Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 104 My father-in-law is the black boss!

Chapter 104 My father-in-law is the black boss!

There is still light snow in Beiping and the biting north wind blowing, while the Shanghai stock market in the south is much better. There have been several sunny days in succession in the past few days. In the front yard of "Li Mansion", He Qi is lying on a deck chair basking in the sun , Doctor Tang checked He Qi's neck, packed up the medical equipment and prepared to leave.

"Mr. Yubai, in less than half a month, your bracket will be dismantled, and I promise not to delay the marriage."

He Qi's neck still couldn't move, so she glanced at her eyes and said with a smile: "The foreign doctor at Faguo Hospital said that my neck needs to be cultivated for at least three months, and it will take less than half a month when I come to your place. It seems that the foreign doctor is not sure about it ?”

Li Yu came over with a cup of hot tea: "Thank you, Dr. Tang, come and have a cup of wedding wine then."

Doctor Tang said: "Definitely, definitely."

In the Ming Dynasty, Li Chengliang held great power, supported the bandits, and each industry had activities in various industries. He Qi's unintentional remark inadvertently opened Li Yu's chatterbox.

After Doctor Tang left, Li Yu sat next to He Qi and said, "Yubai! It's been a few days since you and Wanwan came back, and I'm afraid she won't tell me the truth when I ask Wanwan something. Wanwan has grown up, and I am very happy for you, but I am only such a daughter, and I can't rest assured about some things. I don't want to ask more about other things, but there is one thing I must know. fierce, you"

Holding the teacup, Li Yu paused, then slowly put it down and said, "Is there any contact between you and Wanwan's elder brother?"

He Qi truthfully said: "No."

Li Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good if there is nothing!" He said again: "My son is not small, and he is more promising than me. I hope he can do something great, but I am worried that he will break the sky. Can't clean it up. There was a lot of noise in the north, and you returned to Shanghai with your injuries. Wanwan told me that you came back from marriage, but how can you not wait for your injuries to heal? I actually understand that you are avoiding disasters. , I don’t worry about anything else. In the Shanghai stock market, my words, Li Yu, still have some effect. What I’m worried about is that if you get involved, you won’t be able to get rid of it in the future. Yubai, a half-son-in-law, you I'm not an outsider, I've said this to Li Li before, and I'll tell you the same thing today, our family has already given out half of the property, and adding one more person is enough."

He Qi wanted to know more: "Brother, he."

Li Yu shook his hand, obviously unwilling to mention Brother Li Wan's matter, looking at the courtyard in front of him, he said: "The ancients said that the family is prosperous, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and a growing trend. There used to be a lot of flowers planted in this courtyard. After a month, there will be flowers blooming until the end of autumn, but in winter, they will all be gone. I am getting older, and I have neglected to take care of many things in the past few years. I have handed them over to Li Li. The yard is too monotonous in winter, so I planted bamboo, but I always feel that something is missing. When you and De Qian came last time, I asked De Qian. He is a scholar, and he is more particular about aspects than me. At that time, he said that there are no flowers in winter, and he should plant wintersweet."

Li Yu pointed to a place in the northeast corner and said: "Look over there, how many wintersweet flowers can be planted on the land I just cleared. I asked people, and they said that we have to wait until spring to plant wintersweet, and the snow melts." It’s the best time. After you and Wanwan got married, you happened to plant wintersweet, so you went to buy six wintersweet trees and planted them there. Next winter, when it snows, the yard will be filled with fragrance.”

Li Wan came over with a blushing face, and said coquettishly to her father, "Dad, what are you talking about?"

Only then did He Qi realize that there was something hidden in the words, the old man was urging him to have his grandson at the end of the year!

Drinking tea, Li Yu laughed cheerfully, "Aren't I right? How old am I? I have raised the three of you, and all of you don't live up to it. It's fine if your elder brother doesn't live up to it, and your second brother doesn't care all day long." He is deliberately avoiding me. So, this task is entrusted to you two."

He Qi said: "We will definitely work hard."

Li Yu is very satisfied: "Hey, that's right. The matter is there, and you can't hide it. It's better to continue boldly. I used to think that cultural people always hide this and that, and they are coy. Even Deqian also has this kind of smell, but Yubai, you don't have it, and don't have it in the future, this is the temperament that makes great things happen."

Li Wan pursed her lips: "Dad, you're talking nonsense again. He just wrote an article, and it's all like this, how can it become a big deal? It's not like you don't know how the two of us came back. Wait until the wind in Beiping passes. , we have to go back to Peiping."

He Qi frowned, somewhat confused.

Li Yudao: "The wind from the north can't blow from the south. Writing an article doesn't mean piercing the sky. There are a lot of people writing articles in the Shanghai stock market. What's the matter? Beiping may not be better than the Shanghai stock market. Both of you are from the south, one side supports the other side, besides, I am also old, so I can help you take care of your children, okay?"

Li Wan said: "I'm a woman. If you want to accept the water poured out by a married daughter, go and teach the second brother a lesson and let him marry that woman. If it doesn't work, bring the elder brother back. No matter what happens." It's not my turn?"

