Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 327 The Heavenly Emperor's Secret!Xuantian Thunder Beast!

Chapter 327 The Heavenly Emperor's Secret!Xuantian Thunder Beast!
"This fairy official, be polite."

Han Zhao recovered from his contemplation, and cupped his hands at the black-robed old man in front of him.

After absorbing the aura in those two fairy stones, although his cultivation could not stop dissipating, it did restore his meridians a lot.

In fact, after Han Zhao killed Emperor Xuanmiao and the Four Great True Monarchs under him, he got their Sumeru bags. The other party must have used a lot of fairy stones and divine sources.

However, at this time, his cultivation base was exhausted, and he was unable to refine the spiritual thoughts left in these sumeru bags, so he couldn't open these sumeru bags at all in a short time.

And these things were collected by him into the "Qiantian Junyang Pot".

Even the "Qiantian Junyang Pot", a pseudo-innate spiritual treasure, at least needs to be cultivated in the Sha Ning state to open it.

As for the cultivation of the divine way, the spirit treasure of the warrior cannot be used by the power of incense and fire alone.

The two are not the same power system.

After paying respects to Han Su, Han Zhao clasped his fists at the handsome young man who gave him the fairy stone: "Han Li, thank you fellow daoist for the fairy stone."

"Herui, fellow daoists, you are welcome. This is from my lady." The handsome young man looked at Han Zhao who was in a state of embarrassment, without any contempt on his face, because he was also an ascending immortal, and he knew how difficult ascending would be. Follow Lan Zhi, relying on himself alone, I am afraid that he has died under the thunder disaster.

Han Zhao looked at the woman in purple and said seriously, "Thank you, fellow Taoist, if there is an opportunity in the future, I will definitely thank you very much."

Although his cultivation base has dissipated, his powerful spiritual sense far surpassing that of an emperor of the same rank is still there. Just before his cultivation base dissipated, he heard voice transmissions from several people.

The woman in purple seems to have mentioned the words 'Spirit of the Great Way'.

"Hmph!" At this moment, the arrogant young man beside Lan Zhi sneered, although he didn't speak, but judging from his appearance, he seemed to be mocking Han Zhao for being overconfident.

How dare a heavenly immortal with all his cultivation base say thanks to the daughter of the Taoist ancestor?
"Lan Fan!" Seeing this, Lan Zhi frowned slightly, and after glancing at him, the arrogant young man lowered his head, took a step back, and did not speak again.

When she looked at Han Zhao again, she saw that Han Zhao was unmoved at all, with a calm expression on his face. She didn't know whether he was really confident or inexplicably optimistic, so she said casually, "It's nothing to worry about. I'm afraid it will be difficult to recover in a short time."

"There is always a way, there is always a way." Han Zhao said with a smile.

"I hope." Lan Zhi nodded slightly, as if she had no interest in continuing to communicate on this topic.

Seeing this, Han Zhao stopped talking.

According to the other party's communication with the black-robed fairy official just now, the purple-clothed woman and her party should stay here temporarily and will not leave immediately, so he still has time to investigate.

"Fellow Daoist Han, according to the usual practice, you need to answer some questions for me, so that I can register your information for you. Although you are a heavenly immortal who has ascended from the lower realm, but your cultivation base is exhausted now, so you cannot enjoy the treatment of an ascendant in the heavenly realm. Of course, you The treatment will still be higher than that of normal cultivators." At this time, Master Han said proactively.

"Thank you." Han Zhao clasped his hands, and the fairy in the other party's mouth should correspond to the realm of refining gods and true kings.

Whether it's Han Su in front of him, or the purple-clothed woman and the group of four, their cultivation bases are all around the level of refining the gods, but the purple-clothed woman is at the third level of refining the gods, and she possesses the innate Taoist weapon. If there is still a trump card, It should be able to fight against the strong in the realm of returning to the virtual emperor.

"Let's talk about your name and origin first," Han Su said.

"Han Li, he was born in the Celestial Realm." Han Zhao wrote his name in the void with his hands, while concealing the fact that he was from the Origin Realm.

At this moment, his appearance is quite different from before, and with his cultivation base scattered, he can completely hide his previous background.The Celestial Cang Realm is a low-level cave world that he refined, so it must be difficult to find out.

"The Celestial Cangjie? Hmm... an unknown lost realm?" Han Su recorded Han Zhao's name and origin on the jade plate, and when he heard the words Tiancangjie, he nodded to himself.

