Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 316 Reintroduction of Taoism!Divine Emperor!

Chapter 316 Reintroduction of Taoism!Divine Emperor!
Seeing this situation, Han Zhao thought for a while, and the light stopped on the clouds, watching the battle through his spiritual thoughts.

Yamaha, with his supernatural powers at the second level, can fight alone against two third-tier military envoys, which can be described as astonishing combat power.

However, it is obviously not an easy task for him to win.

At this time, facing the close cooperation of the two third-tier commanders, Yamaha was already on the defensive, but relying on his strong physical defense and the presence of divine soldiers, he always chose to resist. Only when the divine weapon is on its own, will the magic dragon blade be used to counterattack.

The two third-tier envoys didn't seem to be in a hurry to make a quick decision, they just dragged Yamaha around by fighting.

One person is the main attacker, and the other is harassing. Once Yamaha launches a fierce attack on one of the parties, the other will fully urge the divine soldiers to support.

"Ah!" Yamaha seemed disgusted by the way the two fought, and let out a roar.

At the same time, the black awn of the dragon blade in his palm soared.

In an instant, the spiritual energy of the surrounding world fluctuated violently, and a huge spiritual energy vortex appeared in the sky.


The aura of heaven and earth rolled up, green, yellow, red, black, and white, and the power of the five elements formed dense spiritual patterns, and then the two qi of yin and yang and the power of three wonders together engulfed the aura of the five elements and poured into the dragon blade.

A black light soared into the sky, turning into a ferocious dragon with a size of one thousand feet.


There was a dragon chant that seemed to be able to shatter the sky.

One of the third-tier soldiers who controlled the Baizhang bronze halberd was swallowed by Yanlong.

At this time, Yamaha's aura dropped sharply, obviously that blow just now consumed a lot of his mana.

It's just that Yan Mahe couldn't help showing a little pleasure when he looked at the envoy who was swallowed by the Yanlong.

However, before he could take out his hand to deal with another third-tier soldier envoy, there was an earth-shattering explosion sound from Yanlong's abdomen. The third-tier commander in the middle also broke out.

"What?!" Yan Mahe's expression changed. He didn't expect him to use the strongest ultimate move, but he didn't even make a single blow. At least he should trap the opponent for a while longer.

"Yamaha! I want to sacrifice your soul, essence, and blood to the divine weapon!" After the third-tier commander in charge of the bronze halberd divine weapon got out of trouble, he looked at Yamaha resentfully, wishing to swallow him alive.

The light of the bronze long halberd in front of him dimmed a lot, and a crack more than ten feet long appeared on the body of the halberd, which almost cut off the magic weapon in the middle.

It seems that although he escaped in an instant, he paid a considerable price.

Yamaha also noticed this, ignored the other party's harsh words, but held the dragon blade in his hand, and appeared in front of the other party like a flash, with five huge arms clenched fists, ruthlessly towards the other party's body. Hit hard.

Accompanied by the huge roar of metal and iron clashing, the divine halberd trembled violently, and many small cracks appeared around the one foot long crack.

The third-rank commander was knocked back hundreds of feet, and suddenly his face showed pain, and he spat out blood. It was obvious that the divine soldiers were wounded one after another, which had a great impact on him.

Seeing that Yamaha was attacking again, he didn't dare to use the divine weapon body to block it, and hurriedly mobilized the light of the divine weapon to meet the enemy.

Another third-tier military envoy, who wields a giant sword and a divine weapon, immediately greeted him.

Although Yan Maha consumed a lot of mana, he severely injured one of them, and the current situation has become that the third-tier soldier who has not been damaged by the magic weapon is resisting Yamaha's magic dragon blade with the giant sword magic weapon.

Theoretically, the third-level magic weapon is at the same level as the high-level Houtian Lingbao, but the magic dragon blade is the highest-level existence among the high-level Houtian Lingbao, and the giant sword magic weapon is just the power of the third-level magic weapon. Moderate.

