Chapter 312 Entering the Temple and Contacting

"Is this the incense wish power?!"

The two brothers Ying Zhi and Ying Xin looked at Han Zhao in shock as they felt the force that was completely different from mana but equally powerful.

Han Zhao nodded slightly, "The source of this power is the belief of all living beings. The stronger the believer is, the more pious the belief, the more incense and vows we will get! The strength will be stronger!"

"According to Fellow Daoist Han, if you broadcast your beliefs and collect enough incense and vows, wouldn't you be able to obtain a power comparable to that of an emperor?!" Ying Zhi was shocked.

"Of course!" Han Zhao said with a smile: "The incense and vows that the two fellow Taoists have obtained now mainly come from the warriors I have taught, and they are only a small part of the sentient beings in the source world. In the source world, the power of the emperor realm is at your fingertips, if you can spread your faith to the heavens, it is not impossible to become a Taoist monarch in the future!"

"I can feel that there is an extra power in my body called 'Authority'. This priesthood is [Red Emperor]? The law of fire is strengthened, which just corresponds to the power of the law I practice!" Ying Xin said from the power of the incense fire Feeling the powerful bonus of the priesthood of [Red Emperor], I firmly believe in what Han Zhao said.

"[Hei Di], it's a pity that the strengthening of the law of water is not the law of frost." Ying Zhi felt a little regretful, and immediately nodded: "However, the original law of water also has a strong effect on the cultivation of the law of frost. Moreover, I feel that the surrounding world The force seems to be much more active."

The two brothers are practicing a peerless magic art called 'Ice and Fire Liangyi Tulu'. Because the difficulty is too high, the two practice the scrolling and scrolling separately, and their joint attack is enough to rival those in the third stage of refining the gods. High-ranking True Monarch.

Now after obtaining the priesthood, their strength has soared, comparable to the peak of the third level of supernatural powers. If the two of them perform combined attacks, they will be several times stronger than before.

"The [Heavenly Court of Humanity] was born in accordance with the way of heaven, so those who have obtained the priesthood will naturally be favored by the will of heaven in the source world. After that, the two fellow Taoists will be more comfortable practicing the law." Han Zhao added.

"A priesthood that can strengthen the power of law, and is named after 'Emperor', it seems that there are high and low grades among these priesthoods." Ying Zhi pondered, looking at Han Zhao.

"Fellow Daoist's words are good." Han Zhao said seriously.

"[Qingdi], [Red Emperor], [Yellow Emperor], [White Emperor], [Black Emperor], the five emperors are high-ranking priests under [Heavenly Emperor]. Regarding the personalities of the two, Han would not tell such a secret involving his family and life, let alone share his priesthood.

Of course, if the two feel that they will be controlled by Han because of this, they can also return the priesthood of [Red Emperor] and [Black Emperor] without causing any damage to the two.

As long as the two of you make an oath of heaven and don't reveal this secret, then it will be assumed that this matter never happened.Of course, our previous agreement is still valid. "

The two brothers looked at each other, then saluted Han Zhao respectfully, and said in unison, "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Han!"

With their own strength in the second stage of refining gods, coupled with the strength of their priesthood promotion, if they go to survive the Zhenyang catastrophe, the success rate will be much higher.

Moreover, the power of the law is strengthened by the priesthood, and there is hope for their future practice to go further.

In fact, when the two of them obtained the priesthood just now, they felt that they were faintly restricted by some kind of power. Now that Han Zhao said it bluntly, they naturally knew who the person with the priesthood of "Emperor of Heaven" was.

As for the price to be paid for obtaining the priesthood, the two of them were naturally mentally prepared.

"I heard from you two that you are willing to grow the Heavenly Court together with me. In this way, from now on, the priesthood of [Red Emperor] and [Black Emperor] will belong to you two." Han Zhao smiled, he didn't think anyone could Resist this temptation, but this kind of thing always needs to be voluntary.

"Fellow Daoist Han, although the Heavenly Emperor is dead, the Heavenly Court is a well-known power. If we act in the name of the Heavenly Court, I am afraid it will cause dissatisfaction from the forces of the Heavenly Realm. Although there is Fellow Daoist Han in charge, it is natural to be rampant in the source world, but if If we provoke the forces of the heavens, even the Immortal Palace of the Purple Mansion behind us may not be able to keep us. Moreover, if the power of incense and vows and priesthood are leaked, it may cause a bloodbath."

Ying Zhi pondered, after choosing to accept the priesthood, he naturally considered everyone's common interests.

Although Han Zhao's priesthood is powerful, after he also obtained the priesthood of [Black Emperor], he found that although the priesthood of "Heavenly Emperor" increased Han Zhao's strength stronger, it seemed that he was not close to the realm of the emperor, and he might not be able to provoke him. Great power in the heavens.

