Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 295 Dacheng Immortal Physique!Shocking changes in secret storage!

Chapter 295 Dacheng Immortal Physique!Shocking changes in secret storage!
【Emperor Baolun wounded Emperor Kongming as soon as he made a move. 】

[In the end, you teamed up to severely injure Emperor Kongming.Just when Emperor Kongming was about to go all out, Emperor Baolun suddenly gave up. 】

[Emperor Kongming was convinced on the spot when he saw this, and said that everything was an accident. He was also deceived and deceived, and he acted against the Great Bright Sacred Church in a moment of confusion. 】

[Although we all know that Emperor Kongming is talking nonsense, but Emperor Baolun asked Emperor Kongming to send Shenyuan and Xianshi as an apology, so let's let it go. 】

【Emperor Kongming immediately made an oath to heaven, saying that as soon as he returns to Xumitian, he will immediately offer the source of God and the immortal stone. 】

【Seeing that Emperor Kongming made the oath of heaven, Emperor Baolun let him go on the spot. 】

[When Emperor Kongming leaves, Emperor Baolun will take you to the back mountain cave of the Great Bright Sacred Cult. 】

[Emperor Baolun tells you that he was injured by the power of the space law and the law of reincarnation of the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon, and then he was severely injured by Emperor Kongming's sneak attack, which hurt the original source. Originally, it would take at least tens of thousands of years of cultivation to stabilize the injury .As a result, because of the forceful shot just now, the injury has become so serious that the law of time cannot control it. Now let alone attacking the Taoist realm, even whether he can save his life has become a matter of debate. 】

【While speaking, Emperor Baolun's body is about to collapse, and he can no longer restrain the overflow of the power of the soul. 】

"Sure enough, he let Emperor Kongming go because he had no strength left to keep him." Han Zhao understood.

Although the price to be paid to kill an emperor is astonishing, but Emperor Kong Ming has come to kill them, and they have the advantage of fighting at home. According to Han Zhao's character, even if he pays a huge price, he must keep the opponent .

Emperor Kongming should have also guessed the reason why Emperor Baolun let him go.

However, he certainly did not dare to gamble.

【Emperor Baolun gives you two options. One is to reincarnate and re-cultivate, entrusting the Holy Cult of Great Light to you completely, and then you have to find his reincarnated body and ferry him back to the Great Way. 】

[Because the power of the emperor-level powerhouse has touched the origin of the law and involves the power of heaven, with his current injury, if he re-enters reincarnation and reincarnates, it will be difficult to retain his original memory. 】

[You have to rebuild to the peak of the Three Tribulations True Monarch before you can hope to completely restore all your memories.If he is robbed halfway, it means that the real body and spirit are destroyed.Because even a strong emperor has only one chance to reincarnate and rebuild. 】

[If you promise to be his protector, find his reincarnation, and support him all the way to the peak of the third-order true monarch, then he is willing to give you all the treasures he has accumulated over the years. 】

[After this incident of repelling Emperor Kongming, Emperor Kongming and other emperors did not dare to attack in a short time. Han Nianxuan and Han Yan became emperors, and the Holy Cult of Great Light can be saved for the time being. 】

[With his treasures, your chances of becoming an emperor with the law of space will also increase greatly. 】

【As for the second choice, he will dissipate the time pattern, strengthen the power of the law of time, protect the soul, and then enter the turtle's breath state. 】

[After about 3 years, he will be able to wake up again and recover most of his injuries. 】

[However, he will not wake up in the middle, and cannot be disturbed, just like a mortal, without any self-protection ability, an ordinary person can kill him.So you have to protect him until he wakes up. 】

[Before dissipating the time pattern, Emperor Baolun expressed his willingness to give you part of the original power of the law of time.Because he entered the turtle's breath state, he can't retain any power, so he has to transfer part of the power to you. 】

[You can use this part of the power to extend the duration of the time circle. 】

[But after he wakes up again, you have to return the original power of the remaining law of time to him. 】

[Of course, no matter which one you choose, you have to make a very strict oath of heaven. 】

"It's really tempting, but..." Caretaker Han frowned as he looked at the information in the simulation.

Although the imitation of Baolun Emperor this time was very kind to him, but in the previous simulation, Han Zhao did everything a disciple should do.However, in order to recover from his injuries and attack the Taoist realm, Emperor Baolun did not hesitate to kill him.

Emperor Baolun was able to become an emperor with the supreme law. I don't know how many catastrophes he has gone through, not to mention being cruel, but he will never be able to confide in others easily, let alone let others decide his fate.

"Whether you are a test or a trap"

Han Zhao calmed down.

[You made an extremely strict oath of heaven, saying that no matter what choice Baolun Emperor makes, you will fully assist in order to repay the grace of preaching and teaching. 】

【Emperor Baolun saw that you didn't even make a choice, so he swore a heavy oath in a way that approximated allegiance, and he couldn't help being moved by your sincerity.In the end, he chose Sangong to enter the turtle's breath state to recover from his injuries. 】

"'Someone Han swears in the simulation, what does it have to do with me Han Zhao?!"

Han Zhao snorted softly.

