Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 302 The Great Way Seal Appears!The real king perishes!

Chapter 302 "The Seal of the Great Dao" Appears!The real king perishes!
After Sanling Zhenjun explained the situation to the other five Zhenjuns, Jiuyuan Zhenjun of Qinglan Daozong immediately said that he would go to "Qiantian Palace" to find Han Zhao.

Compared with Han Zhao's acquisition of the Liangyi Mote Array, which is the secret of the Qinglan Taoist Sect, Jiuyuan Zhenjun pays more attention to Han Zhao's cultivation of the formation. No matter what, he can set up the Liangyi Mote Array, and can make a supernatural power The presidency of the warriors in the realm poses a threat to the strong ones in the real monarch realm, which shows that the people who set up the formation have extremely profound cultivation.

Coupled with the fact that Han Zhao has cultivated into a true king in just over 200 years, this kind of talent is also rare in the world.

Maybe Han Zhao is the reincarnation of a certain ancestor emperor of Qinglan Daozong to reincarnate, or be inherited by the ancestors of Qinglan Daozong.

If such a genius can be drawn into the sect, it would be considered a great achievement.

Therefore, at the instigation of True Monarch Three Spirits, all the True Monarchs wanted to go to "Qiantian Palace" to meet this genius.

A group of eight people went straight to "Qiantian Palace".

This made the heavenly beings of the three great caves who came to meet the true king of the heaven a little confused.

"Why didn't senior Zhenjun enter the cave, and just left?!"

"Look at the direction they went, could it be "Qiantian Palace"?Are you looking for Han Zhao? "

"It seems that there is a good show to watch."

"what for?"

"Han Zhao has threatened us so much, and now he has turned into a turtle in the face of the evil dragon and the troubled times. Naturally, the seniors of the real king are going to ask for guilt!"

"The Eight Great True Monarchs are here! Everyone has to bow their heads! Let's go and have a look!"

The three celestial beings drove the light and galloped towards the "Qiantian Palace".

Although the Eight Great True Monarchs did not fly with all their strength, their escape speed was far superior to that of heavenly beings. Therefore, when the three heavenly beings rushed to the mouth of the Nanzhan Sea where the "Qiantian Palace" was located, they saw only seven True Monarchs in the "Qiantian Palace". On both sides of the "Tiangong", the Jiuyuan Zhenjun of Qinglan Daozong stood in the sky at the top of the "Qiantian Palace", with an extremely dignified expression on his face, scurrying back and forth like a headless chicken.

"This is."

The three celestial beings focused their gazes, and it seemed that Zhenjun Jiuyuan had fallen into some kind of formation, but the three of them didn't feel any spiritual power fluctuations at all.

At this time, after hovering around the top of the "Qiantian Palace" for a while, Jiuyuan Zhenjun finally stopped, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said helplessly: "Fellow Daoist Han, I didn't expect you to have these two appearances The dust array is so strong."

"Pindao has surrendered." Nine Yuan Zhenjun slapped him.

"Concession." Han Zhao's voice came from "Qiantian Palace".

Immediately afterwards, Han Zhao's figure appeared from the "Qiantian Palace", and he was seen holding a black and white flag and waving it lightly.

True Monarch Jiuyuan, who stood still and didn't dare to move, felt his whole body relax, and the originally terrifying pressure dissipated without a trace.

"The Liangyi Mote Formation deployed by Fellow Daoist Han has at least one-tenth of the power of my Qinglan Dao Protecting Sect Formation. If the fight continues, the poor Taoist may be in danger of life." Jiuyuan Zhenjun said with emotion road.

"Jiuyuan Daoist is serious. Speaking of which, these two instrument dust formations originally came from the Qinglan Taoist sect, and Han just obtained some superficial aspects of this formation." Han Zhao smiled.

The other party broke into the formation as soon as they came up, so he naturally had to make the other party suffer. Now that Jiu Yuan Zhenjun did not show any hostility, he didn't care about it.

Seeing that Han Zhao did not deny that the formation was laid by himself, Zhenjun Jiuyuan's eyes lit up, he confirmed what he was thinking, and immediately asked:
"The Liangyi Mote Formation is an undisclosed secret of our sect. It will never be easily spread to the outside world, and the formation is extremely difficult. I don't know where Daoist Han got the formation method? Can you tell me frankly?"

