Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 303: Clam and Snipe Fight!Fate is printed!

Chapter 303: Clam and Snipe Fight! "Seal of Destiny" now!

The fall of True Monarch Chi Rong caused the phenomenon of red snow falling from the sky in the entire source world, and True Monarch Three Spirits, who was on the shore of the East China Sea, naturally felt the original law of fire in the red snow.

"Zhenjun fell, a vision from the sky! It seems that something happened to Zhenjun Chirong!"

"This world has restored the rules of heaven in ancient times?!"

The Three Spirits True Monarch looked surprised and uncertain.

In ancient times, all those who had cultivated to the cave-heaven realm, when they fell, the power of the law they had mastered would return to heaven and earth.

Therefore, once a strong person in the Dongtian realm dies, the will of heaven will send down a vision to reintegrate the power of law into the heaven and earth.

It's just that with the passage of time, the rules of the heaven and the will of the heaven have undergone tremendous changes. In the early days of the cultivation of the Three Spirits True Monarch, there will still be the fall of the strong in the cave and the phenomenon of heaven.

When the Three Spirits True Monarch re-cultivates, there will be no more visions.

"Could it be because the aura of heaven and earth revived, and the will of heaven in this world began to recover its strength, so the rules of heaven and law were restored to the past." True Monarch Three Spirits mused in his heart.

The source world is the largest fragment of Yuan Shi Tian, ​​one of the three supreme heavens. Now that the power of the will of the source world is restored, it means that the power of law in this world will also increase.

If he becomes an emperor in this realm, even if he just entered the realm of an emperor, he will become a strong man in the same level. If he can gather together the other large fragments of the source realm, he may even hope to rely on this in the future. Accomplishing merits and virtues, impacting the realm of Daojun.

Thinking of this, Rao couldn't help feeling overwhelmed with the state of mind that he had practiced for 10 years with the True Monarch of the Three Spirits.

"Since True Monarch Chi Rong died so soon, it means that the demon dragon is in the one hundred thousand mountains of Chu State, and we must go there immediately!" "Swallowing Spirit" spoke first.

"It's better to let other people fight with the dragon first, and then we can reap the benefits." "Mie Sheng" suggested.

"Since the magic dragon can prevent Zhenjun Chirong from even sending out a distress signal, it is obvious that he hid his strength when he encountered it before. Without the three of us as the main attack, the others may not last long. If the horned dragon devours too many Zhenjun Origin, to achieve the body of Yinglong in advance, even if we use the three spirits to unite, I am afraid that we will have to pay a heavy price to win."

As the main body, "Ming" did not adopt the sound proposal of "Miesheng" this time.

"Then help immediately!" "Mie Sheng" replied.

The three of them stood in the teleportation formation and moved towards the Hundred Thousand Mountains of Chu State.


By the time Sanling Zhenjun's main body "Siming" and his clones "Miesheng" and "Spirit Swallowing" rushed to the battlefield, the sky above the Hundred Thousand Mountains had already been covered by a boundless black ocean.

And in this black sea, several winged Yinglongs were spitting out their black lights, and when they opened their teeth and claws, they suppressed the four people gathered below, including True Monarch Nine Yuan.

The attacks of the four fell on Ying Long, although they could be defeated instantly, but with the surge of sea water in the black ocean, the defeated Ying Long quickly regrouped into a solid form, as if backed by the black ocean, Then there is infinite power.

"So strong!!" Looking at the overwhelming black ocean, "Swallowing Spirit" looked tense. This horned dragon majored in the law of devouring and the law of the source of water. It has not yet used the law of devouring, but only uses the source of water. The law has such earth-shattering power, which is beyond his expectations.

The overwhelming black ocean contained not ordinary sea water, but ghostly heavy water. Just a single drop of ghostly heavy water was as heavy as a mountain, let alone an ocean completely composed of ghostly heavy water.

