Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 337 Meet the Emperor of Heaven!All ways return to 1!

Chapter 337 Meet the Emperor of Heaven!All ways are one!

"System, synthesis."

Han Zhao muttered silently.

"With the current strength, I don't know how many tricks I can do under Daozu's hands. Start the simulation!"

[You have practiced the three supreme laws, and your cultivation base has reached the second stage of returning to the void, and your strength has skyrocketed. A strong man of the same rank, but easily eliminated the five of them. 】

【Afterwards, you returned to Tianlan City under Yulan Tiangong. 】

"Should we follow the original route in the simulation?" Han Zhao pondered in his heart as he looked at the information in the simulation.

Taking the simulation route has obvious benefits, and can get the key training of the most powerful people in the Dao Ancestral Realm, but the disadvantages are also obvious.

"Forget it, play it safe." Han Zhao said heartily.

"The current level of cultivation has not yet reached the time when he can kill the good corpses. The option of cultivation level is not the most critical. You can take this opportunity to explore other paths."

Thinking of this, Han Zhao made a decision to control his behavior through immersive simulation.

[You stayed in Tianlan City for a while to cultivate, and in less than a year, a large number of wild beasts appeared in the wilderness, and an army of wild beasts besieged the city, led by the Immortal Monarch of the Eternal Life League, and the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon of the Chaos God League. 】

[Yulan Tiangong and the Tianlan City under its command opened up a large formation to defend, temporarily blocking the enemy's attack, but as a young man in a green shirt appeared, the opponent's just an understatement blow was enough to stop Xianjun The strong have been defeated for several years. 】

"This is."

Through the immersive simulation, Han Zhao saw the terrifying blow of the young man in the simulation.

"Eternal Life Alliance, Immortal Monarch Shi Qianhan of Extreme Flame!"

"The original law of water! Nine Dao patterns!"

"Half step to the realm of ancestors!"

Through the simulation, Han Zhao quickly guessed the identity of the young man. The nine dao patterns looming all over the other party's body have already shown the other party's realm and cultivation. Daotian catastrophe.

He had already secretly investigated information about the Immortal Alliance after he clashed with the Immortal Lord of the Immortal Alliance.

However, the information showed that Shi Qianhan was only at the level of the Immortal Lord Jiuchongtian, and definitely did not reach the realm of the half-step Taoist ancestor.

"Wait!" Han Zhao suddenly felt that he had figured out the context of the matter.

Shi Qianhan did not appear in the last simulation, but the person who came was the leader of the Eternal Life League, Shi Xuan, the ancestor of the origin of thunder.

Originally, Han Zhao thought that his actions in the simulation had angered Daozu, which was why he would be chased and killed by such a powerful man.

Now it seems that not quite so.

This time, Shi Qianhan, the half-step dao ancestor, might have made the move this time because he had killed the three major Nine Nether Heavenly Demons and two fairy-level desolate beasts before the opponent's plan started.

Assuming that Zu Lanluo, the source of water of Overturning Sea Sect, will appear here, the matter becomes clear.

Shi Qianhan practiced the original law of water, and Lan Luo was the ancestor of the original water. Although he planned to switch to the law of destiny, giving up the original law of water would also reduce his strength.

In particular, Lan Luo has not yet achieved Daozu with the law of destiny. Once he loses the original law of water, he will lose the strength of the Daozu realm.

"Could it be that this matter was originally aimed at dealing with Lan Luo, the ancestor of water origin, but my appearance made things change."

Han Zhao thought to himself.

Shi Qianhan practiced the law of the origin of water to the half-step Dao ancestor realm, so naturally he would not give up his current cultivation, let alone stop here willingly.

Coupled with the fact that the Eternal Life Alliance itself had a problem with Lan Luo, Shi Qianhan had Shi Xuan's backing, so he had the confidence to compete with Lan Luo for the position of the ancestor of the origin of water.

Once Shi Qianhan breaks through, there will be a battle for the Dao with Lan Luo.

The three parties' attack on the Yulan Heavenly Palace will definitely not be for no reason. After all, the main forces of the Eternal Life Alliance are all entrenched in the depths of the wilderness. The forces headed by Taishang Xianting encircled and suppressed.

But if they did this to help Shi Qianhan break through the situation and at the same time weaken Lang Luo's strength, then everything is reasonable.

After thinking clearly, Han Zhao's attention returned to the system panel.

[With the destruction of the big formation, the coalition forces of the three parties launched a massacre on Yulan Tiangong and Tianlan City, and hundreds of millions of lives died.The Eternal Life Alliance faced the same kind of human race, but killed them painfully. 】

"Ah..." Han Zhao looked at the information in the simulation and sighed, gods fight, mortals suffer, these mortals are so innocent.