After recording, Han Su threw the jade plaque at Han Zhao.

"Fellow Daoist Han must keep this jade card away, otherwise with your current level of cultivation, if you don't have the status jade card, it will be difficult for you to move forward."

"Thank you." Han Zhao replied, carefully putting away the jade plaque.

"Fellow Daoist Han, your situation is quite special, but it hasn't happened before. There used to be a heavenly immortal who ascended from the lower realm in the Western Heaven Territory. He also encountered an accident during his ascension, and his cultivation was exhausted. However, he insisted on cultivating to the realm of Dao Ancestor and became a One of the hundreds of extremely strong men. So fellow Daoist Han, don't be discouraged, and serve well in my Yulan Tiangong, maybe it won't take a thousand years before you can recover your cultivation." Han Su encouraged.

However, no matter how you look at it, his expression doesn't seem to be sincere, but more like drawing a cake.

However, Han Zhao heard an amazing news through his somewhat formulaic encouragement.

From the current point of view, the Realm of Immortals corresponds to the True Monarch of Refining Gods, and the subsequent Immortal Monarchs should correspond to the Emperor of Returning to the Void.

If after the immortal king is the realm of the ancestors of Dao, wouldn't it mean that this realm of ancestors and immortals has hundreds of Taoist monarchs who are in the realm of the Dao.

This is too outrageous? !
According to what Han Zhao knew, in the past 33 layers of heaven, it seemed that there were only three supreme heavens with Dao Lords in the Dao Realm. Even if there were Dao Lords in the last ten days, there should be very few.

Now Yuanshitian is shattered, Taimingtian is occupied by demons, and there is only one Daluotian left.

I don't know if there are hundreds of Taoist monarchs in Da Luotian.

"It seems that this Ancestral Immortal Realm is much stronger than I expected!" Han Zhao felt awe-inspiring.

At this time, He Rui, who was on the side, was a little surprised when he heard Han Su's words: "The fairy official is talking about the 'Shaoguang Daozu'! I heard that it took only 1 years for that one to become a fairy king with the law of time. Then Even after just a few hundred thousand years, he became the Taoist ancestor with the law of time. It is rumored that he defeated the previous time Taoist Si Kongling as soon as he broke through, and became the top ten Taoist ancestors in the world of ancestors and immortals in one fell swoop."

"Exactly, this Shaoguang Daoist is a role model for all ascended." Han Su nodded.

Han Zhao couldn't help showing surprise when he heard the words: "Shaoguang Daozu?! The law of time!!"

"Fellow Daoist Han has also heard of the name Shaoguang Taoist Ancestor in the lower realm?" He Rui asked doubtfully.

"I haven't heard of it, but I heard that it is very difficult to practice the law of time." Han Zhao smiled. If he remembered correctly, the previous Dao name of the Emperor of Heaven was "Shaoguang". It may be a coincidence, but it may not be.

"The law of time is so easy to cultivate! As the strongest supreme law, being able to break through the realm of the emperor is enough to stand out from the crowd! What's more, it is the realm of the most powerful Taoist ancestor. Not to mention that all ascendants are worthy of being with Shaoguang Taoist ancestor In comparison, even I dare not say that I will definitely be able to become an emperor with the law of time." Lan Fan said lightly, his words were full of confidence.

"Does your Excellency practice the law of time?" Han Zhao looked at Lan Fan with appropriate surprise in his eyes.

Looking at the other party's appearance, he seems to have no brains, but there are many people who can cultivate to this level.

He has encountered many people who seem to be reckless, but are actually just pretending, so it is still difficult to judge.

However, if the other party is really brainless, it is easier to get some words out of the other party's mouth.

"Hmph!" Lan Fan raised his head slightly, looking quite complacent.

"It's a pity that Shaoguang Daozu disappeared mysteriously shortly after defeating his predecessor, Time Daozu. It is said that he was swallowed up by the Dao of Heaven because he used the law of time too much." He Rui seemed to be quite critical of Lan Fan.

"Being able to become a fairy king is enough to live forever. How can mortals be able to peek at the realm of Taoist ancestors." Lan Fan retorted.

Seeing that Lan Zhi frowned slightly, He Rui smiled at Lan Fan and did not continue the topic.

Seeing this, Lan Fan snorted coldly.

Lan Zhi rubbed the center of her brows, these two were followers she brought back from the lower realms during this trip, one practiced the law of time, the other practiced the five elements and the two original laws of yin and yang, both of them were outstanding figures in the same realm, Talent can be called a monster.

