Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 328 I report myself!Return to Void 2 Realm!

Chapter 328 I report myself!Void Return Second Stage! (Large cup supplement)
There is no time to practice, and three years have passed by in a flash.

Since Han Zhao lost his cultivation base, in principle he does not enjoy the reading rights of cultivators in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, but he gave Han Su a fairy stone, and because he was favored by Lan Zhi, Han Su gave him a convenient way to check a lot of information about the Ancestral Immortal Realm.

In the past three years, Han Zhao had a general understanding of the Ancestral Immortal World.

The Ancestral Immortal Realm is divided into five heavenly domains: east, west, south, north, and central. To be precise, the areas that have been proven in the Ancestral Immortal Realm are these five major heavenly domains. As for the outer areas, they belong to the barbaric area, where there are many powerful wild beasts inhabited, and outsiders will be dealt a thunderous blow.

Opportunities and dangers are everywhere in the wilderness. In many strange areas, even the most powerful people in the Dao Ancestral Realm will encounter danger when they enter.

According to the current understanding, the Ancestral Immortal Realm is more than trillions of miles away. Even the powerful Immortal Sovereigns do not need to cross the teleportation array. If they want to rush from the Southern Heaven Territory to the nearest Central Heaven Territory, they have to fly non-stop for hundreds of years.

In Han Zhao's simulation, he also stayed in the 33rd Heaven Realm for the last ten days. It can only be said that the Southern Sky Territory alone is much bigger than Daguang Tomorrow.

Perhaps only the three supreme heavens can be compared with the ancestor fairy world.

However, with the hundreds of Dao ancestors in the Ancestral Immortal Realm comparable to the Daoist Lord, Han Zhao was more inclined to be the strongest in the Ancestral Immortal Realm.

The cultivation system of the ancestral immortal world is divided into five realms: Human Immortal, Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, Immortal Monarch, and Taoist Ancestor.

Among them, human immortals correspond to the supernatural powers of warriors.

The Earth Immortal corresponds to the Warrior Heaven and Human Realm.

Celestial Immortals correspond to God-refining True Monarchs, and Immortal Monarchs correspond to Void-Returning Emperors.

As for the realm of Taoist ancestors, it naturally corresponds to the Daojun of Hedao.

Practitioners in each heaven have their own division systems for the realm below human immortality, so it is not within the recognized cultivation system.

However, there is one more obvious difference, that is, the cultivators in the ancestral immortal world subdivide the four major realms of human immortals, earth immortals, heavenly immortals, and immortal kings into nine heavens.

Although the division of the Nine Heavens has increased the number of small realms to break through, the difficulty of advancing is much easier than that of the warrior system.

Especially at the beginning of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, if one cultivates to a certain critical point, one will be able to use the power of the law to induce the catastrophe to come. As long as one passes through the catastrophe, one can immediately break through to the next realm.

Han Su said before that someone in the Zuxian Realm once cultivated to the Heavenly Immortal Realm in just 200 years, because this person possessed the "Huan Lei Dao Body" and was able to reduce the thunder calamity below the Immortal Monarch Realm by more than [-]%.

This human name is 'Lei Lingzi', a 200-year-old celestial being, a 800-12-year-old immortal, and a [-]-year-old celestial lord of the ninth heaven, but in the end, after beheading the good corpse, because he miscalculated the power of the 'Daotian catastrophe' that broke through the realm of the ancestors of Taoism, and the 'Huan Lei Taoist body' could not weaken the Taoist catastrophe, so he finally died under the catastrophe, and his body and spirit perished.

However, the benevolent corpse of 'Lei Lingzi' survived for some reason, and also retained the cultivation base of the immortal Lord Jiuchongtian, and established a sect called 'Ju Lei Guan' in Zhongtian Territory.

It is said that a fairy once came to ask for Lei Lingzi's experience in crossing the catastrophe, and finally successfully survived the Taoist catastrophe and became the Taoist ancestor.

Therefore, Julei Temple has become one of the most powerful forces in Zhongtianyu.

"I didn't expect there to be Heavenly Demons in the Ancestral Immortal Realm."

On this day, Han Zhao saw a description of the barbaric forces in the Sutra Pavilion, and obtained an important piece of information from it.