This horned dragon has definitely stepped into the realm of the emperor with half of its feet, and is about to evolve into a heaven-penetrating Yinglong, otherwise its innate supernatural powers would never be so exaggerated.

"The three fellow Taoists came at the right time, come and help us!"

When Zhenjun Jiuyuan and others saw the arrival of "Si Ming", "Tun Ling" and "Mie Sheng", they were greatly relieved.

"The Lord is finally here!" At this time, following the appearance of the Three Spirits True Monarch, a deep voice came from the black ocean.A pitch-black horned dragon poked its head out, its scarlet eyes were as huge as mountains, and it was fixed on the Three Spirits True Monarch.

Compared with those true masters of the second level of refining gods, these three true masters of the third level of refining gods in front of them were Qiulong Qianyu's goal from the beginning.

Especially among these three people, one of them practiced the same devouring law as him. Just swallowing these three people should allow him to complete the accumulation of qi and blood.

What's more, there are four other true emperors who are in the second stage of refining gods as supplements.

Qiulong Qianyu didn't talk nonsense, and the moment he poked out half of his body, he launched an attack on the Three Spirits True Monarch.

He opened his huge mouth and sucked lightly. With a loud noise, all the dragons in the black ocean were swallowed by him, and immediately turned into a huge column of water and poured down.

True Monarch Three Spirits did not fight recklessly. After using the power of law to change the direction of the water column, "Swallowing Spirit" used the power of devouring law to swallow part of the mana in the water column.

Accompanied by a violent earthquake that shook the ground, several mountains below were cut off by the black water column.

"Fellow daoists! Launch the Nine-Dragon Formation with me!" At this moment, True Monarch Nine Yuan suddenly yelled and made a tactic with both hands. Dazzling golden light burst out from his body, and nine golden dragon flags appeared in front of him.

At the beginning, these banners were no more than the size of a palm, but with the urging of the magic formula and the infusion of mana, they turned into a hundred-foot-long golden dragon in an instant, and the nine-headed golden dragon soared into the sky.


At the same time, the ground veins where the [-] mountains below were located roared, and the bright yellow energy of the ground veins gathered towards the nine-headed golden dragon in the sky.

With the supplement of the energy of the earth's veins, the Nine Dragon Golden Dragon skyrocketed again, becoming a thousand-foot dragon, and its power surged several times.

This is not over yet, as True Monarch Nine Origins activated the Nine Dragon Formation, the rest of the True Monarchs also sent mana into the golden dragon one after another.

At this time, the nine-headed golden dragon roared to the sky, and the spiritual pressure it emitted made the void tremble and twist.

"Huh?!" Qiulong Qianyu in the black ocean felt his whole body tense. The sea water that could have been swimming seemed to have become thicker, and his body felt sluggish, as if being suppressed by the force of the realm.

"Fellow daoists! Hurry up and give this dragon a fatal blow!" Zhenjun Jiuyuan shouted.

"Hmph! It's a small trick!" Qiulong Qianyu snorted coldly, opened his huge mouth again, and swallowed the overwhelming black ocean in one breath.

At the same time, in the void where the nine-headed golden dragon was, huge space black holes with hundreds of feet in size appeared in all directions at the same time, forming a huge vortex, swallowing the spiritual pressure and the energy of the earth veins released by the nine-headed golden dragon formation.

With the rapid passage of the energy of the earth's veins, the power of the Nine Dragon Formation was greatly reduced, and the horned dragon Qianyu felt the pressure in his body suddenly drop, Wan Zhang's body suddenly stretched out, and rushed towards the Nine Yuan Zhenjun below.

"Not good!" Jiuyuan Zhenjun's complexion changed drastically. Unexpectedly, the demon dragon could see the flaws of the Nine Dragons formation at a glance, and its power of devouring laws has almost reached the limit of the refining gods. Otherwise, it would never be so easy The coercion of the breakthrough formation directly draws the fire from the bottom of the pot, devouring the energy of the earth veins.


