Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 315 Great Harvest, Meeting an Old Man Again

Chapter 315 Great Harvest, Meeting an Old Man Again
With a wave of Han Zhao's sleeve robe, a gust of wind blew past, and finally swept across the entire sea area, dissipating the astonishing mana fluctuations and power of law remaining in the void.

However, the space cracks that can be seen everywhere in this space cannot be easily restored, unless he uses the power of the law of space.

"According to the memory in Emperor Xuanmiao's divided soul, the "Reincarnation Hall", "Reincarnation Mirror", and "Reincarnation Disk" together are just a complete chaotic spiritual treasure. With this treasure in hand, it can speed up reincarnation The agglomeration of Dao patterns greatly increases the chance of breaking through the Dao Monarch realm. "

Han Zhao looked pensive. In fact, he had already thought of this when the "Reincarnation Mirror" and "Reincarnation Disk" were connected.

However, it seems that some special method is required to collect the "Reincarnation Hall", and a huge price must be paid, so Emperor Xuanmiao sent Zhao Changsheng to the lower realm, and his task was only to bring back the "Reincarnation Mirror" and did not include the "Reincarnation Hall". ".

This "Reincarnation Palace" will be collected by Emperor Xuanmiao himself.

That is to say, without the appearance of Han Zhao, Emperor Xuanmiao would also come to the source world, it is just a matter of time.

It's a pity that Emperor Xuanmiao's split soul is extremely condensed, if Han Zhao's spiritual sense is far superior to the same level, chasing the emperor directly, even this bit of memory would not be able to be read.

"It seems that I have to find a way to prove it to myself." Han Zhao secretly sighed in his heart. With the strength now strengthened by the priesthood of "Emperor of Heaven", he has a great chance of winning against Emperor Xuanmiao, who is only in the realm of four calamities in the simulation.

In particular, the opponent's "Reincarnation Disk" has been seized by him through the system, and under the balance of one another, it is basically guaranteed.

What's more, Han Zhao only exposed methods such as time and pseudo-spiritual domains in this battle, unlike in the simulation where he was found out by the opponent's soul.

However, it is not so easy to successfully kill a giant emperor who lived for tens of thousands of years and was at the same time as the Emperor of Heaven.

Moreover, the difficulty of killing Emperor Xuanmiao is definitely not as difficult as capturing Souhun alive.

"There is still a buffer time of more than a hundred years. The emperor will come to the source world, and the price to be paid is not small. During this period, whether it is collecting incense and vows to improve the priesthood of [Emperor] or performing simulations, it can increase combat power."

Han Zhao must be sure that with the improvement of cultivation base and strength, this feeling of predicting the future in advance and controlling everything is really wonderful!
After regaining his senses, Han Zhao drove the Dunguang and explored all directions in the "Palace of Heaven", wanting to see if there were other treasures that he hadn't had time to find in the simulation.

At the same time, he is still counting the treasures obtained during this trip.

Among the six true monarchs, Zhao Changsheng, who has the wealthiest wealth, is naturally the most powerful. Except for the high-level innate spiritual treasure "Soul-Suppressing Immortal Sword" in his hand, this treasure can directly attack the soul through the power of the law of reincarnation. People are hard to defend against.

If it weren't for Han Zhao's soul to have the innate spirit treasure "Five-Color Thunder Hu" as a soul object, and his own spiritual sense is far beyond the same level, it would be really difficult to deal with.

In the previous simulations, Han Zhao suffered severe injuries several times, all of which were caused by Zhao Changsheng's "Soul-Suppressing Sword".However, at that time, the cultivation base of the simulated Chinese and Han Zhao was only the second level of refining gods, which was much weaker than it is now.

Now that the "Soul Suppressing Immortal Sword" has fallen into his hands, it will definitely exert even stronger power.

Han Zhao removed Zhao Changsheng's imprint of divine sense from the "Sword of Suppressing Soul and Immortal Slayer", and then left the imprint of his own divine sense, and began to initially refine this treasure.

After witnessing Han Zhao's terrifying power in killing Zhao Changsheng and destroying the emperor's soul, Qi Ling of "Soul-Suppressing Sword" also cooperated with Han Zhao's sacrifice and did not resist at all, which saved Han Zhao a lot trouble.

