Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 306 Dragon Blood Family!Travel through time and space!

Chapter 306 Dragon Blood Family!Travel through time and space!
The five great true monarchs stayed in the cave for a while, and soon after, the two major forces of the Zhongxing Pavilion and the Titan Merchant Alliance sent two top true monarchs who were at the peak of refining gods to come to the world.

As soon as the two of them arrived, they found the Five Great True Monarchs who were still in the cave.

Not long after the result, an astonishing rumor came out from the mouth of a certain True Monarch.

The magic dragon that killed the Eight Great True Monarchs still had helpers, but they had already been repelled by Han Zhao, and the magic dragon had also died in Han Zhao's hands.

It is said that the cultivation of that demon dragon has reached the pinnacle of the god-refining realm, and it is only half a step away from transforming into a heaven-penetrating Yinglong and becoming an extremely strong man in the emperor realm.

The five true kings went to Qiantian Palace together for questioning, during which they clashed with Han Zhao, and the five took turns fighting with Han Zhao, but in the end they were all defeated by Han Zhao.

Afterwards, the two top true kings who came to the pinnacle of refining gods did not believe in evil, and joined forces to attack Han Zhao, begging for the flesh and blood of the dragon, but they were still defeated by Han Zhao.

In the end, the two paid a high price and bought part of the dragon's flesh and blood from Han Zhao.

Seeing this situation, the other five true kings also went to Qiantian Palace to ask Han Zhao to buy the flesh and blood of the magic dragon.

Since then, Han Zhaoyuan's title as the strongest person in the world has lived up to his name.

Several True Monarchs respected Han Zhao even more, and believed that Han Zhao could be called the strongest True Monarch even if he was in the heaven.

They all believed that as long as Han Zhao was in the Yuan Realm, no demons would be able to cause trouble, so they returned to the Heaven Realm one after another after exchanging some of the dragon's flesh and blood.

"Dry Heaven Palace".

Han Zhao naturally heard the rumors.

However, he didn't take it seriously because of the flattering remarks.

Although the true kings in the lower realm this time are all strong men in the real world, he is not afraid even if seven people rush forward.

What's more, the seven people come from different forces. After seeing the strength of the time deity, they will not work hard for a small profit.Moreover, Daoist Taihuan of Tianshengdongtian, as the top three existences among the seven true monarchs, has been mediating among them, and has not intensified the conflict.

What Han Zhao was really worried about was the forces behind them, and he didn't want to make the scene too ugly, so he sold his favor and sold some of the horned dragon's flesh and blood.

Anyway, the demon dragon has a lot of flesh and blood, and he only sold it for a drop in the bucket, but the treasures he got were all what he needed.

For the low-rank Shenyuan alone, he got as many as three in this transaction.

The value of a low-grade divine source is naturally far greater than this part of the horned dragon's flesh and blood, but for these true monarchs of the lower realm, the main function of the divine source is to strengthen the soul, and for these high-ranking true monarchs, the strengthening effect of the low-grade divine source is limited.

In addition, the remaining role of Shenyuan is to temporarily relieve the suppression of the will of heaven when in the lower realm.

But the target dragon of their trip has been beheaded by Han Zhao, and Han Zhao's strength is so strong that even if they use Shenyuan to relieve the suppression of the will of heaven, they will never win, so it is better to exchange Shenyuan and Han Zhao for the horned dragon flesh.

A horned dragon that is about to transform into Yinglong, its flesh and blood is also of great use to the top true monarchs at the peak of refining gods, it can strengthen the physical body and stimulate the opening of the immortal aperture.

At this time, the value of the horned dragon's flesh and blood has been greatly increased because of their needs.

In addition to Shenyuan, Han Zhao also exchanged from the Zhenjun who descended from the headquarters of Zhongxingge to the origin of the world of Xuanyin Tianmo's mind, as well as a large amount of Yin Qi from Tianmo that is enough to support a simulation.

At the beginning, this true emperor even offered to exchange five copies of the Xuanyin Tianmo's mind world origin for the horned dragon's dragon ball, but was rejected by Han Zhao on the spot.

The horned dragon's dragon ball can even be used as a state-breaking treasure to break into the emperor's realm for a true dragon genus.

Zhongxing Pavilion had a rift with him, so he naturally would not hand over such a treasure to a potential enemy.

As long as there is a simulation guarantee for time travel, it is enough.

After being rejected by Han Zhao, the True Monarch of Zhongxing Pavilion took the next best thing and asked for the horned dragon's reverse scale and minions, but was still rejected by Han Zhao.

In the end, Han Zhao exchanged one-twentieth of the dragon body.

