Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 311 The Lunzhang Hall opens, and the double emperors return to their thrones!

Chapter 311 "Reincarnation Palace" opened, the double emperors return!

As Han Zhao completely refined the "Reincarnation Disk", on Han Zhao's system panel, the Heavenly Dao Fate [Human Dao Tianting] suddenly burst into a huge golden light.

Han Zhao's eyes were fixed, and his attention was shifted to [Heavenly Court of Humanity].

【Heaven of Humanity】:
The world is in chaos and the heavens and demons are in chaos. In this troubled world, you should be ordered by the heavens to rebuild the heaven of humanity and protect all places.

The heaven of humanity is favored by the will of heaven in the source world, and inherits the merits and luck of heaven. You are the "emperor of heaven" and have the authority to appoint priests.

The priests appointed by you will be favored by the will of heaven, and have the ability to absorb the incense and vows of all living beings in order to seek the way of longevity.

The strength of the clergy is completely affected by the luck of heaven and the power of the incense and incense of all beings. When breaking through and prolonging life, there will be no catastrophe.

Every time the people in the heavenly court do things that are conducive to the prosperity of humanity, there will be merits of heaven and virtue, which will increase the strength and number of priesthood.

Every time a believer or clergyman of the master level appears in the heavenly court; your roots, understanding, and mana recovery will increase by 15%-30%; the upper limit is 400%;

Every time a believer or clergyman in the Condensation Realm appears in the heavenly court; your roots, understanding, mana recovery, and magical power will increase by 30%-40%; the upper limit is 800%.

Every time a believer or clergyman in the supernatural realm appears in the heavenly court; your roots, understanding, mana recovery, supernatural power, and cultivation will increase by 50%-80%; the upper limit is 1200%.

Every time there is a believer or clergyman in the heavenly realm; your roots, understanding, mana recovery, supernatural power, cultivation base, and law practice speed will increase by 150%-300%; the upper limit is 1600%.

Every time there is a believer or clergyman who refines the gods in heaven; your roots, understanding, mana recovery, supernatural power, cultivation base, law practice speed, and law compatibility will increase by 400%-800%, no upper limit.

Every time there is a believer or clergyman in the void-returning state in the heavenly court; your roots, understanding, mana recovery, supernatural power, cultivation base, law practice speed, law compatibility, and law affinity will increase by 600%-1000%. unlimited.

Every time there is a believer or clergyman who is in the Dao state in heaven; your roots, understanding, mana recovery, supernatural power, cultivation base, law practice speed, law compatibility, law affinity, and Dao affinity will increase by 3000 %,unlimited.

(If the cultivation base reaches the upper limit of the current realm, the success rate of breaking the realm will be increased instead.)
Current priesthood: [Heavenly Emperor], [Qingdi], [Red Emperor], [Yellow Emperor], [White Emperor], [Black Emperor].

(Increasing the merits of heaven and virtue and the power of incense and fire of all beings can increase the number of high-level priests.)
[Heavenly Emperor]: [Heavenly Court of Humanity] The highest priesthood, the highest authority, and the favor of the will of the source world, is the person who is favored by the luck of the source world; he has a high affinity for the laws of the three thousand ways.Transcending the catastrophe in the source world can increase or reduce the power of the catastrophe by 10%-30%; in the heavenly court, the "Emperor of Heaven" can extract 10%-50% of the incense power of other priests, and has the ability to deprive all the power of the "Emperor of Heaven" The right to priesthood and authority.

[Qingdi]: [Humanity Heaven] High-ranking priesthood, one of the five emperors, the Eastern Qingdi; master of all things, belongs to the east; the affinity for the original law of wood is increased by 100%, and the tribulation in the source world can reduce the 10% power of Heavenly Tribulation.

[Red Emperor]: [Heavenly Court of Humanity] High-level priesthood, one of the five emperors, the Southern Red Emperor.
[Yellow Emperor]: [Humanity Heaven] High-level priesthood, one of the five emperors, the Central Yellow Emperor.
[White Emperor]: [Heavenly Court of Humanity] High-level priesthood, one of the five emperors, the Western White Emperor.
[Hei Di]: [Heavenly Court of Humanity] High-level priesthood, one of the five emperors, the Northern Black Emperor.
Heaven's fate [Human Dao Tianting] evolved on the basis of the seven-color fate [Emperor's Taoism], including the original bonuses of [Emperor's Taoism], and expanded the scope at the same time.