[Dijun Baolun dispersed seven of the eight time patterns, and sent another time pattern into your body. 】

[As soon as the time pattern enters the body, you immediately feel the power of the law of time is extremely active, and the newly awakened space-time fairy body is further improved. 】

[The vision also caught the attention of Emperor Baolun. He immediately checked your body and found that you have a physique that is highly compatible with the power of the law of time. 】

【However, Emperor Baolun didn't say much, he signaled you to leave on your own, then closed the cave and entered the turtle's resting state. 】

[After you left, you first visited the seriously injured Han Nianxuan, and on behalf of the leader, went to the treasury to take out extremely precious innate spiritual objects to heal Han Nianxuan.Since you have the key to the treasure house of Emperor Baolun, and you are healing the new emperor, the elders in the teaching center have no objections. 】

[Shortly, the Three Tribulations True Monarch under the seat of Emperor Kong Ming went to the Great Light Holy Cult, and sent Shenyuan and Immortal Stone, and the other party asked about the situation of Emperor Baolun. 】

[You tell the truth directly and tell the other party that Emperor Baolun is too seriously injured and has already been closed to death.If you don't believe me, you can take him to the cave to have a look. 】

[The other party was startled by your behavior, and immediately said he didn't dare. 】

[Afterwards, you spent hundreds of years, failed countless times, and wasted eight innate spiritual things, your alchemy finally broke through the realm of super-level perfection and reached the holy level. 】

[In the end, you refined the psychic elixir and helped Han Nianxuan recover from his injuries in just 200 years. 】

[During the period, you found that although you can use the time pattern in your body to activate the time magic circle, you can't absorb any power from the time pattern at all, but this is within your expectations. 】

[Although it cannot be used directly, the time pattern is always subtly affecting your physique, and the time-space fairy body is constantly evolving. 】

"Sure enough, there is a second hand!" Han Zhao understood in his heart.

The main purpose of this simulation has been achieved, the time dao pattern of the sixth-order peak time emperor should be more than enough to activate the "time stamp".

The rest of the simulation can be risked to death.

"You can try to practice the law of reincarnation with the imitation of the "Reincarnation Seal", which should be helpful to find the "Reincarnation Seal". "

"Or, try to hit the Emperor Realm in the simulation. Anyway, as long as you don't choose a cultivation level, it won't affect the foundation of reality, and you can also increase some experience in breaking the realm."

"If you have the cultivation base of the Emperor Realm, and then go to find the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon who is suspected to have obtained the "Space Seal", the chances of winning will be greater. "

After many simulations, Han Zhao also summed up the rules of the items appearing in the options. Generally speaking, the things he directly touched and owned in the simulation will appear directly in the options, and then can be found out by refreshing. what you want.

As for the things that appear in the simulation, but he has not seen or touched them with his own eyes, they are extremely random, and it is still unknown whether they can be refreshed.

After all, the Heavenly Demon Yin Qi and spirit crystals he currently possessed were far from enough for him to squander.

Han Zhao planned the next path, and then took over the actions in the simulation through the immersive simulation.

[In the next 1 years, you stay in the time-space circle, while using the imitation seal of "Samsara Seal" to comprehend the law of reincarnation, while trying to condense the eighth immortal aperture.As a result, both failed. 】

"This law of reincarnation is so difficult to comprehend?!" Han Zhao stared at the information in the simulation.

[You find that in the process of condensing the immortal aperture, you always feel that there is an inexplicable lack of the space law you have comprehended, but you can't find the problem. 】

[You find that your cultivation has reached the limit of your current realm, and you can no longer improve.So after making some preparations, he tried to retreat and use the law of space to attack the emperor's realm. 】

[After another 1000 years of retreat, you feel that the breakthrough process is going well, and when the breakthrough is about to happen naturally, the Time Immortal Physique reacts violently, and your body uncontrollably arouses the power of the law of time between heaven and earth. 】

[In the end, your breakthrough failed, and the power of the law of time has been absorbed out of control in the fairy aperture, and it is intertwined with your power of the law of space, which cannot be cleared and transformed. 】

"Space-Time Immortal Physique. Could it be a physique that can assist both the Law of Time and the Law of Space. And according to the situation in the simulation, wouldn't it be necessary to practice the Law of Time and the Law of Space?"

Han Zhao pondered in his heart.

Through groping in the simulation, he already had a general understanding of the abilities of the Time-Space Immortal Physique, but he didn't expect that there were still undiscovered abilities.

From the simulation, he rummaged through the library of the Daguang Shengjiao, and only found physical records similar to the Holy Body of Time and the Holy Body of Space.

The Time-Space Immortal Physique is very likely to be a special physique brought about by the [Lord of Time] fate, and it may have never appeared before.

It may also be that his level is not high enough, and he doesn't know more secrets, just like the doorway of Daowen. If Emperor Baolun hadn't told him, he might only come into contact with the Emperor Realm.

Maybe with Emperor Baolun's insight, he may know more secrets, but Han Zhao can't ask directly.

"Forget it! Be reckless!" Han Zhao said in a heartbeat, the simulation is for trial and error.