Han Zhao held the "Soul-Suppressing Immortal Sword" and swiped lightly in the void. The sword trembled violently, bursting into circles of black halos, and a strange wave of law filled the void. At the same time, A hundred-foot-high black light shot out.

However, Han Zhao understood that this sword glow was only incidental, the real killing move was the law of reincarnation attached to it, and the special effects that specifically hurt the soul.

"Good sword!" Han Zhao was very satisfied with the power of the "Soul-Suppressing Immortal Sword" that he had first practiced, and he couldn't help smiling. With this sword in his hand, the conventional combat power can be greatly enhanced.

Although "Samsara Mirror" is also a high-level innate spirit treasure, and in terms of its preciousness, it is much more precious than "Soul-Suppressing Immortal Sword", but the reason for its preciousness is the connection with "Samsara Disk" and "Samsara Hall". It has the powerful ability to assist reincarnation and rebirth, but in terms of killing power, "Reincarnation Mirror" is relatively limited.

As for the more powerful Chaos Lingbao "Reincarnation Disk", Han Zhao will never use it lightly unless it is absolutely necessary.

Han Zhao tested the power of the "Soul-Suppressing Immortal Sword" again, and put the sword back into its scabbard.

"It's still missing a high-level space-type killing spirit treasure."

He has a high-level time-type congenital spirit treasure "Time Clock" in his hand, and now he has added a "Soul-Suppressing Immortal Sword", and now he lacks a high-level space-type killing spirit treasure. A high-level innate spirit treasure that corresponds to the three supreme laws he cultivated can make the strength of the three true deity to a higher level, and even enhance the power of the pseudo-spiritual domain.

It is not bad for an ordinary true monarch to have a low-level innate spirit treasure, and it may not be able to match the power of the law that he majors in.

The main reason why Han Zhao has so many precious high-level innate spirit treasures is because many of the people he killed were from the top powers in the heavens, and they were the real strongmen in the realm of true kings.

Even Qiu Lian, who was ordered to come down to the source world tomorrow from Daguang, only brought a high-level time-type innate spirit treasure "Guangyin Clock" and an intermediate-level innate spirit treasure that matched his major of space law. Lingbao.

Not all emperors have innate Taoist artifacts, and some of the strongest treasures mastered by emperors are also high-level innate spiritual treasures.

After all, except for some natural celestial artifacts, as well as the innate dao artifacts refined by holy-level craftsmen, other innate dao artifacts can only be sacrificed by the emperor and the strong, and it will take tens of thousands of years to warm and nourish them. The advanced innate spirit treasure, let it be advanced into an innate Taoist weapon.

However, the innate Taoist artifacts naturally produced in the heavens have long been divided up by those veteran Taoists and emperors who have been famous for millions of years.

As for the number of holy-level craftsmen, there are fewer than high-ranking emperors, and the refining materials for refining innate Taoist weapons are extremely precious. Almost as soon as they appear, they will cause competition between emperors, so the number of innate Taoist artifacts is very small. All emperors who have innate Taoist artifacts are famous figures in the heavens.

With Emperor Xuanmiao's strength and status, it is very likely that he has an innate Taoist weapon, but he did not use it in the simulated battle, most likely because of the "reincarnation disk".

Otherwise, if Han Zhao is more ruthless, he will directly refresh through simulations repeatedly, and take away Emperor Xuanmiao's innate Taoist artifacts together with the "Reincarnation Disk".

In addition to Zhao Changsheng's high-level innate spiritual treasure "Suppressing Demons and Immortal Sword", although the other five true monarchs also have innate spiritual treasures, the highest rank is only middle-level, and their wealth is far worse than that of Zhao Changsheng. many.

On the contrary, the Cyclops of the Titan tribe, with its extremely powerful body and amazing blood, is very suitable for alchemy, and can also be the source of a bloodline family.

Moreover, the one-eyed eye between the eyebrows of the Cyclops contains extremely strong power of the law of destruction, and the power of the Divine Light of Nirvana even exceeds that of the Divine Lightning of Nirvana in the Tribulation of Gods and Demons, but Han Zhao's strength surpasses him by a lot, so Only then will it appear that the power of the Nirvana Divine Light is mediocre.