Of course, the reason why these true monarchs are so easy to talk to is not only because of Han Zhaoguan's strength in the realm of true monarchs, but also because he pointed out the identity of the horned dragon.

The person who walked with the horned dragon was the top true king from the Great Bright Sacred Cult of Bright Tomorrow.

Although they all came from great powers, none of them wanted to offend the Holy Cult of the Great Light and Emperor Baolun, a true powerhouse in the realm of emperors.

Therefore, after learning the truth, I just wanted to exchange some benefits and didn't want to delve into it.

Han Zhao was naturally so happy.

Ten years later.

In the secret cultivation room of the inner hall of "Qiantian Palace", Han Zhao's three deities of time, space and reincarnation sit cross-legged on the couch.

After turning into three cleanses in one breath, his cultivation base declined slightly. After 90 years of retreat in the time magic circle, he took the top-quality 'Dragon Blood Pill' made from the flesh and blood of horned dragons, and finally restored all three deities. The cultivation base of the peak of refining gods.

Moreover, his physical body has been further strengthened.

"If you want to truly cultivate the One Qi into the Three Purities to the perfect state, I'm afraid it will take tens of thousands of years of hard work."

Han Zhao's time deity opened his eyes.

After transforming into three cleanses in one breath, the difficulty for a single deity to hit the emperor's realm has been greatly reduced.

Of course, this is relative to the difficulty of attacking the emperor's realm with the three supreme laws at the same time.The difficulty itself is still several times that of other original laws, ten times, or even dozens of times that of ordinary laws.

"I have the "Time Stamp" in my hand. As long as the charge is completed, the success rate of the time deity hitting the emperor's realm will be greatly increased, but the space deity and the reincarnation deity are not good. "

"With my current strength, short-term use of the Three Spirits as One, under the Trinity to use the Supreme Domain, should be enough to match the Emperor of the Four Tribulations who practiced ordinary laws."

Han Zhao feels that his own strength has increased a lot, but how strong he has to be figured out through simulation.

In reality, he didn't want to take the initiative to provoke the strong emperor, let alone test the gold content of the emperor.

But this time, he has already messed with Da Guang tomorrow, so he has to travel through time and space as soon as possible to go back to the past.

As long as he becomes an emperor, Daguang will have nothing to fear tomorrow.

At this time, Han Zhao has already made most of the preparations before the time travel, and the rest is to leave some backhands to deal with Zhenjun.


The deity of time got up, turned into a ball of white light, left the inner hall of "Qiantian Palace", came to the meeting hall of the outer hall, and summoned the true disciples of the previous generation, Han Nianxuan, Han Yan and others, as well as Han Miao and other grandchildren.

"See Master Master!"

When everyone came to the meeting hall, they shouted in unison, and saluted Han Zhao respectfully, with fanaticism and worship in their eyes.

Han Zhao's deeds have spread throughout the entire source world and the major caves. Even some alien races from Tianwaitian sent people to Qiantian Palace to make friends with Han Zhao. Yan.

"Excuse me." The deity of time waved his sleeves and looked at the crowd below.

Han Nianxuan, one of the top ten true disciples, has become a celestial being, and Han Yan's cultivation has also stabilized at the third level of supernatural powers.

Ling Feng and Ling Yun have also successfully stepped into the realm of supernatural powers. As long as the small supernatural powers evolve into great supernatural powers, they can try to overcome the tribulation.

The two daughters Han Shuangning and Han Lianxin also broke through to the realm of supernatural powers because of Han Zhao's cultivation base soaring to the peak of refining gods.

Both Cheng Jiao and Zhao Qiantao have reached the ten evil realm, because they took the elixir made by Han Zhao with the flesh and blood of the horned dragon, so their cultivation base has greatly improved, and they have reached the ten evil realm, and they are retreating to attack the supernatural power realm, because they got Han Zhao Summoned by him, that's why he broke through and went out to meet Han Zhao.

And Yu Xuewei, who had reached the perfection of the Nine Demon Realm, and Xu Ting, who was in the Eight Demon Realm, also achieved a breakthrough in cultivation thanks to the help of the elixir.

Xu Ting, one of the top ten True Inheritance Disciples and the lowest cultivation level, has also broken through realms one after another, reaching the ten evil realm.

If it wasn't for the fact that Xu Ting's family background was too low, and he was too old to practice martial arts, he would have already entered supernatural powers by now.

As for Yu Xuewei, because her cultivation method is the same as her father Yu Chongxiao's seal of the gods, which is extremely difficult, so she has been strengthening her foundation, otherwise she can fly to the sky with the powerful Qi and blood of the horned dragon's flesh and blood, and directly retreat and attack Supernatural realm.