Seeing her daughter's resistance, Li Yu's next words were hard to say, and he said: "Yubai, there is only a distant uncle in your hometown. I'm afraid it's a three-service job, but marriage is a big deal. Do you want to invite him to come?" a trip?"

He Qi was taken aback.

Li Yudao: "You are 26 years old this year, your father is above 40, and you were born in Nanyang. Based on this calculation, your father's generation should have gone to Nanyang during the Guangxu period. At that time, Jiuzi was Wanjiang rice market, There are many large ships going out to sea, so it is not difficult to find out."

He Qi said: "How old is my distant uncle?"

Li Yu said: "Six out of seventy."

He Qi said: "Forget it, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for such a long journey."

Li Yu said with a smile: "Then I will send a notice and record a genealogy. In this way, it can be regarded as telling you about the He clan."

He Qi said: "Yes!"

Li Yu continued: "There is one more thing I want to discuss with you. Many people know about your marriage now. I'm afraid they will all come by then. How do you two plan?"

Without waiting for He Qi to speak, Li Wan hurriedly said, "Dad, I got married, not my second brother. There is no need to let so many people come. Before we came back, we discussed it. The family members and the people from Peiping Just have a meal together."

He Qi felt that something was very wrong. There was no discussion about this matter at all. What was even more wrong was that whenever Li Yu spoke aside, Li Wan would definitely interrupt her. In the past few days, Li Wan even rarely let He Qi and Li Yu be alone. .

Li Wan really changed the subject, and said to He Qi: "Several gentlemen from Peking have left for the Shanghai stock market today."

He Qi frowned, nodded and said, "Okay."

At night, Li Wan helped He Qi go to bed. Logically, this kind of thing should be done by servants, but Li Wan insisted on doing it herself, but the atmosphere at this time was a bit strange. Li Wan planned to avoid it, but was forced to He Qi stopped.

Just like what Li Yu said during the day, the matter is there, it cannot be avoided, it is better to accept it frankly, Li Wan knew that He Qi was finally going to ask, so she slowly went back to the bed and sat down, with a worried expression on her face.

They were about to get married, but it turned out that this matter was not easy, which made He Qi very entangled, for fear that the window paper would be pierced, and if something bad happened, the marriage would be ruined, so He Qi stared at the ceiling For a long time, I don't know whether to ask or not.

Li Wan pursed her lips, her ten fingers were tangled, and her heart was very tormented. She was afraid, afraid that He Qi would know about her family, and that He Qi, a cultural person, would not be able to accept it.

The lights in the room were smoky yellow, and the two of them were silent. Suddenly, He Qi stretched out her hand and wrapped her arms around Li Wan's waist. Li Wan took advantage of the situation and lay down in He Qi's arms.

Li Wan said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I didn't hide it from you on purpose. I just thought that we will live in Beiping in the future, and these things will have nothing to do with it."

It was the first time for He Qi to lie down with Li Wan, sniffing the fragrance of lilies in her hair, feeling unspeakably at ease in her heart, but whispered in Li Wan's ear, "Deqian, do you know?"

Li Wan hissed, "Mr. Deqian doesn't know either, he only knows that my family is in business."

He Qi felt relieved, and continued: "Is your eldest brother following Mr. Sun? Have you still been in touch with you?"

Li Wan turned around, faced He Qi, and said bluntly: "My elder brother joined the Tongmenghui when he was studying in Dongyi, and Mr. Sun who followed him has not been at home for four or five years. We can't find him. Unless he wants to contact us. However, I'm sure, he's in Beiping now. On the third day of junior high school, you haven't woken up yet. I'm in the hospital. He came to see me and wanted to see you, but I refused to let him. Tenth day of junior high school , You have been discharged from the hospital. I went to the street to buy grain and oil, and he came to me again and asked me to hide a few people for him, but I didn't agree. He also wrote you a letter and asked me to pass it on to you. I... I didn't dare to let you know."

He Qi said, "What was written in the letter?"

Li Wan seemed to have made a mistake, and said softly, "I don't know, I burned it when I came back."

He Qi hugged her tightly and said, "If it's burned, let's burn it." Then she sighed: "If I read that letter, I'm afraid Brother Ziguo will have nothing to do, we two won't be able to come back now."

Li Wan burst into tears, choked up and said: "Why are you like this? I'm just afraid, so I don't want him to approach you. Whether it's the south or the north, can we leave it alone? You once talked to Mr. Deqian about the country The root of weakness lies in the people, not in politics, and it is necessary to popularize vernacular Chinese, promote new culture, and carry out ideological emancipation. If this is the case, why bother with their business?"

He Qi said: "I didn't care about it, I just refused to help him, and I couldn't bear it with my conscience."

