Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 338 The ultimate opportunity! 3 seals together

Chapter 338 The ultimate opportunity!Three printings gathered together

[After you recognized the identity of Xianjun Shaoguang, you were shocked, but on the surface you pretended to be calm, as if you didn't care about the second half of the third volume of "Chaos Star Atlas" he handed over. 】

[The content of the first half of the third volume given to you by Time Dao Zu Si Kongling is incomplete, only the part of practicing the law of time, there is no complete content of the third volume, the upper and lower two half volumes, it is not very meaningful to you . 】

[Shaoguang Xianjun was a little surprised by your unusually calm appearance, and asked you, aren't you afraid of becoming a sacrifice under the secret technique of the ancestor of time Taoism 'Wan Dao Gui Yi'? 】

[You answered Xianjun Shaoguang, saying that you can give up the law of time in a big deal, and give the power of the law to the Taoist ancestor of time, which is considered to be repaying the other party's life-saving grace.Then switch to the law of space, or the law of reincarnation. 】

[Shaoguang Immortal Lord laughed angrily when he heard your answer, and said to you sarcastically that your thinking is too naive. 】

[He told you that the "Chaos Star Map" has been practiced to the second half of the third volume. Once the "All Ways Return to One" is used, the power of the law of the person whose progress in this exercise is lower than his own is instantly taken away. Time Daozu can You can choose to keep you alive, or you can choose to suck you dry and let you die physically and mentally.In order not to expose his secret, Time Daozu will never leave anyone alive. 】

[You immediately ask Xianjun Shaoguang, since the Daoist of Time will not be left alive, why is he still alive, and knows the secret of the Daoist of Time, and also has the complete content of the second half of the third volume of "Chaos Star Atlas". 】

【Seeing that Xianjun Shaoguang can't easily fool you, he expresses his willingness to have a frank and honest talk with you, but both parties must first make an oath of the Dao of Heaven, using Dao Tian Dao as a curse, no matter whether they cooperate or not, everything said today must not be leaked. 】

[You are the best at swearing, so you and Xianjun Shaoguang immediately made an oath to each other. 】

【After taking the oath, Xianjun Shaoguang will tell you that the reason why he has such a thorough understanding of the matter of Si Kongling, the patriarch of time, is because he was once Sikongling's closed disciple. 】

[The first two volumes of the "Chaos Star Atlas" are the supreme codes he obtained when he was exploring the deep secrets of the wilderness, pointing directly at the Nine Heavens of the Immortal Sovereign. 】

[Just practicing one of the three supreme laws with the "Chaos Star Map" is enough to gain a leapfrog fighting power, even in the face of the same level of supreme law immortals, you can also do it. 】

[When he got the "Chaos Star Atlas", he didn't keep it private, but gave it to Si Kongling, the patriarch of time and Taoism who was like a master and father. Si Kongling was very interested in the mysterious and unparalleled "Chaos Star Atlas", but he already He has achieved the Taoist ancestor of the law of time, and the "Chaos Star Map" only has the first two volumes. Even if he switches to this exercise, he will not be able to obtain substantial enhancement, but this exercise has extremely high reference value. 】

[Time Taoist ancestor created an extremely powerful time supernatural power based on the contents of the first two volumes of "Chaos Star Map" in just tens of thousands of years, which can refine part of the power of the same level of practitioners. For personal use, but only limited to Xianjun Jiuchongtian below. 】

[After creating this supernatural power, the Taoist ancestor of time did not hide his secrets, and passed it on to Immortal Shaoguang immediately. 】

【Afterwards, Daozu Shi Shi speculated that the "Chaos Star Atlas" should contain the content of the third volume, so he asked Shaoguang Xianjun to search for the third volume of "Chaos Star Atlas", and said that he would personally help when necessary. 】

Han Zhao couldn't help staring at the information in the simulation.

In the simulation, he became a disciple of the Taoist ancestor of time, and he also came into contact with the secrets that many immortals in the ancestor fairy world did not know.

The reason why Daozu is called Daozu is because once Daozu is achieved, he is equal to the way of heaven to some extent.

When Daozu uses the power of the law he cultivated, he can directly connect with the Dao of Heaven. Fighting Daozu is tantamount to directly fighting with the power of a certain law in the Dao of Heaven. It is conceivable how powerful Daozu is.

