Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 310 The chapter wheel is very strong, but mine hangs above yours!

Chapter 310 "Reincarnation Disk" is very strong, but mine is above yours!

"This 'wish power' is a bit like incense. It is enshrined through the beliefs of all living beings to enhance power."

Han Zhao pondered in his heart, thinking of the myths and legends of his previous life.

"This time, I was really blessed by heaven!"

Han Zhao's attention returned to the simulation.

[You discovered that the fate of 'Human Dao Tianting' is under the priesthood of 'Emperor of Heaven', and there are other priesthoods. Those who obtain the priesthood can get the blessing of 'Wish Power' just like you, and improve their strength. 】

[This is also a great blessing for cultivators. The power of the 'clergy' will not conflict with the power you have. 】

"You don't need to choose one of the two, that's the key." Han Zhao's eyes lit up, and in this way, the attraction of this 'clergy' to high-level practitioners was greatly increased.

Even in the Realm of a True Monarch, the Great Calamity of True Yang that occurs once every 3 years hangs like a sharp sword over his neck.

Although theoretically, as long as one can successfully cross the catastrophe, the lifespan is almost unlimited, but the power of the Zhenyang catastrophe is stronger than one time, and the top powerhouses in the real monarch realm may not be able to live for 20 years.

With the 'priesthood', not only the lifespan has been improved, but the key is that after the strength is improved, it can also survive more Zhenyang catastrophes.

When it is really impossible to survive the Zhenyang catastrophe, you can also choose to give up your cultivation base, and obtain the will power only by "clergy", so as to obtain longevity through another path.

[There are still more than a hundred years from the original timeline, you began to pay attention to the development of Zhenwuzong, and guided the development of disciples under the sect, and spread the belief of 'Zhenwu Sangmo Tianzun' throughout the source world. 】

[Your behavior has attracted the attention of the top forces in the source world and the outer world, because after 3 years of development, Zhen Wuzong has become a behemoth, with extraordinary strength.In particular, many contemporaneous True Monarchs from various forces have ascended to the Heaven Realm, but with your strength, you have not ascended, but stayed in the Origin Realm, which is not a small picture.The development of Zhenwuzong was suppressed by various forces, and folk beliefs were also affected. 】

[You start to use force to suppress hostile forces, and at the same time spread faith.In just over a hundred years, the power of the priesthood of 'Emperor of Heaven' has been further enhanced. 】

[Just when the timelines completely coincided, Emperor Xuan Miao arrived ahead of schedule, after a world-shattering battle. 】

[In the end, Emperor Xuanmiao improved his cultivation through the "Reincarnation Disk". This time, his cultivation directly soared to the realm of the Six Tribulations. 】

[You withdraw the power of all sentient beings at one time, and explode with all your power, but you are still invincible, and your physical body is destroyed by him. 】

[At the juncture of life and death, Emperor Xuanmiao's cultivation base has dropped to the realm of the Four Tribulations, and his strength has been greatly reduced. You use all your strength to die together with him. 】

"Huh? How could it happen this time?" Han Zhao's eyes were fixed.

[The simulation is over, you can choose two of the following]

[[-]. Obtaining the destiny of heaven 'Humanity Heaven']

[[-]. Obtaining the cultivation base in the simulation · the peak of the third level of refining gods · nine immortal apertures】

[Three, the origin of the Xuanyin Heavenly Demon. 】

[[-]. Innate Lingbao "Reincarnation Mirror" (Refreshable for a fee)]

[[-]. Randomly obtain a spirit treasure that appeared in the simulation]

[[-]. Randomly obtain an elixir that appeared in the simulation]

[[-]. Randomly obtain a rule comprehended in the simulation]

After the simulation was over, Caretaker Han looked at the options on the system panel.

This time, he didn't have to think at all. He had already figured out what to choose during the simulation.

Whether it is the [Human Way Heaven] or the "Reincarnation Disk", they are all things that he must have.

The former can immediately increase his strength, while the latter can immediately reduce the enemy's strength.

At this time, Han Zhao focused on [Option [-]].

[Current state, each time you refresh, you need to pay 2 low-grade gods (20000 spirit crystals or sky magic stones). 】

"Emperor Xuanmiao, your treasure is very good. will be mine soon!" Han Zhao showed a cold expression, without the "Reincarnation Disk", what does Emperor Xuanmiao on this timeline have to fight him.

In terms of improving strength alone, this "Reincarnation Disk" is indeed extremely strong, even surpassing Han Zhao's many methods.

However, in terms of hanging up, Han Zhao has never been afraid of anyone.

This simulation has gone through 3 years, and there are so many treasures, it is not easy to create a "reincarnation disk".

However, he has 10,000+ spirit crystals and a high-grade divine source, which is enough to refresh sixty times, and it is definitely more than enough to refresh the "Reincarnation Disk".

"Option [-], Refresh." Han Zhao immediately said silently.

