Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 314 Destroy the True Monarch, Slay the Emperor and Divide His Soul!

As soon as Han Zhao finished speaking, a terrifying aura that shook the space rose up into the sky.

"Do it!" The Cyclops snarled, and the golden light shot up all over his body. In an instant, he turned into a hundred-foot giant in golden armor and holding a battle axe. His one-eyed eyes were wide open, and a golden beam of light shot out, tearing apart the space. Go straight to Han Zhao's heavenly spirit.

Han Zhao was expressionless, and the five-color mask lit up on his body surface. The golden beam of light hit the mask, and it was torn from the middle in an instant, turning into golden light spots all over the sky, and dissipated without a trace.

What was used was the divine light of nirvana, but its power was weaker than that of the octopus and sea beast. Han Zhao didn't even need to use the five-color divine light to break through his magical powers easily.

Of course, the purpose of Cyclops is not to think about making meritorious deeds with one blow.

The moment he made the move, the other five great true monarchs also made the move together.

The Monster Race True Monarch with a human body and a snake head opened his bloody mouth, spitting out snake letter, a cloud of pink mist spewed out, and fell towards Han Zhao at an alarming speed.

Before the pink mist was approaching, there was a crispy and soft fragrance overflowing, and the other three true monarchs who were closest to him all looked like they couldn't avoid it.

When the five-color mask on Han Zhao's body defeated the Cyclops' extinction light, the pink mist with a strange fragrance fell on the mask. Han Zhao waved his sleeve robe, and a gust of wind rushed from his body Gushing out, it seems to want to blow away the pink mist, but the mist is as real as it is, and it doesn't move at all.In the end, it penetrated directly through the five-color mask and poured into the interior, completely covering Han Zhao's figure in an instant.

Seeing that the Yaozu Zhenjun succeeded, the other three retreating Zhenjun also launched an attack at the same time. The three of them, two men and one woman, actually formed a three-talented formation. A ball of crimson flames gushed out of the formation. In the end, it turned into a sea of ​​flames, engulfing the figures of the three of them.

Whoosh whoosh!
More than a dozen rings of flames shot out from the sea of ​​flames, and before they were approaching, an indescribably terrifying heat spread in the void.

Although the three of them are all in the mid-stage of refining gods, the power of their combined magical powers is strong enough to rival that of a true king who is at the peak of refining gods, but even the Cyclops and the true king of the demon clan were surprised. I didn't expect the three of them to hide such a killer move.

Seeing this, the Cyclops showed a cold expression. His Nirvana Light just now was just a feint attack, and the ultimate move came after that.

I saw him beating his chest violently with both hands, until he was beating himself until the blood spurted wildly, and the blood spurting out was all viscous golden blood, condensed into a golden blood ball, and flew into the one-eyed area between his eyebrows with a swish. middle.

A golden beam of light shot out again from the one-eyed eye between the eyebrows of the Cyclops, but this golden beam was mixed with a cyan extinction light and a cloud of off-white glare.

The Divine Light of Nirvana is his innate supernatural power, but because of the purity of his blood, he has not been able to achieve great success. In terms of strength, the octopus and sea beast is not as good as him, but his blood is pure, so the Divine Light of Nirvana has changed from gold to blue. , has reached its peak.

If he could refine the inner alchemy of the octopus and sea beast, he would be able to cultivate the Nirvana Divine Light to the level of Dacheng. Coupled with the cultivation of the third level of refining the gods, it would be enough to make him invincible in the realm of the true king.Moreover, the octopus sea beast also has the powerful physical talent of the indestructible body, which is also an excellent ability for the Titans, which are already known for their physical strength.

Therefore, Cyclops directly used the essence and blood of his life to forcibly burn the potential of his body, pushing the power of the God of Nirvana to its peak.

At this time, Zhao Changsheng didn't hold the sword like before, but stretched out his hand, grasped the hilt of the sword tightly, and pulled out the long sword.

As he slashed down with his sword, a sky-penetrating black awn, with extremely strange fluctuations, flashed several times in the void, and appeared above Han Zhao's head.

The six great true monarchs, if they don't make a move, they will be fine, and if they make a move, they will be shocked.


Accompanied by an earth-shattering roar, in the void where Han Zhao was just now, there was only a space crack with a diameter of more than a hundred feet, and it was dark.

"Isn't it just death?!" The Cyclops' expression darkened.

Suddenly, Zhao Changsheng raised his head.

"On top!" Yaozu True Monarch let out a low voice.

At this time, fragrant flowers fell from the sky, golden lotuses sprung from the ground, and the weird sea surface covered by black sea water turned into a paradise on earth in a very short period of time. For thousands of miles, they all played precious lights, and bursts of Buddhist sounds pierced the sky.

At the same time, the Dharmakaya, which was originally only more than three feet tall, suddenly swelled and turned into a huge golden body of the Great Sun Tathagata.

Feeling the solid golden body, the Cyclops stared.

Da Ri Tathagata stretched out a big golden hand as tall as a mountain, and grabbed Zhao Changsheng straightly.

To deal with Zhao Changsheng who practiced the law of reincarnation, he naturally had to use the supreme law of the same level, so Han Zhao used all his strength when he made a move.