However, because Dao Ancestor's ability is so strong that even the Dao of Heaven can't tolerate it, if the most powerful people in the Dao Ancestor Realm make frequent moves, they will become more and more closely connected with the Dao of Heaven, and eventually completely merge with the Dao of Heaven and be swallowed by the Dao of Heaven.

Therefore, the vast majority of Dao ancestors would not easily make a move, and even rarely dispatched clones.

After all, apart from the threat of being swallowed by the Dao of Heaven, the Dao Ancestral Realm can already be said to be immortal and indestructible.

Unless it is a deadly enemy, there are very few battles between Taoist ancestors.

"It seems that the problem lies here." Han Zhao entered the immersive simulation and returned his attention to the system panel.

[Shaoguang Xianjun tells you that after spending thousands of years, he finally found the contents of the third volume of "Chaos Star Atlas" in the wild depths of the Eastern Heaven Territory. The chaotic spirit treasure "Space Seal" that the strong are jealous of. 】

"Huh?! "Space Seal" has appeared! ! Looking at the information in the simulation, Han looked very excited.

As long as he gets it, or even just sees the "Time Stamp" with his own eyes, there is hope that it will be refreshed through the option after the simulation ends.

[However, after Xianjun Shaoguang found the third volume of "Chaos Star Atlas", the content inside made his excited heart sink to the bottom.It records the secret technique of 'All Daos Return to One'. 】

[Although a law can only have one Dao ancestor, the cultivation base of Xianjun Jiuchongtian is almost immortal, so Xianjun Shaoguang didn't think about competing with his master for the position of Dao ancestor of time. 】

[Si Kongling is the most powerful Time Dao Ancestor in the Ancestral Immortal World. Among the hundreds of Dao Ancestors, only the Dao Ancestor who also practiced the nine original principles can be valued by him. 】

[With the protection of Sikong Ling, there will be almost no Dao ancestors who will be in trouble with Shaoguang Xianjun, and he who practices the law of time is himself a top powerhouse among his ranks. 】

[Also, Sikong Ling once promised Shaoguang Xianjun that if Shaoguang Xianjun really reaches that step in the future, he can send him to the Daluo Heaven Realm, one of the three supreme heavens.There is the realm where many Taoist ancestors exiled their corpses. 】

[If Shaoguang Xianjun goes to the Daluo Heaven Realm to attack the Time Dao Ancestor, it will not affect Sikong Ling in the Ancestral Immortal Realm. 】

[Shaoguang Xianjun has always believed in Sikong Ling's words. After all, in order to prevent the latecomers from surpassing themselves in the same law, the Taoist ancestors basically take action after the latecomers have cultivated to the seventh heaven of the Xianjun.Either let the opponent surrender, or directly use thunder to kill him.This is also the very few times when Daozu had to make a move. 】

【Si Kongling didn't attack him, nor put a restriction on him, so he naturally believed him. 】

[However, the emergence of 'All Daos Return to One' made Shaoguang Xianjun feel that the situation has changed.Because the three supreme laws of fellow practitioners, after merging them into the laws of chaos, can surpass the heavens and will no longer be threatened by the devouring of the heavens. 】

[The Ancestral Immortal World is too big, there are only a few hundred Dao Ancestors, and the Ancestral Immortal World is too small, there are even hundreds of Dao Ancestors.If the law of chaos is perfect, then it will truly surpass all living beings, and I will be the only one in all the heavens and myriad worlds. 】

[Just as Shaoguang Xianjun was struggling, the appearance of the "Chaos Star Map" caused a spiritual change in the entire Eastern Heaven Territory. The top powerhouses of the Xianjun Realm appeared together, and even Daozu alarmed the two of them. 】

[At a critical moment, the Time Dao Patriarch appeared ethereally, and he repelled the two Dao Patriarchs just by meeting each other. 】

[After Si Kongling brought Xianjun Shaoguang back to Yaochi Tiangong, Xianjun Shaoguang handed in the third volume of "Chaos Star Atlas", but concealed the "Space Seal" that already recognized him as the master]

[After obtaining the complete content of the third volume of "Chaos Star Atlas", Sikong Ling was obviously shocked by the supernatural powers inside. 】

