Chapter 1 A Cuckoo!

Lunar September!

In the early morning, there was a thick fog suddenly, and you couldn't see anywhere, until the first ray of sunlight in the sky fell on this old land, the milky white fog couldn't help but move, and was finally dyed red, turning Get thinner.

The glow of the sky gradually spread its wings and pierced through the thick fog. A cuckoo spread its wings and flew up to the sky. It saw the purest rays of sunshine and the holiness above the clouds and mists. However, the most beautiful scenery was not worth the hunger. I had to lower my stance, looked down into the world, flew over one shack after another, and finally landed on a tree beside a morning market.

This is a bluestone road about ten meters wide. One end goes straight to the gate of the city, and the other end goes south, connecting Changxindian. The goods transported to Beijing from the south by water will land in Tongzhou, and most of them enter the city along this road. There are many cargo travellers, and many people wait here every day when the city gate is not open. Over time, a morning market is formed, with small shops selling breakfast, hawkers selling vegetables and poultry, fortune-tellers, salesmen carrying burdens, etc. Wait, how busy it is.

Suddenly, the mist in the distance stirred up. It turned out that a convoy was approaching fast. No one was seen, but upon hearing his voice, a thick roar and the sound of waving whips burst out from the mist, frightening the bustling people on the road. The crowd stood aside one after another, and the noisy hawking stopped immediately.

"Keep your fucking eyes open, I'm not used to it if you bump into it!"

After a while, a convoy of dozens of carriages suddenly appeared from the fog. The leading man was a burly man with a slanted scar on his face and a whip in his hand. He looked very scary.

The motorcade, tens of meters long, rushed towards the gate of the city in a hurry. The wheels were driving in the ruts on the bluestone slabs, making a huge "creaking" sound, which made people feel uncomfortable for no reason, but no one dared to touch the handlebars. The tiger mustache had no choice but to spit secretly towards the background of the convoy leaving.

After the convoy had left, the morning market came back to life, with cries of hawkers one after another, and the cuckoo flapped its wings and landed silently on a low willow tree by the moat, poking its head out and staring intently at Look under the tree.

At the same time, under the willow tree, there is a thin figure vaguely in the mist. It is a young man, who is staring at everything in front of him with dumbfounded eyes.

This young man said nothing, with a neat short hair, wearing a plaid shirt, gray slacks, and a pair of flip flops. Apart from that, he had nothing else, but he was in harmony with the people around him. Dressed very differently.

There are many people coming and going on the street, whether they are long robes, long gowns, or suits and leather shoes, they all cast curious glances at this young man in a different outfit, and couldn't help but mutter in his heart. There is no one who owes something to come up and ask questions.

At the nearest wonton stall, diners frequently gave strange looks, and there was a whisper among the people at the table:
"Do you know what's going on with that guy?"

"The face is tight, but this handsome young man, with a clean face, doesn't look like he's fleeing."

"Just that outfit, redeeming the old man's blind eyes, I haven't seen it before, but I know it's not cheap, it probably came from a foreigner."

"I'm afraid it's not the son of someone in the city who came back from overseas?"

"Probably not. The old man has seen quite a few returnees from overseas. They wear suits, small leather shoes, short hair, glasses and lame legs. They don't match this outfit at all."

"Lame? You're talking nonsense."

"Hmph~" The old man in the long robe and jacket gave a small glance, then took a sip of the chaotic soup, smashed the crutch in his hand, and said slowly: "Everyone, this thing in the old man's hand is called a crutch handed down by our ancestors. Where do foreigners call it a cane, and those who come back from abroad, no matter how old their legs are, they have to stick it on first, aren't they all lame?"


With that said, everyone will understand.

After teasing for a while, the old man in the robe and jacket glanced at the young man who was still standing under the willow tree, touched the corner of his mouth, dangling his long braids, and walked into the city with a cane, leaving behind the topic in his mouth. When it comes to that young man, they can guess everything, but they never imagined that the young man they said came from New China in the 21st century.

This unbelievable young man's name is He Qi. After graduation, he successfully entered a famous large factory and became a standard social animal programmer. Because of working overtime for many days to catch up with the project, he suddenly felt a whirlwind, and then lost consciousness. , fell on the workstation, unconscious.