"I called you here today because I have something important to discuss." The deity of time said slowly.

"If the earth changes drastically today and the spiritual energy recovers, it won't be long before high-level practitioners from the heaven and demon worlds will come to the source world, and by then, the current pattern of the source world will be broken.

Now that my meritorious deeds are about to be completed, in order to deal with the catastrophe that may occur in the future, so from today onwards, I will not be able to retreat and hit the upper realm.

Before that, I will bestow pills and spirit treasures to help you and others deal with emergencies.Letting you wait here now is to let you decide for yourself. "

"The real teacher wants to retreat?!" All the disciples in the arena were shocked.

Today's Han Zhao has been considered by the true king of the heavens to be the supreme powerhouse in the true king's realm, retreating and hitting the upper realm, is it the legendary emperor's realm?

In their view, the Real Monarch Realm is already a god among immortals. Even in the heavenly realm, a True Monarch can be called a strong man who can occupy a place, while a strong Emperor Monarch is the master of a realm.

Even Han Nianxuan, who has become a celestial being, just thinks that she may be able to cultivate into a true monarch with her own efforts and the shadow of her father. As for the realm of emperor, she has indeed thought about it, but she has no confidence.

As for the other disciples, their goal is the realm of supernatural powers, the realm of heaven and man is just an extravagant hope, and the realm of true kings is the realm of dreams.

Facing everyone's shock, the deity of time nodded slightly and said:

"In this catastrophe of the source world, the horned dragon that I slayed was only half a step away from being able to transform into a heaven-penetrating Yinglong. At that time, his supernatural powers will be earth-shattering, enough to rival the powerhouses of the emperor realm. You have taken the horned dragon blood and flesh refining The elixir you made should have a deep understanding of the power of the horned dragon's flesh and blood, right?"

When everyone heard the words, they all agreed.

The deity of time continued: "Because the power contained in the flesh and blood of the horned dragon is too strong, so I use very little for alchemy. The power of the elixir that you absorb is just in case you can unleash the power of dragon blood.

This seat invites you to come here, and what I want to ask is whether any of you are willing to absorb the true blood of the horned dragon, use the supernatural power of the horned dragon blood as a new path of practice, form a lineage of your own, and multiply the bloodline family. "

It is extremely difficult for Han Zhao to become an emperor, so the gain of [Emperor Taoism] is extremely important to him, but the development time of Qiantian Palace is too short now, and if he wants to get more gains, he must take a shortcut .

If a family of spirit beasts were bred with the blood of the horned dragon that was half-step emperor, the first generation of bloodlines and the recent generations of bloodlines would all have the hope of hitting the real king's realm, and the speed of cultivation would definitely increase several times.

Refining the horned dragon's blood with the cultivation base of supernatural powers, as long as one can withstand the power of the blood, it is not difficult to become a heavenly man within a hundred years.

Especially after Han Nianxuan became a celestial being, Han Zhao clearly felt that the power of the law and the speed of the secret technique had increased several times, and the exaggerated effect of [Emperor's Taoism] really stood out.

"What?! Absorbing the true blood of the horned dragon? Propagating a family of bloodlines?!" Everyone in the arena heard this with disbelief.

The deity of time said indifferently: "This matter is not forced, it is all voluntary. The pros and cons of this matter, I will explain to you in advance.

If one absorbs the true blood of the horned dragon and successfully becomes a first-generation horned dragon bloodline fighter, as long as the power of the bloodline is fully activated, at least one can achieve the realm of heaven and man, even the realm of true monarch, and it is easier to break through than warriors of the same level.

Moreover, the lifespan of spirit beast bloodlines is far longer than that of warriors of the same level, which is also a major advantage that cannot be ignored.

Of course, during the process of absorbing the true blood of the horned dragon, although there will be a guardian of the seat, absolute safety cannot be guaranteed.

In addition, absorbing the horned dragon's true blood may cause him to be stuck in a certain realm in the future due to the existence of blood shackles, which is very likely to happen.

And once the horned dragon's true blood is absorbed, it is very likely that it will not be able to surpass the realm of the source of the blood, that is, the peak of refining gods.

This horned dragon majors in the law of water and the law of devouring, so once it absorbs the true blood of the horned dragon, its path in the realm of heaven and man and the realm of true kings will be fixed in the future.The innate supernatural powers obtained in the supernatural power realm will also be related to it. "

After listening to Zhenren Zhangjiao's explanation, among the ten people present, more people were tempted.

Because although they are true disciples, they all know in their hearts that it is a blessing to be able to achieve supernatural powers, and they dare not expect too much.

