Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 308 Emperor Xuanmiao!Wheel badge treasure!

Chapter 308 Emperor Xuanmiao!Reincarnation Treasure!
Tianzhou, Xianyang City.

Han Zhao's reincarnation deity turned into a black awn and landed outside the treasury of the apse of the Great Qin Palace.

In the treasury of the apse, the tens of thousands of years of the Great Qin Empire's accumulated wealth are stored, which are divided into outer treasury and inner treasury.

In the external warehouse, precious treasures such as exercises, secret techniques, spiritual tools, and elixir required by practitioners below the supernatural power level are stored.

And the internal treasury is to store the treasures needed by practitioners above the supernatural power level.

Every one of the exercises and secret techniques stored here will cause a huge commotion if they are put outside. Even some powerful practitioners will come to fight for them.

As for the elixir, they are all top-level elixir that started in 3000, even elixir that is more than ten thousand years old, and they are all collected.

In addition, the Houtian Lingbao is also stored in the inner treasury, and there are even fake Xiantian Lingbao and fragments of the Xiantian Lingbao that have not yet identified their owners.

Of course, most true monarchs would not be able to keep a treasure like the Xiantian Lingbao, so they would not put it in the treasure house.

The outer treasury is only guarded by a Martial God of the Supernatural Realm, while the inner treasury is guarded by three top powerhouses of the triple realm of heaven and man all the year round.

At the same time, the inner treasury is also the eye of the Tiangang formation in Xianyang City, so if an ordinary true monarch wants to invade the inner treasury, he has to shed a layer of skin.

Now Han Zhao has the right to freely enter and leave the palace, and the treasures in the outer treasury are at his disposal.

The treasures in the inner treasury can be used at any time as long as he registers them in the register, indicates the purpose, and has the consent of either of the two great masters, Ying Zhi and Ying Xin.

"I've seen Senior Han." As soon as the reincarnation deity appeared outside the hall of the treasure house, the Martial God guarding the outer house came out and saluted Han Zhao respectfully.

"Excuse me." The reincarnation deity waved his sleeve robe.

"What does Senior Han want to take? Do you need a disciple to lead the way? If you want to go to the inner treasury to get the elixir, the disciple will go and inform the ancestor." The guarding Martial God smiled and was extremely enthusiastic.

The deity of reincarnation glanced at the other party, and said lightly: "What? Have you encountered a bottleneck in your practice recently?"

"Thanks to the elixir bestowed by Senior Han, this disciple's cultivation has reached the second level of supernatural powers, but when it comes to understanding the next level of skills, I always feel that I'm just looking at the flowers in the fog, and I don't know the essence." Guardian Martial God immediately asked for advice.

"I remember that you are practicing the 'Five Lightning Transformation Spirit Strategy'. This exercise has higher requirements on the control of the five elements of thunder. It just so happens that I know a little about thunder. What you are missing now is just..."

Facing the guarding Martial God's request for advice, the deity of reincarnation stopped and began to explain in a leisurely manner.

Guarding Valkyrie listened attentively.

"By the way, show me the next level of practice of the 'Five Lightning Transformation Strategies'. I'll refer to it and explain to you the points you need to pay attention to when you break through."

Seeing the ignorant look of the Guardian Martial God, the reincarnation deity stretched out his hand and asked him for the main exercises.

"Yes!" The guarding Martial God pondered for a while, then took out a golden jade book from the sumeru bag.

Majoring in martial arts is related to the supernatural powers of the warriors, as well as the weaknesses of the martial arts. They are related to the wealth and life of the warriors. Under normal circumstances, they will never show others easily. Moreover, the Great Qin Empire, as one of the two top powers in the source world, has great influence on kung fu. The confidentiality requirements of the law are extremely high, and it is not allowed to be easily circulated.

However, the behavior of the reincarnation deity has long been tacitly approved.

In just a few decades, he has taught dozens of masters, more than a dozen martial saints, and three martial gods for the Ying clan.

In addition, the elixir he refined allowed the seven martial gods and two celestial beings to raise their realms.

Even if the real monarchs are not good at teaching disciples, their realm is there. Under the high-level view, many cultivation experiences about low realms are of great reference value.

It's just that at this stage, one has really stepped into the way of longevity. Not many people are willing to spend time teaching disciples, let alone teaching so many people at once, it's too time-consuming.

So in these years, Han Zhao spent more than a thousand years teaching the children of the Ying family, even more than the two true kings, Ying Zhi and Ying Xin, spent thousands of years.

Even in the same clan of the Ying family, the only people who can see the two true kings are the Martial God and the Heavenly Man, and only a very small number of martial sages with peerless talents can see the real king.

There has never been a true monarch who would spend several hours, or even several days, like Han Zhao, to teach cultivation experience to some disciples of martial masters or masters.