[Consume 20000 spirit crystals. 】

There was a purple-gold glare on the system panel, and the text on [Option [-]] changed accordingly.

[3. Red Ganoderma lucidum · [-] years of medicinal power (can be refreshed for a fee)]

"The 3-year elixir is really good, but it's a pity."

Han Zhao looked at the refreshed options and refreshed again without hesitation.

[Consume 20000 spirit crystals. 】

[Option [-]] Change again.

[[-]. Fragments of the original law of the world of Jiuyou Tianma's mind (can be refreshed for a fee)]

"Good stuff refresh!"

Han Zhao recited silently again, now he doesn't want anything except the "Reincarnation Disk".

[Consume 20000 spirit crystals. 】



[Consume 20000 spirit crystals. 】


[Consume two low-grade divine resources. 】

[[-]. Chaos Lingbao "Reincarnation Disk" Incomplete (Refreshable for a fee)]

"This is it!"

Han Zhao refreshed fifteen times in a row, consuming all 10,000+ spirit crystals and low-grade divine sources, leaving only the top-grade spatial divine source and a low-grade water divine source.

But as long as you can get this "Reincarnation Disk", this consumption is nothing at all.

"Chaos Spirit Treasure! Sure enough, it's not an innate Taoist weapon." Han Zhao looked at the description on the system panel, and his eyes froze.

At this time, Han Zhao said silently in his heart: "System, I will choose one and four."

[Obtain the Heaven's Fate 'Humanity Heaven']

[Obtain Chaos Spirit Treasure·"Reincarnation Disk"·Incomplete]

As the selection ended, a palm-sized black compass appeared in the void in front of Han Zhao.

The appearance of the compass looks extremely smooth, covered with patterns, exuding strange lawful fluctuations.


Han Zhao took the "Reincarnation Disk" into his palm, only to feel a powerful force of the law of reincarnation repelling his mana, and his spiritual thoughts were also blocked from the "Reincarnation Disk".

"This power does not seem to belong to the "Reincarnation Disk" itself, but to Emperor Xuanmiao! "

"The system is the strongest treasure!" Han Zhao pondered in his heart.

At this time, Han Zhao's attention was focused on the destiny of heaven [humanity heaven].

He found that under the blessing of the priesthood of "Emperor of Heaven", his strength has been greatly improved, but it is not as strong as the general emperor in the simulation.

"The wish power still exists, but it has decreased a lot!" Han Zhao noticed the difference.

The current wish power seems to be brought by the warriors in Mingcang Mountain and the members of the Ying clan who were instructed by him.

But these people must not be able to respect him as a god, let alone worship him as a belief.

"However, there is time for me to develop 'believers'."

Han Zhao is not in a hurry, the focus is on the "Reincarnation Disk".

He placed the "Reincarnation Disk" in front of him, and began to remove the power left by Emperor Xuanmiao in the "Reincarnation Disk", and at the same time imprinted his own divine sense and mana.

at the same time.

Among the "Whirling Heaven Realm", one of the ten heavens in the Heaven Realm, the most powerful force in this realm is the Samsara Dao Sect who has three extremely powerful emperors.

"who is it--!"

At this time, in a nearly endless fairy palace hanging high in the sky, there was a loud shout suddenly.

A phantom of an indomitable giant appeared at the top of the Asgard.

The giant's body was imposing, his appearance was extraordinary, his eyes were like cold stars, and his eyebrows were like paint. At this moment, he looked like a demon god glaring at him. This scream shook the sky and the earth, cracks appeared in the void, the earth trembled, and the continents shattered.

"It's Dijun! What made him so angry?"

The disciples of the Reincarnation Dao Sect were silent like cicadas.

The giant's eyes looked into the depths of the void through the cracks in space, and that glance seemed to travel through countless time and space, and saw the source world.

Three years passed in a flash.

In the center of Tianzhou, in the spiritual land of Mingcang Mountain north of Xianyang City, a huge black beam of light shot up into the sky. The beam of light came from Han Zhao's cave in the central mountain range of Mingcang Mountain.

There is a terrifying mana riot in the beam of light, as well as an astonishing power of law, as if it wants to poke a hole out of the sky.

A large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth converged towards the spiritual land of Mingcang Mountain, and quickly formed a funnel-shaped spiritual energy vortex in the sky above.

"what happened?!"

"It's the central mountain range! Is it Senior Han?!"

The huge celestial phenomenon instantly caused a commotion among the warriors on Mingcang Mountain, and everyone looked at the central mountain range.

"Is there a strange treasure born?"

"How is it possible, what kind of strange treasure can cause this kind of celestial phenomenon? I'm afraid Xiantian Lingbao can't do it either!"

"If you ask me, it's probably because Senior Han has practiced some earth-shattering, unpredictable and peerless supernatural power!"

Everyone stared at the beam of light piercing the sky and the earth with shocking expressions, and they couldn't help discussing and guessing the reason for the celestial phenomenon.