Everyone's talent and savvy have their limits. As a true disciple of the previous generation, senior sister Han Nianxuan has even become a celestial being, a big realm ahead of them.

Although the main reason for this is that the elder sister has the blood of the Daoist Master, because the power of the blood has been increased, but it is also a recognized fact that the elder sister's own talent is the best in Tiangong.

Especially in terms of resources, Daoist Master treats them as true disciples equally. They don't have the slightest complaint, and some are only grateful.

Now that the real head teacher is willing to share the horned dragon's blood that is half a step into the emperor's realm, their hearts were once again shocked by the selflessness and magnanimity of the head teacher.

You said that you are dedicated to pursuing martial arts?Don't want to go the way of the family?
Give me a break!

Although they are all focused on Qiantian Palace and pursuing the extreme realm of martial arts, the higher they stand and the more they get in touch with the real master, the more self-aware they will be.

Pursuing the extreme state of martial arts, the supernatural power state may be the limit, but absorbing the true blood of the horned dragon, the heavens and humans in the future are in sight, and even the true emperor and other immortals can have a glimpse of the state.

One side is the illusory martial arts, and the other side is the Tongtian Dao, it is obvious how to choose.

And the stronger the strength, the more contribution it will make to Qiantian Palace.

"Now, you can make your own decisions." The time deity saw the expressions of the ten people in the field, and he knew it in his heart.

If it was him back then, not to mention the horned dragon's blood, which is the peak of refining gods, but the dragon's blood of the supernatural power level, he might have chosen it too. How could he have worked so hard on the difficult road of martial arts with an uncertain future.

The true blood of the horned dragon is of great use to him, but the loyalty of the ten people in the field to Qiantian Palace is beyond doubt, so sharing some of it can also strengthen the foundation of Qiantian Palace as soon as possible.

As soon as the voice of the time deity fell, the field suddenly fell into silence.

After a brief shock, Han Nianxuan has regained her composure.

Han Yan was a little moved, hesitant to speak, but after being glared at by Han Miao, he didn't speak.

At this time, Ling Feng came to Han Zhao first, and directly bowed to pay homage.

"The disciple is willing to absorb the true blood of the horned dragon, form a lineage of his own, and multiply the family. The Ling family will be loyal to Qiantian Palace from generation to generation. If this oath is violated, five thunders will strike the top, and both body and spirit will be destroyed!"

"Feng'er doesn't have to be like this." The deity of time waved his sleeves, and an invisible force lifted him up.

"The disciple has failed the teacher's teaching, deeply feels that his own talent is blunt, and there is no hope for heaven and man in the future, so he can only serve the sect in this way."

Ling Feng bowed down again, with tears in his eyes. As Han Zhao's earliest disciple, he felt deeply guilty for breaking through supernatural powers after so many years.

"You have this kind of filial piety, and I am very pleased to be a teacher. The road of blood is not necessarily inferior to martial arts. The road ahead is easy, but the road behind is bumpy. Don't relax."

The deity of time couldn't help being a little moved, stepped forward, gently stroked Ling Feng's Tianling, and encouraged him.

"Disciple would like to obey Master's instruction." Ling Feng bowed heavily.

"The disciple is also willing to spread branches and leaves for the Cheng family (Zhao family) to strengthen the Qiantian Palace orthodoxy."

With Ling Feng taking the lead, Cheng Jiao and Zhao Qiantao bowed down together.

Then came Xu Ting.

This made Han Zhao somewhat unexpected, because in his impression, Xu Ting had always been extremely strong, but he did not expect to choose to give up the path of martial arts this time.

In the end, in the Han family's bloodline, Lian Xingye, the grandson of Lian Chengye, also chose Qiulong's true blood.

At this time, Lian Xingye was only a young man, and he was already a first-level envoy.

"Since that's the case, this matter is settled here. After I purify the true blood of the horned dragon, you can exchange blood one by one." As soon as the deity of time finished speaking, he returned to the inner hall in the form of a ray of light.

In the following time, after Han Zhao spent ten years exchanging the blood of the five people respectively, he stayed in the time magic circle for the rest of the time.

More than 140 years have passed in the time circle, and 15 years have passed outside.

When all the power of the time magic circle was exhausted, Han Zhao finally got everything ready and activated the "Time Seal".

A group of pure power of the law of time formed a dense array of spirit patterns, forming a huge white light array.

The deity of time stepped into it, made a formula with both hands, and the "time seal" was suspended in front of his chest.

The space deity and the samsara deity follow closely behind.

Suddenly, the three of them disappeared in the magic circle with a whoosh.

At the same time, the huge white light array collapsed in an instant, and the power of the law of time disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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