In particular, Han Zhao is also very good at teaching, and often helps the children of the Ying family to open a furnace to refine alchemy, refining the best pills to improve their cultivation and break through the realm.

Today's Han Zhao, for the children of the Ying clan, might not be as prestigious as Ying Zhi and Ying Xin, but his popularity far exceeds everyone else.

"Well, follow me to the quiet room in the palace." The deity of reincarnation finished reading the content of the exercises of Wulei Hualing.

Although he didn't practice this technique, he practiced the Xuantian Sacrifice Thunder Art which is even more difficult, up to the Real Monarch Realm. The same type of technique, by analogy, taught a Martial God easily.

"Thank you, senior!" The Guardian Martial God was overjoyed.

The two walked to the quiet room in the hall together.

The two martial saints at the gate looked envious.

They have also been instructed by Senior Han before, and no true monarch has ever been as warm-hearted as Senior Han.

It's just that Zhenjun's powerful one-on-one guidance is really enviable.

"You brat Ying Que! You move really fast!" In the inner library, three celestial beings sat cross-legged on the futon, and an old man in a blue robe in the middle noticed Han Zhao's action of guarding the Martial God asking for advice through his spiritual thoughts, and his forehead muscles twitched , Squeeze out a sentence from between the teeth.

It's rare for Senior Han to come to the treasure house. They haven't asked their celestial ancestors for advice these days, so let this kid get there first.

"You kid, Ying Que, is usually very proud, and he only respects us old guys superficially. I didn't expect Senior Han to see his face." The middle-aged man in blue robe sitting on the futon on the left was annoyed. Dao, although he was joking, but his tone was a bit sour.

"It's about the way of cultivation, so how can it be the same! If Senior Han can guide me how to break through the realm of true monarch, I will be more enthusiastic than this kid! I have to kneel three times and kowtow nine times on the spot, and do a teacher salute!" Sitting on the futon on the right The young celestial being said with emotion.

"Okay! Senior Han isn't here yet, flattery must be said face to face!"

"Exactly! At the beginning, I didn't know who it was. I doubted Senior Han's origin and purpose. He also said that even if he couldn't break through the situation for a lifetime, he would immediately go mad, and he was unwilling to accept the knowledge of a true king of unknown origin. What about now?"

"I've always corrected my mistakes when I know them! Senior Han is very upright and upright, like an ancient monk, how can I not be admired." Facing the ridicule of his friends, the young celestial being didn't care at all.

"Yes." The other two put away their jokes, agreed with his words, and subconsciously nodded.

A person can pretend for a while, but can he pretend for a year, ten years, or a hundred years?

Senior Han, the real 'senior' too!

It has been three days since the reincarnation deity came out of the treasure house.

It doesn't take such a long time to instruct a Martial God to practice.

Because he went to the inner library to find a elixir for alchemy, and met three heavenly beings guarding the inner library. The three asked him for advice. Naturally, he would not refuse anyone, so he stayed in the inner library for two days. The three returned to Mingcang Mountain with reluctant eyes.

For the next hundred years, Han Zhao lived such a life.

Because of the existence of the peerless supernatural power of Qihua Sanqing, Han Zhao only needs to send one of the three deities of time, space, and reincarnation to teach his disciples every time, and the other two deities retreat, so retreat, alchemy, and teaching are three different things error.

After more than 100 years of development, Mingcang Mountain Spiritual Land is no longer as deserted as before.

Han Zhao is well-known, besides the children of the Ying clan, there are also many powerful forces in Tianzhou who come here to seek advice from this old-fashioned and warm-hearted senior, especially when Han Zhao pointed out a loose man in the Martial Saint Realm. Xiu, after the other party broke through to the supernatural powers in a short period of time, there was an endless stream of warriors who came to ask for advice.

Although the warriors taught by Han Zhao did not dare to call themselves his disciples, they all regarded him as their teachers.

Many warriors voluntarily settled down in the mountains near Mingcang Mountain to practice. Although they may not be able to get Han Zhao's guidance again, Mingcang Mountain itself is a spiritual place, full of spiritual energy, suitable for cultivation.

Because Han Zhao himself did not object, the landlords of the Qin Empire royal family naturally acquiesced to this behavior, because many children of the Ying family also ran to settle in Mingcang Mountain.

At this time, in Mingcang Mountain, because there are a large number of warriors living together, several small cities have been built on the periphery, forming a well-known square city with a radius of thousands of miles.

Some people want to cultivate with the help of the spiritual land, some people want to get the guidance of the real king, and some people want to take advantage of the situation.

When going out, when you encounter trouble, you can say "I am so-and-so in Mingcang Mountain", the name of Zhenjun's disciple is still loud enough.