[Facing the encirclement and suppression by the coalition forces, you should fight and retreat. 】

[Finally, your performance attracted the attention of the top powerhouses of the coalition forces. A desolate beast from the Immortal Monarch Realm attacked you and was killed by you. 】

【Seeing this situation, you quickly escape from the encirclement of the enemy. 】

【However, Immortal Monarch Heaven Jealous of the Eternal Life League has found your trail, but her escape speed is not enough for you.After you make sure that no one from the Dao Ancestral Realm is chasing you, you leave at full speed. 】

[It's just that you were blocked by a person just after flying less than a million miles.The person who came was Shi Qianhan. 】

[Feeling Shi Qianhan's terrifying law pattern, you don't want to be an enemy of him, you want to discuss with him, expressing that everything is a misunderstanding, as long as he lets you go, the matter will be exposed. 】

【Shi Qianhan asked you to return the Xuantian Thunder Beast and capture it without a fight. Return to the Eternal Life Alliance with him, and he will spare your life. 】

【Seeing that there is no agreement, you took the lead in attacking Shi Qianhan. 】

【Shi Qianhan sighed at your strength, always seemed to be able to do anything with ease, and said that he had changed his mind and invited you to join the League of Eternal Life. 】

Han Zhao fights Shi Qianhan through an immersive simulation.

Facing Han Zhao's magical powers such as the five-color divine light, the golden body of the Buddha and the devil, and the divine light of extinction, the other party easily took over the supernatural powers almost solely by the power of the law. Unable to break the defense.

[You rejected Shi Qianhan's invitation on the spot, and directly used your trump card, the three supreme laws were temporarily fused, and activated the supreme spiritual realm with the "Chaos Star Map". 】

【Facing such an astonishing pressure from the spiritual realm, Shi Qianhan was finally moved. He looked at you in amazement. He was shocked by your strength and admired your courage. 】

[Shi Qianhan is facing the siege of the three realms of time, space, and reincarnation in the Supreme Spiritual Realm, while still having the energy to talk to you, saying that if you expose yourself to the three supreme laws of fellow practitioners earlier, he will not invite you at all. You join the Eternal League.Because your behavior is against the two supreme emperors of the Supreme Immortal Court, and the vast immortals who practice the law of time will also regard you as a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh. 】

[You turned a deaf ear to Shi Qianhan's words. When you chose to practice the three supreme laws, you were ready for everything. 】

"Half-step Dao Ancestor Realm is so powerful, how strong should Dao Ancestor Realm be!"

Han Zhao looked at Shi Qianhan, who was deep in the Supreme Spiritual Realm in the simulation but had no fear, and frowned. The other party was obviously also a leader in this realm, with Dao patterns condensed by the original law of water, and its power was endless .

The opponent couldn't get out of his supreme spiritual domain, and he couldn't break Shi Qianhan's water origin dao pattern.

"Delaying it is not good for me." Han Zhao's expression darkened. The power of the Supreme Spiritual Realm in the same realm is unparalleled in the world, but maintaining the output of the three Supreme Laws at the same time consumes a lot of money for him.

This was the first time that Han Zhao encountered an opponent with such an amazing defense. This Shi Qianhan was like an indestructible tortoise shell.

【Seeing that the situation is not good, you push the supreme spiritual domain to the extreme, and prepare to give Shi Qianhan a fatal blow. 】

[This time, you completely gave up your defenses, and the three spirits of time, space, and reincarnation are integrated into one, and all the power is concentrated in one point. 】

【Shi Qianhan took this opportunity to launch a thunderbolt strike on you, and the nine laws of water and dao patterns all came out, killing you with one blow. 】

[You avoided fatal damage by virtue of the 'replacement puppet', and finally severely injured Shi Qianhan. 】

[However, Shi Qianhan quickly recovered from his injuries by relying on the law of water, and a force of extreme cold filled your entire spiritual domain. For a while, the three supreme laws in the spiritual domain were all obscure and sluggish a lot. 】

【After the blow just now, Shi Qianhan completely gave up attacking and turned into a defensive posture. 】

[Seeing that it is difficult to win, and a strong attack cannot immediately have a decisive effect, you take back the spirit domain and flee away immediately. 】

【However, Shi Qianhan is in hot pursuit. With the terrifying speed of the Xuantian Thunder Beast, you can't even shake it off.You stop fighting, and he only defends but does not attack. 】

"What a tm!" Han Zhao had never encountered such an opponent.

[At this time, if it weren't for the life stature replenished by the 'Persistent God of War', your mana would have been exhausted long ago. 】

[In the end, you decided to use the "Samsara Disk" to fight to the death. However, in the face of your request, the "Samsara Disk" tool spirit Tu Sheng strongly resisted, unwilling to let you enter the enhanced state of the "Samsara Disk".Tu Sheng said that you must pay for the power consumed when using the "Reincarnation Disk" before, and perform large-scale blood sacrifices. At the same time, you must provide the power of the law of reincarnation regularly, and find the spirit of the great way to replenish the power of the "Reincarnation Disk" as soon as possible.Otherwise, you will never want to continue to use the power of the "Reincarnation Disk". 】

【You told Tu Sheng that if you were captured or died, he wouldn't be able to please him, but Tu Sheng didn't care about your threats at all, as if he didn't care about your life or death. 】

"Damn it!" Han Zhao cursed inwardly as he looked at the information in the simulation.