The League of Chaos Gods that I heard about in the source world before actually exists in the Ancestral Immortal Realm, and this League of Chaos Gods can control wild beasts, so there are footprints of members of the Chaos Gods League in the wilds outside the major heavens.

"I thought that the Chaos God League was just a powerful demon organization, but now it seems that I underestimated them."

"In this way, there is really an inextricable relationship between the ancestral fairyland and the heavenly realm."

Han Zhao looked at the wild information recorded in the classics and thought to himself.

There is a Taoist Shaoguang in the ancestral fairyland, and a Taoist Shaoguang in the heavenly realm.

There is a League of Chaos Gods in the Ancestral Immortal Realm, and there is also a League of Chaos Gods in the Heaven Realm.

This is obviously unlikely to be a coincidence.

In addition, Han Zhao also saw a more important piece of information, so he wanted to verify it immediately.

It is recorded in the classics that the flesh and blood of desolate beasts cannot be eaten, nor can it be used to refine elixirs, and the scales, skin, and bones are not suitable for alchemy. The only inner alchemy is also very dark. Except for a very small number of demon practitioners, for most immortals, fighting desolate beasts is of no value at all.

Moreover, only desolate beasts above the Earth Fairyland will have inner alchemy, which makes killing desolate beasts even more tasteless.

What he lacks now is the Yin Qi of the Heavenly Demon. If he encounters members of the Chaos God Alliance in the wilderness, he will have a way to obtain the Yin Qi of the Heavenly Demon.

Moreover, if the quality of the yin energy in the wild beast's inner alchemy is high enough to be used as a simulated energy, then the wild is simply heaven for him!
The Yulan Tiangong in the Southern Tianyu was established less than 10 years ago, and it is on the edge of the wild.

The strongest person in Yulan Tiangong is the owner of the palace, Sanyan Xianjun, who has the cultivation level of the third level of the immortal monarch, which is roughly equivalent to the emperor who has completed the first level of returning to the void, and his strength is at most slightly stronger than Han Zhao's divine way cultivation level.

The other party dared to go deep into the wilderness, and Han Zhao only hunted in the outer and slightly deeper places, which could minimize the risk.

Although his cultivation has dissipated, his divine sense is still there.

The range of spiritual thoughts of ordinary emperors is only about [-] miles. Because of Han Zhao's practice of Zuowangjing·Shenyou Pian, his spiritual thoughts are four times that of the same level.

Now his divine sense can cover [-] li, and can deal with most unexpected situations.

Rather than sitting here and slowly recovering his cultivation, Han Zhao felt that it was necessary to take the initiative.

He didn't want to follow Lan Zhi to answer Haizong, nor did he want to waste 1000 years in Yulan Tiangong as a spiritual farmer and farmer.

"What? Fellow Daoist Han, are you leaving the Heavenly Palace?"

Han Su couldn't help being a little surprised when he received Han Zhao's request to go out. With the other party's current state, he might not be able to get out of Yulan Tiangong.

"The fairy officer misunderstood, I just want to go for a stroll around Tianlan City. I am a restless person, staying in the Tiangong all the time, I can't help but feel a little stuffy. This will also affect the cultivation state of mind, which is not conducive to the recovery of cultivation base."

Han Zhao explained that although it's okay for him to run away, it is still necessary to leave some room for doing things.

"So that's how it is." Han Su suddenly realized that he didn't completely believe the other party's words, but there seemed to be no problem.

"Actually, Fellow Daoist Han, you have not joined Yulan Tiangong now, but you are free, so you are not under the jurisdiction of Tiangong. However, if you go out for more than three years and do not return, nor return, this Tiangong will automatically regard you as giving up joining." Han Su reminded again.

"I'm just going for a stroll nearby, I won't run far, and it won't take so long." Han Zhao laughed, but he didn't care if the other party could see his thoughts.

"This is a one-time entry and exit talisman, which can directly leave the range of Yulan Tiangong. The next time a fellow Taoist returns, he only needs to activate this talisman outside the Tiangong to enter the Tiangong." Han Su paused, and took out a blue talisman from his arms.