Especially in recent years, several true monarchs have come to Mingcang Mountain to visit Han Zhao.

Although the result is unknown to outsiders, it is enough to explain his reputation.

At this time, the well-known Han Zhao was sitting cross-legged in the cave of the main peak of Mingcang Mountain.


"As expected of a prosperous age of martial arts, geniuses emerge in large numbers, and high-level warriors hide their secrets!"

Han Zhao couldn't help smiling when he saw the attribute bonus effect of [Emperor Taoism].

In just over a hundred years, the bonus of [Emperor Taoism] has almost reached the limit at the current stage. Others are practicing at a slower speed as they reach the upper level, but Han Zhao has been practicing more and faster in recent years. .

Especially in the last sixty years, the time deity could not retreat, and the space deity and reincarnation deity took turns to go out to guide disciples.

Under the double blessing of "Time Seal" and "Emperor's Taoist Tradition", the time deity has made great progress in mastering the law of time, and it has also accelerated against the trend.

[Law of Time: 40% Mastery Progress]

"Based on the progress of mastering the law of time alone, I am afraid that I will catch up with the powerful emperor who just broke through. It is a pity that the remaining power of the "Time Seal" is exhausted."

"The "Reincarnation Palace" is about to open, with the current strength, it should be enough to deal with all situations! "

Han Zhao is full of confidence.


【Collect all 612 units of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, is it possible to synthesize an entry? 】

【Consume 600w units of Omen Yin Qi and 2 low-grade sources (20000 Spirit Crystals or Omen Stones) to perform a simulation. 】

Han Zhao recharged the origin of the Xuanyin Heavenly Demon that he had exchanged, and after more than a hundred years of preparation, he finally got together the Yin Qi of the Heavenly Demon needed for the simulation.

However, the sources of gods left by the top ten true monarchs are enough to simulate many times, and there are 10,000+ spirit crystals in total.

"Start the simulation."

[360 is five years old, the "Samsara Palace" is about to open, and you are ready to enter it. 】

【Two years later, the "Hall of Reincarnation" was opened. You bid farewell to Ying Zhi and Ying Xin, and made it clear that your purpose is to capture the "Mirror of Reincarnation".The two expressed their understanding immediately, and wanted to go to the "Hall of Reincarnation" with you to help you. 】

[The two revealed their true thoughts to you. At first, they doubted whether you had any ulterior motives, but you have proved yourself in more than 100 years, and there is no harm to the Great Qin Empire. They are sincere again invites you.Please truly become the enshrined emperor of the Great Qin Empire. 】

[Afterwards, you jointly make the oath of heaven.Enter the "Reincarnation Hall" together. 】

[In the "Palace of Heaven", you defeated the other true kings who were competing for the "Mirror of Reincarnation" with absolute strength, and killed several people in a row, shocking the audience.Only Zhao Changsheng, the 'true king of reincarnation' who descended from the Daoist sect of reincarnation in the whirling sky, was unwilling to give up. 】

[Zhao Changsheng offered to exchange a high-level innate spirit treasure with you for the "Mirror of Reincarnation", but you refused on the spot. 】

[Afterwards, Zhao Changsheng said that each took a step back and exchanged two high-level innate spirit treasures with you, so that you should not toast or eat fine wine. If you get the "Mirror of Reincarnation", you will also be hunted down by the Taoist Reincarnation. 】

[Before you speak, Ying Zhi and Ying Xin on the side will support you, indicating that the Great Qin Empire is backed by the great power of the heavens, the Zifu Immortal Palace, and it is also protected by the emperor and the strong. 】

[In the end, Zhao Changsheng used the source of reincarnation to activate the pseudo-spiritual domain, and fought to the death, but under the powerful strength of the three main deities, he still drank his hatred on the spot, and his body and spirit perished. 】

[When you killed Zhao Changsheng, a terrifying will came, and you realized that this was the coercion of a strong emperor.You immediately mobilized the pseudo-spiritual domain to fight, and finally defeated this terrifying will. 】

[After you won the "Mirror of Reincarnation", because of the previous memories, you easily passed through the memories of reincarnation for hundreds of generations, and you were recognized by the "Mirror of Reincarnation". 】

[At this time, because your progress in mastering the law of reincarnation has exceeded the upper limit that the "mirror of reincarnation" can improve, you have not absorbed the pure power of the law of reincarnation in the "mirror of reincarnation" for the time being. 】

[After this battle, the two brothers Ying Zhi and Ying Xin were slightly injured, so they are going to retreat to recuperate. 】

[You returned to Ming Cang Mountain, and through the alchemy of the holy rank, you refined the psychic elixir, which helped the two brothers recover from their injuries, and because of the efficacy of the elixir, the two men's cultivation level went further, and they reached the second stage of refining the gods of perfection. 】