In addition, the Demon Dragon Blade can be united with Yamaha, but the Giant Sword Divine Weapon has a self-consciousness. The envoy was quickly suppressed by Yamaha.

"Victory here seems to be a matter of time." Above the clouds, Han Zhao watched the whole battle and nodded secretly.

No wonder Yan Maha was able to defeat Yan Shuangbai in the realm of heaven and man without the power of the realm to weaken the strength of heaven and man with the perfection of the triple realm of supernatural powers.

The compatibility between him and the Dragon Blade is too high. Even Han Zhao, who is in the same realm, may not be able to defeat him with the Dragon Blade and magic skills alone without other skills.

"But." Han Zhao looked to the southeast, and a celestial being rushed towards him thousands of miles away at an astonishing speed.

After a while, Yan Maha had severely wounded the two third-tier commanders. The two gave up the offensive completely, and used the light of the divine soldiers to defend, retreating while fighting, and wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

However, Yamaha's escape speed was faster, and he could always intercept the two when they were about to flee the battlefield.

The two of them didn't seem to plan to escape separately, but they couldn't get away for a while.

Seeing that the two had no fighting spirit, Yan Maha immediately poured all the remaining mana into the Dragon Blade. The short blade, as thin as a cicada's wing, trembled violently, and at the same time made a sound like a heartbeat.

The highly condensed power of destruction gathers on the dragon blade.

Yan Maha slashed out with a knife, and a black awn that pierced the sky and the earth came in an instant.


Suddenly, a loud shout came from a distance, and the next moment, the voice came to the front.

Yamaha was shocked, but the blade of destruction was still released.

"Ah!" The third-tier soldier who was originally damaged by the bronze halberd was caught off guard, and was cut off by the blade of destruction released by the dragon blade together with the divine soldiers, and let out a miserable scream in the soaring black awn .

Just as the power of destruction was continuously destroying the light of the divine soldier around the soldier in charge, an old man with a gloomy face suddenly appeared around him, and he waved his sleeve robe, and a large amount of strong Yin energy flowed from his body. It emerged, and finally sank into the body of the commander, and consumed each other with the power of destruction.

The old man couldn't help staring when he saw that the original yin energy released by him couldn't instantly suppress a demon with supernatural powers.

He looked at Yan Maha's huge demon body with a gloomy face, and said in a deep voice: "I told you to stop, didn't you hear? Yamaha, your demon clan and my demon clan are of the same ancestor. Help the human race to fight against our Heavenly Demon clan, and if you are captured now, I can spare your life, otherwise you will be destroyed today, and you will never be reborn forever!"

Seeing this, Yamaha didn't speak, but directly raised the dragon blade in his hand, pointed the tip of the blade at the opponent, and prepared to use his original power to fight to the death.Although it is impossible to defeat the Holy Master, he would rather die standing up.

"You..." the old man was furious and was about to make a move, when he suddenly raised his head to look above the clouds, and shouted, "Who is sneaking up there and won't come down for me!"

As he spoke, he slapped out with a sudden palm, and the overwhelming purple light condensed into thousands of lightsabers, smashing the clouds into a sieve.

At this time, a golden ray of light fell, revealing a young man with a handsome appearance.

"Your Excellency shot Han for no reason, I'm afraid it's a bit too much." Han Zhao said lightly.

"Who are you? Judging by your appearance, your supernatural powers are not weak. You hid furtively on it, and you said that I shot for no reason?!" the old man sternly said.

"Han Zhao, I just saw someone bullying the small, so I just joined in the fun." Han Zhao smiled slightly, but his eyes were on Yan Mahe.

"Han Zhao? I've never heard of it! The tone is not small. I am bullying the small with the big, so what can you do?" The old man sneered, and suddenly opened his mouth. The head that was originally no different from ordinary people suddenly enlarged dozens of times. A cloud of faint purple hurricane spewed out from a huge mouth, and the stench immediately filled the entire void.