After all, although the Heavenly Court in today's world exists in name only, but in Da Luo Tian, ​​one of the three supreme heavens, there are still remnants of the Heavenly Court, even the top forces of the last ten days, and they do not want to conflict with it.

"Two fellow Taoists, don't worry. Before we have enough power, we can't make public the matter of the heavenly court. What we need to do now is broadcast our beliefs and accumulate believers. Although cultivators have more and stronger belief power, it is not easy Acquisition, so the two can alias 'Red Emperor' and 'Black Emperor', accumulate good deeds among the people, and gain the belief of the people. After accumulating enough incense and vows to reach the strength of the emperor in one fell swoop, the Heavenly Court of Humanity will be able to truly be in the source world. established."

Han Zhao already had a plan for this. Although the public establishment of the Heavenly Court of Humanity can accumulate the power of incense and fire as quickly as possible, it is also easy to become the target of public criticism, so first accumulate strength in secret. Worry-free will be guaranteed.

"Fellow Daoist Han is more thoughtful." The two brothers Ying Zhi and Ying Xin relaxed their faces. Although the priesthood is very important to them, if the Great Qin Empire and the Ying clan would be implicated, they would still have many concerns.If they hadn't attached great importance to the Great Qin Empire and the Ying clan, they wouldn't have been slow to ascend to the heavens.

"The two fellow Taoists have just obtained the priesthood, and now they need to spend a lot of time getting used to the 'authority' of the priesthood and the use of incense and vow power. Now, to go to the "Hall of Reincarnation", a certain person from Han can go.I hope that when Han returns, the two fellow Taoists will be ready. "Han Zhao said seriously.

"Fellow Daoist Han, don't worry, this matter is covered by my two brothers." Ying Zhi looked solemn.

"Fellow Daoist Han, please be careful all the way." Ying Xin cupped his hands.

"Don't worry, fellow daoists, taking the "Mirror of Reincarnation" is just a small trial, and the real big game is yet to come. "Han Zhao said lightly, with a look of secretiveness.

Ying Zhi and Ying Xin felt awe-inspiring when they heard the words. Han Zhao never exaggerated his words. Obviously this trip to the "Hall of Reincarnation" may be very safe for him, but the follow-up impact should be great.

Could it be that it was because of those true monarchs who descended from the heavens?

"Han is going too." Han Zhao waved his sleeve robe, and a huge golden light bloomed all over his body. He soared into the sky and went straight into the clouds. After finding the right direction, he flew towards Lingtai Mountain in the north of Zhongzhou.

The two brothers Ying Zhi and Ying Xin immediately sat cross-legged on the futon in the hall, and began to carefully feel the benefits of the priesthood of [Red Emperor] and [Qing Emperor].

After a while, the two brothers opened their eyes and looked at each other, seeing the deep shock in each other's eyes.

This priesthood is much more powerful than what Han Zhao said, and it seems that there are more mysteries that they haven't discovered.

In the next few months, the children of the Ying clan discovered a strange thing.

That is, the ancestor of Zhenjun, who has always been high above the top and never sees the end of the dragon, appears in the palace swaggeringly every day, not only pointing out the practice experience of heavenly beings and martial gods in public, but even facing the masters and warriors of the martial saint realm. Just a few words.

What's even more exaggerated is that several martial artists who had the courage to seek advice from their ancestors all talked to Ying Zhi and Ying Xin.

After hearing the news, some celestial beings and martial gods who were practicing in seclusion left the seclusion one after another.

The two ancestors of the true emperor who were serious and dull in the past are now like kind elders, very kind, just like the senior Han.

So everyone couldn't help comparing the two ancestors of the true king with the senior Han, and they were surprised to find that although they were both true kings, the two ancestors were from the Ying clan and were familiar with the skills and supernatural powers of the Ying clan. But in terms of teaching ability, the two ancestors are much worse than Senior Han.

Of course, even so, all the children of the Ying family are grateful.

After all, after reaching a high level, everyone wants to go further, even the elders in the clan may not have much time to teach the low-level disciples, so the willingness of the two true emperor ancestors to pass on their cultivation experience has already made everyone very grateful.

However, some people think that the two ancestors of Zhenjun were influenced by Senior Han. Otherwise, it is normal for a dignified Zhenjun to mention that high-level practitioners such as Tianren and Wushen would have time to pay attention to middle and low-level warriors.

"Sure enough, as Fellow Daoist Han said, this move can obtain incense and wish power."

At this time, in the apse of the Xianyang Imperial Palace, brothers Ying Zhi and Ying Xin had thoroughly understood what was going on with the power of the incense stick after several months of textual research.

"These juniors are really good," Ying Zhi said angrily, making a gesture of listening intently, showing a dumbfounding expression.

