Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 103 Stepping on the Light and Walking into the Darkness

Chapter 103 Stepping on the Light and Walking into the Darkness

"Then there must be a fight." Ju Zhang said again: "However, two people are fighting, where does the food come from?"

He Qi laughed and said: "The fights are all over the head, and the eyes are red. At this time, who cares if there is food or not?"

Ju Chang took a deep breath and said, "Can't we just sit down and talk, and stop fighting?"

He Qi said: "How to talk about it? Let me make half of the master, are you willing? Even if you are willing now, I am not willing. Besides, there are still many people around who are fanning the flames, and they are looking forward to us Fighting, the more we fight, the poorer the family will be, and the more money they can make from us. So, this fight has already started, and there is no turning back when you draw the bow, and each has its own reasons. You think you can run it alone. Leading everyone to eat, I think you are not good enough, I can lead everyone to eat, only when one party is completely beaten to the ground can it stop."

Ju Chang settled down and said: "Then who do you think is right?"

He Qi laughed again: "God doesn't know, people don't know, and I don't know either."

From this, Ju Chang pondered: "You said you didn't know, but today labor and capital shot a young man, and he said he didn't know, but he was sure that Lao Yang's method was wrong."

He Qi, who was in a relaxed state, suddenly had her heart hanging, and a bad thought rose in her heart. Just now, Ju Zhang asked about Brother Li Wan. Could it be that Ju Chang shot Li Ji?
Is this the real purpose of Ju Chang?
Li Wan restrained her emotions with difficulty, the back of He Qi's hand was aching with her fingers.

Ju Chang said: "He said a lot today, Laozi is a rough person, I can't remember everything, and I can't tell whether what he said is right or wrong? I just wanted to ask you, but you couldn't tell whether it was right or wrong? But the labor and management can see that Lao Yang did not get cheap in front of him. The labor and management have known Lao Yang for several years. With his mouth, except for Xu Buwu who can talk to him, no one can say anything. I passed him, but he was deflated in front of this young man today. He seems to be taking advantage of it, and Lao Yang seems to be unreasonable. It’s not that labor and management have never caught such a young man, so he said that the surnamed Wang, He looks like a face, you should know that although the superiors did not want to kill him at the time, there were not a few people who wanted to kill him in private. At that time, there were countless people who found labor and management. He, even if he has nine lives, he has to confess. If he was caught before, labor and management can turn a blind eye, but not today."

Feeling that Ju Chang was explaining the funeral, this made He Qi feel more and more uneasy, and there was no other way at this time: "Please don't worry, I will definitely deliver it in person, but I still hope that you can deliver it in person."

"Everyone is watching!"

Li Wan's miserable cry of "woo woo" came from behind He Qi. With blurred eyes, she turned her head, choked up and said to Ju Chang: "My elder brother is dead, I want to take him away, you can ?"

He Qi nodded and agreed, but at this moment she didn't know what to say.

Zhang Houde is like this, Lin Qinnan is like this, Master Kang is like this too.

He Qi was stunned.

He Qi asked anxiously, "What did he say in the last sentence?"

Ju Zhang suddenly changed the subject, took out the thing on his waist, pulled out a copper bump, held it in his hand, looked at it, as if looking at a rare treasure, and said: "You are a penholder, look at this You probably don’t understand this thing, I just asked you a lot of advice, and now I ask you to ask me, do you know which part of the head this thing hits, maybe it won’t kill you?”

This question baffled He Qi, and it was really difficult to answer, because the world is impermanent, and sometimes, things that He Qi obviously didn't want to do would be pushed forward from behind by this era, just like He Qi suddenly He became the spokesperson for the vernacular, and the first person who wanted to make trouble for the vernacular would be the first to catch He Qi and scold him.

Ju Chang sipped his tea lightly, but said with a smile: "If you want to take him away, of course you can. But he is not your elder brother, do you want to collect the body too?"

"Labor and capital can't let go!"

Li Wan probably thought so too, she turned her back quietly, tears overflowing from her moist eyes, soaking He Qi's shoulders.

"If you want a definite answer, I don't think I know it myself, so I can't answer you." He Qi looked at the snow outside the window and said, "Did you see the snow falling all over the yard? Where there is light, we can see snow, and where there is no light, we cannot see snow, but the snow is still there. I am really timid and always like to avoid light, but at the same time, I am unlucky, I often walk and walk, and suddenly a window opens, and I am illuminated. If the person you mentioned is walking in the snow and illuminated by the light, then I think I will most likely be like that people."

