Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 326 Ancestral Immortal Realm!Yulan Heavenly Palace!

Ancestral Immortal Realm, Southern Sky Territory.

Above the clouds, countless fairy mountains are floating and standing, the spiritual energy is transformed into fog, and it is extremely rich. Countless fairy birds circle the mountains, and palaces are looming in the spiritual fog, which is a scene of fairy homes.

Among these mountains, there is a golden side hall on the westernmost side. Above the gate of the hall, a silver plaque hangs high, with the words "Feishengtang" written on it.

Inside the hall, an old man in black robes with a goatee was sitting upright behind a wooden desk. In front of the wooden desk, was facing the center of the main hall, where there was a white jade platform more than three feet high.

Suddenly, the white jade stone platform burst into dazzling light, and the spiritual energy in the temple gathered here, and there were bursts of buzzing sounds.

"Huh? A fairy has ascended. I don't know which realm the person who ascended this time is from?" He has become accustomed to it, and the only thing he cares about is the strength of the Ascended Person.

The old man in black robe is named Han Su, and he is also a practitioner of the realm of immortality.

However, he is not an ascendant from the lower realms, but a descendant of the local celestial beings in the ancestral celestial world. Because of his holy body aptitude, he lived up to expectations under the key training of the family's celestial beings. After 3000 years of hard work, he became a celestial being.

After that, under the operation of the relationship between the family's angels, he successfully entered the Yulan Tiangong under the command of the Supreme Immortal Court, and became the head of Feishengtang.

This Feishengtang is the department of Yulan Tiangong that manages the ascenders from the lower realms. All the immortals who ascended to the Southern Heaven Territory will ascend here.

After all, to be able to ascend from those places where the aura is thin in the lower realm, these ascending immortals must be the best in the realm, and all of them have rich wealth, otherwise they would not be able to withstand the terrifying ascension catastrophe.

Although the principal cannot decide the fate of ascending immortals, those ascenders from the lower realms are newcomers who don't understand anything and need to understand the situation of the ancestor fairy world as quickly as possible, so they must establish a good relationship with him as the chief. Very much.

Especially in the several great realms attached to the Ancestral Immortal Realm, where the Ascension Immortals, even those who ascended to the seventh level of the Celestial Immortal Realm, treat these people as long as they are enthusiastic enough and give them some benefits, it will be very generous.

Just like the last time there was a celestial immortal who ascended from the Nine Origins Realm. The other party was a descendant of a certain immortal king who was able to stay in the lower realm. He was a high-level innate spirit treasure just after he ascended. It is as easy as traveling in other places.

At that time, Han Su had a good reception, and the other party was so happy that he gave him three fairy stones directly, which was simply rich and inhumane.

"Ahem!" Han Su coughed twice, cleared his throat, sat up, and waited for the Ascended to appear.

After about a cup of tea, a black figure emerged from the ascension platform.

"Huh? This..." Han Su's divine thoughts swept over him, and he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. The person in front of him was white-haired, black all over, and ragged, with dark blue arcs of lightning shining from time to time on his body. , the appearance of less air intake.

"Sigh..." Han Su sighed. This person was born in a small world in some corners. He was seriously injured just to survive the catastrophe of flying and ascending. He obviously tried his best. There is not even half of the spirit treasures that cultivate life and life, so there is nothing to fish for.

In order to let him enter Yulan Tiangong and become the head of Feishengtai, the ancestor of the family used many relationships and contacts. In order to repay the family and train the younger generation, he had to find ways to get some benefits.

Seeing that the black figure's breath was much more stable under the supplement of fairy power, Han Su straightened his neckline and stood up unhurriedly.

Just when Han Su got up, the Ascension Platform, whose aura had just dimmed, suddenly erupted with an astonishing aura.

"This is." Han Su's eyes widened.

In just a few breaths, four figures appeared on the ascending platform one after another.

Han Su looked intently, and saw that the four Ascenders were three males and one female, and they all looked to be in their early twenties. Although the Ascending Heavenly Immortal would not be able to ascend in his twenties, the younger the Ascending, Obviously the potential is greater.

In particular, the four of them had just experienced the Ascension Tribulation, and they were completely unscathed except for some obvious spiritual pressure fluctuations overflowing from their bodies, especially the woman surrounded by three men. The purple Ruqun is obviously a low-level celestial artifact.

"Immortal Artifact!!" Han Su was startled, that is, many immortal kings and powerhouses did not have an immortal artifact, and an ascendant from the lower realm actually possessed an immortal artifact, and there were three other heavenly immortals in the same realm who ascended together. It is the guard of the opponent.

Obviously, the background of the other party must be terrifying.

Now, Han Su didn't even have the thought of making money.

His cultivation base is not high, but as the master of the Feisheng Hall of the Supreme Immortal Court, he was given a high-level innate spirit treasure. Compared with fairy artifacts, treasures are not worth mentioning.

After the purple-clothed woman appeared, she first took a look at the environment of Feisheng Hall, then glanced at the half-dead white-haired old man beside her, and frowned slightly.

