Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 317 Destroying the Demon Heavenly Venerate!

Chapter 317 Destroying the Demon Heavenly Venerate!

That night.

The moon was covered by dark clouds, and a few stars with dim light hung sparsely in the sky.

In a deserted forest deep in the mountains, a group of warriors dressed in gray clothes and long knives came. They guarded a black carriage in the middle. They looked like they were guards or bodyguards. .

Seeing that the stars were dim, after a day's journey, the team was exhausted, so an old bearded man at the head signaled for the team to stop and rest on the spot.

"Zhang San, Li Cheng, you two go and gather some hay and firewood to keep the three nobles warm."


The bearded old man called two young men, and they left together.

"Guan Ling, you and Ma Han, Zhao Chong and the others go to the vicinity to have a look. If there are any wild animals, kill them on the spot, so as not to disturb the nobles."


"Old Wang, why did you stop?" After a while, a gentle female voice sounded from the carriage.

Hearing this, the bearded old man walked to the front of the carriage, bowed and said, "Eldest young mistress, it's been a day of walking, and people can walk, but the horse needs to take a breather and eat some fodder to rest, otherwise, I'm afraid we won't be able to cover much distance tomorrow."

"It's because I didn't think carefully." At this time, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a noble lady leaned out, with an apologetic smile on her face. Her makeup was exquisite, she was only thirty years old, and she was dressed in light blue The shirt is covered with white fox fur.

As soon as the curtain of the carriage was lifted, a gust of hot air escaped from inside, and when it came into contact with the cold air outside the carriage, it condensed into water vapor.

At this time, two little heads protruded from the side of the young woman. They were both eleven or twelve-year-old girls, and they were born in pink and jade.The clothes of the two were one purple and the other blue, and they were also wrapped in white fox fur. When they breathed, hot air gushed out, and their little faces turned red from the cold, looking very cute.

"Young Mistress is serious." The bearded old man quickly bowed and saluted.

"Let's take a rest here today, just as the charcoal in the hand stove is not hot anymore." The young woman stepped out of the carriage, and took out the copper octagonal hand stove carved with the pattern of magpies around plums from her bosom.

Although it was in the wild, it seemed that they were well prepared in the team. After a while, a fire was lit, a boiler was set up, and broth was boiled.

A servant with big arms and a round waist, who looked like a cook, stepped forward to put the seasonings, and then cut the hard dried meat and noodles into small pieces with scissors and threw them into the soup.

After the meal was ready, the young woman and the two little girls ate first. Although the others moved their index fingers, they did not start until the three of them had finished eating.

After she was full, the young woman took the hand stove that the servant had cooked, and took the two little girls back to the carriage.

As for the rest of them, they could only wrap themselves in the sheets taken from the carriage behind, and drank broth in the cold wind to keep out the cold.

"This ghostly weather can change at will, it's really cold!"

"That's right, it's freezing to death!"

Several warriors complained softly.

"By the way, when I was collecting firewood just now, I saw a deserted Tianzun Temple over there. We can go there to spend the night. At least there is a place to shelter from the wind and rain." At this time, Li Cheng suddenly said.

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" The few people who complained about the cold weather immediately yelled, and then some people boldly went to find the bearded old man Wang Lao who was in charge. At this time, except for Wang Lao, a martial artist, who agreed, they couldn't make the decision. .

After several people approached Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang went to seek advice from the young lady, and after getting the consent, they rushed towards the ruined temple.

The young woman took her two children and entered the temple under the guard of a group of warriors.

I saw a statue of a solemn young man standing in the middle of the hall, but it seemed that the golden paint on the surface of the statue had faded because it had been abandoned for too long.

"Slow!" The young woman suddenly said the moment she saw the statue, preventing everyone from entering the temple.

"Young Mistress?!" Elder Wang didn't notice anything wrong, but still held the knife in one hand and looked around warily.

At this time, the young woman knelt down on the ground with an extremely pious expression, and muttered in her mouth: "Faith girl He, see Zhentian Zhenwuling Yingyou Shengdijun."

"Mom! What are you doing? The ground is so dirty!" At this moment, the little girl in purple on the left of Mrs. He stepped forward to help her.