"One of Han's main exercises is the 'Huang Liang Dream Tribulation Sutra' of the Heavenly Sacred Cave. Han once used the projection ability of this exercise to enter a realm called 'Taixuan'. From there In the boundary area, he practiced with an expert for more than [-] years and got his true instruction, so he got the method of forming the formation of the two instrument dust formations. In addition, there is another one called Jiulong Dazheng Formation." Han Zhao explained.

"There is such a thing?" Jiuyuan Zhenjun was startled.

Although Han Zhao's explanation is difficult to distinguish between true and false, but for a top power like Qinglan Daozong with a powerful emperor, it is normal for the true emperor to travel abroad.

There are 33 heavens in the heavenly realm, but outside of the heavenly realm, there are still some undiscovered realms, and there are also realms comparable to the next ten days, or even the middle ten days. Because of the differences in the rules of the realms, some realms may enter It is impossible to leave easily, so the situation Han Zhao mentioned is not impossible.

The true monarch-level powerhouses of the Qinglan Taoist Sect are all qualified to read the Liangyi Mote Formation and the Nine Dragon Formation, but almost no one can successfully set up this formation.

Even if the formation is completely disclosed, Qinglan Daozong is not afraid at all.

Because the innate qi talisman at the core of the formation is the innate Taoist weapon unique to Emperor Qinglan, without this treasure, the Liangyi Mote Formation would not be able to exert its heaven-defying power to suppress and kill the powerful emperor.

However, Han Zhao was able to reproduce the Liangyi Mote Formation in the broken realm with thin spiritual energy like the source world, and his formation practice and talent were peerless. Therefore, after seeing the power of the formation method in person, Jiuyuan Zhenjun respected him. I'm getting more and more interested.

"Leaving aside this matter for the time being, Pindao sincerely invites Fellow Daoist Han to join my Qinglan Dao Sect. With your formation practice, you will definitely be cultivated by the emperor. Just by receiving the treasures rewarded by the emperor, there is hope that you will spend more time in the real world." The Yang catastrophe adds hundreds of thousands of years of life, and the emperor is in sight in the future. What do you think of Han Daoyou?"

True Monarch Jiu Yuan changed the subject and went straight to the point. He no longer cared how Han Zhao got the formation, as long as he entered the Qinglan Dao Sect, the emperor would figure out the whole story.

"Han has no plans to leave the source world for the time being. As for joining the Qinglan Dao Sect, please allow Han some time to think about it." Han Zhao replied.

"I hope Fellow Daoist Han can think about it carefully. After all, the sect's protective array can't be easily passed on." Jiuyuan Zhenjun smiled, but there was a hint of threat in his words.

"It's natural." Han Zhao nodded slightly, he never cared about the dead.

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Jiuyuan, we will discuss this matter later. We are here to deal with business." At this time, a big purple-haired man behind him said in a low voice.

"Hmph! Fellow Daoist Chi Rong's words are wrong. Could it be that the poor Taoist just did something serious?!" True Monarch Jiuyuan turned his head to look at the big purple-haired man, and snorted coldly.Compared with Han Zhao, his attitude towards the purple-haired man was much tougher.

The purple-haired man looked displeased, but he didn't continue to answer the conversation. Obviously, in terms of strength, he was not as good as Jiuyuan Zhenjun.

In fact, apart from True Monarch Three Spirits, all three of them are on the third stage of refining gods.Among the other five people, only True Monarch Jiuyuan has completed the second stage of refining gods.Of the other four, the one with the highest cultivation level was just entering the second level of refining gods.

Seeing that the purple-haired man did not speak, and the three true masters of the Titan Business Alliance did not intend to interrupt, Jiuyuan Zhenjun looked at Han Zhao again and explained:
"Fellow Daoist Han, I'm here to find out whether the formation formed by Fellow Daoist Han is from the Qinglan Dao Sect. The main purpose is to ask Fellow Daoist Han to join us in the action of slaying the dragon."

"Using the magical powers of the eight friends of Taoism, can we not destroy the demon dragon? Han is just a newcomer to the realm of refining gods, and he can protect himself by relying on the formation. I am afraid that he will not be able to deal with the demon dragon. If it is broken, fellow Taoists Han can't bear this responsibility." Han Zhao evaded.

"Really Han is too self-effacing!"

"You were able to kill Qian Qiu and Qian Ling when you were in the realm of heaven and man. Now that you have become a true king, are you still afraid of a demon dragon?"

The three celestial beings present finally found the opportunity to speak, and directly exposed Han Zhao's background.