"The octopus sea beast also has the supernatural power of the God of Nirvana. If you use the inner alchemy of the octopus sea beast to enhance the power of the God of Nirvana in the one-eyed, and then refine it, it can greatly increase its power." Han Zhao held in his hand. Holding the shrunken golden vertical pupil of the Cyclops, his face revealed a look of deep thought.

Using the blood of octopuses and sea beasts to strengthen Cyclops' innate supernatural powers, coupled with Han Zhao's own cultivation base, and the power of the law of destruction that matches his own, the power of the extinction light is absolutely beyond imagination, but it can increase him. A hole card.

As for the other three True Monarchs, the flame supernatural powers that they jointly cast are quite powerful, but they need to practice the combined attack secret technique, and at the same time, they need the blood of the corresponding race.The appearance of the three people is the same as that of ordinary humans, but they are from the demon, sky demon, and fire spirit clans respectively.

The Fire Spirit Race is one of the ten strongest alien races in the Outer World, but they have always been close to the human race, so they can move freely in the Origin Realm.

Of course, the closeness of the Huoling clan to the human race did not affect Han Zhao's killing of their true king.

After all, who made them ignorant of good and bad.

Han Zhao spread his hands, and a group of dark purple translucent flames condensed in his palm. In the center of the flames, there were three concentric circles with distinct color layers. With the appearance of the flames, the void distorted accordingly.

It is the Nine Nether Demon Flame Wuyou, which specializes in hurting the soul.

In the Condensation Shade Realm, this magic flame evolved from Nether Demon Flame to Nine Nether Demon Flame·Yiyou. Later, Han Zhao killed many soldiers in charge, spirit summoners, heavenly beings and holy masters in a row when he was in the Supernatural Power Realm, so The power of the magic flame has greatly increased, and it has evolved into the state of Eryou.

Afterwards, the dragon slaying battle devoured the bodies and souls of Qiu Lian and the Three Spirits True Monarch, advancing to the state of the Five Netherworlds.

It's just that the power of this magic flame is very little, and it's a bit tasteless. It can only be said that it is better than nothing. After killing the enemy, it's okay to use it to destroy the corpse and wipe out the traces, but it's very ordinary against the enemy.

Han Zhao was also based on the principle of not wasting, and devoured some unused Zhenjun's soul and body to the magic flame.

This time, too.

He hopes that one day Jiuyou Moyan can complete the process of quantitative change to qualitative change by 'eating garbage'.

At this moment, Han Zhao didn't intend to refine the blood of the three people and practice their flame supernatural powers, so he released the Nine Nether Demon Flame Wuyou to swallow the three together.

After refining the three of them and devouring their flame supernatural powers, the power of the nourished Nine Nether Demonic Flames increased greatly.

At the center of the originally translucent purple magic flame, there are suddenly two more layers, directly evolving to the state of Qiyou.

"It can be used as a killing move against ordinary true emperors, but" after feeling the power of the Nine Nether Demonic Flame's Qiyou state, Han Zhao curled his lips and took the demonic flame back into his body.

Checking the sumeru bags of the three of them, Han Zhao found more than a dozen low-grade god sources and more than 8 spirit crystals on the body of the true king of the fire spirit clan, which he did not expect.

As for Tianmo and Yaomo Zhenjun, they provided him with some Tianmo Yin Qi, which brought him one step closer to the next simulation.

Finally, there is the true king of the monster clan with a human body and a snake head. The power of the other party's blood can create a family of spirit beasts, the inner alchemy can also be used to make alchemy, and the scales can be used to refine weapons.

However, Han Zhao hadn't used up the flesh and scales of the horned dragon that was at the peak of god refinement and half-step emperor, so he didn't need the snake demon for the time being.

Moreover, the snake demon's flesh and inner alchemy contain highly poisonous poison. Although he is not afraid of the toxin, if it is used for alchemy, removing the poison will greatly consume the power in the flesh and blood. If it is not removed, the toxin can be easily poisoned to death Heaven and man.

After thinking for a while, Han Zhao seemed to have thought of something, peeled off the snake demon's scales, drained part of the blood, leaving a small amount of flesh and blood, and then poured mana into the "Qiantian Junyang Pot".

A colorful python with a body length of more than a hundred feet appeared in the void.

It was the Mitsubishi Viper Qiqi that Han Zhao had cultivated since he was in the Ningsha Realm.

Due to Han Zhao's exaggerated advancement speed, even though Qiqi has made rapid progress with the help of his elixir, she is still far behind.