However, she couldn't help it.

At the same time, the little girl in Tsing Yi also knelt down and paid homage to the statue with Mrs. He.

"Qing Ning, what are you doing?" The little girl in purple was taken aback.

"Zi Ning, quickly kneel down and pay homage to the Heavenly Lord!" He's expression was solemn and his voice was stern.

He Zining rarely saw her mother's expression like this, but knew that once her mother showed this expression, it would be absolutely beyond doubt.

So she could only frown, endured the dirty ground, and knelt down together, but when she visited, she was completely out of form, and she was still chanting, there are no gods in this world.

When Wang Lao and other guards saw the mistress knelt down, they also knelt down and saluted together.

At this time, everyone with their heads down did not notice that as He Shi and He Qingning bowed down, the statue that had fallen off the gold paint suddenly burst into a faint purple light, and the heads of He Shi and He Qingning , but a faint golden thread emerged, and finally floated up, sinking into the eyes of the god statue.

After everyone finished their worship, Mrs. He and He Qingning slowly got up. At this time, He Zining looked at the already miserable skirt and fox fur, and couldn't help muttering in a low voice, but under Mrs. He's stern gaze, Shrinking his head, he covered his mouth.

After a group of warriors cleaned the hall, the servants laid out the mattresses and asked Mr. He to rest. However, Mrs. He looked at the dust-stained statue, but picked up a cloth towel and wiped the stone platform and the statue clean. A pair of white jade hands were flushed with cold.

After finishing all this, everyone can finally rest.

The warriors surrounded the main hall and slept with their clothes on, while He and his two daughters slept by the bonfire in the middle of the main hall.

Due to being very tired during the day, except for the warriors who need to be on duty at night, the other warriors slept very deeply. After a while, there was a snoring sound in the hall.

Soon it was midnight.

"It's so annoying!" He Zining was so disturbed by the snoring that she couldn't fall asleep, tossed and turned, finally lay flat and opened her eyes, and beat the bed heavily.

At this time, following the dim light of the bonfire, she saw a hideous humanoid creature with twisted limbs lying on the roof.

Suddenly, the other party was like a spider, hanging a silk thread down the roof.

"Ah ho, ho." He Zining yelled out of fright, but found that her neck seemed to be tightly strangled by a big hand, and she couldn't make a sound at all. The strong suffocation made her extremely painful, and she struggled desperately.

Soon, the movement of her struggle caught the attention of the night warriors.

"Second Miss, what's wrong with you?!" The warrior hurriedly stepped forward to check, only to see He Zining pinching her own neck, her face was blue, her eyes were bulging, and she looked terrified.

"Ah! Zi Ning!" He was awakened, and suddenly screamed, all the warriors were awakened.

He grabbed He Zining's hands vigorously, but found that her daughter's small hands were so strong that she couldn't pull them apart with several warriors.

"Ah! What?!"

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, and the bonfire in the hall was extinguished instantly, and a warrior's shrill and terrified cry came from the darkness.

At the same time, there were constant sounds of struggling and shouting in the hall.

"Ho ho."

Seeing that her second daughter was about to strangle herself to death, Mrs. He hurriedly knelt down at the position of the statue, and said in her mouth silently: "Mr. Offering incense, respecting and cultivating a golden body for heaven."

As soon as she finished speaking, a thicker golden thread appeared on the top of her head than before. As the thread left her body, He Shi suddenly collapsed on the ground as if she had collapsed.

The moment the golden thread entered the statue, the eyes of the statue that had been slightly closed opened suddenly, and the whole body was glowing with purple light, and a phantom of an incomparably handsome young man appeared in the hall.

With the shining of the purple light, everyone found that there were many pitch-black humanoid monsters in the hall. Where did He Zining pinch herself? It was obvious that a hideous monster with twisted limbs held both hands and pinched her neck tightly.

"Naughty animal! How dare you act presumptuously in front of me!"

The young phantom suddenly shouted angrily, like a thunderclap on the ground, the monsters present kept their original movements, and instantly turned into powder and disappeared into the invisible.