At this time, a handsome young man walked towards Han Su under the gesture of the woman in purple. He turned his wrist, and two fairy stones appeared in his palm, and he stuffed them into Han Su's hand.

"Excuse me, this immortal official, which part of the Ancestral Immortal Realm is this? How far is it from the Northern Heaven?"

Han Su saw that the other party was so polite and generous, and his attitude became more cautious. He immediately put on a smile and said back: "You are too polite, this is Yulan Tiangong in Southern Tianyu."

"Southern Tianyu?! Yulan Tiangong?" Hearing this, the handsome young man was first surprised and then puzzled.

The other three had the same expression.

Obviously, they knew about Nantianyu, but they didn't expect that they would ascend to Nantianyu. As for Yulan Tiangong, they might not have heard of it. After all, there are hundreds of Tiangong under the command of Taishang Xianting.

Han Su's smile remained unchanged, waiting for the young man to continue to ask questions. Under close sensing, the other party's cultivation base was at least at the fourth level of the immortal, which is really an exaggeration.

"Miss, the southern region is located in the wild hinterland, and the teleportation array cannot go directly to the northern region. This." The young man returned to the woman in purple and asked through sound transmission.

"It doesn't matter, even if we fly directly to the wilderness, those alien races would not dare to attack us, not to mention we are still in the Heavenly Palace. As long as my father hears the news, he should send someone to help him soon. This time, we finally got Dao The spirit of the spirit, there must be someone who obstructed us when we ascended. We will stay in Tiangong for now." The woman in purple said through voice transmission.

Just as she was communicating with her subordinates, the white-haired man who was lying on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead, suddenly moved his ears slightly, and his closed eyes suddenly opened. On his dark face, there was a pair of eyes as bright as stars.

It's just that none of the five people present noticed it.

At this time, the woman in purple looked at Han Su, and said, "This fairy official, I don't know if the fairy of Yulan Tiangong is sitting in Tiangong at the moment? I want to borrow the cross-domain teleportation array of Nantianyu, may I?"

Han Su looked troubled, and immediately explained: "You don't know, this Tiangong has been established for less than 10 years, and has not yet established a crossing teleportation array. Now the Sanyan Xianjun of this Tiangong has gone deep into the wilderness, and I don't know when it will go." Can come back. If you want to use the teleportation array, you have to go to Lingxi City, the core city of the Southern Tianyu, and the teleportation array in the Lingxi Tiangong can go directly to the Northern Territory."

"What a place where birds don't shit." Behind the purple-clothed woman, another young man with a haughty expression curled his lips in disdain.

Han Su looked a little embarrassed when he heard the words, but he quickly covered it up with a smile. After all, if he dared to directly ask Xianjun to borrow the cross-domain teleportation array, it must be from the top power in the Northern Tianyu.

It is very likely that these four people are not ascenders, but the lower realms of the celestial beings. At this moment, they are re-entering the ancestral realm with the help of the Ascension Platform.

If this is the case, it would be even more exaggerated. The price to be paid for letting the four heavenly immortals descend together is astonishing.

So the other party has the right to speak insultingly.

Hearing this, the woman in purple turned her head and glared at the haughty young man, who immediately lowered his head and took a step back.

After learning that there was no teleportation formation in Yulan Tiangong, the purple-clothed woman smiled politely, obviously not interested in talking, and the young man who had just sent the immortal stone stepped forward to chat with Han Su.

After a while, Han Su recorded information for the four of them, and at the same time learned that the woman in purple was named Lan Zhi.

As soon as he heard the name, Han Su immediately had an astonishing thought.

Among the top forces in the Northern Sky Territory, there is only one with the surname Lan—the Daozu Lanluo of Fuhaizong.

When Han Su thought of the name in his mind, his body tensed up suddenly, and he immediately activated his divine sense, abandoning the thought in his mind.

The peerless power of the Dao Ancestral Realm cannot even be mentioned by name easily, or even kept in mind, otherwise it can be sensed by the other party even if it is separated by trillions of miles.

No one wants to be missed by a powerful person in the Dao Ancestral Realm.

"Fellow daoists, this is your identity token. People from the lower realm need to serve in the heavenly palace for thousands of years in exchange for immortal stones and the right to soak in the immortal pool. Fellow daoists naturally do not lack these things. But if you accept I will stay in Yulan Tiangong for a while, and I still need to keep this token. I will report this matter to Lord Xianjun as soon as possible to see if he can return in time."

Han Su took out four identity badges from his pocket and handed them over respectfully.

"Thank you." The young man took the token and handed over two more immortal stones.

This time, Han Su shied away.

But the young man forced it to him, which made Han Su's smile warmer.

"This person is..." Lan Zhi noticed the white-haired man lying on the flying platform, showing a puzzled expression.

"Oh, this person appeared just before the ascension of fellow Taoists. He should be an ascensionist from some small world. By the way, I haven't registered his information yet." Han Su said casually, only then remembered that he was granted according to the usual practice. Registering with Immortal Feisheng, judging by the appearance of the other party, I am afraid that he will serve in Yulan Tiangong until he dies.