Seeing this, the others activated their magical powers at the same time, attacking Han Zhao who was standing between the brows of the Tathagata Dharma Body from all directions.

Seeing that Han Zhao was the first to deal with him, Zhao Changsheng's expression turned cold.

He felt the suffocating and terrifying spiritual pressure of the Great Sun Tathagata Dharmakaya, so he was not ready to touch it head-on. He raised the long sword in his hand, condensed a hundred-foot black awn, and chopped it down. At the same time, his figure moved backwards. back quickly.

As soon as the seemingly indestructible golden hand touched the black awn, it was like paper paste, split in two from the middle, and even the entire arm was split from the middle, and finally the hundred-foot-tall black awn came out of the dharmakaya of the Tathagata. fly out from behind.

"Huh?!" Zhao Changsheng stared.

"It turned out to be a strong outsider, and he was bluffing people." Yaozu Zhenjun heaved a sigh of relief, but the next moment, his expression changed suddenly, his vertical pupils shrank to the size of a needle eye, and his voice stopped abruptly, as if A duck whose neck was suddenly pinched.

Because the arm of Da Ri Tathagata Dharma Body that was split by Zhao Changsheng neither collapsed nor fell off, but with a flash of white light, it recovered as before.

And their attack, just when it caused damage to the Dainichi Tathagata's body, recovered in the next instant.

"How is this possible?! The indestructible body will not recover so quickly, and this is still..." The Cyclops was shocked. As a Titan, he knows the difficulty of cultivating a physical body best.Extreme body training methods are often extremely restrictive, and there are many dangers in the process of cultivation, not to mention how many unimaginable hardships and dangers one has to go through to become a Buddhist golden body, a Taoist holy body, and a real demon body of the demon race.

He can confirm at this moment that the golden body in front of him has been cultivated to an almost extreme level.However, even so, the attached supernatural powers would not be so exaggerated.

"Could it be..." Zhao Changsheng felt bad. In order to prove his thoughts, he continuously poured mana into the long sword in his hand, and a strange wave of laws escaped, which was obviously the law of reincarnation.

A large number of laws of reincarnation materialized, turned into lines of laws, and merged into the long sword.

Zhao Changsheng shot out the long sword in his hand.

No matter what kind of indestructible body and recovery supernatural power, it is impossible to block the attack of the law of reincarnation and high-level innate spirit treasure.

Da Ri Tathagata's dharma body threw out both fists and collided with the long sword head-on, making a loud noise, and the black and white halos spread out in all directions centered on the position where the fists and the long sword were in contact.

In the end, the black light on the surface of the long sword was dim, and it was knocked back fiercely, while the fists of Da Ri Tathagata's dharma body had already been turned into powder, and even his two arms were broken at the root.

However, in just a short while, the golden powder all over the sky returned to the Dharmakaya of the Great Sun Tathagata, and finally returned to its original state.

"Time. Law!" Zhao Changsheng took the long sword that flew back upside down, his voice was dry, and his face was extremely ugly.

Until now, he realized that Han Zhao's appearance not only made things difficult, but also caused huge changes in his plan.

Before Han Zhao used the law of time with all his strength, he didn't even notice it, obviously because he had cultivated the law of time to an extremely deep level, and even reached the level where he could hit the emperor's realm, otherwise a normal true king would use the power of the law When the time comes, the clues will soon be discovered.

"What?! The law of time!!"

At this time, the Cyclops had touched the back neck of Da Ri Tathagata at some point, and his figure had shrunk to a size of about three feet. After hearing Zhao Changsheng's low voice, his divine sense couldn't help being stunned. However, he was already on the verge of riding a tiger.Before Han Zhao realized it, the single eye between his brows once again released a golden and blue intertwined divine light of extinction.

The back neck of Da Ri Tathagata's dharma body was pierced instantly, and Han Zhao, who was hiding in it, was hit by the light of Nirvana, and the whole person flew out.

However, the Great Sun Tathagata Dharmakaya attacked Zhao Changsheng unaffected.

Seeing this situation, several other true kings seized the opportunity to activate their supernatural powers, and a pink mist shrouded the sky, hundreds of fire rings covering the sky and blocking the sun, blocking Han Zhao's escape route.

At this time, the Cyclops flashed several times, and then appeared beside Han Zhao, and released the last extinguishing divine light at close range, Han Zhao would not die or be disabled, so what if he mastered the law of time, as long as It doesn't form a spiritual domain, and it will not form an overwhelming advantage over the same level of the real monarch.

"Give me a ho—" before the Cyclops had time to blurt out the word 'death', he saw dazzling golden light bursting out from Han Zhao's body, and a ball of golden light surrounded his body. At the same time, Lightning arcs with five-color halos shot out from the ball of light.

Two large, sharp hands covered with scales protruded from the golden ball of light, one pinched the Cyclops' mouth, and the other inserted between his brows, tightly holding the one-eyed eye, and the divine light disappeared instantly. dissipate.

As the golden light gradually dimmed, Han Zhao's figure changed drastically, turning into a ferocious golem with three heads and six arms, covered with dark golden scales, with golden thorns glowing on the surface of the scales, the whole person is like a demon god.

