Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 309 [Heaven of Humanity]!The Emperor of Heaven is actually me?

Chapter 309 [Heaven of Humanity]!The Emperor of Heaven is actually me?
"Isn't this "Reincarnation Disk" a treasure of the same level as the "Reincarnation Seal"? "

Through the immersive simulation, Han Zhao felt that under the blessing of the "Reincarnation Disk", the power of Emperor Xuanmiao's spiritual realm increased several times, and he felt awe-inspiring.

This is by no means an increase that can be achieved by a congenital Taoist weapon!
Lingbao is divided into acquired and innate, and above that is the innate Taoism. These treasures have the effect of strengthening the law of the emperor's realm, and at the same time can increase the power of the spiritual realm, but I have never heard of innate Taoism It can double the spiritual power of the Emperor Realm.

What's more, the power of Emperor Xuanmiao's spiritual domain has been at least doubled because of the "Reincarnation Disk".

Moreover, this "reincarnation disk" can lock his law of reincarnation. If he does not give up the law of reincarnation, he will not be able to escape from the spiritual realm of reincarnation blessed by the "reincarnation disk".

If one masters such treasures, even an emperor who also practices the law of reincarnation may not be an opponent.

According to calculations based on previous simulations, the mana and soul of an ordinary emperor of the Four Tribulations are more than five or six times stronger than that of a peak refining god.

After the power of law is condensed into dao patterns, the power can be increased by at least one or two times.The strength of the ordinary Four Tribulations Emperor Realm is at least seven or eight times that of the peak of the refining gods.

Once the emperor condenses the spiritual domain, the strength gap will be ten times higher.

However, with Han Zhao's current strength, he is more than ten times stronger than ordinary peak refining gods.

Using the "Chaos Star Map" to condense the three supreme laws to form a supreme pseudo-spiritual domain, the power will not be inferior to the real spiritual domain.

"With my current comprehensive strength, it is definitely not a problem to face the general Emperor of the Four Tribulations. Even if the Emperor of the Four Tribulations is practicing the Supreme Law, if all the cards are played, there is a high probability of winning, but when encountering the same hanging ratio, the variable is too big."

"This Emperor Xuanmiao is also a real strong man in the Emperor Realm! It is different from the emperors we encountered in the simulation before."

Because of the existence of the fate of "Swing Demon Heavenly Emperor", Han Zhao did not compare his own strength with that of the same level of Heavenly Demon. If he faced the Xuanyin Heavenly Demon who was comparable to the Four Tribulations Emperor, it would be much easier.

"If you want to defeat this emperor Xuanmiao, you must be able to become an emperor through the laws of time or space. Or...take away the "Reincarnation Disk" in his hand! "

Han Zhao pondered in his heart.

"As long as you can touch the "Reincarnation Disk" during the simulation, you will be able to flash it after the simulation is over! "

In terms of treasures in his hands, the "Time Stamp" he possesses is definitely not inferior to the "Reincarnation Disk", but the power of the "Time Stamp" is exhausted, and there is no way to exert its power.

This "reincarnation disk" can increase the power of the reincarnation spiritual domain in the emperor's realm several times, and it can definitely be used as a treasure for him to practice the law of reincarnation to attack the emperor.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao calmed down and continued the simulation.

[After you escaped, you fled to the depths of the outer world, entered the ownerless cave, and retreated to recuperate. 】

[Because of the fate effect of 'Dou Zhan Sheng Physique', your injury recovery has been accelerated, but you have lost the law of reincarnation, your reincarnation deity has lost its strength, and there has been a huge flaw in the one-qi transformation of the three cleansing, unless the reincarnation master respects Xiu, Or let it integrate into the space deity and time deity, otherwise it will affect your subsequent advancement. 】

"I must get this "Reincarnation Disk", I can't waste time. "

Han Zhao made a decision in his heart and took over the behavior in the simulation through the immersive simulation.

