Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 2 was sold at the beginning

Chapter 2 was sold at the beginning

But the master stood up, cleaned the stool, waved to He Qi, motioned to sit down, went to the charcoal stove, picked up the teapot, poured a cup of tea for He Qi, and said warmly: "Meeting is fate. , I have been in this area since I was a child, and I will reward you with a bite of food on the east side, and a piece of cake on the west side. I grew up with a lot of food, relying on a letter, and now my husband is in trouble, and I will give you a hat Seeing it, is there any reason not to help, and cooperating with my family to eat for nothing?"

Look at what he said, he is really a good man!

He Qi was deeply impressed by this and couldn't express it in words, so she held up the teacup with both hands, toasted a cup of tea, and expressed her gratitude, but was stopped by Zhang Mao'er and said: "Mr. As soon as I settle down and have no education, I can't afford this great gift. If you have the heart, you can just remember it. You are a man of talent, not a thing in the pool. If one day, when you are in the sky, you will see my hat on the side of the road again. It will not be too shabby , just say a few words."

He Qi first gave a "puchi" smile, and then nodded heavily towards Zhang Mao'er.

"Sir." Seeing He Qi like this, the stall owner seemed to have something to say, hesitated again and again, but finally didn't say it.

"Second Wang, Zhang Mao'er ordered the wontons for Mr. Zhang today. It's useless if the king of heaven is here." Zhang Mao'er patted the table and said firmly, then looked at the waiter, and urged: "Third son, Hurry up and serve the wontons, sir, and be careful to slap your big ears!"

"Ah~" The stall owner glanced at He Qi, turned his head away, and sighed.

The wontons are about to be boiled, and while I was waiting, drinking tea, Zhang Maoer tapped the sides and asked: "Sir, look at the noodles, where did they come from?"

He Qi paused and said, "I just came back from Yingguo."

Zhang Maoer asked curiously, "Then why?"

He Qi made a fool of herself, and it takes time to brew a lie, so she deliberately said, "Well, it's a long story~"

"Oh?" Zhang Maoer asked, "What's wrong?"

"I arrived in Pingjin yesterday. As soon as I got off the boat, a rickshaw came up and got on it without much thought. Who would have thought that the rickshaw was going further and further away, and what I was doing together was to steal money. There were already accomplices in front of me." Wait, all the gift money and belongings have been searched clean, leaving a vast expanse of whiteness and cleanliness." He Qi tried to twitch her face, hating as if she had really been robbed, which was undeniable.

"Why did you come to Peiping again?" Zhang Maoer continued to ask.

"Peking!!" He Qi fell into a trance. Although she was prepared in her heart, she was still shocked for no reason when she heard the word "Peking" from Zhang Mao'er's mouth. , I just don't know what year and month, looking at the outfits of the common people on the street, it seems that it was not long after Xinhai, and there are still a lot of long braids.

The establishment of one lie means the birth of another lie. Faced with Zhang Maoer's inquisitive inquiry, He Qi calmed down for a moment, thought for a while, and said sadly: "I was born in Nanyang when I was a child. Traveling around the world for a while, thinking about the confession made by his parents before his departure, he wanted to return to his roots and recognize his ancestors, so he returned to his country, but he was robbed as soon as he arrived in Pingjin, and suddenly remembered that when he was in Yingguo, he knew someone , Befriended for many days, he once said that his family lived in the south of Beiping City, so he traveled on a starry night, and came to seek refuge, but it has been a long time, I don’t remember clearly, and I can’t find anyone for a while, so I wandered here for a long time.”

Zhang Maoer said: "Sir, do you still have relatives and friends? If you can remember clearly, maybe you can help sir and find someone."

At this moment, the stall owner personally served a bowl of wontons, brought it to He Qi, and said meaningfully: "Sir, pay attention to ordering, it's hot."

However, He Qi was so hungry that she didn't understand the implication at all. She just said: "Thank you", and then she swallowed it, which made others laugh. After the wonton, He Qi said melancholy: "My ancestral home is from Jiuzi, Anhui, and I lived in Nanyang since I was a child. I may have distant relatives in my family, but I don't know them anymore. Now I am in Beiping, all alone."

"Hey~" Zhang Maoer sighed seriously, but inadvertently gave a sly smile. Seeing that He Qi was very hungry, he beckoned for a bowl of tofu nao, and said, "Since Mr. It's getting cold again, if you don't mind, you can come to my house to rest for a few days, and then make a plan, you will not worry about having nowhere to display your talents, so you can find suitable jobs everywhere after these few days."

"How good is this?" Although He Qi was tempted, he still declined, and shouted to the assistant San'er: "Tofu nao should be sweet, not salty."

