came into the sight of all high-level officials. 】

【Emperor Baolun personally came to meet you outside the Guangling Immortal Territory, and was overjoyed to learn that you had won three innate Dao fruits.And used the original power of the law of time on the spot to slow down the dissipation speed of Han Yan's spirit, and then returned to Daguang tomorrow to help Han Yan reincarnate and rebuild. 】

【Emperor Baolun spoke comforting words, saying that he would find Han Yan's reincarnation as soon as possible, and guide him to practice in the Great Bright Sacred Church. 】

【Afterwards, Emperor Baolun asked for one innate Dao fruit from you, promised the other two Dao fruits to be owned by you, and then gave many precious elixir to restore you and Han Nianxuan. 】

[Not long after, the emperor who was also the top power of the last ten days came to 'Daguang Tomorrow' and wanted to exchange a heavy treasure for an innate Dao fruit. 】

[Emperor Baolun came to discuss with you, because other emperors are easy to dismiss, but Emperor Xuanmiao of "Posuotian" and Emperor Kongming of "Xumerian" are respectively the top six emperors who practice the law of reincarnation and the law of space, and their strength is comparable to his. The difference is as if, and cannot be easily rejected. 】

【You understand the implication of Emperor Baolun, saying that one of the two Dao fruits has already been taken by Han Nianxuan, and the other one is going to be reserved for Han Yan after the reincarnation. 】

[Because Han Yan was murdered by the Heavenly Man of the Reincarnation Dao Sect under the command of Po Suotian Xuanmiao, and the disciples of Emperor Kongming also besieged you and Han Nianxuan together with the Holy Lord of the Demon Realm, so your sense of the two is extremely bad. 】

"Hmph!" Han Zhao smiled coldly, even though it was just what happened in the simulation, he felt extremely angry.

Nine innate Dao fruits, all of the same race, did not join forces to snatch the demons, but teamed up with the demons to snatch the same race.

However, the situation in the simulation is stronger than the people, and he can't die, so he can only write down this grudge.

[Dijun Baolun learned that you were going to leave the most precious treasures of Xiantian Daoguo to your son Han Yan instead of taking it himself. He was silent for a long time, and finally just sighed and left the scene. 】

[Afterwards, to your surprise, Emperor Baolun actually fought with Emperor Xuanmiao and Emperor Kongming separately, and sent them away with minor injuries. 】

"This..." Han Zhao was taken aback.

In the simulation, Emperor Baolun, who wanted to devour his power of law in order to recover from his injuries, would do this to such an extent.

[The other emperors saw that Emperor Baolun had a tough attitude, and after letting go of his harsh words, they left the Great Bright Sacred Church one after another. 】

【Emperor Baolun waited for everyone to leave, and announced that you would be appointed as the acting head of the church to take charge of the affairs of the church, and then went to retreat to recuperate. 】

[400 years later, after you have searched for Han Yan's reincarnation to no avail, Han Yan's reincarnation is the peak of the third level of heaven and man, and he ascended to Daguang tomorrow by himself. At this time, he has changed his name to Han Yan. 】

[Father and son are reunited, it is a great joy, your family talked about your family affection, and talked for three days and three nights. 】

[Because after Han Yan was reincarnated and recultivated, Xu Ling was overly sad and had no intention of practicing. After reaching the eighth rank of pseudo-supernatural powers, he did not make any progress for 400 years.Her lifespan has already passed a thousand years, breaking through the [-]-year-old upper limit of the pseudo-supernatural powers. If she hadn't practiced longevity formulas to prolong her life, and Han Zhao had replenished her essence with Luanfeng and Minggong, Xu Ling would have passed away. 】

[Aizi was lost and found again, Xu Ling was greatly encouraged, and started to practice again. In just a few decades, he cultivated to the realm of nine-turn pseudo-supernatural powers.Then it took another 100 years to successfully overcome the tribulation and achieve supernatural powers. 】

[After 1000 years of retreat, Emperor Baolun finally came out. 】

[When he left the customs, he discovered that the Han family had produced you, Han Nianxuan, Han Yan, and Han Miao, four true monarchs, and your cultivation has reached the consummation of the Three Tribulations True Monarchs. 】

[The Holy Cult of the Great Brightness is flourishing under your management. In more than a thousand years, three true monarchs have been born one after another, second only to the Han family. 】

【Emperor Baolun summoned you alone to persuade you to give up majoring in the law of time, and he will do his best to help you become an emperor with the law of space. 】

【You don't understand what Emperor Baolun means by this, so ask immediately. 】

[Emperor Baolun tells you that among the 33 heavens, only the "upper ten heavens" and the "three supreme heavens" can give birth to Daojun.However, the "lower ten days" and "middle ten days" can only give birth to those who are strong in the emperor realm. 】