The celestial phenomenon did not last long, and soon disappeared without a trace.

At this time, in the cave in the central mountain range.

Han Zhao stared solemnly at the "Reincarnation Disk" floating in front of him.

After three years of sacrificial refining, he finally refined the "Reincarnation Disk".

After refining this treasure, he realized that the power of this "Reincarnation Disk" can be called earth-shattering.

This "Reincarnation Disk" can be used to speed up the practice of the law of reincarnation, and it can also greatly increase the speed of condensing the reincarnation pattern, and this is only the most basic ability of the "Reincarnation Disk".

In addition, any cultivator and living beings can leave their marks on the "reincarnation disk", even the emperor and the strong can use the "reincarnation disk" to reincarnate and rebuild, and directly detect the birth of the broken fetus at the time of birth. fan.

What's even more abnormal is that practitioners can seal their cultivation bases on the "Reincarnation Disk" in advance. After reincarnation, they can retrieve their cultivation bases from the "Reincarnation Disk" after reaching a certain level.

This ability is even more important to Han Zhao than others.

Because it is extremely difficult to become an emperor with the three supreme laws at once, and the previous emperors have not done it. Although he is confident, he still needs a lot of help from outside forces. This is why he is so urgently looking for the "Da Dao Seal". where.

Now that he has this "Reincarnation Disk", if he really can't break through at the same time, then he has another path to choose from.

He can only specialize in the power of one supreme law, and then seal up the power of cultivation and law after breaking through the emperor realm, and then reincarnate to practice another supreme law, and repeat the process.

When the emperor is achieved for the third time with the supreme law, and the cultivation base and laws sealed in the previous two times are taken out at one time, he can become the supreme emperor with the three supreme laws in one.

As for the anti-enemy ability of the "Reincarnation Disk", it mainly lies in strengthening the law of reincarnation and the spiritual field in all directions, forming an overwhelming advantage over practitioners who practice the same law.

However, the price to be paid for using this treasure is also extremely astonishing.

First of all, every time the "reincarnation disk" is activated, a large number of living souls need to be sacrificed to strengthen the power of reincarnation, and these living souls cannot be ordinary creatures, they must be cultivators.

Secondly, every time the "samsara disk" is used, the user's state will be 'copied' in the "samsara disk".At a certain time, especially after the user has gone through a battle, the user will enter a special state - the reincarnation period.

Just like when Han Zhao used the krypton life knife method Kurong style before, the longevity formula will make his body enter the "reincarnation period", but this reincarnation period will automatically recover over time.

And the reincarnation period brought about by the "reincarnation disk" is even more terrible, and it needs to be re-cultivated before it can be restored. Although it is much faster than the normal emperor's practice, it is also extremely time-consuming.

Just like the Emperor Xuanmiao, who is actually the Emperor of the Six Tribulations, but because he used the "Reincarnation Disk", he entered the "Reincarnation Period", so his cultivation directly dropped to the state of the Emperor of the Four Tribulations.

In the simulation, Emperor Xuanmiao entered the "Reincarnation Disk", and his cultivation was raised from the Emperor of Four Tribulations to the Fifth Tribulation. It was not that the "Reincarnation Disk" promoted him, but that he entered the "Reincarnation Period" on his own initiative, and found in the "Reincarnation Disk". The cultivation base and state of the Five Tribulations Emperor period.

This kind of behavior of actively looking for state in the "reincarnation disk" will make his subsequent reincarnation period longer and his state weaker.

That is to say, Emperor Xuanmiao is a majestic reincarnation emperor of six calamities, and he is also a big figure standing at the top in the heaven. After using the "reincarnation disk", his cultivation level may drop suddenly at any time, and he will become an emperor of four or five calamities.

It's no wonder that Emperor Xuanmiao looked hysterical when he used the "Reincarnation Disk".

Of course, from a certain point of view, when using the "Reincarnation Disk", the enhanced "state" will also be recorded in it. If one enters the strongest state during a certain reincarnation period, it can directly improve the cultivation base and strength.

"This treasure is suitable for 'Emperor Europe'!" Han Zhao came to this conclusion in his mind.

"The incomplete part of the "Reincarnation Disk" is the "Reincarnation Seal" and "Reincarnation Mirror"? ! "

Han Zhao recalled that this chaotic spiritual treasure was incomplete, and Emperor Xuanmiao tried his best to let Zhao Changsheng, the real king of reincarnation, compete for the innate spiritual treasure of "Reincarnation Mirror", which should be related to "Reincarnation Disk".

Perhaps filling in the missing part of the "Reincarnation Disk" can reduce the cost of use, or even eliminate the cost.

"There is no "Reincarnation Disk", what are you fighting with me! "


PS: In the past few years, I have been staying up all night while writing a book. After Lianyang twice, I was very weak. I made an appointment with Chinese medicine practitioners. I will start acupuncture and drink medicine tomorrow. Take care, everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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