Suddenly, everyone was horrified to find that the outside of the temple was already surrounded by countless humanoid monsters. These monsters were lying on the windows and trying to squeeze into the temple, but they were illuminated by the purple light, and they all seemed to be burned by a raging fire. With a shrill scream, it finally turned into dust and dissipated.

"Heavenly Venerable is manifesting!"

"Greetings to the Demon Lord!"

The warriors also knelt down one after another, their expressions were extremely pious at the moment, especially the warriors who were attacked by monsters before, were illuminated by the purple light, and immediately felt that the pain dissipated invisible, and the injuries were also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Zi Ning, why don't you hurry up and thank the Heavenly Lord!" At this moment, Mrs. He lifted up the second daughter, who was only half-lived, and together with the eldest daughter, helped her pay homage.

"Believers, thank the Heavenly Lord for saving your life!" He Zining kowtowed with snot and tears.

"Heavenly demons are in troubled times. The demons here have been suppressed by me, but little ghosts are frequent, so you leave quickly!" the young phantom said in a deep voice, and immediately returned to the statue.

"Thank you Tianzun! Thank you Tianzun!"

Everyone left the hall in a hurry, looking at the black powder piled up outside the hall, they couldn't help feeling chills in their hearts.

However, looking at the statue that was still emitting purple light, I felt a little more confident in my heart.

"Heavenly Lord of Slaying Demons, saving suffering and suffering, really deserves his reputation!" A group of warriors believed in their hearts.

Tianzhou, north of Xianyang City, Mingcang Mountain Lingmai.

After the establishment of Zhenwuzong, Ming Cangshan became one of the top forces in Dongsheng Continent in just a few decades.

In particular, most of the inheritance of Zhenwuzong is completely open to outside warriors, completely abandoning sectarianism.

Therefore, warriors who have the inheritance of Zhenwuzong can be said to be all over Dongshengzhou, and their scale is growing day by day throughout the entire source world.

The warriors enshrining the 'Ten Absolute True Monarchs' Han Zhao are not limited to the disciples of Zhenwuzong.

I don't know who started it. The temple dedicated to Han Zhao's golden body and longevity tablet was named "Zhentianzhen Wuling Yingyou Shengdijun Temple". Motiandi' and other titles.

The reason for this situation is because of the war between the human race and the alien races outside the world, the demon clan intervened, and some creatures polluted by the yin energy of the demons naturally caused a lot of harm to the people.

After all, even a monster without even a single level is comparable to an ordinary blood-training martial artist. Ordinary people have neither martial arts, nor can afford to hire a martial artist to protect the courtyard. No small trouble.

No matter how many warriors there are in the True Martial Sect, there are not as many weird things that can be seen everywhere in the deep mountains and old forests, especially some weird things manipulated by the demons. They are extremely cunning, and basically they will not confront the warriors head-on. The body makes chaos, treats mortals as blood, and devours them completely.

However, I heard that the longevity tablet and portrait of the 'Dangmo Tianzun' was enshrined in a certain mortal's home. In an incident of being attacked by a strange thing, his pious belief was responded to, and the 'Dangmo Tianzun' in the portrait appeared, and he was on the spot Kill the creepy thing that broke into the room with thunder, and then return to the portrait.Since then, his family has never been attacked by any monsters, and even the chronic cough that has been coughing for many years has been cured without any medicine.

This matter was spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and in many places, the apparitions of "Dangmo Tianzun" happened one after another, so the beliefs of ordinary people became more and more pious.

After decades of time, it has evolved into "Dangmo Tianzun" will be enshrined in every year and festival. The statue of Tianzun is pasted on the door, and paper-cutting of Tianzun is pasted on the window sill.

Even homeless beggars, as long as they have a pious faith, can enter the temple of Tianzun to worship together with princes, nobles, rich gentry and wealthy businessmen.

At this moment, on the top of Mingcang Mountain, in the Great Hall of Zhenwu Sect, Han Zhao was sitting cross-legged on the futon in the center of the hall.

Suddenly, Han Zhao's expression changed, and he looked glaringly, and there was a slight wave of wish power all over his body.

After a while, Han Zhao's expression returned to calm, and he slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, a pale golden thread appeared out of nowhere in the void in front of him, and a purple-gold mist lingered around the thread.