Li Wan sobbed: "When I was six years old, my mother died. It was said that she died of illness, but it was not at all. I saw my mother was killed with my own eyes, and my elder brother hid me in the haystack. Then he jumped into the river and lured those people away. My elder brother is not rare for this bloody family business, and he believes that only Mr. Sun can save China, so he devoted himself without hesitation, but he didn't think about it. How did my mother die? What he is doing now, isn’t it bloody? A few years ago, someone came to kiss, but they were all cooked in the same pot. My mother’s tragic death is vivid in my mind. I don’t want to live like that day, so I went to Peking to study, and I don’t want to stay in the Shanghai stock market anymore.”

Li Wan watched delicately: "When the injury is healed and the wind in Peiping is over, we will go back to Peiping immediately, run the chess hall, write articles, and let's not worry about other things, okay?"

A six-year-old girl saw her mother's tragic death with her own eyes, and her heart was so traumatized. He Qi felt a little distressed, covered Li Wan with the quilt, hugged her slender body tightly, and comforted her: "Okay! Listen to me!" of."

Li Wan smiled knowingly, lightly pecked He Qi's mouth, and said shyly, "Sir, let me tell you everything about our family. You know it in advance, so you can deal with it."

He Qi said: "Okay, tell me."

Li Wan eloquently said: "My dad came to the Shanghai stock market when he was 17 years old. He does the business left by the older generation - selling raw paper. My hometown Xuancheng produces paper, and they transport the paper to the Shanghai stock market. But they are few and often bullied. Most of the money they earn is handed over to various intersections, and there is not much left when they go back. My father was so angry that he organized a group of fellow villagers, and gradually gained a foothold in the Shanghai stock market, but I also lived a life of licking blood on the tip of a knife, often beating and killing. When I was a child, I often saw my dad being hacked and coming home covered in blood. My mother would wipe his wound while crying , His back, arms, and legs are full of scars. My mother advised my father not to be like this anymore. My father said that he was followed by a large group of fellow countrymen, and he couldn’t stop.”

He Qi finally understands that her father-in-law is also a person with a story, not just an ordinary person with a story, but after thinking about it carefully, the huge Shanghai stock market is full of mixed fish and dragons, and blood is licked by swords. There are not a few brushes that are really hard to play.

So far, He Qi has fully understood the specious words Li Yu said during the day, but He Qi does not resist. Li Yu's generation's survival rules are like this. If you don't have the ability to eat people, you will be eaten. To condemn them from the commanding heights is like eating minced meat.

"So, I married Boss Hei's daughter?" He Qi said.

"Do you regret it?" Li Wan asked timidly, with worry in her eyes.

"Even if you regret it, it's too late, let's be so-so." He Qi joked.

"I hate it!" Li Wan yelled in a coquettish voice, and leaned closer, suddenly felt something, Jiao Didi whispered: "I can't do it now, the injury hasn't healed yet."

"It is it, I am me, it is restless, what does it have to do with me?" He Qi said forcefully.

It made Li Wan laugh "Puff": "Hmph, when you were in a coma in Beiping, I was the one who wiped your body every day, and I read everything you should and shouldn't, so don't fool me. "

Li Wan's face pressed against He Qi's chest, becoming melancholy: "Actually, I understand, just like my father came to Shanghai from his hometown, my elder brother followed Mr. Sun, my second elder brother wanted to be a painter, but Forced to fight and kill. Each era has its ideals, each person has its ideals, each era has its helplessness, and each person has its helplessness. Sir, you are the same, just like coming to our house that night The Fat Chrysanthemum said, you are a restless person, you will go further than my elder brother in the future, the ending is unpredictable, I can see it now, but I do not regret marrying you. Do you know, When my mother was killed, she was not in pain, but a kind of relief. She was tired of worrying about being afraid, not only worried about whether my father would come back alive, but also worried about the safety of our three brothers and sisters. Every time A bearer, a walker, or a beggar appeared at the door of the house. As long as it was a stranger, my mother would be terrified. She quickly hid the three of us, the three brothers and sisters, in the water tank, in the rice tank, and under the bed. She knew it clearly None of this worked, but she did it anyway."

Li Wan raised her head, stared at He Qi and said, "I don't want anything else, I just hope that I can walk in front of you like my mother, don't let me walk behind you, I'm afraid of being like my father, Crying over an old dress of my mother, staring at an old photo of my mother in a daze for a long time, and pretending to be okay in front of the children."

He Qi's heart was touched, and she closed her eyes tightly: "Don't think about it, what should come will always come, what shouldn't come will never come, just like I have lived two lives and finally want to marry you, It's all fate."

Li Wan joked, "You knew about this life in your last life?"

He Qi said: "I'm not so agile yet? Isn't it just living two lives?"

Li Wan pressed her head against He Qi's chest, feeling the warmth, pouted: "Just treat me as nonsense, and you are also nonsense, so don't say unlucky words."

He Qi changed her mind and said: "Okay! Okay! Where did you come from in two lives? It's just me looking for sex."

Li Wan giggled and said again: "You are not allowed to hang out with Mr. Deqian in the future, don't think I don't know."

He Qi yelled, "I didn't do it once. If you don't believe me, ask Yucai?"

Li Wan said: "Yes! Mr. Yucai is still trustworthy."

"Big chapters, no distinction, affecting reading. "

(End of this chapter)

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