[Furthermore, if you practice the same law, breaking through the emperor in the upper ten days and the highest day is much better than the emperor who breaks through in the next ten days and middle ten days.Because the laws of the last ten heavens and the three supreme heavens are almost flawless. 】

[However, even the upper ten heavens and the three supreme heavens, the emperors and daojuns that can be accommodated are limited. 】

[Although Daguang Tomorrow is vast and boundless, it can only accommodate a dozen or so emperors to practice at most. 】

【And practice the same law, although there can be more than two emperors, but there can only be one Taoist emperor in each realm. 】

[If Han Zhao becomes an emperor in Daguang tomorrow with the law of time, then he and Emperor Baolun will be in a life-and-death competition. 】

[Emperor Baolun tells you that unless you go to other realms to become an emperor with the law of time, once you become an emperor in Daguang tomorrow, he is very likely to fight you in the future in order to ensure the integrity of the law of time in Daguang tomorrow . 】

[Because in the realm of the emperor, the law of time can be condensed to a [-]% level to condense one time pattern, and to become a daojun, one must condense nine dao patterns. The time law of the great light is only enough to condense twelve Road pattern. 】

"No wonder!" Han Zhao felt awe-inspiring, it was the first time he knew such a secret.

"It seems that after practicing a certain law to a high level, it is unique. The laws of the same origin can devour each other and grow stronger, so this secret is blocked by the strong in the emperor's realm."

If he becomes an emperor with the law of time in Daguang tomorrow, it is naturally impossible to condense only three time dao patterns. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, who would give up the opportunity to become a daojun.

And even if he really wanted to, Emperor Baolun would not believe it.

"It seems that he treats me as his own, so he told me this secret."

Han Zhao looked a little weird.

"Go to other realms and use the law of time to attack the emperor's realm. As an outsider, I am afraid that I will be surrounded and suppressed by other emperors. This is courting death. If this world cannot conflict with Emperor Baolun, then the only option is to transfer cultivation."

If it were in reality, Han Zhao would naturally not compromise easily, but this is a simulation.

The main purpose of his simulation this time is to activate the "time stamp", so he has to find a way to live longer and deepen his background.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao took over the behavior in the simulation through the immersive simulation.

【After thinking about it, you express your deep appreciation for Emperor Baolun's cultivation, and you are willing to make way for his Daojun Road, and decide to switch to cultivation. 】

【Emperor Baolun was also greatly moved by your decisiveness. He told you that the path was prepared for you from the beginning, allowing you to use the power of the law of time to cultivate to the peak of the Three Tribulations True Monarch, and then switch to cultivation. 】

[Practice the law of time first, and then switch to the law of space or the law of reincarnation, which can greatly reduce the difficulty of switching, and the Holy Cult of Great Light has also included a "Treasure of the Universe" that can directly point to the way of the emperor of space. 】

[As for why you were not allowed to directly major in the law of space and practice 'Huanyu Baolu' at the beginning, it was because Emperor Baolun thought that although your talent was amazing, you did not practice the law of time to the perfection of the Three Tribulations True Monarch so quickly. 】

[In addition, although he has already condensed eight time dao patterns, he does not have much confidence in condensing the ninth time dao pattern and impacting the realm of time dao lord. 】

【Emperor Baolun told you that what he originally thought was that you might stay in the Realm of a True Monarch for tens of thousands of years before you have the foundation to attack the Realm of an Emperor. 】

【According to his expectation, if you and him practice the same cultivation technique 'Great Light and the Wheel Sutra', if he fails to attack the Daoist Lord, he can use the remaining power to help you achieve the realm of the Emperor of Time before the body and spirit are destroyed,】

[At that time, the orthodoxy of the Great Bright Sacred Cult can be continued, and if you can condense the six time patterns in the future, you can go back to the long river of time, enlighten his true spirit, help him recover Su Hui, and embark on the road of practice again. 】

【Emperor Baolun said, if you switch to the law of space to become an emperor, if he fails to attack the Dao Lord, he can also use the time dao pattern to help you accelerate the condensing of the space dao pattern and enhance your strength. 】

"It doesn't matter whether it's really cherishing talents or leaving a way out for yourself." Han Zhao pondered in his heart. Anyway, he regarded it as cooperation. With the lessons learned in the simulation, he didn't believe Baolun Dijun's one-sided words.

Everything depends on action, what he does.