[Shaoguang Xianjun told you that he once told Sikong Ling that he was willing to give up the law of time in order to become a master, and switch to the law of space or the law of reincarnation. 】

[Sikong Ling generously stated that the things he had promised him would not change, and when he cut off his own corpse and was ready to attack the Dao ancestor's realm, he would be sent to the Daluo Heaven Realm. 】

[After the Shaoguang Immortal Monarch expressed his gratitude, Si Kongling recorded the contents of the third volume of the "Chaos Star Atlas", and then returned the golden jade book that originally recorded the content of the exercises to him. 】

[However, after Shaoguang Xianjun went back, he kept an extra mind, and he began to study the law of space.In this way, although he is absolutely at a disadvantage in the law of time, it is impossible to cultivate faster than his master, but with the help of the chaotic treasure "Space Seal", at least in terms of the law of space, he will definitely have an advantage. 】

[If in the future Sikong Ling really practiced the secret technique of 'All Ways Returning to One' to deal with him, he wouldn't be powerless to fight back.Of course, Xianjun Shaoguang did not want such a thing to happen from the bottom of his heart.He is just preparing for the worst without hurting others. 】

"Oh, how cruel is the battle for the Great Dao!" Han Zhao looked at the information in the simulation and sighed inwardly, already guessing what happened next.

His attention returned to the system panel.

[Shaoguang Xianjun tells you that later, with the help of "Time Seal", he spent 15 years cultivating the law of space to the peak of Xianjun Jiuzhongtian, condensing nine space dao patterns.Under his deliberate control, the dao pattern of the law of space is even stronger than the dao pattern of the law of time. 】

[During these 10 years, Si Kongling accepted three disciples one after another, handed down the first two volumes of "Chaos Star Atlas", and also asked Xianjun Shaoguang to guide the three of them.Under the guidance of Shaoguang Xianjun, the three entered the fairyland one after another. 】

[During the period, two high-level immortals who practiced the law of time in the ancestral immortal world died inexplicably, and the immortal Shaoguang guessed that it was very likely that Sikong Ling did it. 】

[After that, another 10 years later, Shaoguang Xianjun discovered that his three juniors and sisters had fallen on the step of beheading the corpse one after another. , and began to chop off his own corpse, but failed to chop off the corpse, and his body died and his path disappeared. 】

[Shaoguang Xianjun's sense of crisis became more and more intense, and finally on a certain day, he took the opportunity to escape from the Yaochi Heavenly Palace, and went straight to the depths of the wilderness, looking for an opportunity to go to the Daluo Heavenly Realm. 】

【However, when he rushed to the deepest part of the wilderness and was about to break through the barriers of the Ancestral Immortal Realm, he found that Sikong Ling had been waiting for a long time, and asked with a smile where Xianjun Shaoguang was going. 】

[Shaoguang Xianjun said that his cultivation has reached a bottleneck, and he wants to go to the Daluo Heaven Realm to prepare for the tribulation and attack the realm of Dao Ancestor. 】

[Si Kongling told Immortal Shaoguang not to worry, and go back with him first, but Immortal Shaoguang immediately refused.Seeing this situation, Si Kongling stopped pretending, and directly activated the secret technique 'All Ways Return to One' recorded in the third volume of "Chaos Star Atlas", to devour the time law of Xianjun Shaoguang. 】

[Shaoguang Xianjun directly gave up the law of time, and used the power of the law of space to fight against Sikong Ling.At this time, Si Kongling told Shaoguang Xianjun that he also studied the law of space. 】

[However, what Sikongling didn't expect was that the comprehension of the law of space between the two was evenly matched, and Xianjun Shaoguang had also practiced 'All Daos return to one'. They didn't reach the realm of Taoist ancestors, so the two fell into a stalemate over the law of space. 】

[It's just that Sikong Ling is the ancestor of the Dao of Time. Even if he doesn't use secret techniques, he is more than enough to deal with the Shaoguang Immortal Lord. The only thing he fears is the devouring by the Dao of Heaven, so he controls his power.But in the face of Shaoguang Xianjun's fierce resistance, Si Kongling could no longer hold back. 】

[At the last moment, Shaoguang Xianjun used his hole card "Space Seal", and turned defeat into victory against the law of space, and devoured the Dao pattern of the law of space cultivated by Sikong Ling.However, at the cost of serious injuries, he broke through the space and escaped. 】

[In the next 10,000+ years, Shaoguang Xianjun traveled all over the 33 heavenly realms, and even went to the demon realm. 】

[In the end, after he thoroughly mastered the "Space Seal", he returned to the Ancestral Immortal Realm. 】

"The way of the real protagonist!" Han Zhao couldn't help sighing after watching the imitated Shaoguang Xianjun finish his story.