Compared with the bonuses obtained from raising offspring and cultivating disciples, the spread speed and coverage of the power of faith are definitely far beyond the former.

At this time, there is an extra line of information at the bottom of [Human Way Heaven].

[Integrating the Chaos Spirit Treasure·"Reincarnation Disk" into the heavenly fate "Human Heavenly Court", can enhance the power of the Emperor of Heaven, increase the priesthood of "Ten Capitals", and control the six reincarnations of the source world. 】

"Huh?!" Looking at the prompt message of the system, Han Zhao's eyes were fixed, and the Chaos Spirit Treasure could actually enhance the authority and priesthood of [Humanity Heaven].

"If the price of the "Reincarnation Disk" can be avoided, then integrating the "Reincarnation Disk" into [Humanity and Heaven] will solve a big problem. "

Han Zhao thought to himself.

However, he was not in a hurry to integrate the "Reincarnation Disk" into the "Heavenly Court of Humanity", after all, this chaotic treasure was incomplete.

Perhaps after completing the "Reincarnation Disk" and then integrating it into the [Human Way Heaven], greater benefits can be obtained.

Moreover, Han Zhao is more concerned about finding the "Reincarnation Seal" with the help of the "Reincarnation Disk" than increasing the authority of the "Emperor of Heaven" priesthood.

It is Han Zhao's primary goal to achieve the emperor, or even the Taoist monarch, with the three supreme principles.

This "reincarnation disk" is useful both in reality and in simulation.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao is not going to integrate the "Reincarnation Disk" into the "Human Way Heavenly Court" for the time being.

"To be on the safe side, let's get some helpers."

Han Zhao put the "Reincarnation Disk" in his body, and he will not use this treasure lightly unless it is absolutely necessary.

The opening of the "Reincarnation Palace" is imminent, and the enemies in the Realm of True Monarchs are naturally not to be feared, but after killing Zhao Changsheng, the True Lord of Reincarnation, Emperor Xuanmiao will come to this realm in at most a hundred years.

Now that he has taken away Emperor Xuanmiao's "Reincarnation Disk", no one knows whether Emperor Xuanmiao will come in advance.

If possible, I don't want to use my current cultivation base to fight a supreme cultivating emperor. Fighting beyond the level is always a risk.

"It's as difficult as reaching the sky if you want to break through in a short period of time. Even if you kill a few more Xuanyin demons and simulate again, you may not be able to become an emperor in one go. But the strength of the priesthood can be improved by taking this opportunity."

[Emperor of Heaven] Under the priesthood, there is also the priesthood of the 'five directions' emperor, but I can bring some helpers over.

The two real monarchs of the Great Qin Empire are one of the best candidates.

[Heavenly Emperor] The priesthood's strength bonus to him is not as good as in the simulation, but it also has a strength bonus close to the emperor's level. Although it is just icing on the cake for him, for other true emperors, it is a timely gift.

For many middle and high-level warriors, the priesthood is extremely attractive.

Human beings have a common belief, that is interest.

As long as there are enough common interests, these people will worship him as a god.

The power of will comes naturally.

As long as one person reaps the benefits, others will flock to it.

While thinking about countermeasures, Ying Zhi and Ying Xin rushed to the cave in the central mountain range of Mingcang Mountain and sent invitations.

After Han Zhao checked the invitation, the three deities of time, space, and reincarnation merged into one, and immediately turned into a ray of light that soared into the sky and flew towards Xianyang City.

In the sky above Xianyang City, the Tiangang Disha Formation had deliberately opened an entrance so that he could fly directly into the palace.

This is also one of his privileges as a guest minister of the Great Qin Empire. Other forces, even the real king and strong, must first send a letter of worship, and only after obtaining approval can they enter.

After all, the two True Monarchs of the Great Qin Empire can also be ranked among the top ten existences among the True Monarchs of many forces in the Origin Realm, and the Zifu Immortal Palace behind them is even more famous in the Heaven Realm.

Not every major force in the source world is backed by the emperor of the heaven world.