【Emperor Baolun has already talked about this point. Although there are still some ways to explain clearly, the two of you tacitly did not mention it. 】

[After Emperor Baolun handed over the treasure record of the universe to you, you spent 800 years comprehending it, and finally comprehended the mystery of the treasure record of the universe. 】

[Afterwards, Emperor Baolun used the power of the law of time to condense the time circle and let you enter it to cultivate. You found that the time in the circle was 3:1 different from the time outside. 】

[Because the maintenance of the magic circle is very expensive and the number of people who can enter is limited, after obtaining the consent of Emperor Baolun, I discussed with my family and finally brought Han Nianxuan and Han Yan into the magic circle to practice. 】

[5000 years outside, 5000 years have passed in the magic circle. 】

[You have successfully condensed two immortal apertures, mastering the law of space to an exaggerated 20% progress; in order to increase the chance of breaking through the emperor, you are going to gather four more immortal apertures, master the space to 30%, and then hit the big bottleneck of returning to the void. 】

[You have practiced in the magic circle for more than 1 years, condensed three immortal apertures, and cultivated the treasure record of the universe to the limit of the current state. As a result, through the acquired practice, you obtained the Holy Body of Space, which has a strong resistance to the power of space. The perception is more profound. 】

[You have discovered that there is a mysterious and mysterious connection between the time holy body and the space holy body. The power of the time law that you have dispersed seems to have signs of reunion, and there are faint signs of fusion with the space law. 】

[Just when you were about to condense the sixth immortal aperture in one go, the bad news came. 】

【Emperor Baolun went to fight for the Secret Treasure of the Heavenly Emperor, but was severely injured by the Vientiane Heavenly Demon. 】

"What's going on? Didn't I hint it?" Han Zhao was startled when he looked at the information in the simulation.

Because Emperor Baolun was quite particular about the simulation this time, in order to avoid the tragedy of the last simulation, he secretly released the rumor, saying that Taimingtian's Heavenly Emperor's secret treasure is a trap of the Heavenly Demon Clan.

At that time, there was a lot of trouble in Daguang tomorrow. Even if Emperor Baolun didn't believe it, he definitely wouldn't dare to take the risk of confronting the Wanxiang Heavenly Demon.

"Go and have a look." Han Zhao entered the immersive simulation, left the magic circle, and found Emperor Baolun.

[Through the conversation with Emperor Baolun, you learned that he did not go to Taiming Tian to find the secret treasure of the Emperor of Heaven, but accidentally found the secret treasure of the Emperor of Heaven in the "Nether Heaven", one of the last ten heavens occupied by the demon, and encountered An attack by the Nine Nether Heavenly Demon who mastered the laws of space and reincarnation at the same time. 】

[Originally Emperor Baolun was evenly matched with the opponent, but the opponent suddenly used a treasure seal containing the power of space and injured him, and then he was attacked by Emperor Kongming who was traveling with him, causing more injuries. 】

"Could it be "Space Seal"? ! ! "Han Zhao stared.

【After the Emperor Baolun finished explaining some matters, he immediately began to retreat. 】

[In the next few hundred years, you blocked the temptations of many forces, repelled several times the attacks of the real king at the peak of the Three Tribulations, and your reputation was greatly shaken. 】

[Because Emperor Baolun does not come out all year round, his enemy Wanling Emperor came to his door, but you were repelled by you using the pseudo-space spiritual domain and replacing the life of the puppet. 】

[After this battle, your reputation has shaken 33 heavens. 】

[However, Emperor Baolun did not appear, and the news of his serious injury could not be concealed. 】

[After more than a hundred years, Emperor Kongming appeared. 】

[Under World War I, you tried all means, but you were still invincible. 】

[In a critical moment, Han Nianxuan and Han Yan broke through the barrier one after another, and they both broke through to the Emperor Realm at the same time.Under the eyes of everyone, go through the catastrophe of the emperor. 】

[And with the breakthrough of the two, the two condensed the emperor's immortal body at the same time.Your cultivation base will increase accordingly, directly condensing the sixth and seventh immortal apertures. 】

[At the same time, your time body and space body are perfectly fused, evolving into a unique space-time body!The law of time that was originally abandoned by you re-condenses in your body. 】

[At this time, due to lack of preparation, Han Nianxuan hastily crossed the tribulation, using the law of destruction to achieve the realm of the emperor. 】

[However, Han Yan, who became the emperor by the law of the origin of fire, was only slightly injured, and he showed amazing combat power as soon as he successfully crossed the catastrophe. 】

[Unfortunately, your father and son teamed up and still lost to Emperor Kong Ming who was in the Six Tribulations Realm. 】

[In times of crisis, Emperor Baolun appears]

(End of this chapter)

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