"Thank you, Immortal Officer." Han Zhao bowed his hands, took the talisman, and put the talisman close to his body after sweeping his spiritual thoughts.

"Fellow Daoist Han is serious." Han Su nodded, "I hope that Fellow Daoist Han will successfully join the Overcoming Sea Sect in the future. Just don't forget me as a friend."

"Definitely, definitely." Han Zhao said hurriedly.

After the two exchanged a few more pleasantries, Han Zhao found a reason to leave Feishengtang.

Not long after Han Zhao left, Han Su took out a gray talisman from his arms, moved his lips lightly, and said a few words to the talisman, and the talisman quickly dissipated and disappeared into the void.

Han Zhao used the talisman to walk out of the main hall of Yulan Tiangong.

A clear cry sounded, and a crane with a wingspan of more than ten feet came to the front of the hall, prostrated itself on the ground, and beckoned him to go up.

Han Zhao jumped onto the crane's back.

Although it only took three short years to rebuild, but with the terrifying aptitude of the space-time dao body, his cultivation has returned to the Sha-condensing state, at least opening the Sumeru bag is not a problem.

Of course, the crane in front of him is a great monster with perfect concentrating spirit, so his cultivation level is not enough at all.

The crane carried Han Zhao on its back and flew down the clouds, and landed not far from a big city.

What surprised him was that the thick city wall in front of him was only a dozen feet high, which was similar to the city wall he saw when he first rushed from Blackstone City to Yuanchangfu City, and not as good as some states in the source world.

Han Zhao looked at the city tower, and through his powerful eyesight, he saw soldiers in blue armor on the top of the city, probably only the cultivation level of a Lian Jin martial artist.

It seems that even in the top-level realm with rich aura like Zuxian Realm, there are mostly mortals.

"Look at the sky, there is an immortal master coming!"

The arrival of the crane caused some small commotion outside the city. After all, those who can ride the crane must be people from the Heavenly Palace. For ordinary practitioners, they also need to look up to existence.

However, Han Zhao quickly left the place after Xianhe left, and finally disappeared in the flow of people entering the city.

At this moment, due to the loss of his cultivation base and the use of the "Reincarnation Disk", his appearance looks like a middle-aged man with white hair in his 40s, without the appearance that he used to be able to be noticed at a glance in the crowd.

Moreover, the Ancestral Immortal Realm is rich in aura, so there are many people with outstanding appearance. Han Zhao is like this now, mixed in with the crowd, he is not eye-catching at all.

After entering the city, Han Zhao couldn't help being a little dazed, as if he was still in the source world.

The streets are spacious and tidy, and there are people coming and going, including those who carry burdens on the road, those who drive ox carts to deliver goods, and vendors who sell goods.

"Pig demon meat buns just out of the cage! One for three taels of silver! Four for ten taels of silver!"

"The newly launched ten whip soup in our shop, tiger monster, deer monster, sheep monster. The supply is limited! Drink it to ensure that your Taoist partner can't sleep at night!"

"Customized cassocks! There are armor types, body sculpting types, and fun types. Come and take a look!"

Along the way, there are teahouses, taverns, clothing stores, workshops, and all kinds of shops.The way of yelling is no different from the vendors in the source world.

When passing by the ready-made clothing store, Han Zhao noticed that there were many female cultivators in various robes, who seemed to be acting as models, so he subconsciously cast a second glance.

"Huh? Black silk? High heels?"

Han Zhao found that there was a female cultivator wearing black stockings inside. The classical charm of the skirt skirt was shortened, revealing half of the thigh and calf, and then paired with black silk stockings made of unknown kind of monster silk. The black and white and slender legs made people look sideways.

"I haven't eaten buns for a long time."

Han Zhao paused, looked at the steamed stuffed bun shop opposite the tailor shop, ordered twenty tiger demon meat buns, took out an ingot of gold from his pocket, paid the bill, left the steamed stuffed bun shop, and ate while walking.

There will be opportunities later.

The most urgent task is to restore the cultivation base.

He walked around the city again, and when he came to the inner city, he obviously found that the cultivators around him had a higher level of cultivation, and he also saw a lot of human immortals and earth immortals in the realm of supernatural powers and the realm of heaven and man.