After He Qi opened her eyes, she realized that she had come to this strange world. She couldn't believe it for a while, but after a long time, she was dragged back to reality by a heartburning hunger. As the saying goes, people are iron, and rice is food. Steel, if you don’t eat a meal, you will be so hungry that you can only make plans for the future if you fill your stomach first. However, after He Qi fumbled all over his body for a while, there were only a few steel coins in his pocket.

Although He Qi has not officially come into contact with this era, but from the costumes of the people passing by on the street, what he said is a Beijing movie, and he has a guess in his heart. The old and the new alternate, China and the West are in the same boat. What era could it be?

Seeing that there were only a few steel coins left in her hand, He Qi was helpless for a while, and finally threw it into the river reluctantly, and took the money from the later court to pay the bill from the previous court. He Qi was very sure that she was going to be invited to drink tea of.

What should I do next?

People who are hungry and full of food probably don’t understand it, and they might say something like food that is not enough, but if they are locked in a dark room and starved for a few days, they must be crying for food. Have a meal.

He Qi was so hungry that she didn't care about anything else, so she decided to rely on her thick skin and try her luck, just in case she met someone with a good heart!
"Blank! Bun! Bun! Bun is hot. Keep going. This bun is hot, and the dough is hot."

"Central Plain offal, delicious and inexpensive!"

"Haggis soup, authentic haggis soup, not authentic, no money!"

"Fried hair, fried hair!"

"Tofu nao, fresh and hot tofu nao!"

"Sharpening the scissors~cutting the kitchen knife~~"

"Come on garlic, good leeks, hey, xuelihong, pickled pimples!"

A bowl of hot wontons, a bite of sesame seed cakes, and a plate of small pickles, hey, guess what, we old people in Peking just like this one bite, it’s just the simplest breakfast, but He Qi is salivating and drooling He couldn't stop swallowing, and the heartburning hunger seemed to be gushing out. After taking a deep breath, he finally took a step and walked towards the nearest wonton stall.

But seeing the cauldron steaming, a figure for no reason stood in it, remained silent for a long time, but his eyes were shining brightly, staring straight at the food, which aroused the waiter's novelty, and asked: "Do you want breakfast, sir?"

"En!" He Qi nodded and snorted, still looking eagerly.

"I don't know what sir wants to eat?" the man asked again.

He Qi looked to the left and right, saw no one was around, lowered her voice, and said in a low voice: "I was in a hurry to go out, I forgot to bring money, I don't know if I can credit a bowl of wontons, and I will pay you back double in the future."

Anyone knows that "forgot to bring money" is just an excuse, no money is serious, it is a small business, and it is not easy to earn some money, this makes the guy feel awkward, rubbing his hands on his sleeves, Not knowing what to do, he couldn't help turning his head to look at the boss who was kneading on the chopping board.

The boss kept kneading the noodles with his hands, only looked up, and then said with a smile: "The shop is here every day, sir, you can come here." Then he said to the clerk: "San'er, serve a bowl of wontons to the sir. "

Facing the stares from the diners in the breakfast stall, the atmosphere was really tense and awkward. He Qi suddenly felt a burst of heat on her thin face, but her heart was warmed by it, and she quickly nodded to the stall owner and said: "thanks!"

"Hey! When you are away from home, when no one needs help, it must be a moment of carelessness, and you are in trouble. It's just a bowl of wonton, it's not a big deal." The boss laughed again.

These words reached He Qi's heart, but he remembered the kindness in his heart, and bowed deeply to the boss again.

Suddenly a majestic voice sounded at the right time: "It's not easy to run a small shop, Mr. Zhang invited someone for the wontons."

He Qi looked around and saw that it was one of the diners, wearing a felt hat, long head, pointed chin, wearing a patched gray thin shirt, sitting alone at a table, leaning against the straw shed The pillar, with one foot still on the other stool, doesn't look like a good person!

Before He Qi could speak in the future, he heard the stall owner rushing to say to the old man: "Don't tell me, a bowl of wontons is nothing. It's not worth talking about by Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang just eats and drinks well, Saner." Why are you standing there stupidly, why don't you serve tea for Mr. Zhang?"

"Hey!" San'er, the clerk, reluctantly picked up the teapot and filled the tea, and put it in front of Master Zhang perfunctorily, muttering something only he could hear: "I haven't paid the breakfast money owed a few days ago, Today, he is pretending to be poor and generous."

He Qi didn't know this, and thought that people should not be judged by appearances, and then met a warm-hearted person, no matter what, at least he opened his mouth, and hurriedly nodded to the master.

(End of this chapter)

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