When Han Zhaotian's Human Realm was perfect, Qi Qi broke through to the Supernatural Realm, and it was because of Yan Shuangbai's Chilong True Blood and Chizhu.

"Master, you finally thought of me." As soon as the colorful python appeared, it swam to Han Zhao's body, and its huge head rubbed against Han Zhao's sleeve affectionately, looking pitiful.

"Qiqi, you are too weak. If you release it to face the enemy, the aftermath of the battle may shock you to death." Han Zhao smiled and patted the colorful giant python gently on the head.

"." Hearing the words, Qiqi looked a little depressed.

"However, in the past hundred years, you have made a lot of progress. It can be seen that you have worked very hard." Han Zhao could not help but comfort him, feeling the cultivation base of the Qiqi Heavenly Human Realm.

"That's because of the horned dragon's flesh and the dragon pearl's true essence that the master sent. It's a pity that Qi Qi didn't live up to her expectations, and she hasn't broken through to the realm of a true king." Qi Qi sighed.

"The opportunity for you to break through to the realm of true monarch is now." Han Zhao said with a smile, pointing at the body of the snake demon.

At this moment, because the scales were stripped off by Han Zhao, only flesh and inner alchemy remained, the poison in the snake demon's body had already escaped, and the body was wrapped in a pink mist, exuding a strange sweet fragrance.

Seeing this, Qi Qi spat out snake letters, and suddenly her pupils constricted.

"Your innate attribute is poison. This snake demon's innate supernatural powers contain extremely poisonous. If you can refine his blood and innate supernatural powers, it should not be difficult to become a true king. If you can break through smoothly, I will send you the poison at that time." You have a great chance." Han Zhao said lightly.

"Thank you, master! In this way, I will definitely be able to transform!" Qiqi's excited voice came out, and she swallowed the flesh of the Monster Race True Monarch in one gulp, and then inhaled all the overflowing pink mist in vivo.

"Well, let's go." Han Zhao tapped "Qiantian Junyang Pot" again, and put Qiqi in it.

In [Heavenly Court of Humanity], there are still three vacancies in the priesthood of the five emperors, and now the most trustworthy person around Han Zhao is the spirit beast Qi Qi he cultivated since he was a child.

Wait until Qiqi becomes a true monarch, and then obtain the priesthood. His strength is enough to compete with the top true monarchs in the third level of god refining. Although it will not play a decisive role in his battle, it is still possible to fight some small people.

If she is strong enough to cultivate to the third level of god refining, it is not impossible to give her the horned dragon inner alchemy to help her break through the emperor's realm.

After all, she has excellent talent, she has already broken through the racial shackles of the Mitsubishi Viper, and there are infinite possibilities in the future.

When this trip is successfully concluded and he obtains the merits of heaven, there will definitely be more and stronger priesthoods. When he returns to the later generations, he will let those close to him obtain priesthoods. In this way, no matter where he travels in the future, he can have no worries up.

The power of incense is extremely limited, but its development prospects are also great.

If you have a thorough grasp of the source world, and then radiate your faith around the source world, it will be enough to create many priesthoods comparable to emperors.

Han Zhao walked around the "Palace of Heaven", but found nothing except some elixir and sea beasts.

In the end, he left the "Palace of Heaven" and left the "Palace of Reincarnation".

At this time, the monsters, demons, demons, and Titans outside all exploded, because among the six true monarchs, except for Zhao Changsheng's soul cards, the other five's soul cards were all shattered, and they were all shattered. Everything was shattered, and all the high-level officials of various ethnic groups rushed to wait outside the "Hall of Reincarnation".

And Han Zhao had already left the palace in advance.

When Han Zhao was less than a thousand miles away from Lingshan, he suddenly felt an earth-shattering sound from below the clouds, and the huge battle fluctuations disturbed the situation.


Han Zhao swept away with his spiritual thoughts, and wanted to leave, but when he saw the monster in the center of the battle, his expression changed and he stopped his movements.

This monster is hundreds of feet tall, covered in black scales, with three heads and six arms, but its cultivation is only at the second level of supernatural powers. It holds a short blade as thin as a cicada's wing, and a ferocious black dragon is carved on the handle.

"Dragon Blade? Yamaha?!"

(End of this chapter)

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