Through the force of his wish, he heard the voice of a low-level warrior from the Ying family. While the other party dared to ask him for guidance, he secretly slandered him, comparing their teaching ability with Han Zhao, and finally made a wish in his heart. If the three of them could work together Guide him to practice, at least he can become a heavenly man in the future.

Really dare to think!
"It's precisely these younger generations who have strong wishes." Ying Xin sighed.

"Don't you think it's scary?" Ying Zhi said suddenly.

"What?" Ying Xin was taken aback, and after a moment of silence, he nodded, "Yes."

They can directly hear the voices of the 'believers', and if they cannot satisfy the wishes of the believers, the power of their wishes will also decrease accordingly.

Just like they also taught many children of the Ying clan, but some of them did not provide the slightest wish.

It shows that even if these people appreciate their guidance in their hearts, they cannot reach the level of "believers".

"Fortunately, I can only hear the voices of low-level warriors." Ying Zhi said again.

"This kind of voice is too much, and it's very annoying." Ying Xin responded, as long as they used their vows, they would hear the voices of believers.

Ying Zhi shook his head secretly and fell silent. The second brother obviously didn't understand what he meant.

the other side.

Lingtai Mountain in Zhongzhou.

Here, the forest is lush, but the spiritual energy is thin, which has nothing to do with the spiritual land.

Han Zhao came here a few months ago. After many inquiries and inquiries about the warriors of the Ying clan, he confirmed the location and stayed in Lingtai Mountain to wait.

Finally, the day when the "Hall of Reincarnation" opens.


The sky was originally clear, but suddenly there was a huge roar. A huge black hole about a hundred feet in size suddenly condensed and spread in all directions. Finally, a palace about several thousand feet in height emerged from the black hole.

The whole body of this hall is pitch black, and it looks thick and majestic from the outside. The surface exudes a faint fluorescence, forming a translucent giant light shield, from which a wave of extremely strong power of law overflows.

Han Zhao's spiritual thoughts left the body, and found that on the top of the hall, there were three silver ancient scripts with a radius of several feet, and the inscription 'Reincarnation Hall'.

This hall alone is a high-level innate spirit treasure of space, with an extraordinary appearance, which completely isolates Han Zhao's spiritual thoughts from the outside of the hall, making it impossible to enter the hall.

With the appearance of the "Reincarnation Palace", warriors and heavenly beings from all sides flew into the mask one after another.

The children of the Ying family who were accompanied by "Senior Han" came to Han Zhao.

"Go first." Han Zhao nodded.

After obtaining Han Zhao's approval, a group of warrior gods flew into the palace in Dunguang.

At this time, there were bursts of roaring sounds in the void, and four black holes in space appeared.

Humans, monsters, and demons, three auras came out of it. As for the last aura, it was a cyclops ten feet tall, with extremely powerful blood, chasing the horned dragon he beheaded.

At this time, people from all directions walked out of the space black hole.

The six true kings came together, and some of them were descendants of celestial beings and supernatural powers.

"Huh? Could it be that your Excellency is the new enshrined Daoist Han of the Ying clan? I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Han came to this "Hall of Reincarnation" when he wasn't practicing in Cangming Mountain. "Among the six true kings, Cyclops glanced at the mountains below and noticed Han Zhao's existence.

"Han is just here to join in the fun." Han Zhao smiled lightly.

"I hope so." The Cyclops squinted his eyes fiercely.

The other five people had different expressions, some frowning, some ignoring, and some directly showing hostility.

After all, every time there is an extra True Monarch in this trip, there will be more variables.

Han Zhao's attention didn't stay on the Cyclops for long. Although the opponent was strong, he was only at the third level of refinement, so there was nothing to worry about.

The only thing worth noting was a middle-aged Taoist in a black Taoist robe with a long sword on his back. There was a very strange and dangerous aura faintly emanating from him.

This person is Zhao Changsheng, the true lord of reincarnation, who possesses the soul of Emperor Xuanmiao.

The other party always looked expressionless, as if no one paid attention to it.

"Everyone, let me go together." At this moment, the Cyclops said, but his eyes stayed on Han Zhao.

"Fellow daoists, please." Han Zhao took off and flew up to the clouds.

The seven of them passed through the mask outside the "Hall of Reincarnation" together, and were immediately sucked into the hall by a strong suction force.

When Han Zhao came back to his senses, he had already appeared somewhere high in the sky. As far as he could see, there was a blue sky and turbulent waves. Here was an endless sea.

The six true monarchs who accompanied him had disappeared.

At this time, Han Zhao discovered that the "Reincarnation Disk" that had been taken into his body had some kind of reaction.

"Is this "Reincarnation Hall" also part of the "Reincarnation Disk"? "

Han Zhao thought to himself, and immediately found the right direction, flew to the "Palace of Heaven", and dealt with the Six Great True Monarchs first.

(End of this chapter)

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