Seeing that the two golden dragons were blasted by the tail of the horned dragon Qianyu, Zhenjun Jiuyuan was about to suffer a serious injury. Suddenly, there was a spatial fluctuation in the void above the horned dragon Qianyu. A big man with muscles all over his body, full of explosive power Appearing out of thin air, the whole person suddenly turned into a mighty white tiger whose whole body is like snow.

The white tiger transformed by this person is like a true spirit of heaven and earth, its innate golden aura is easily torn apart by the void, forming dense cracks, and it only needs to poke its claws downwards, and it grabs the back of the horned dragon Qianyu into scales Broken, bloody.

Qiulong Qianyu let out a roar that shook the sky, the voice was full of anger and pain.

He directly gave up the attack on Jiuyuan Zhenjun, but turned around and fought with the white tiger. Like a real dragon and tiger fighting, the two fought hand-to-hand. Wherever they passed, the space was torn apart.

The terrifying power of space passed over the two of them. However, even the cracks in the space could not cause substantial damage to the terrifying physical bodies of the two, at most they would only leave bloodstains.

Soon, the true monarch who turned into a white tiger fell into a disadvantage. The hardness was comparable to the fur of a Lingbao. The flesh and blood torn by the dragon's claws were indistinct, and a big hole was pulled out of his chest by the dragon's claws. He could even see The mountain-like heart inside is beating vigorously.

Just when Qiulong Qianyu was about to deal a fatal blow to the opponent, other true monarchs stepped out to support him one after another.

Zhenjun Jiuyuan took this opportunity to re-gather the energy of the earth veins, the golden dragon that had just been squeezed exploded re-condensed, and the nine dragons and golden dragons came out together, confining the space.

However, Qiulong Qianyu seemed determined to kill the white tiger first, but he just released the black ocean again, manifesting several Yinglongs composed of ghostly heavy water, to resist everyone's attack.

It's just that in the face of the suppression of the Nine Dragons formation and the attacks of other real kings, Yinglong was obviously invincible, and was blasted after just a single encounter. With continuous replenishment, Ying Long will immediately return to his original state.

Just as the true kings were in a stalemate with it, the white tiger suddenly let out a roar that shook the sky.

Qiulong Qianyu took the white tiger's claws hard, and was pierced through the dragon's abdomen by the innate sharp gold energy. Dragon blood gushed out and sprayed all over the sky. This blow almost cut off his dragon body in the middle.

However, the white tiger was also bitten by Qiulong Qianyu on the back of the neck, only to hear a loud "click", the huge head of the white tiger was bitten off by him, and then swallowed, followed by the white tiger's body .

A misty human-shaped phantom sprang out from the dragon's mouth, it was the real emperor's soul in the form of a white tiger, just after he got out, he flew thousands of feet away with a few flashes.

However, the next moment, a deep black hole suddenly appeared in front of the True Monarch's soul, and he was caught off guard and plunged into the black hole.

A scalp-numbing shrill scream resounded in everyone's spiritual thoughts.

"Hic~" At this time, Qiulong Qianyu hiccupped, and looked at the other true masters in the field with ferocious eyes.

The dragon's body, which was originally full of scars, also recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blood hole in its abdomen also quickly recovered, and its aura was even stronger than the previous battle.

"Fellow Taoist Murong?!"

True Monarch Jiuyuan's expression was horrified. It hadn't been half an hour since the fight, but Fellow Daoist Murong, who was second only to him in strength, was devoured by a demon dragon, destroying both body and spirit. Protected by the power of law, the movement speed of the soul is even faster than before the physical body is destroyed.

After losing two true kings one after another, the dragon not only did not weaken, but became stronger as it fought.

Now, except for the Three Spirits True Monarch, the other True Monarchs couldn't help but feel like retreating.

"It seems that there is no way to win easily without pressing the treasure at the bottom of the box."