[You divide the soul power of the reincarnation deity into two, and integrate it into the time deity and the space deity respectively. The power of the soul of the two deities is replenished, and the injury quickly recovers. 】

【So, you continued to retreat, and after more than a hundred years of subliminal cultivation, your injuries have fully recovered, and the cultivation of the time deity and the space deity have improved compared to before the injury. 】

[You quietly return to the source world, the situation in the source world has changed drastically at this time.Because of you, Emperor Xuanmiao angered the Great Qin Empire, imprisoned the two brothers Ying Zhi and Ying Xinlai, and forced the disciples of the Great Qin Empire to go to the front line to fight against the demons and alien races. 】

【Emperor Xuanmiao himself is still in the depths of the outer world at this moment, and seems to be looking for something. 】

[You entered the former Xianyang Palace, broke through the core of the formation in the inner treasury, and found two brothers, Ying Zhi and Ying Xin, whose physical bodies had been destroyed, and their souls were imprisoned by Emperor Xuanmiao to act as the spirit of the formation. 】

[The two brothers were greatly surprised by your arrival, but said that they have been restricted by Emperor Xuanmiao. Even if you break the formation and leave this place, Emperor Xuanmiao will soon catch up.The two hope that you will protect the disciples of the Ying clan as much as you can, and don't let the blood of the Ying clan be cut off. 】

[With the insistence of the two, you left the core of the formation. 】

[Not long after you left the source world, Emperor Xuan Miao returned to the source world, and you were almost discovered by him. 】

[In order to recharge the "Time Stamp", you began to wander around the battlefields of the outer world, helping the human race to kill aliens and demons. 】

[In the past few decades, there have been more than ten Alien True Monarchs and Xuanyin Heavenly Demons who have died at your hands, and more than 40 Celestial Beings and Holy Masters. 】

[For a while, you became the target of both the foreign race and the heavenly demon, but your alien race's true king and Xuanyin heavenly demon could hardly last three rounds under your command.As long as you succeed, you will retreat immediately. 】

[Both the foreign race and the heavenly demon think that you are a human emperor pretending to be you. As for the human race, Emperor Xuanmiao does not admit it.At the same time, the two races asked for help from the upper world, and the emperor of the alien race and the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon descended. 】

[For some unknown reason, both the alien emperor and the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon confronted Emperor Xuanmiao, and an earth-shattering battle broke out between the two sides. 】

【Ever since the alien emperor and the Nine Nether Heavenly Demon came into the world, you have never made a move.Knowing that a battle broke out between the two sides in the outer world, you originally wanted to take advantage of the fierce battle between the two sides to launch a surprise attack on Emperor Xuanmiao.However, Emperor Xuanmiao used the "Reincarnation Disk" and "Reincarnation Mirror" to show great power, and even beheaded the alien emperor on the spot, and the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon retreated. 】

[After the fierce battle, Emperor Xuanmiao's power not only did not weaken, but his strength was further improved. You found that his realm was actually raised to the realm of the Five Tribulations, and the gods and demons descended on the spot. 】

[Emperor Xuanmiao survived the catastrophe and became the emperor of the Five Tribulations. 】

"It took more than 100 years to break through from the realm of four calamities to the realm of five calamities, which is too outrageous!"

"What the hell is this "Reincarnation Disk"? "

Looking at the information in the simulation, Han Zhao's expression became extremely solemn.

According to this speed, I am afraid that he has not yet become an emperor in the simulation, and this Emperor Xuanmiao will break through the Six Tribulations.

"No! Can't wait any longer!"

Han Zhao's heart fluttered, and he immediately took over through the immersive simulation and launched an attack on Emperor Xuanmiao.

[Just went through a series of battles, and resisted the catastrophe of gods and demons. Emperor Xuanmiao also consumed a lot of mana. Under your sudden attack, he was caught off guard and was injured by you. 】

[However, after losing the law of reincarnation, your pseudo-spiritual domain has been reduced to a pseudo-spiritual domain of time and space, and is no longer the supreme spiritual domain with the fusion of the three supreme laws, and its power has been greatly reduced.After a stalemate, you fell into a disadvantage, and you are not the opponent of Emperor Xuanmiao. 】

[You were in danger under the attack of Emperor Xuanmiao, suffered heavy injuries one after another, and the two robbed puppets were also consumed one after another. 】