[After that, in less than 30 years, there was a large-scale invasion of foreign races in the outer world.In the entire source world, warriors, families of divine soldiers, giants of spirit beasts, demons and other forces join forces to fight against alien races. 】

[After more than a hundred years of fierce fighting, the battle has risen to the level of supernatural powers and celestial beings.There were large-scale casualties at the top of both sides. 】

【At this time, the Heavenly Demon launched an attack on the Great Qin Empire and the Tianshengzong. 】

[Because of the previous conflict over the "Mirror of Reincarnation" in the "Reincarnation Palace", the true kings of all ethnic groups stood by and watched.There was no assistance to the Great Qin Empire and Tianshengzong.The two brothers Ying Zhi and Ying Xin were forced to fight, but were severely injured by the high-ranking demon of the demon clan.In a critical moment, the reincarnation deity sitting behind the guard broke through with the "Reincarnation Mirror" and repelled the high-level demons. 】

【At the same time, your time deity and space deity broke out, joined forces with the reincarnation deity, and chased to the base camp of the demon clan. With the unity of the three spirits, you defeated the demon clan with the strength of one person.All the ten mysterious Yin demons were killed in your hands. Since then, you have shocked the world. 】

[At this time, you find that the will of heaven in the source world seems to have undergone a certain change. The merit of heaven has descended, and the power of "Time Seal" has begun to increase, and your power of time law has also increased. 】

[However, when the Great Qin Empire and Tianshengzong were chasing after them, two brothers Yingzhi and Yingxin found you and told you a bad news. The emperor was severely injured, and now the Zifu Immortal Palace has closed the palace gates, cutting off all contact with the outside world. 】

[The other Emperor Xuanmiao of the Reincarnation Taoist Sect has already brought Zhenjun down to the realm. 】

[The two brothers asked you to leave the source world for refuge, or fly directly to the heaven world to avoid being found by Emperor Xuanmiao. 】

[At this time, you think twice and decide to retreat temporarily. After all, Emperor Xuanmiao is the peak emperor of the Six Tribulations who practiced the law of reincarnation, and you are definitely not an opponent. 】

[When you were going to the outer world, you encountered a foreign true monarch blocking the way, and you killed him with lightning. strength. 】

"Could it be the 'Reincarnation Seal'?! "

Han Zhao stared.

"This risk must be taken!"

Han Zhao took over the behavior of Han Zhao in the simulation through immersive simulation.

【Following the guidance of the "Mirror of Reincarnation" spirit, you came to the depths of the outer world, and it turned out that you happened to meet the Emperor Xuan Miao who came to this world. 】

"I TM!"

[Under shock, you were forced to meet the enemy, only to find that Emperor Xuanmiao's cultivation was much weaker than you expected, only four kalpas. Although he was still very strong, he was not powerless to fight back. 】

"What's going on? I remember that Emperor Xuanmiao is clearly the Emperor of the Six Tribulations who returned to the Void Triple Stage." Han Zhao was taken aback for a moment. In the previous simulation, he encountered Emperor Xuanmiao, which was about 2000 years later than the current timeline. Can Emperor Xuanmiao still break through two realms in a row in 2000 years, from the Emperor of Four Tribulations to the Emperor of Six Tribulations?

He cheated!
[You use all means, use the "Chaos Star Map" to activate the Supreme Realm.After a fierce battle, you and Emperor Xuanmiao couldn't stand each other, and you drew a tie, and all the true emperors accompanying the other party have been beheaded by you. 】

[Seeing that the war of attrition is difficult to win, you used the life-changing style of play, and finally after using the 'replacement puppet' twice, you severely injured Emperor Xuanmiao. 】

[At this time, the Saint Body of Dou Zhan takes effect, and you become stronger and stronger. At a critical moment, Emperor Xuan Miao took out a black roulette-shaped treasure, and he said angrily, you can make him pay such a high price No. 1 of the Realm of the Realm. 】

[After speaking, he was directly absorbed by the black roulette, and the next moment, an unscathed Emperor Xuanmiao, whose aura had reached the perfection of the four kalpas, appeared. 】

【This time, you are no match for Emperor Xuanmiao at all, and you want to escape, but you find that under the blessing of the black roulette, Emperor Xuanmiao's spiritual realm has firmly trapped you. 】

[At this time, the spirit of the "Reincarnation Mirror" tells you that only by giving up the law of reincarnation and the "Reincarnation Mirror" can you not be locked by the "Reincarnation Disk". 】

【Seeing that your mana is about to be exhausted, and at a critical moment of life and death, you gave up the law of reincarnation and escaped successfully.】

(End of this chapter)

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