Also owning the emperor, also scored a closeness.

The emperor of the Purple Mansion Immortal Palace was from the Ying clan in the Yuan Realm, so the Great Qin Empire had the capital to dominate the entire Dongsheng Continent.

It's a pity that the Zifu Immortal Palace in the simulation was severely damaged by the Dao Sect of Reincarnation, and the gate of the palace was closed. This may be one of the important reasons for the collapse of the Great Qin Empire in the future.

After Han Zhao entered the palace, he went straight to the apse and met Ying Zhi and Ying Xin.

"I've met two fellow daoists, but I don't know why the two fellow daoists asked Han to come here?" Han Zhao bowed his hands at the two of them.

"Fellow Daoist Han, you're being polite. The two of us came here with fellow Daoist Han to discuss an important matter with you." Ying Zhi spoke first.

"The opening of the "Reincarnation Hall" is about to begin, and many descendants of the Ying clan want to go to the "Reincarnation Hall" to compete for the "Reincarnation Edict".At this time, we didn't plan to join in the fun, but we heard that Fellow Daoist Han has practiced some kind of shocking and peerless supernatural powers this time, so we want to invite Fellow Daoist Han to go to the "Hall of Reincarnation" and compete for the side of the inner hall." Samsara Mirror". "Ying Xin on the side added.

"Compete for the 'Mirror of Reincarnation'? ! "Han Zhao was taken aback when he heard the words. This is different from the situation in the simulation. In the simulation, he was going to the "Reincarnation Palace" to compete for the "Reincarnation Seal", so the two brothers offered to go with him, but now it's the other way around.

"I don't know how Han Daoyou would like it?" Ying Xin's eyes lit up when he heard that Han Zhao did not deny that he had practiced a peerless supernatural power.

"To be honest, Mr. Han came here for this "mirror of reincarnation". "Han Zhao pondered, "Reincarnation Mirror" is related to "Reincarnation Disk", he is bound to get it.

"This..." Upon hearing this, Ying Xin exchanged a glance with Ying Zhi who was at the side. The two of them understood each other and nodded secretly.

They are not afraid that Han Zhao has a purpose, but they are afraid that Han Zhao has no purpose. After all, such a powerful and unknown true king came to the Great Qin Empire to guide the children of the Ying family for hundreds of years. It's unbelievable.

Now that Han Zhao has spoken out, they trust him even more.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Han, we two brothers will not compete with you for the 'Mirror of Reincarnation', but will help you to win this treasure, as long as Fellow Daoist Han lends this treasure to the two of us at some point in the future That's it. "Ying Zhi said seriously.

"My two brothers have practiced for more than [-] years, and the next Zhenyang catastrophe at [-] years old is only a thousand years away. If you can't break through to the late stage of refining gods, the next catastrophe may be difficult to survive. In order to Just in case, we have to make preparations for rebuilding in advance. Only high-level innate spirit treasures such as "Reincarnation Mirror" can allow my two brothers to reincarnate with memories, so we want to compete for this treasure. "

Ying Xin continued.

"It's just that we didn't have much confidence in the treasure hunting before, and if we were injured during the treasure hunting process and didn't win the treasure, then the next catastrophe will definitely destroy both body and spirit. At that time, the Ying clan Daqin will not be able to perish in the hands of my two brothers. With the appearance of Daoyou Han, my two brothers see the hope of winning the "Mirror of Reincarnation". "

"So it is." Han Zhao suddenly understood.It seems that in the original time trajectory, even without his existence, accidents would happen to the two ancestors of the Ying clan, which would lead to the overthrow of the Great Qin Empire.

"If my two brothers are reincarnated and rebuilt, then the Ying family will have to rely on Fellow Daoist Han to take care of you, so we two brothers are willing to make an oath to help you win the "Mirror of Reincarnation". " Ying Zhi said in a deep voice.

"Ms. Han is willing to trust the two fellow Taoists, so there is no need for the oath of heaven." Han Zhao waved his hand.

"So, Fellow Daoist Han agreed! In this way, thank you very much!"

The two brothers showed joy on their faces. The reason why they chose to trust Han Zhao was entirely because Han Zhao's strength was above them before.