It's just that the two seem to have a festival, so they have been tit for tat.

But for Lan Zhi, this is not a bad thing.

"Fellow Daoist Han, please come and measure your bone age." Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Han Su changed the subject immediately, took out a spiritual mirror from his arms, and asked Han Zhao to stand in front of him.

"Measuring bone age?" Han Zhao was startled when he heard that.

"Generally speaking, the potential of an immortal can be roughly judged by the number of years of practice. If your potential is high enough, you can advance some elixir from the treasure house of Tiangong after signing the fairy contract with Tiangong to speed up the recovery of your cultivation." Han Su explained.

"Is it possible to be unpredictable?" Han Zhao hesitated. He has only practiced for 400 years, and his cultivation speed is obviously very outstanding.

"Although bone age measurement is not mandatory, you have lost all your cultivation now, Fellow Daoist Han. The only suitable labor for you is planting immortal plants and cultivating spiritual fields." Han Su pondered. Generally speaking, Ascension Immortals who don't want to join the Heavenly Palace don't need to test their bone age, but Han Zhaoxiu's cultivation was exhausted, and he might not be able to walk more than a hundred thousand miles away from Yulan Tiangong, before he would be swallowed whole by the wild beasts that can be seen everywhere in the wilderness.

"Your Excellency didn't know the bone age. Could it be that it took only a few hundred years to cultivate to the realm of immortality?" At this moment, Lan Fan said calmly.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Han, in the Ancestral Immortal Realm, there have been peerless geniuses who have cultivated to the realm of immortality within two hundred years, so you don't have to worry. Focus on training."

After hearing Lan Fan's sarcasm, Han Su suddenly had a thought in his heart, thinking that he might have misjudged him just now.

Seeing that everyone present was looking at him, Han Zhao nodded and said, "Okay."

After speaking, Han Zhao stood in front of Lingjing under Han Su's guidance.

With the faint white light of the spiritual mirror, a line of text gradually emerged in the spiritual mirror.

Han Su stared wide-eyed to check, and Lan Zhi who was on the side also became interested, and his divine sense swept over him, and even the young Lan Fan who was speaking sarcasticly just now looked sideways.

"Bone age. [-] years old!" Han Su twitched the corner of his mouth, read out the words in the spiritual mirror, and looked at Han Zhao in confusion.

"Han Daoyou"

Han Su looked hesitant to speak.

3 years old, there are only 500 years left before the Great Tribulation of True Yang that occurs once every 500 years for the powerhouses in the Celestial Immortal Realm. That is to say, if you don’t rebuild to the Realm of Celestial Immortals within [-] years, the next time the Great Tribulation of True Yang comes, you can almost It is said that he must die.

Unless it is to use some treasures that replace the catastrophe to delay the arrival of the Zhenyang catastrophe by 3 years.

It's just that this kind of treasure will not be easily used by an ascendant who has exhausted his potential.

Most of the ascenders from the lower realm ascended within 1 to [-] years. About one tenth of these people can cultivate to the peak of the Ninth Level of Immortal Realm. This is a very high proportion, and very few ascenders can advance Xianjun, become a strong man in the vertical and horizontal domain.

Although it is not easy to ascend from the lower realm where the environment is harsh and the resources are scarce, ascension at [-] years old is still too bad!
"." Not only Han Su was speechless, but Han Zhao himself was also puzzled.

He is obviously [-] years old, how can he show [-] years old? Could it be that the life span he used to use the withering style is also counted?
Or, using the "reincarnation disk" will increase bone age?

"Wait! From my perspective, Fellow Daoist Han seems to have consumed a lot of vitality and lifespan in a very short period of time. It's not true that he has cultivated for more than 3 years."

Lan Zhi's gaze was fixed on Han Zhao, her pupils glowed with a purple-gold color, as if she had used some special magical power of pupil technique.

"The weak lightning power left on your body does not seem to be just the power of heavenly tribulation, but the supernatural power attached to some kind of true spirit!"

After a while, Lan Zhi pondered.

"True Spirit!! Is that true?" Hope rekindled in Han Su's eyes, and he looked at Han Zhao again. He was able to escape from the hands of the true spirit of heaven and earth after surviving the catastrophe of ascension. His strength is in the fairyland Absolutely the best.

True spirits of the same level will be much stronger than heavenly immortals.

Although Han Su was not weak in the third level of the Celestial Immortal Realm, even if he encountered a true spirit of the first level of the Celestial Immortal, he would probably die.