Han Zhao visited a few large commercial firms in the inner city, and asked to see the Desolate Beast Neidan by name.

"Sure enough!" Han Zhao looked at the Desolate Beast's inner alchemy through the jade box, and his pupils constricted due to the strong yin energy inside. The quality of the yin energy of this inner alchemy taken from the wild animal's body in the human fairyland has surpassed that of an ordinary first-level palm soldier.

This path works.

"Sorry, I didn't bring enough money this time, I'll buy it next time." Han Zhao returned the jade box.

"Good guest, looking forward to your next visit."

The waitress didn't show the slightest bit of strangeness because Han Zhao only looked at it but didn't buy it, and the smile on her face was still very enthusiastic.

Han Zhao left the firm and went straight to the nearest east gate.

After leaving Tianlan City, he ran towards the southeast again.

On the second day after he left, a white ray of light flew out from the fairy mountain surrounded by spiritual mist, and flew towards the wilderness in the south.

Three months later.

In the wild depths.

A gigantic Cyclops running thousands of feet across the jungle-covered mountains, the rugged forests were as flat as he was walking on.

As the overlord entrenched in this forest, the Cyclops at this moment was covered in wounds and his eyes were full of panic. While running desperately, he looked behind him from time to time, as if something more terrifying was about to arrive.


Suddenly, there was a roaring sound like thunder in the void, and a golden light appeared in the distant sky, pulling out a golden trace in the clouds, like a flying arrow, arriving in an instant.


The Cyclops raised his head to the sky and roared, but the roar was full of despair.

At this time, a pale golden mist emerged in the void, and finally condensed into a majestic image of a young man.

I saw the young man raised his hand and pointed, the purple glow flashed past, a fingerprint of no more than one foot in radius flashed in the air, and it was printed on the Cyclops's sky spirit in an instant.

The roar of the Cyclops stopped abruptly, and the next moment, his whole body was shattered, turning into dust and dissipating with the wind.

A black irregular crystal the size of a human brain floated in the void, and the next moment it shot towards the distant sky.

It's just that as soon as the young man raised his hand, he fixed the black crystal and then took it into his palm.

The young man turned into a golden mist again like a wave of water splitting.

At this time, a middle-aged man with white hair and a handsome face fell from the clouds, and the golden mist submerged into his body.

"After refining the inner alchemy of this desolate beast, we can proceed to the next simulation."

Han Zhao probed his divine sense into the black crystal, and couldn't help showing joy.

In three months, he killed hundreds of desolate beasts, especially after killing this one-eyed giant who was comparable to the real king, and finally gathered enough demonic yin energy for the simulation.

In fact, he can still get more demon yin energy, but because of the unknown distance, the replenishment of the incense and fire power is very slow, far behind the speed of his consumption.

Therefore, Han Zhao's goal is to gather the millions of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi needed for the simulation to restore his cultivation, and he doesn't want to consume too much incense power.

In the middle, he also found a group of desolate beasts. There were more than [-] giant crocodiles comparable to the realm of the real king, and one of them seemed to be about to break through the realm of the emperor, which is what the ancestor fairy world called the fairy king.

After Han Zhao memorized the location, he bypassed that place, and planned to hunt here after his cultivation level recovered.

Just as Han Zhao was integrating the black crystal into his body, a condensed white sword glow suddenly erupted from the void not far from his side, and fell on his heavenly spirit in an instant, and it was about to split him in half.

Han Zhao's figure flashed, passing by the white sword light.

Han Zhao looked up at the clouds, with a look of sarcasm in his eyes, and said lightly, "Have you finally couldn't help but make a move?"

"You really are not easy!"

A slightly puzzled voice fell.

The next moment, a purple-robed young man holding a weapon similar to a mandarin duck and axe fell from the clouds, with a condescending expression in his expression, it was Lan Fan.

"It seems that you have discovered me a long time ago."

"Is it your own idea, or the meaning of the people behind you?" Han Zhao frowned. This Lan Fan followed him when he entered Tianlan City, but Han Zhao didn't know if it was a coincidence. The other party did not appear within the scope of his divine sense when he entered the wilderness. Now it seems that the other party is indeed seeking to die and come to trouble him.