After more than a hundred years of getting along, they also had an intuitive understanding of Han Zhao's personality, so they chose to trust him.

After all, for cultivators in their realm, becoming an emperor is the ultimate goal. As for power and so on, it is just a passing moment, so there is no fear that Han Zhao will control the Ying clan after they re-cultivate.

In this world, the strong are respected.

"Actually." Han Zhao revealed a thoughtful look on his face.

"Fellow Daoist Han has any requests, but it's okay to ask." Ying Zhi said solemnly.

"In this case, Han will get straight to the point." Han Zhao said seriously: "If the two fellow Taoists want to use the "Mirror of Reincarnation" to rebuild, there is no need to go to such trouble.The two of you will wait here for a while until Han goes to the "Hall of Reincarnation" to get the "Mirror of Reincarnation". "

"You mean Daoist Han, you don't need the two of us to go together? To take the "Mirror of Reincarnation" alone? "Ying Zhi was taken aback.

"Although Fellow Daoist Han has amazing supernatural powers, it is not easy for the true kings of all races in the "Hall of Reincarnation" to go here. "Ying Xin reminded tactfully, feeling that Han Zhao was still too arrogant.

"Two fellow daoists, don't worry, Mr. Han will not make fun of his own life." Han Zhao smiled lightly: "The two fellow daoists only need to promise Mr. Han. Just burn the incense."

"Spreading Faith." Ying Xin's eyes narrowed, and he asked doubtfully, "Could it be a sect similar to the White Lotus Sect? Demagoguery, incitement."

Halfway through his words, he showed an embarrassed smile. After all, Han Zhao, the majestic true monarch, could be so boring.

"The faith I'm talking about is 'Heavenly Court'!" Han Zhao said seriously.

"Heavenly Court?!" Both Ying Zhi and Ying Xin were shocked.

The Heavenly Court is a giant force that spans the 33 heavenly realms. Before the Heavenly Demons invaded and the Heavenly Emperor died, even the Zifu Immortal Palace behind them was just a subordinate force of the Heavenly Court. .

It is conceivable that the weight of the word "Heavenly Court", now Han Zhao actually said that the belief he wants to spread is "Heavenly Court", how can people not be surprised.

"What does fellow Daoist Han mean by accepting incense? Could it be related to your previous teaching of martial arts and inheritance of martial arts? Can faith and incense also become power?" Ying Zhi suddenly thought of this, Han Zhao would definitely not do useless work, Then this move must be to enhance strength.

Han Zhao spread his hands and smiled faintly.

"This is the power of incense belief!"

The golden mist surrounded his body, covering his whole body like a tulle.

"Huh?! This is"

Ying Zhi and Ying Xin felt a vast, sacred and terrifying force from it, and the key point was that this force was completely different from mana.


The two brothers' eyes widened, and they looked at Han Zhao in horror. Although this power was not mana, it had already surpassed the level of a true king, comparable to an emperor.

No wonder Han Zhao has such confidence, once the emperor comes out, who can beat him in the source world?
"The emperor is face to face, my brothers are rude!" The two respectfully saluted Han Zhao.

"The two fellow Taoists are serious. The power of the incense and faith can only be strengthened by collecting the vows of all living beings, so it needs the support of the two of you. Of course, if you are willing, I can also give you the secret method of collecting the vows. People, how about we spread the belief of heaven together?" Han Zhao said with a smile.

"This" the two brothers looked at each other, and they were both moved.

"You two can experience it by yourself." Han Zhao waved his sleeve robe, and two light clusters, one red and one black, flew towards the two of them.

The two brothers were startled, their eyes struggled for a while, but in the end they didn't resist.

As two balls of light, one red and one black, submerged into the bodies of the two, an astonishing aura gushed out from the bodies of the two.

"my power?!"

"This is the peak of the third stage of refining gods!!"

Ying Zhi and Ying Xin looked in disbelief. Their realm hadn't improved, but their strength had skyrocketed exponentially.

"Is this the incense wish power?" The two felt that the other end of this power was connected to the voices of many warriors.

"Sure enough." After the two obtained the priesthood of [Red Emperor] and [Black Emperor] respectively, Han Zhao felt that the power of his priesthood of [Emperor of Heaven] had been improved.

(End of this chapter)

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