【Suddenly, Shi Qianhan, who was wrestling with you, stopped, with a sarcastic smile on his face. 】

[At this time, the sky changed drastically, and under the gathering of thunder clouds all over the sky, Shi Xuan, the origin of thunder, descended. 】

【Facing the arrival of Daoist Ancestor, Tu Sheng was extremely excited. He immediately said that he had a way to save you, and at the same time put forward conditions. 】

[You ignored Tu Sheng, but looked around to see when Zu Lanluo, the source of water, would arrive. 】

[To your surprise, this time Lang Luo didn't show up in time. 】

【At this time, Shi Xuan said something that shocked you. He said that if you were waiting for Lan Luo, then he advised you to give up. Lan Luo has been repelled by him. 】

[Facing the terrifying coercion of the ancestor of the source of thunder, you know that you have no chance of winning, so you make a decisive decision, send all the laws of time in your body into the "time stamp", activate the "time stamp", and travel through time and space. 】

[This time, you traveled through time and returned to the timeline of the Zuxian Realm 10,000+ years ago. The "time stamp" was lost in the space-time shuttle, and you also lost all your cultivation and were seriously injured. 】

[I found myself in the Northern Sky Territory, one of the five great heaven domains. At this time, the Northern Sky Territory was the largest of the five great heaven domains and also the one with the richest resources.Among the nine original emperors of the Supreme Immortal Court, the most powerful Time Dao Patriarch, Si Kongling, established his Taoism in the Yaochi Heavenly Palace in the center of the Northern Heaven Territory. 】

[After you have a general understanding of the environment you are in, while recuperating, you can rely on the Chaos Dao Body and the Master of Time to restore your cultivation base. 】

[A few years later, Time Dao Zu Sikongling came to the door.Just when you thought you were bound to die, Sikong Ling said that your innate Dao body is an excellent qualification for practicing the law of time, and he wants to take you as his apprentice. 】

[Faced with such a temptation, most people would definitely agree, but you know that Sikong Ling will die at the hands of Taoist Shaoguang in the future. 】

[People who practice the law of time at the same time can only have one Dao ancestor. The last time I simulated Sikong Ling, I killed you when you appeared. Now I want you to practice the law of time, and I must have bad intentions. 】

[However, the situation is stronger than people, and those who know the current affairs are heroes, you pretend to be surprised, and worship in the Yaochi Heavenly Palace. 】

[Under your deliberate control, after 1000 years of reconstruction, your cultivation has reached the peak of the Nine Heavens of Immortals. 】

【At this time, Sikong Ling suddenly summoned you and began to teach him the exercises he practiced. 】

【You are surprised to find that what Sikong Ling taught you is the content of the first volume of "Chaos Star Atlas".It's just that the content here is only the part of practicing the law of time, not the content of practicing the law of space and the law of reincarnation. 】

【You suppress the shock in your heart and start practicing with great concentration. 】

[In just 2000 years, you have achieved the position of Xianjun. 】

【You find that Sikong Ling regards you more and more, especially after you quickly comprehended the second volume of the "Chaos Star Atlas" taught by him, Sikong Ling accepted you as a personal disciple.You have become the hottest big shot in Yaochi Tiangong, and your name resounds throughout the entire Northern Tianyu. 】

[Afterwards, another 2 years later, you reached the Seventh Heaven of Immortal Monarch (Third Level of Void Return) by virtue of the law of time. Si Kongling was overjoyed and taught you the contents of the first half of the third volume of "Chaos Star Atlas". Half a volume can be cultivated to the peak of Xianjun Jiuzhongtian, condensing nine time Dao patterns, and becoming a half-step Dao ancestor. 】

【You have always had a strong sense of crisis. After feeling Sikong Ling's excessive attention, you did not cultivate the content of the first half of the third volume of "Chaos Star Atlas". 】

[When Sikong Ling and the other heavenly emperors of the Supreme Immortal Court left the Ancestral Immortal Realm, you left the Yaochi Heavenly Palace on the grounds of traveling abroad. 】

【Shortly after you went out, you met a mysterious person who said that you were about to face a catastrophe and didn't know it yet. 】

【You told him not to play tricks, but to speak frankly. The other party asked you if you had obtained the "Chaos Star Atlas" from Sikong Ling, and practiced the contents of the third volume of "Chaos Star Atlas". 】

[You pretended to admit it, and said that the third volume of "Chaos Star Atlas" only has the content of the first half. 】

[The mysterious man sneered, and actually gave you a jade slip. What is recorded in it is the second half of the third volume of "Chaos Star Atlas". 】

[It not only records the method of achieving the Taoist ancestor of time, but also the content of achieving the Taoist ancestor of space and reincarnation.The most critical of these is a heaven-defying thaumaturgy called 'All Daos Return to One'.After cultivating the "Chaos Star Map" to the second half of the third volume, he can instantly withdraw the power of law from those whose progress in this practice is lower than his own. 】

[At this time, the mysterious person revealed his identity, and the other party is obviously the Emperor of Heaven, or Immortal Shaoguang. 】

(End of this chapter)

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