"Presumptuous! I'm waiting for Zhenjun to speak, so you juniors don't have the right to intervene, get out!" Before Han Zhao could reply, Jiuyuan Zhenjun sternly reprimanded him.

The three celestial beings were shocked by Zhenjun Jiuyuan's loud shout, and they couldn't help subconsciously looking at the big man with purple hair, wanting to ask Zhenjun Chirong to uphold justice.

Unexpectedly, instead of speaking for them, True Lord Chi Rong frowned, and said in a deep voice, "If you tell you to get out, get out!"

"I'm waiting for my resignation!" The three celestial beings who were originally aloft in the cave were trained like grandsons at the moment, feeling extremely aggrieved, but they didn't dare to show the slightest bit, and immediately bowed and retreated.

Originally, they wanted to see Han Zhao being humiliated, but they didn't expect to be humiliated in public and become like clowns.

Looking at the other True Monarchs in the field, they all looked as usual. Obviously, those below the True Monarch Realm were not worth mentioning to them, even if they came from the same force.

After the three of them left in despair, Zhenjun Jiuyuan looked at Han Zhao again.

"Han Daoyou's "Qiantian Palace" is a pseudo-innate spiritual treasure of space. The dust array of two instruments is set on this treasure, and it can be moved to other places.When the magic dragon comes, Han Daoyou uses the "Qiantian Palace" and the Liangyi Mote Formation to deal with it, and temporarily traps the magic dragon, so that we have enough time to capture and kill this evil obstacle.Wouldn't it be great for us to share the essence of the dragon's flesh and blood equally?Otherwise, if the magic dragon escapes from our hands, the "Qiantian Palace" may not be spared by then. "Zhenjun Chi Rong spoke first, with a hint of refusal in his tone.

The other seven people were silent when they heard the words.

Eight against one, one can definitely succeed in slaying a dragon, but facing a horned dragon that is at the peak of refining the gods, who is about to transform into a peerless beast that should be a dragon, no one can guarantee that they will not be injured in the battle, so there is one more true king Just one more chance of winning.

Otherwise, after a bloody battle, if one is injured, the benefits that can be shared will naturally be much less, and there may be a risk of life.

Facing the gaze pressure of the eight people, Han Zhao revealed a contemplative look on his face, and finally nodded and said: "This "Qiantian Palace" and Liangyi Mochen Formation are the foundation of Han's life, and there are tens of thousands of disciples in Qiantian Palace. Inside, Han cannot take this risk.

However, although Han is single and weak, when the eight fellow Taoists slaughter the dragon, Han is willing to assist and fight from the side.As for everything obtained by slaughtering the dragon, Han did not take any money, it was considered as a contribution to the creatures of the source world. "

"Fellow Daoist Han Gao Yi!" Zhenjun Chi Rong bowed his hands.

"In this case, thank you fellow Daoist Han!" Jiuyuan Zhenjun smiled. Compared with Han Zhao's contribution to joining Qinglan Daozong, dragon blood is more important. Since Han Zhao is willing to do it for nothing, he will naturally enjoy it .

The other True Monarchs naturally had no objection.

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone left "Qiantian Palace" one after another.

However, True Monarch Jiuyuan went and returned.

"Does Fellow Daoist Jiuyuan have any advice?" Han Zhao asked.

"Pindao is here to remind Fellow Daoist Han that it is best to be careful in the battle. Although we are united in slaying the dragon, once the dragon is successfully slayed, some people may not be able to follow the rules. You must know that even the oath of heaven is not impossible to break of."

Nine Yuan Zhenjun reminded.

"Han has been taught." Han Zhao cupped his hands.

"If Fellow Daoist Han joins the war, it's best to bring "Qiantian Palace" with him, otherwise, no one can guarantee what will happen after the war.Pindao has a secret method that can temporarily increase the power of the Liangyi Mote Formation and the Nine Dragon Formation.At that time, the two of us will join forces, relying on the power of the "Qiantian Palace" and the formation, we will be able to compete with the three true kings of the Titan Merchant Alliance for a short time. "Nine Yuan Zhenjun said again.

After speaking, he left without waiting for Han Zhao's response.

Han Zhao looked at the direction in which True Monarch Jiuyuan left, his eyes were deep and calm as water.

Since the whereabouts of the magic dragon are uncertain, the Eight Great True Monarchs can only be distributed in all directions of Dongshengzhou, waiting for the magic dragon to show up.