"The body of a real demon?!!" The Cyclops' divine sense was swept away, and he was terrified. If he knew that Han Zhao had cultivated the body of a real demon, he would never fight him in close quarters.

However, it was too late for him to regret it now.

Han Zhao stretched out another palm covered with dark golden scales, opened his five fingers suddenly, and then clenched his fist tightly. The surface of the fist suddenly lit up with dense gold, silver, and purple spirit patterns.

As the fist landed on his chest, a majestic force spread all over his body.

The body below the Cyclops' head was instantly exploded, turning into blood mist and spraying out.

Immediately afterwards, Han Zhao buckled the Cyclops' eye and put it away together with the head. With a wave of his sleeve, the blood mist that filled the sky was also included in the "Qiantian Junyang Pot".

The whole movement is extremely skilled and done in one go.

When Han Zhao's icy eyes fell on the rest of the people, except for Zhao Changsheng, who was fighting with the Dharmakaya of the Tathagata, the rest of the people felt chills from the bottom of their hearts, and their souls froze.

With just one face-to-face encounter, the Cyclops who was in the third level of refining the gods was beheaded. His proud physical body and nirvana divine light and supernatural powers were simply vulnerable in front of the other party.

However, it is precisely because they are familiar with the strength of the Cyclops that the four of them are in a state of confusion. This is obviously the reason why the opponent's strength has completely exceeded expectations.

"Retire!" Yaozu Zhenjun and the other four had lost their fighting spirit at this moment.

As soon as Han Zhao finished speaking, there was a burst of explosion in the void, and the figure of the golem that Han Zhao transformed into skyrocketed, and the Tathagata Dari, who was chasing Zhao Changsheng, appeared behind the golem like a flash, and the two merged instantly , Turned into a golden body of Buddha and demon with six heads and twelve arms, standing upright.

"The ten directions are all destroyed."

Following Han Zhao's indifferent voice, the power of heaven and earth frantically gathered towards his position.

Strange white runes suddenly appeared on his body surface, and at the same time, his body glowed brilliantly, and the power of the law of time turned into light spots all over the sky, covering a nearby void.

For a moment, the sky and the earth were covered by white light spots.

"What's going on?! How can my power of law come about?" Yaozu Zhenjun and other four people were shocked. They were instantly imprisoned by Han Zhao, and the power of law and magic power in their bodies were greatly suppressed.

"This is a false spiritual realm?! You!!!" Zhao Changsheng finally lost his composure completely. He didn't expect that this real monarch who suddenly appeared to disrupt the situation would become a false spiritual realm in the realm of refining gods, and he still had three It is practiced by the strongest law of time among the supreme laws.

"Fellow Daoist Han! I was wrong! I am willing to make an apology to you!!" Zhenjun Yaozu begged for mercy in a state of confusion. Greeted the Cyclops, including the entire Titan clan.

Han Zhao ignored it.

The white light covered the sky and the earth, and the spiritual realm completely enveloped the five people in it.

"Fellow Daoist Han, is there any possibility of reconciliation now?" Zhao Changsheng said suddenly with a solemn expression.

"It's late." Han Zhao glanced at him.

"It seems that I have to go all out." Zhao Changsheng sighed, seemingly a little helpless and regretful, and then took out a black light ball the size of a fist, which was obviously the source of God.

He raised his head and swallowed the source of reincarnation into his stomach.

In an instant, a large number of real reincarnation laws gushed out of his body, turned into light spots all over the sky, and finally formed a pseudo-spiritual realm, faintly showing a rivalry with Han Zhao's pseudo-spiritual realm.

"Even if you beat me, Daoist Reincarnation will not let it go. Next time, you and everyone around you will suffer the wrath of thunder. Let it go now, is it alright?" Even if the false spiritual realm is released, Zhao Changsheng seems to have no certainty of winning, so he wants to negotiate again.

"You talk a lot of nonsense!" Seeing that his goal was about to be achieved, Han Zhao activated the time pseudo-spiritual domain with all his strength.

Without the integration of the three spirits, and without the laws of space and reincarnation to activate the Supreme Spiritual Realm, it will take a lot of effort to defeat Zhao Changsheng.

The other party has Emperor Xuanmiao's soul fragment, Han Zhao kept some hole cards in order to give him a big surprise when Emperor Xuanmiao came later.

"Then let's die together!" Zhao Changsheng broke the boat and swallowed a reincarnation god source again.

The fighting process lasted a day and a night.

When the spiritual domain gradually dissipated, Han Zhao, whose clothes were slightly messy, emerged from it, holding a black light ball tightly in his hand.

At this time, a roar came from the black ball of light.

"Young man of the human race! When the old man's body arrives, I will definitely let you."

Han Zhao snapped his hands together like he was swatting a mosquito.

The black ball of light burst open.

Afterwards, with a wave of his sleeve, he found the largest fragments among the remnants of the divided souls, and began to search for the souls with a divine sense far superior to that of the same level.

After a long time, a sudden smile appeared on Han Zhao's face.

"I didn't expect that there was a surprise."

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