[In desperation, you sacrificed the time deity to the "Time Seal", and finally successfully activated the "Time Seal". 】

[When the "Time Stamp" came out, the original overbearing "Reincarnation Disk" was also suppressed by it, and you finally got a chance to breathe.Under the power of "Time Seal", you broke through Emperor Xuanmiao's reincarnation spiritual domain and severely damaged it.Just when you were about to use up the remaining power of the "Time Seal", Emperor Xuanmiao repeated his old trick, and his body was sucked into it by the "Reincarnation Disk". 】

[The next moment, Emperor Xuanmiao appeared from the "Reincarnation Disk", and all his injuries were recovered. Not only that, but his cultivation level went from the beginning of the Five Tribulations to the peak of the Five Tribulations. 】

[Emperor Xuanmiao is about to burst into tears, you made him pay such a huge price, he will imprison your soul, and you will never be reborn forever. 】

"What the hell is this "Reincarnation Disk"? ! "Han Zhao's eyes widened, what a strange ability!"
[Seeing that nothing can be done, you urged the "Time Stamp" to escape, but was hit by Emperor Xuan Miao's full strength. In order to avoid the fatal blow, you were forced to throw the "Time Stamp". 】

[The last power of "Time Stamp" was activated, the gate of time and space opened, and you fled the scene. 】

[When you regain consciousness again, you appear in a dwelling in a small village. 】

[It turned out that you were rescued by fishermen who were fishing when you were unconscious. The place you are in is called 'Wangxian Island', which is one of the top ten islands under Penglai Xiandao.At this moment, your cultivation is only at the first stage of refining gods. 】

[After some side-talking, you are shocked to find that this time, you have returned to 3 years ago when you fought with Emperor Xuanmiao. 】

"Huh?! 3 years ago?!"

Han Zhao's eyes widened.

"Wait! Doesn't that mean I have 3 years to prepare!"

Although he lost the time deity and the reincarnation deity, his strength was greatly reduced, and even the treasure of "Time Seal" was lost, but the law of space is still there, and he still has the cultivation base of the first level of refining gods.

And with the existence of time and space fairy body, it will be a matter of time to restore the cultivation base.

With a development time of 3 years, when the timeline of the previous battle with Emperor Xuanmiao was reached, the outcome is still unknown.

[After learning about this, you start to practice with great concentration.Soon, you discovered that the residents on Wangxian Island were all deceived by Zhongxing Pavilion. The so-called Penglai Xiandao Asking for Immortals was just a scam woven by Zhongxing Pavilion to sacrifice blood to the gods.It's just that no one believes your words. 】

[So, you call yourself a 'real man who swayed demons', and you left a legacy on Qiuxian Island. The warriors on Qiuxian Island passed on to ten, and ten to hundreds. In just over 20 years, there are tens of thousands of warriors who have obtained your inheritance. Many, these warriors spontaneously founded the "Zhenwu Sect" on Qiuxian Island, and regarded the "Dangmo Zhenren" as their ancestors and worshiped them devoutly. 】

[In a very short period of time, Zhenwuzong gathered millions of people. 】

【However, this move attracted the attention of Zhongxing Pavilion, and they sent envoys to take away the senior officials of Zhenwuzong.Although there are many disciples of Zhenwuzong who are extremely talented, but after all, the training time is too short, and the strongest ones are just Wusha Realm Martial Saints.Facing the envoy who has mastered mana, the senior officials of Zhenwuzong are not opponents of Zhongxing Pavilion at all. 】

[In a critical moment, you appear as a 'real man who swayed demons'. 】

【You repelled the envoys in charge of the Zhongxing Pavilion, and said that Zhen Wuzong did not want to be an enemy of the Zhongxing Pavilion. 】

[All the disciples of Zhenwuzong came to bow down to you, the patriarch. At this time, you found an invisible force overflowing from everyone's body, and finally gathered in your body. 】

[Three days later, the envoy of the Star Pavilion left and returned, this time, he brought three Holy Masters. 】

【As soon as the four of them arrived at Qiuxian Island, they went on a killing spree, killing and wounding many disciples of Zhenwuzong. 】