He Qi didn't understand, so she shook her head. In her inherent impression, the central nervous system in the brain controls the whole body and limbs of the human body. Once shot in the brain, in all likelihood, there will be no chance of survival.

"You are in your early twenties this year, and you have a second brother. Your elder brother is at least 26 years old. Today, the young man who looks 21 or [-] must not be your elder brother." Ju Chang said to Li Wan, his eyes suddenly tightened, and he forced Turning to He Qi, he said firmly: "The labor and management have been dealing with people all the year round. It is basically impossible to misunderstand who it is. The labor and management know that although you are timid, you are restless in your bones. Will you be like this in the future?"

Ju Chang waved his hand and said: "This is the first thing, and the second thing: If possible, the labor and management hope that when you go to She County, you can go to Yangzhou first, then to Hangzhou, along the Qiantang River and Fuchun River, Xin'anjiang went to Yuliangba Wharf, picked a weed on the side of the road, and threw it into Xin'an River. Labor and management started there at the age of 14. 23 years have passed, and they have never returned. People say that fallen leaves return to their roots, and labor and management must return in this life. If you can't get your roots down, you should return to the place where you first set off according to the original road with the thoughts of labor and capital."

He Qi guessed who the person Ju Zhang was talking about was probably, but she wanted to ask more carefully, but was interrupted by Ju Chang: "Don't ask, if you believe in labor and capital, leave as soon as possible."

He Qi already believed in his heart that Ju Chang shot Li Ji, that is, Li Wan's eldest brother. He was very sad and regretful. This is an admirable pioneer of the times, and a pioneer of the times worth remembering.

Ju Chang suddenly took out two tickets from his bosom, put them on the table, and suddenly changed the topic: "Since you don't hide it, labor and management don't have to hide it. Next, labor and management said Listen carefully to the words. Don’t stay in Peiping, don’t open your chess hall, go to Pingjin Wharf as fast as possible, take a boat back to Shanghai Stock Market, don’t take the train, and say to the outside world that you are going back to Shanghai Stock Market to get married .As for your few friends, it is best to go to the Shanghai Stock Exchange together.

He also said: "In this life, labor and capital have been licking blood on the tip of a knife. There is nothing behind them, good or bad, and it is not a pity to die. Only the old mother and brother are still at home, but labor and capital have not seen each other for many years. I have gone back. It’s not that I can’t go back, but I dare not go back. Today’s good relationship between labor and management is also a matter of my own mind.”

Li Wan was taken away by flax in an instant.

Ju Zhang didn't know why, but there was sadness in his smile, and he said, "Do you think that if you hit the head with this thing, you will definitely die? Hahaha. Not necessarily." Then Ju Chang pointed to his forehead bone, and it was very strange. The matter said: "Here is the hardest part of the brain. As long as you are lucky, if you don't get all of this stuff in, you can survive. Labor and management have seen someone survive. Today, labor and capital want to save his life, but they don't want to save his life." It is a rescue, but whether he can survive in the end depends on whether his own life is hard enough. It is a pity that he insists on saying the last sentence, labor and management really have no choice."

Ju Chang said very cautiously: "Board and management are always accurate in judging people, you may not understand, who are you blocking the way this time?"

Ju Chang took out another letter from his arms, which had no address or signature: "If you are in the Shanghai stock market, and you hear the news that the labor and management are not there one day, remember not to deliberately inquire about anything about the labor and management, and don't Tell others that you know labor and management. Then I would like to trouble you to go to Shexian County, Huizhou. Remember to hand this letter to my mother and younger brother in person. I will not write the address. When you arrive in Shexian County, Huizhou, ask someone for a Xu Guo Octagonal Archway, looking for a man named Xu Ziguo, nicknamed Aiguo."

Ju Chang put the copper lump in his hand, then put the guy back into the waist support, glanced at He Qi and said, "Today, when the labor and management interrogated him, there was another person present besides Lao Yang. I won't say who it is." , I believe you will also know. The young man pointed at his nose, scolding him would be worse than Li Chengqian, hehehehe"

He Qi suddenly took a deep breath, that's why.

After explaining these two things, Chief Ju didn't stay any longer, got up and was about to leave, when he walked to the door, he suddenly stopped, turned his head, and said hesitantly: "If it's possible, my old mother will ask you, his What kind of person is the eldest son, and please say a few words for labor and management."

"Laozi is not a good person, but he is not a bad person either."

"As for whether to let them enter the ancestral temple, let them go."

After finishing speaking, Ju Chang's fat figure jumped into the light snow, stepped on the light, and walked into the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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