At this time, a calm voice suddenly sounded, and everyone followed the prestige, only to see the "Siming" Zhenjun in a green robe lightly tap the void, and a square seal like a gray stone appeared on him palm.

"Siming" poured the power of the law of destiny into it, and the seal suddenly burst into golden light, turning into a golden seal full of spirit patterns and soaring aura.

"Playing tricks!" Qiulong Qianyu sneered.

However, as the golden seal suddenly released a terrifying spiritual pressure, the power of the law of fate turned into a thread of law, "Si Ming" was densely covered with light blue light spots all over his body, and his figure gradually blurred. became dignified.

"Law of Law! Spiritual Realm?! No! It's a pseudo-spiritual realm!!!"

"Even if you have good eyesight, using this treasure will cost me a lot. Let me use your flesh and blood and inner alchemy to make up for it." "Si Ming" looked indifferent, as if he was sure of winning.

"Huh?! This thing is."

Suddenly, there was a sound of surprise in the void.

"Si Ming", "Mie Sheng", and "Spirit Swallowing" were all startled, and they all looked into the black ocean behind their heads.

I saw a young Taoist staring suspiciously at the golden seal in the hand of "Si Ming".


A young Taoist appeared out of nowhere, and everyone in the field didn't notice it beforehand. When their spiritual thoughts swept across the young Taoist's body, the terrifying aura of the other party, which was like an abyss like an ocean, immediately gave them a chill in their hearts.

"Peak of refining gods!" "Si Ming" looked extremely solemn, this young Taoist was obviously the companion of the magic dragon, if there was another one of the same level, it would not be so easy to win.Moreover, the power of law exuded by the other party is the law of space. To be able to use the law of space to cultivate to the peak of refining gods, either comes from a top force, or has the opportunity to defy the sky like him. No matter which one it is, it will only increase the variables.

"Under Qiu Lian, I come from Guangming, the Holy Cult of the Great Guangming." The young Taoist looked polite, but what he said made everyone's hearts shudder.

"Light Tomorrow!!"

"Great Light Holy Cult!!!"

The faces of the True Monarchs present all changed, and even the True Monarch Three Spirits felt awe-inspiring.

Bright Tomorrow is one of the ten heavens, and the Great Bright Sacred Sect is the strongest force in Bright Tomorrow. Its leader, Emperor Baolun, is the emperor at the peak of the Six Tribulations. He majors in the law of time. Ranked in the top ten, is the real powerhouse, one of the giants in the heavens.

"It turns out that Fellow Daoist Qiu is the emperor's disciple, all of this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!" Zhenjun Jiuyuan was horrified, a smile appeared on his face, and he smoothed things over.

Several other people also echoed.

"It's easy to say, since it's a misunderstanding, then you... use your soul and blood essence to make amends!"

Qiu Lian's face turned cold, and suddenly he shot violently, and directly released the "Time Clock".

"Not good!" The faces of Zhenjun Jiuyuan and others changed suddenly.

However, True Monarch Three Spirits had already prepared for a counterattack, urging the "Seal of Destiny" with all his strength.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering bang, the power of time released by the "Time Clock" was unexpectedly reverberated back.

"Sure enough, it is a treasure at the level of innate Taoism!"

Qiu Lian looked at the golden seal in the hand of "Si Ming" with a burning expression.

This time, the "Time Clock" was activated with the power of the original source, and the power left by Emperor Baolun was released.

The void was distorted, and the laws of space around Qiu Lian condensed into silk threads, and began to condense into a pseudo-spiritual realm.

"Pseudo-spiritual realm of space?!" True Monarch Three Spirits complexion changed suddenly, the "Seal of Destiny" had not been fully charged, and he could not force him to use the real spiritual realm, this is too bad!

"Looks like it's finally my turn to play."

Thousands of miles away, Han Zhao "watched" this world-shattering battle by relying on his huge spiritual power far beyond the realm of refining gods.

(End of this chapter)

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