"Don't worry, I don't need Ms. Lan Zhi's order to deal with you. I just think that there are enough geniuses who have joined the Fuhai Sect. You can still display the strength of the third heaven when you have lost your cultivation base. I am very interested in your secrets." Lan Fan said proudly.

"Are you willing to hand it over yourself, or let me dig it?"

"I'm not interested in you." Han Zhao said lightly.

"You?!" Lan Fan showed anger, but the next moment, his expression changed drastically.

Han Zhao took a step in the void, and a terrifying aura comparable to an ancient true spirit emerged from his body, and the void distorted accordingly, rippling like substantial golden ripples around his body.

"Xianjun strong!!!" Lan Fan suddenly lost his voice, terrified.

A majestic statue of a precious god quickly solidified, directly occupying the entire sky.

"Ah! No—!" Lan Fan activated the law of time with all his strength, but found that he had no ability to resist at all, and a terrifying force beyond ordinary immortals was approaching.

The statue clasped its hands together and instantly suppressed Lan Fan.

Afterwards, Han Zhao put it in the "Qiantian Junyang Pot", found the right direction, and rushed to the outskirts of the wilderness.


At the same time, in the inner space of "Qiantian Junyang Pot", dark blue thunder resounded throughout the space.

The huge wings and sharp claws were wrapped by thunder, and the dark blue thunder came from the wings and sharp claws.

"Dutian Shenlei!!"

Lan Fan, who was suppressed by the power of incense and fire, opened his eyes wide.

"What this person encountered before was actually a powerful true spirit like the Xuantian Thunder Beast!!!"

Lan Fan's intestines are regretful at this moment, why did he provoke this monster.

Those who survived encountering the Xuantian Thunder Beast must be the strongest among the immortals, not to mention being able to cut off one of its wings and sharp claws in a place that is beneficial to the Xuantian Thunder Beast in the space channel, it is simply against the sky!

"You don't! Senior! I was wrong! This junior is blind, please forgive me!"

Lan Fangao begged for mercy.

But there was no response at all.

Seeing this, his face twisted.

"You can't kill me! The ancestor of my family is the Sun Sea Immortal Lord! I'm still Miss Lan Zhi's follower, if you kill me, Fu Haizong will not give up easily!"

"As long as you let me go, I'll give you whatever you want!"

However, no matter how hysterically he shouted, there was no response in the entire space.

Fear, regret, despair.
All kinds of negative emotions were intertwined, almost swallowing Lan Fan.

He doesn't want to die!

And would rather die immediately!
Outer wilderness.

It took Han Zhao ten days to finally refine all the yin energy of the demon in the black crystal.


【Collect all 4150 units of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, is it possible to synthesize an entry? 】

[Consume 4000w units of demon yin energy and 20 low-grade divine sources to perform a simulation. 】


[Four hundred and three years old, after you suppressed it with Lan Fan, you returned to Yulan Tiangong. 】

[One year later, Lan Fan didn't come back for a long time, and Lan Zhi couldn't get in touch with him. Finally, he felt that something was wrong and decided to immediately set off for Lingxi City, the core city of Southern Tianyu. 】

[Before leaving, Lan Zhi once again invited you to join Hai Hai Sect. 】

"I have to go with her and investigate the matter of the Spirit of the Great Dao." Han Zhao thought to himself and entered the immersive simulation.

【You agreed to Lan Zhi's invitation and left with her. 】

[You were on the road together, and encountered a mysterious man's attack on the way. 】

[Lan Zhi exploded with astonishing combat power and killed all the mysterious people. 】

[Afterwards, you hid your tracks and hurried on your way, but this time, you encountered Xuantian Thunder Beast and an immortal blocking the way. 】

【You find that this Xuantian Thunder Beast is the one whose wings and sharp claws were cut off by you, and you can still feel part of the power of the evil corpse spirit from within the Xuantian Thunder Beast. 】

"Huh?!" Han Zhao stared at the information in the simulation.

"How did you meet that Xuantian Thunder Beast again?"