[The failure of this breakthrough made you feel that it is necessary to also learn the law of time. Maybe you can use the time-space fairy body, the law and the law of space at the same time to break through the shackles of the emperor realm in one fell swoop. 】

【So, you started to practice the "Chaos Star Atlas" you got from the Emperor of Heaven. 】

[I don't know if it's because of the effect of the Time-Space Immortal Physique, or the incomparable magic of the "Chaos Star Map", but your speed of rebuilding the law of time is much faster than expected. 】

[However, in just 2000 years, you have mastered the law of time to an exaggerated 30% progress, and the eighth immortal aperture has faint signs of successful cohesion. 】

"Sure enough!" Han Zhao's eyes lit up.

It's a pity that he in the simulation has already sworn a heavy oath, and he can't use the law of time to attack the emperor's realm, otherwise, even if he succeeds, he will be swallowed by heaven.

That didn't stop him from trying in simulation, though.

"See if the time streak can be used by me."

[In order to condense the eighth immortal aperture, you began to try to refine the time pattern left in your body by Emperor Baolun.It turns out that the time pattern seems to be integrated into one body without any flaws, and you can't absorb the power in it at all. 】

[But you don't give up, you start to study the classics about the law of time. 】

[In the end, after thousands of years of research and refinement, the time pattern in your body finally loosened, and you successfully refined a trace of the law of time left by the emperor and powerhouse. 】

[Soon, the 'Lord of Time' fate came into effect, and you found that your physique had undergone inexplicable changes, and the law of time in your body showed signs of becoming substantial. 】

[After thousands of years of hard work, the law of time you absorbed from the Dao pattern actually crystallized and turned into crystal grains. 】

【Although you haven't broken through the Emperor Realm, you feel a qualitative change in your strength. 】

"In this way, we can go."

[You sneaked into the 'Nether Heaven' secretly, looking for news about the Heavenly Emperor's Secret Treasure. When you found the Heavenly Emperor's Secret Treasure, you found that the place was surrounded by demons, guarded by the Nine Nether Heavenly Demons. 】

[So you hide your whereabouts and look for opportunities to sneak in. 】

[As a result, you squatted and guarded for hundreds of years, and the demon side didn't give any chance at all. 】

[You decided not to wait in vain, but to break through the level directly. 】

【Under the majesty of the time-space pseudo-spiritual domain, all the Xuanyin Heavenly Demons are not your single-handed enemies, even the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon, after a fierce battle with you, was repelled by you. 】

【You successfully sneaked into the Heavenly Emperor's Secret Vault, and found that the secret treasury is divided into inner and outer layers. The outer layer has been opened wide, obviously someone has already been there, but the inner layer is tightly closed. 】

[You want to use the power of the law of space to try to open the inner portal, but you failed in the end.So you used the magical powers in the "Chaos Star Map" to try to break through the door, and opened the inner door in one fell swoop. 】

[However, when you enter the inner layer, what appears is not the remnant soul of the Emperor of Heaven, but Emperor Kong Ming. 】

[At this time, the situation of Emperor Kongming is obviously wrong, and his breath is much weaker than when he was fighting with you. 】

【As soon as you appeared, Emperor Kong Ming launched a fierce attack on you without saying a word. 】

[Even if your strength has greatly improved, and Emperor Kongming's strength has been damaged, but as the supreme powerhouse of the Six Tribulations Emperor who practiced the Supreme Law, the spatial spiritual domain he has mastered is so powerful that it is almost a world of its own.After a fierce battle, your space-time pseudo-spiritual domain gradually lost. 】

[At a critical moment, you took out the "time stamp" and wanted to use the time pattern to activate the "time stamp", but found that the time pattern was out of control at all, but the time grains in the body were absorbed by the "time stamp". 】

【"Time stamp!!!" As soon as you released the "time stamp", Emperor Kong Ming recognized it, surprised and delighted, with an unbelievable expression on his face. 】

[In the end, you used the "Time Seal" to severely injure Emperor Kong Ming and break through his spatial spiritual domain, but your mana is almost exhausted. 】

[You escaped from the Heavenly Emperor’s Secret Collection, another Jiuyou Heavenly Demon arrived, and the other party released a treasure seal in the shape of a "Time Seal", you resisted desperately, but you were unable to activate the "Time Seal", and finally you Using the robbing puppet, he blew himself up and attacked Jiuyou Tianmo, but he was still captured by the opponent. 】

"It's over." Han Zhao retreated from the immersive simulation and said silently in his heart.

"Stop simulation!"

[The simulation is over, you can choose two of the following]

[[-]. Obtain the physique 'Time and Space Immortal Physique Dacheng']

[[-]. Obtaining the cultivation base in the simulation · the peak of the third level of god refining · seven immortal apertures】

【[-]. Time pattern】

[[-]. The original grain of the law of time]

[[-]. Innate Dao Fruit]

[[-]. Randomly obtain a spirit treasure that appeared in the simulation]

[[-]. Randomly obtain an elixir that appeared in the simulation]

[[-]. Randomly obtain a law comprehended in the simulation]

(End of this chapter)

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