[After Shaoguang Xianjun told you everything, he expressed his desire to invite you to cooperate and deal with Time Dao Patriarch Si Kongling together. 】

【You immediately asked a question, with your strength, what can you use to deal with Sikong Ling.You can see that Shaoguang Xianjun is only halfway to the realm of Taoist ancestors, and has not achieved Taoist ancestors.Even if you are added, it seems that you can't compete with Time Daozu. 】

[At this time, Shaoguang Xianjun told you that he also invited a strong man who practiced the law of reincarnation to reach the half-step Dao ancestor realm. As long as you also reach the half-step Dao ancestor realm, you will be sure to deal with Time Dao ancestor Void Spirit. 】

[You immediately retorted that what you practice is the law of time, even if you also learn the 'All Ways Return to One' and reach the half-step Taoist state, you will definitely not be an opponent in the face of the time Taoist ancestor, and you will be swallowed up all the time in an instant Dao pattern. 】

[Shaoguang Xianjun told you that he found a chaotic spirit treasure of the same level as the "Space Seal" treasure, that chaotic spirit treasure contains the power of time, as long as you can get that chaotic spirit treasure, it can greatly enhance time Daowen's power has reached the level enough to compete with Sikong Ling. 】

"Huh? Did he mean "Time Stamp"? "Han Zhao pondered in his heart. His "time stamp" was lost during the simulation of traveling through time and space. Now it seems that he may have been discovered by Shaoguang Xianjun.

"If you find the "time stamp", you will be sure to find out more secrets. "

Even if there is a "time stamp", he doesn't think it can shake the ancestor of time, but the simulation is to explore unknown information and find the right path, and victory or defeat is not the key.

[Shaoguang Xianjun said that at that time, he will fight with another fellow Taoist. If Sikong Ling dares to use the law of time to use the 'All Daos into One', he will be swallowed by the Dao of Heaven immediately, so he can only fight recklessly. 】

[Half-step Taoist ancestors who practice the supreme law, if they have a chaotic spirit treasure with matching attributes, they can defeat ordinary Taoist ancestors. 】

[If the three of you are all half-step Dao ancestors who practice the supreme law, together, they are enough to kill ordinary Dao ancestors.If the law of chaos is used in conjunction with it, it is enough to fight against the supreme Taoist ancestor like Sikong Ling. 】

[It's really not possible. At that time, they can break through in front of the battle and attack the realm of Dao ancestors. After all, they have a chance of winning. 】

【If you don't cooperate with them, you will surely die when Sikong Ling makes a move. In fact, you have no choice at all. 】

"It's really ridiculous, but only by being fooled in the simulation can we see the truth," Han Zhao secretly slandered.

According to Shaoguang Xianjun, the half-step Taoist who practiced the law of reincarnation should also possess the Chaos Spirit Treasure, otherwise he would not have the courage to cooperate with him to deal with the time Taoist.

"So, if Shaoguang Xianjun didn't lie to me, wouldn't it be possible for the other person to have the "Reincarnation Seal" on him! "

Han Zhao's eyes widened.

"'Time Seal', 'Space Seal', and 'Reincarnation Seal', there is hope for all of them! "

Han Zhao immediately entered the immersive simulation.

[If you ask Xianjun Shaoguang to give you the Golden Que Yushu that records the complete content of the "Chaos Star Atlas", he will be willing to cooperate with you.Shaoguang Xianjun, he was furious when he heard the words, and he looked like he was going to shoot if he disagreed, but you were not moved at all. 】

[In the end, Shaoguang Xianjun handed over the Jinque Yushu to you, and made an agreement with you that he will come to you again in 100 years.When the time comes, gather at the edge of the Wild West. 】

[You agreed to Xianjun Shaoguang, then separated from Xianjun Shaoguang, and went to the Western Heaven Region alone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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