Facing the overwhelming hurricane, Han Zhao turned his mouth up, and suddenly said to Yan Mahe: "Look, this is how the Nirvana True Demon Art is used."

Saying that, Han Zhao's right arm stretched out, crackling and exploding, and the entire right arm swelled like it was inflated!

A golden light flashed, and his entire right arm was covered with dark golden scales the size of copper coins.

He clenched his fist with five fingers, and punched out!
boom! !

Countless air currents were instantly detonated, and the huge force crazily oppressed the air, forming an astonishing ultra-high pressure white shock wave, like a laser cannon, with tremendous force, it instantly pierced through the purple hurricane released by the old man, and hit him body of.

boom! ! !
The old man's body fell from the sky like a cannonball, smashed through a hill, and smashed heavily into the ground.


The three people in the field were all shocked, they didn't expect that even the Holy Master couldn't catch the opponent's blow.

But it was the two envoys who were most frightened, because this young human who claimed to be Han Zhao was here to help Yamaha, he was an enemy rather than a friend.

And Yan Mahe was even more surprised by what Han Zhao said just now, and the kung fu he used - Nirvana True Devil Kung Fu!

At this time, the spiritual thoughts of the three of them pierced through the dust all over the sky and penetrated into the huge pit on the ground, only to see the old man lying in the middle of the pit seemingly unscathed.

At this moment, the expressions of the two commanders immediately relaxed, but immediately after, their eyes widened again.

Seeing a gust of breeze blowing by, the old man lying in the pit raised his head slightly, as if he wanted to look up at Han Zhao, but just as his body moved, it turned into dust and drifted away with the wind.

"It seems that I bully the small with the big, and he can't do anything." Han Zhao smiled at the three of them.

The two commanders were silent, but Yan Mahe was shocked. After careful recollection of the blow just now, it seemed that the other party only used the power of the supernatural power level, but instantly killed a holy master. His Nirvana True Devil Art How can it be so powerful? !

"Come with me." Han Zhao said to Yan Mahe, and as he waved his sleeve robe, an invisible force engulfed Yan Mahe and brought him up to the clouds.

At the same time, that invisible force landed on the bodies of the two envoys. Their movements froze, and they followed in the footsteps of the Holy Master, turning into dust and dissipating.

This hand once again suppressed Yamaha.

The blow just now didn't even have mana fluctuations.

"Senior?!" Yamaha was full of doubts, but he was not worried that the other party would attack him, because judging from the two attacks just now, the other party might be a strong person at the third level of heaven and man, or even a true king of refining gods. Man, what can he intend for him?
"I know you want to ask a lot of things, but don't ask, just listen to me." Han Zhao smiled, and took out a golden jade slip from the "Qiantian Junyang Pot", and then put it on the above the forehead.

After a while, Han Zhao threw the jade slip to Yan Mahe.

Yan Mahe took the jade slips and couldn't help being taken aback for a moment. Under Han Zhao's gesture, he inserted his spiritual thoughts into it, and soon his eyes widened.

"This is... Nirvana True Demon Art?!"

Yan Maha's expression was unbelievable. This Nirvana True Devil Art was created by him based on the exercises left by his predecessors, and the Nirvana True Devil Art in this jade slip is several times stronger than the magic art created by him. , and even the third floor that he is still groping for, and the fourth and fifth floors that he has no thoughts at all.

"Senior, could it be that you are a senior?"

Yan Mahe raised his head and looked at the position in front of him, but found that there was no one in front of him. He released his divine sense, and there was no trace of Han Zhao in a radius of hundreds of miles, and he felt awe in his heart.

"I hope you can practice this skill well, guide the monster race to be good, and live in harmony with the human race. Don't let me down. You and I are destined. If you encounter troubles that cannot be solved, you can go to Mingcang Mountain in Tianzhou to find I."

At this time, Han Zhao's voice echoed in Yamaha's ears.

"Mingcang Mountain? Ten Absolute True Monarch?!" Yan Mohe suddenly realized that there may be many human races named Han Zhao in the world, but Han Zhao who can practice in Mingcang Mountain and has such strength must be the Ten Absolute Senior Zhenjun Han.