As long as the magic dragon appears in the sea area near Dongshengzhou, it will immediately use the cross-domain teleportation array to converge.

In this way, after waiting for a full year, the magic dragon still did not show up, but the eight people were not in a hurry.

Since that demon dragon dared to sacrifice hundreds of millions of souls with blood, he would never stop there.

At this time, the strongest Sanling Zhenjun among the nine Zhenjuns including Han Zhao was sitting on the shore of the East China Sea.

The main body of the Three Spirits True Monarch, "Si Ming", is standing above the clouds at this time, holding a square, gray stone-like seal, with an extremely dignified expression.

"Why is the result of this fate test unknown?" "Si Ming" looked at the seal in his hand. This treasure is the key to his practice of the law of fate. It was because of this strange treasure that he was able to restore his memory after repairing it.

It's a pity that this treasure needs the law of fate and a lot of original power to replenish it before it can be used once.

The last time "Siming" used this treasure was 5000 years ago, when he crossed borders to perform missions, and encountered a beast comparable to the emperor's realm in the space passage.

If it weren't for this treasure to protect him, he would have already perished physically and spiritually.

For a period of time after using this treasure, he can calculate his future destiny. In the tens of thousands of years, this treasure has allowed him to escape several major crises, and it has also allowed him to get enough to support him once to attack the emperor. opportunity of the environment.

Although the seal has not been fully charged this time, in the past, some vague futures can be calculated, but this time when dealing with the magic dragon, the future is blurred.

"Could it be that there are variables in this trip?!" "Si Ming" looked uncertain.

With his supernatural powers, unless it is an emperor-level method, his life should not be in danger.

To the west of Dongshengzhou, to the south of Chu State, on the outskirts of Shiwanda Mountain.

This is where True Monarch Chi Rong sits.

At this time, in a certain mysterious space above the Nine Heavens, Qiu Lian and Qian Yu, one person and one dragon, are all here.

"Obviously I have adapted to the power of the realm, why can't I find the specific location of that person even after using the "Time Clock"? "Qiu Lian was a little puzzled.

"Maybe that person possesses a secret technique, or his cultivation has also reached the peak of refining gods? Maybe, both." Qianyu yawned, looking sleepy.

"After these days of investigation, the only native true monarch in this world is only a beginner in the cultivation of gods. There is no one who is at the top of the gods. It is the people in the lower realm. The strongest is only the third level of gods. That's all." Qiu Lian murmured.

"If you're really in a hurry, just use the divine source of time bestowed by the patriarch." Qian Yu reminded.

"Are you crazy? How can you use such a precious thing now." Qiu Lian retorted.

"Help me devour some creatures again, and when I become a dragon, I can get you a high-grade god source." Qianyu said disdainfully, looking out of the space.

"The real gentleman below is practicing the law of the origin of fire, and his supernatural powers are not weak. If he joins forces with other people, it will be more difficult. Now he is alone, and you and I will join hands to solve him first. The second stage of refining gods, quick battle If it's a quick decision, he won't be able to support others."

"Alright." Qiu Lian nodded: "It's better to devour these true kings, and kill a large number of creatures without authorization. I'm afraid that you will not be able to survive the catastrophe in the future."

"Go ahead!"

A quarter of an hour later, the sky over the edge of Shiwan Dashan was covered by an endless black ocean, and a loud noise came from it.

Soon, a dazzling red light appeared in the center of the black ocean, and the red light spread out in all directions at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the red light converged into a river of magma, and the terrifying heat evaporated half of the seawater, causing the space to distort accordingly.

In the lava river, shouts of anger could be heard from time to time.


At this time, under the black ocean, a white bell with a height of one foot appeared. As the white bell was rung, the magma river was instantly suppressed.

"what happened?"

"Look at the sky, it's snowing!"

"Red snow!"

"It's hot!"

"Good ice!"

At the same time, in the "Qiantian Palace" in Yunzhou, the disciples who were practicing martial arts in the square suddenly found that it was snowing heavily, and it was still red snow. The snowflakes were extremely hot and extremely cold, alternating hot and cold, very strange.

At this time, Han Zhao turned into a ball of golden light and rushed straight to the clouds, and he reached out to catch a piece of red snow.

"Snow in June, the power of the original law of fire is contained in this snow? This is... a real king has fallen?! So fast!!"

Han Zhao focused his eyes, and something that did not appear in the simulation appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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