【You appeared again, this time, in the face of Zhongxing Pavilion's actions, you started a killing spree, killing everyone in Zhongxing Pavilion. 】

[You found that the disciples of Zhenwuzong respected you like gods. 】

[After this battle, the third-tier soldier lord of the Star Pavilion came.However, the other party did not embarrass you. Instead, he expressed his apology for killing and wounding the disciples of the Zhenwu Sect in Zhongxing Pavilion, and at the same time sincerely invited you to join Zhongxing Pavilion. 】

[In this regard, you refuse.After that, he fought a few tricks with the third-tier soldier master of Zhongxing Pavilion, and ended in a draw. 】

[In the end, you reached an agreement that Zhongxing Pavilion allows you to preach on the ten islands under the jurisdiction of Penglai Xiandao, and change the location of the blood sacrifice, but you have to become the guest minister of Zhongxing Pavilion, and when necessary, participate in the The actions of the Star Pavilion. 】

[Since then, in the hundreds of years, the power of Zhenwuzong has expanded rapidly.During this period, there was a family member who performed a blood sacrifice within the East China Sea, and you killed him, directly annihilating the entire Shenbing family, and Zhenwuzong therefore appeared in the sight of the entire source world. 】

[Since then, in the East China Sea, no family has dared to come to the blood sacrifice, and the disciples of the Zhenwu Sect have spread throughout the East China Sea.In the East China Sea, no matter it is human race, monster race, or monsters, they all enshrine the 'Demon Master'. 】

[In the following time, you used dream projections to spread your footprints all over the source world, passing down orthodox traditions in various places.The main body has been retreating for many years, participating in the space avenue. 】

[After more than 2000 years, your cultivation has returned to the peak of refining gods.At the same time, you began to rebuild the power of the law of time and the law of reincarnation. 】

[Because of the existence of the 'big bloomer' fate, your aptitude has tripled again, and your cultivation speed has not retreated but advanced. 】

[Because you do not participate in the struggle of various forces, and at the same time do not fight for the ownerless cave, the top forces of all parties will not embarrass you.The few shots you have made are all beheading the heavenly demon who sacrificed hundreds of millions of souls with blood. This move will not arouse the fear of the human race. 】

[Although the inheritance of Zhenwuzong spreads all over the source world, there are not many high-level warriors above the supernatural power level, so they cannot affect the general situation. 】

[Cultivators who have obtained the inheritance of Zhenwuzong are completely free and will not be restricted by Zhenwuzong, so the "disciples" of Zhenwuzong are all over the source world.Hundreds of millions of people believe in "Dangmo Zhenren" as a god, and the folks also call it "Dangmo Tianzun". 】


[After more than 2 years of development, even in some caves outside the world, some people have begun to believe in the 'Dangmo Tianzun'. 】

[One day, you suddenly found that your cultivation base has increased significantly, and the entry of 'Emperor's Taoism' has changed. 】

"Huh?!" Han Zhao was taken aback.

【So you struck while the iron was hot, and decided to retreat and attack the Emperor Realm. 】

[Thousands of years are fleeting, you go back to the past and spent a full 3 years. 】

[A hundred years ago when the timelines overlapped, you failed to hit the Emperor Realm, and your success fell short. 】

[However, at the same time you failed, the entry of "Emperor Daoist" changed dramatically, and you discovered that you had a certain connection with the disciples of Zhenwu Sect and the people who believed in "Dangmo Tianzun".There is a power called 'will power' in your body. 】

[Heavenly merit descends, and the fate of the 'Emperor's Taoism' evolves into the 'Human Way of Heaven'. 】

[At this moment, you find that you have been blessed by the priesthood named 'Emperor of Heaven'. 】

[Although you failed to break through the emperor, but when you received the blessing of the 'Emperor of Heaven' priesthood, your strength skyrocketed, and you gained power beyond ordinary emperors.It was a feeling of being blessed by heaven, as if everything was under control. 】

[At the same time, you find that your control over the 'believers' has increased to the extreme. 】

Looking at the information in the simulation, Han Zhao couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"[Heavenly Court of Humanity]? The Heavenly Emperor is actually me?!"

(End of this chapter)

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