"Thank you senior for saving your life and preaching. My disciples will follow the teachings."

Yamaha prostrated himself above the clouds and made a big salute.

At this time, Han Zhao had already left the boundary of Lingtai Mountain and rushed to Mingcang Mountain in Tianzhou.

After this battle is over, the pattern of the source world will definitely change accordingly. Rescuing Yamaha is just a incidental act in the case of an unexpected encounter, but it is his intention to pass on most of the improved Nirvana True Devil Art.

After all, Yamaha's Nirvana True Demon Kungfu helped him a lot before he attained supernatural powers, and the Demon Dragon Blade played a huge role in several crises. After all, he was the one who took advantage, and this time it was considered to be the karma of the year.

If Yan Mahe can gain a firm foothold among the top echelons of the monster clan and broadcast his beliefs, then Han Zhao will give him a greater good fortune—the priesthood.

As for whether this move will have an impact on the future, Han Zhao doesn't care. He can travel back in time and go back to the past, which is already the biggest variable.

Now that he has killed many True Monarchs, he will have to deal with Emperor Xuan Miao next, so what will happen if it will not affect the future.

Not long after Han Zhao returned to Mingcang Mountain, the real kings of the Yaozu, Yaomo, Tianma, and Titan clans came together and asked about what happened in the "Reincarnation Hall".

It's just that these people came aggressively one by one, and left in disgrace.

Not long after, an explosive news swept through the entire source world. It turned out that there were seven true kings who entered the "Hall of Reincarnation" on this trip, and except for Han Zhao, all six true kings died.

The real king and strong man, who is like a living immortal, has lost six people at one time. In the history of the source world for the past 10,000+ years, it is a great event.

What's more, after that, the true kings of the four clans who suspected that this matter was related to Han Zhao came to question him, but they failed. According to what the true kings of the Titan clan said, Han Zhao's supernatural powers made them no match.

For a time, Han Zhao's reputation was greatly shaken. The name of the Ten Absolute True Monarchs was originally only spread in the Great Qin Empire, but now it has spread throughout the entire source world, among the major foreign races.

More and more warriors are pouring into Tianzhou, wanting to go to Mingcang Mountain to see its true face.

What made the warriors even more crazy was that not long after, there was news from Mingcang Mountain that Han Zhao, the Supreme Master, would set up the "Zhenwuzong" orthodoxy in Mingcang Mountain and recruit more disciples.

Not only did this move not arouse the fear of the Great Qin Empire, on the contrary, the two great ancestors of the Great Qin Empire went to congratulate them at the founding ceremony, and the two even served as the honorary elders of the Zhenwu Sect.

For a while, Zhenwuzong's limelight in Dongshengzhou even overshadowed the number one sect, Tianshengzong.

In just 30 years, there has been a large-scale invasion of foreign races in the outer world.All forces in the entire source world joined forces to fight against the alien race.And some hostile forces have created many terrorist incidents in the source world, causing hundreds of millions of mortal deaths.The plague spread throughout the small half of Dongshengzhou.

However, the warriors of Zhenwuzong joined the world one after another, and quickly brought natural disasters and man-made disasters under control.

With the help of the empire, the folks set up longevity tablets for the Zhenwuzong warriors headed by Han Zhao, Ying Zhi, and Ying Xin, built temples, cast golden bodies, and worshiped them from time to time.

In the back, many warriors would burn incense and pray to the golden bodies of the three before going to the outer world to fight, praying for safety.

In particular, when some warriors of the True Martial Sect encountered a crisis, they discovered that they could obtain Han Zhao's magic power from a distance. For a while, enshrining Han Zhao's longevity tablet and golden body became a thing for warriors to emulate.

And Han Zhao also accumulated a huge amount of incense and vows in a very short period of time, and his priesthood cultivation has truly entered the emperor level.

(End of this chapter)

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