"Okay!" San'er, the buddy, responded.

"There's something about it. A good person will do it to the end and send the Buddha to the west. As long as the master is not too shabby, he can come and live." Zhang Mao'er said generously, afraid that He Qi would disagree, but he didn't know that there was nowhere to go for the time being. He Qi who went had already been persuaded, and she thought that she would be rewarded well in the future, so she said, "Thank you, brother Zhang, for your trouble."

"Don't disturb! Don't disturb!" Zhang Mao'er smiled slyly, and he had already noticed in his heart, goodbye He Qi, who was buried in eating tofu brains, with thin skin and tender meat, good-looking, and a rare cultural person, who had drank foreign ink , that can't stop nodding, obviously very satisfied.

After eating breakfast and filling her stomach, He Qi followed Zhang Maoer to her residence smoothly, but she didn't go to the city, but lived in the south of the city, and walked south along the Qingshiban Road until the end, far away. I saw a low-rise residential area, which is not different from the shantytowns of later generations.

Thinking that Zhang Mao'er is not considered rich, and also heard that he grew up eating a lot of food and living in this place, it is reasonable to think, He Qi didn't doubt it at first, but the more he walked in, He Qi had no reason Feeling palpitations, I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't explain it.

First of all, this place is really strange, very quiet, terrifyingly quiet, there are many huts, but few people, there is not a child playing in the alley, and after walking for a while, suddenly a big man with a beard appeared at the corner, He stared at the big copper bell eyes, full of vigilance, kept looking at He Qi, and asked in a low and rough voice: "Zhang Huazi, I haven't seen you for a while, where did you go?"

Zhang Mao'er looked back at He Qi, and said with a smile: "Going around to eat and drink, isn't this what happened today, and it's in your territory."

The big man said again: "We can set up a banquet at noon, meat or vegetarian?"

Zhang Maoer said: "How dare you spend your money. I just ate meat a few days ago and almost lost my teeth. Today, vegetarian food is fine. It's just picked from the field and it's fresh. You won't get sick or suffer from it if you eat it." , I'm sure I can still say a few elegant words!"

"Yo!" Hearing this, the man immediately became interested, and glanced at He Qi again, but he was a little uncertain, as if he was worried about something, he hurriedly said: "Leeks are easy to clog your teeth, that thing If you don’t like to eat it, you can still grow it after cutting it off.”

Zhang Maoer patted his chest and said: "After eating the big white radish boiled in the pot, pull out the radish and bring out the mud, one by one."

"Okay, come in." The man narrowed his eyes and pushed open a door.

"Sir, come in, this place is big, it's best to take a nap for a few days." Zhang Maoer said, half of his body had already stepped into the door, and greeted He Qi with a smile.

No matter how stupid He Qi was, at this moment he realized that this door was easy to get in and difficult to get out, so he secretly said: "This fellow Zhang Mao'er is definitely not a good bird. I was deceived by this kind person pretending to be a good person." At some point, the big man came around and blocked the escape route. He Qi looked around, and at a critical moment, he said, "Brother Zhang, you go in first, I'll go to the toilet, and I'll be here later."

"It's inside, let's go in!" The big guy saw a lot of people doing this business, and the big guy saw through He Qi's little thought at a glance. "Please" entered the door, and forced a pill into He Qi's mouth, and then locked him in a dark room with no windows on all sides.

Immediately afterwards, He Qi heard the conversation between Zhang Maoer and the big man in the yard, and suddenly a burst of cold came from the soles of his feet to his forehead. He wanted to call for help, but he couldn't utter a word, and became dumb.

"Master Xiong, these radishes are not ordinary radishes, they are those who have drank foreign ink. Think about it, when doing that, a few words of foreign language came out of your mouth. Those young masters who are used to eating radishes with clear water should not snatch them." Buy it back at a high price."

"It's true, but there are rules for each line, so you can pay whatever you want. It doesn't matter whether it's Qingshui radish or Yang radish, they are all radishes, and they are worth 20 yuan. Besides, they have to be stored for a few days, so as not to pick them. Clean, got into trouble."

"Master Xiong, you can rest assured, I understand the rules, and I have inquired about them clearly. This time, I will definitely pick them cleanly. Besides, if it is not a carrot, I dare not pick it here. I don't have the life to spend money, and I won't earn it." money to spend."

"Hmph! It's best like this. After a few days to sell, you can come and get another five yuan."

"Got it!"

"The labor and capital were actually sold by human traffickers!!"


"It's worth 25 yuan!"


Immediately after the drug took effect, a feeling of drowsiness hit his forehead, and He Qi fell into a coma.

(End of this chapter)

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