"This..." Han Zhao's pupils froze, this girl actually possesses the supernatural power of pupil technique, and her eyes are so vicious.

The power of thunder and lightning that overflowed from his body was left behind by the emperor's true spirit.

It's just that most of the power was dissipated by him, and he didn't expect that such a little bit of remnant would be seen by the other party.

"Actually, I don't know if the monster I encountered is a real spirit. I only know that it looks like a bird and is wrapped in blue lightning." Han Zhao's eyes showed a look of "fear".

"Looking like a bird, could it be that Jiutian Lei Peng can't do it? It's just that Jiutian Lei Peng's natal thunder seems to be silver instead of blue. The only heaven and earth spirit who has blue natal god thunder is Xuantian Lei who has mastered Dutian Shenlei Beast'." The woman in Tsing Yi behind Lan Zhi analyzed.

"Xuantian Thunder Beast? Impossible! If he encounters Xuantian Thunder Beast, he might be left with nothing left!" Lan Fan denied.

"I don't know who this Xuantian Thunder Beast is." Han Zhao looked at Lan Zhi, and had a rough expectation of the Thunder Beast he encountered this time.

"This beast is born from the source of Heavenly Dao Thunder. It is a fairy at birth, and as long as it becomes an adult, it can enter the realm of fairy king!" Lan Zhi explained.

"It is said that a certain Dao ancestor wanted to capture a Xuantian Thunder Beast of the Ninth Level of the Immortal Lord alive as a mount, and the Xuantian Thunder Beast blew himself up in the end, and the Dao Foundation was severely damaged by the Heavenly God Thunder, which led to being devoured by the Dao of Heaven not long after." Ray added.Although they are all ascenders from the lower realms, their ancestors are the great powers of the immortal kings in the Ancestral Immortal Realm, so they have heard a lot of secrets about the Ancestral Immortal Realm.

"It's really not possible. Dutian Shenlei is the most destructive sky thunder, and it is one of the biggest obstacles for Xianjun to attack the realm of Taoist ancestors." The woman in Tsing Yi pondered: "It seems that the blood of Jiutian Lei Peng should be impure. Or it could be said to have a trace of the thin blood of the Xuantian Thunder Beast."

Speaking of this, the woman in Tsing Yi looked at Han Zhao with a look of surprise and pity.It seems that this person's strength is not bad, but his luck is too bad.

"." Han Zhao finally knew what he had encountered, and his forehead muscles twitched slightly.

It's no wonder that after cutting out the evil corpse, his cultivation was almost close to the second level of returning to the void, and he used the "reincarnation disk" to restore his peak state. Even so, he still couldn't completely take down the giant lightning beast.

It turned out to be a monster!
With the strength of that giant thunder and lightning beast, even if it is not the Xuantian Thunder Beast, it definitely has the pure blood of the Xuantian Thunder Beast.

It seems that the improvement of his true blood to the True Spirit Yushen Jue will exceed his expectations.

"If Fellow Daoist Han is interested, how about returning to Fu Haizong with me after a while?" Lan Zhi said suddenly.


As soon as Lan Zhi finished speaking, everyone in the arena was startled.

Unexpectedly, Lan Zhi valued this Han Li so much.

"Please think about it, how about it?" Han Zhao pondered.

"Okay." Lan Zhi was startled when she heard the words, and nodded immediately.

"Fellow Daoist Han! Do you know that the Fuhai Sect is the most powerful in the Northern Tianyu, with three Daoist ancestors who are the most powerful! There is no hesitation!" Han Su is both envious and jealous, wishing to replace him.

Then you can't go. Han Zhao was shocked, and he was even more sure that he couldn't go together, but he could take this opportunity to get information.

"I'm being rude." Han Zhao cupped his hands at Lan Zhi.

"It's okay." Lan Zhi smiled lightly, she didn't think this Han Li could refuse this temptation.

When you take it back for a test, you will know its potential.

In the following time, Han Zhao stayed in the Yulan Heavenly Palace to retreat and cultivate.

Because Lan Zhi invited him to join Fuhai Sect, Han Su was extremely enthusiastic towards him, and seemed to want to curry favor with him.

During this period of time, Han Zhao had a preliminary understanding of the Ancestral Immortal World by going to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to check the classics.

This is a huge and boundless world, possibly even stronger than the supreme sky.

He doesn't worry about restoring his cultivation.

How did he worry about going back?

Also, how to find that damn Thunder Beast.

(End of this chapter)

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