"Could it be that the Xuantian Thunder Beast's target was Lan Zhi and the others? I was just unlucky, so I just happened to meet them? I saved them from disaster?"

【The Xuantian Thunder Beast also seemed to recognize you, and launched a fierce attack on you as soon as it appeared. 】

[In desperation, you can only use the power of incense to fight it. 】

【And that immortal monarch launched a fierce attack on Lan Zhi.Soon, Lan Zhi and the other three fell into a disadvantage, and the three retreated steadily. 】

[At this time, you were in danger under the onslaught of the Xuantian Thunder Beast, suffered heavy injuries, and was forced to use a robbing puppet to avoid fatal damage. 】

【Seeing that the situation is not good, Lan Zhi played her hole card, and she released a drop of black water. 】

【As soon as Xianjun saw the water drop, his complexion changed drastically and he avoided it. He saw the black water drop turned into a pattern of water all over the sky, and a terrifying aura that was enough to make you feel dangerous in the peak period descended. 】

[Xianjun was severely injured by the power of the black water droplets, but Lan Zhi also lost the ability to resist after consuming the water droplets. 】

[He Rui and the girl in Tsing Yi were quickly killed by Xianjun in order to protect Lan Zhi. 】

[At this time, in order to save your life, you have to use the "Reincarnation Disk" again. 】

[It's just that, using the reincarnation disc one after another, your cultivation can no longer be restored to the peak period, you can only look at the power of entering the Void Return Realm. 】

【After a fierce battle, you killed the Xuantian Thunder Beast, and obtained the remaining spirit of the evil corpse from its body. 】

[At this time, Lan Zhi was killed by the fairy, and a terrifying will descended from her soul fragments, locking on the fairy and you. 】

[Seeing that you are about to enter the reincarnation period again, your cultivation base began to decline rapidly, and you and Xianjun fled the scene. 】

[This time, your cultivation base has completely disappeared, and the power of incense and fire is only left to be comparable to the power of supernatural powers. 】

【So, you hid in the deserted mountains and forests to recuperate. 】

[One year later, you waited until your injury stabilized in the "Time Stamp", and then used the pill to restore your cultivation to the heavenly realm. 】

[After the elixir is used up, you enter Rolling Stone City under the jurisdiction of Lingxi Tiangong to buy elixir, and you want to refine the elixir to speed up the recovery of your cultivation. 】

[As a result, you discovered an amazing news. Lan Zhi, the youngest daughter of Zu Lanluo, the top power in the Northern Tianyu, was killed by the Eternal Life League and the Chaos God League.Lan Luo personally committed suicide at the headquarters of the Eternal Life League 50 years ago, and fought with the other party's Taoist ancestor, and then he was unable to retreat. 】

[At the same time, Fu Haizong began to arrest a rising immortal named 'Han Li' in the entire ancestral fairy world. As long as Han Li is caught and sent to Fu Haizong, he can get 1 yuan of immortal stones, ten top-grade divine sources, and a middle-grade fairy weapon. 】

"Damn it!" Zhao Han looked at the information in the simulation and almost couldn't help but hand it in himself.

Is he worth so much?
"Wait! Why not?" Han Zhao suddenly responded.

[Seeing this situation, you took the initiative to go to Lingxi Tiangong and report that you are Han Li. 】

[The Lvwu Immortal from the Consonance Heavenly Palace came in person, and after repeatedly comparing your appearance and spirit breath, you are sure that you are Han Li. 】

[As soon as this news came out, the practitioners in the entire Ancestral Immortal Realm were shocked! 】

[I have never heard of someone asking for money rather than life, and reporting himself. 】

【You said that as long as the Luwu Immortal sends you safely to Fu Haizong, you are willing to share the bounty with her equally.Immortal Luwu was also amazed by this. 】

[Afterwards, Fu Haizong sent three great immortals to Lingxi Tiangong and brought you back to the Northern Heaven Territory. 】

[Lang Luo, who was recovering from his injuries, broke through the level directly. 】

【You explained the situation to him and said that your appearance was just a coincidence. If you hadn't dealt with the Xuantian Thunder Beast, maybe Lan Zhi would have been killed long ago. 】