"Sure enough, the faith has become more pious." Han Zhao smiled lightly, and every response to the believer would make the other party's faith more pious.

[Emperor of Heaven] Among the many powers of the priesthood, there is one ability, that is, 'going down'.

As long as the believer is in danger and his faith is pious enough in the place where his longevity tablet and god statue are enshrined, he can manifest his avatar through a seance to help the believer through the crisis.

Of course, the premise is that enough incense power has been accumulated in the longevity tablet or statue, because the incense power needs to be consumed for sacrificing the gods.

The strength of the avatar depends entirely on the amount of incense wish power.

In addition, when the believer makes a wish to his longevity tablets and statues, if he is devout enough to make offerings at all times, and the power of the incense is sufficient, Han Zhao can use his authority to use the power of the incense to fulfill the wish of the other party.

For example, recovery from illness, title on the gold list, more children and more blessings, etc.

Incense and fire vows can cure all incurable diseases among the people, even practitioners' illnesses can be cured, it only depends on the amount of incense and fire vows consumed.

In this way, it can be regarded as taking from the people and using it for the people.

Of course, the premise is that the consumption is less than the willingness paid by a single person.

For example, the belief of a scholar, the power of incense and vows can only make him clearer and quicker during the exam, and he will not be nervous, sick or uncomfortable. Whether he can pass the exam depends on his own level.

As for having more children and more blessings, it is also to use the power of incense and fire to warm and nourish the other party's body. Whether you can have more children and more blessings depends on yourself.

All in all, faith is only auxiliary, after all, the premise of Han Zhao broadcasting faith is to benefit.

But even if faith is not omnipotent, mortals flock to it.

Because in this era, class is very solidified. Apart from practicing martial arts, the only thing that can change your destiny is reading.

However, if you are poor and rich in martial arts, unless you are very talented and are favored by the martial arts sect, the offspring of ordinary families may not have the opportunity to learn martial arts even if their talents are moderate.

But studying and becoming an official is even more complicated. There are more than hundreds of millions of mortals, and how many official positions can there be in the Great Qin Empire.

When hard work cannot change fate for ordinary people, then the only option is to pray to God and worship Buddha.

Before Han Zhao broadcast his faith, there were countless cults raging in some remote places, such as the White Lotus Sect, the Incense Candle Sect, and the Longevity Sect, all fooling the low-level mortals.

And Han Zhao truly achieved "responsiveness"!
As long as the faith is devout enough, and the offering of incense and vows is enough, for mortals, he is a god!omnipotent!

Not only that, if the cultivator's faith is pious, he can also get his response.

Just like just now, he directly descended to help a martial artist in the supernatural power realm escape from the encirclement and suppression of powerful enemies. It was because the other party's beliefs were extremely pious, and he was respected like a god, and because of his cultivation, the quality of the incense vows he provided was extremely high , At the same time, the other party is a disciple of Zhenwuzong, and he can provide more incense power in the future, so Han Zhao spent a lot of incense power to save him.

Of course, the more advanced the cultivator, the more difficult it is to be pious. Although the quality of the incense and vows provided will be high, the quantity is much less.

On the contrary, the incense vows offered by the vast majority of mortals are of low quality, but the quantity is astonishing.

"It seems that even if you are in the source world, you have to follow the mass line." Han Zhao couldn't help but sigh in his heart, for Xianghuo Shendao, what he wants is more.

High-level practitioners have more faith in power than gods.Be a devout believer only when you need it.

"However, as long as the realm is not high enough, there will always be times when you can't solve the trouble." Han Zhao smiled lightly. Now that it is a great war, it is an excellent time to broadcast faith and harvest willingness, and according to the original timeline, this battle with The war of alien races lasted for hundreds of years, giving him plenty of time.

"Now is the time to clean up the Heavenly Demon Clan!"

Han Zhao got up, and now he has steadily obtained the strength of the emperor through the power of the priesthood of "Emperor of Heaven". He was afraid that he would make a move in advance to provoke the birth of the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon, but now he is not afraid of the sixth-level Heavenly Demon.And if you want to get the opportunity to simulate, you just have to hunt high-level demons.

(End of this chapter)

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