"Please." Lan Zhi nodded slightly, but her eyes were carefully sizing up the white-haired man. She encountered interference during her ascension, so she did not appear in the Northern Heaven Territory as expected, but came to the farthest distance from the Northern Heaven Territory. of the Southern Sky Territory.

The white-haired man in front of her ascended at about the same time as them, which made her vigilant.

It's just that Lan Zhi's divine sense unscrupulously swept across the opponent's body, but found that the opponent was indeed seriously injured, and even his cultivation base was constantly regressing.

"He Rui." Seeing that the other party would not be an enemy, Lan Zhi withdrew her divine thoughts and nodded to the handsome young man beside her.

The handsome young man understood, stepped forward, took out two immortal stones, and placed them in the left and right hands of the white-haired man.

With the supplement of the power of the fairy stone, the breath of the white-haired man became much more stable, at least he no longer looked like he might die at any time.

When Han Su saw this, he couldn't help being a little jealous, but he didn't dare to have other thoughts.

Seeing that Lan Zhi was so kind to a strange ascendant, he also put away the impatient look on his face, and asked softly to the white-haired man lying on the ground.

"This fellow Taoist, I am Han Su, and I am the head of Feishengtai. If you are still conscious, please cooperate with me to complete the registration work. Later, I will send you to Shengxianchi to heal your injuries."

"It's a pity, if you rebuild your cultivation, it will take you many years." Han Su sighed.

"Here is..." Han Zhao looked at Han Su in front of him blankly, half of it was pretending, but he was a little confused now.

He chased down the evil corpses in a different space, and after a fierce battle, he finally overwhelmed the two evil corpses.

Just when he was about to capture the evil corpse alive and find a suitable time to deal with the evil corpse, a heaven and earth true spirit of the emperor's realm suddenly appeared in the space passage, and he had cultivated the thunder attribute law to the transformation state.

At that time, Han Zhao had no strength after repeated battles. In desperation, he used the "reincarnation disk" again. After a bloody battle, he cut off one wing and one of the real spirit. paw.

In the end, he suppressed most of the corpse's spirit, but a small half of the corpse's spirit escaped and was swallowed by the heaven and earth spirit that looked like a giant thunder and lightning beast.

So he chased after the true spirit, and finally, because of the arrival of the reincarnation period, his cultivation base began to fade, and he failed to catch up.

"This time, if he doesn't still have the cultivation of the divine way, I'm afraid it will be dangerous." Han Zhao's heart is awe-inspiring, his martial arts cultivation has completely dissipated, let alone supernatural powers, even the cultivation level of the strength training level is gone.

Of course, his physical body has been strengthened by so many magical skills, even if his cultivation base is all gone, it is still comparable to a high-level Houtian Lingbao, and he can tear a Valkyrie with his pure physical strength alone.

Moreover, his divine way cultivation base is comparable to that of an emperor. Although he has consumed a lot of incense and vows this time, the priesthood of [Heavenly Emperor] probably only has the power of the peak of the refining gods, but even if he is in this so-called ancestral fairy world, he can still Received the incense of all beings in the source world, so it won't take long for the divine way to restore the realm of the emperor.


【Collect all 3600 units of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, is it possible to synthesize an entry? 】

[Consume 4000w units of demon yin energy and 20 low-grade divine sources to perform a simulation. 】

"It's still a little short of the next simulation."

Han Zhao thought to himself, the price paid this time was huge, but the reward was equally astonishing. Because of the evil corpse of the Emperor of Heaven, he killed the evil corpse in advance, and suppressed most of the evil corpse's soul. Reaching the second stage of returning to the void, at least the path of the law of time is much easier, and after practicing the law of space and the law of reincarnation, there is no need to cut corpses again.

If he really wants to break through the emperor with the three supreme laws at the same time, and then kill the corpse, then he can't imagine how strong his own evil corpse combined with the heavenly emperor's evil corpse will be.

His soul of the evil corpse merged with the evil corpse of the emperor of heaven, and he must also inherit the memory of the evil corpse of the emperor of heaven. This is the most important thing for him, whether it is more use of "time stamp" or "chaos star map" The second volume is what he urgently needs.

Moreover, the evil corpse of the Emperor of Heaven has completely activated the "Time Seal" for him, and when he recovers, the "Time Seal" will be his exclusive treasure.

In addition, there is also the goddamn true spirit encountered in the space channel, whose strength is extremely powerful, if it is not for the help of the "Reincarnation Disk", he may not be able to fight.

Now that he has one wing and one claw of the true spirit, its true blood will definitely make the True Spirit God Control Art go one step further, making his physical strength reach a terrifying level comparable to that of an innate spirit treasure.

"After refining the true blood, we'll be able to find that damn beast!" Han Zhao's eyes lit up with anger.

"Fellow Daoist?" At this moment, Han Su's voice sounded in Han Zhao's ears again.

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