[Lan Luo said that he has investigated the ins and outs of the matter clearly, but he cannot bear the pain of losing his daughter. He must let everyone be buried with him in order to eliminate the hatred in his heart. 】

【You yelled "Wait a minute!" on the spot, and then asked Lang Luo to give you the bounty first, and you promised to share half of the reward with Luwu Immortal.The dignified Overseas Sea Sect would not play tricks just for this little thing. 】

【Lanluo Daozu showed a puzzled expression, but he still took out the bounty money, and said that after paying homage to Lan Zhi with you, he would bury the bounty money in your tomb together. 】

【You laughed out loud on the spot, mocking Lan Luo for not being able to destroy the Eternal Life League and Chaos God League, but taking out your anger on you, an innocent person. 】

[Lang Luo said that the aggressive method is useless to him, but you obviously noticed Lang Luo's anger. 】

【So you strike while the iron is hot, and express your willingness to use your life's strength to destroy the League of Eternal Life and the League of Chaos Gods. 】

[Leaving you is far more useful than killing you. 】

[At the same time, you revealed the treasure "Time Stamp" in your body]

【Lan Luo recognized this treasure as a chaotic treasure at a glance. Although he was surprised, he was not as shocked and greedy as you expected. 】

[You tell Lan Luo, if you can practice the law of time to reach the Ninth Heaven of the Immortal Lord, there is hope to revive Lan Zhi through the "Time Seal".Killing you will only damage the treasure of "Time Stamp". 】

【In the end, Lang Luo agreed. 】

"Huh?!" Han Zhao was taken aback for a moment. He reported himself mainly because he wanted to obtain the divine source and the innate Taoist weapon in the simulation to speed up the recovery of his cultivation. As the ancestor of Taoism, Lan Luo could really agree to his proposal?
[Lang Luo told you that since you came in, he tried to control your soul with the technique of insanity, but found that your soul is extremely strong and cannot be confused.So it is concluded that you either have a treasure, or your spirit is far beyond the same level, and you cannot search for your soul. 】

[Lan Luo wants you to swear by the Dao. If you can revive Lan Zhi, he will accept you as a closed disciple and fully support your practice.If you can't do it, you can also use your whole life to assist him in destroying the League of Eternal Life and the League of Chaos Gods.Otherwise, you have to hand over the "time stamp" to him. 】

"It seems that there is no one who can become a Taoist ancestor."

Han Zhao couldn't help sighing.

【You made a great oath on your own way, successfully became Lan Luo's closed disciple, and reached the sky in one step. 】

[Afterwards, with the support of Lan Luo's resources, you recovered the cultivation base of the emperor realm in just a thousand years with the help of "time stamp".Then, you kill the evil corpses in your spirit and start rebuilding. 】

[After 3000 years, your cultivation has not only recovered, but has also gone one step further, reaching the second level of returning to the void, which is equivalent to the cultivation base of the fourth level of the immortal king.You discovered that after crossing the tribulation in the Ancestral Immortal Realm, your foundation was actually much deeper than in the Origin Realm, and your strength grew accordingly. 】

[At the same time, your space-time body has evolved and reached the stage of Dacheng. 】

[At this time, the sad news came suddenly. In another battle with the Eternal Life League, Lan Luo was besieged by three Taoist ancestors of the opponent with a large formation. 】

[Fu Haizong went to rescue under the leadership of another Taoist ancestor. 】

[On the way, you were attacked by the Dao ancestor, and you were captured alive by the other party and searched for your soul. 】

【you are dead. 】

[The simulation is over, you can choose two of the following]

[[-]. Obtain the physique 'Time-Space Dao Body Dacheng']

[[-]. Obtaining the cultivation base in the simulation · Void Return Second Stage · Eighteen Immortal Apertures】

[[-]. Innate Dao Artifact "Covering Sea Pearl" (Refreshable for a fee)]

[Four. Top-grade Shenyuan (can be refreshed for a fee)]

[[-]. Randomly obtain a spirit treasure that appeared in the simulation]

[[-]. Randomly obtain an elixir that appeared in the simulation]

[[-]. Randomly obtain a rule comprehended in the simulation]

"System, I choose one and two!"

Han Zhao made a choice without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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