Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 102 Martial Law in the City

Chapter 102 Martial Law in the City
The gloomy sky makes people breathless, the rustling snow is touching, the streets are covered with snow on both sides, and they are still covered with red firecrackers for the New Year. The slippery and muddy roads are trampled by passers-by over and over again. The splashed muddy water stained the unclean snow with another layer of dirt.

As soon as the sky darkened, there were obviously fewer pedestrians on the street. The cold wind swept across the entire street, and there was a layer of chilling darkness everywhere, oppressive, dull, frightening, and silent.

"Da da. Da da"

The sound of uniform military shoes stepping on mud and water, from far to near, seemed to be announcing the killing god, hammering the hearts of the common people, so frightened that the windows and gates of the house were closed airtight.

Shops, restaurants, restaurants, etc. seemed to have been discussed in advance, and they closed their doors in advance. Even the Eight Great Hutongs were restrained a lot, and only regular customers were accepted tonight, and no business from strangers was accepted.

The city of Beiping, with a population of 70, was silent tonight.

God is going to accept people.

Just tonight.

All the troops of the Police Department were mobilized, armed with live ammunition, to hunt down the southern rebels throughout the city, and if they encountered resistance, they would be executed on the spot.

No one dared to offend these evil stars.

Ju Chang's rough voice came.

"But it doesn't matter, she is my fiancee." He Qi said.

Li Wan tremblingly said: "Li Ji."

He Qi let out a heavy breath: "It's okay, I know you."

"Arrest?" Li Wan asked puzzled.

He Qi nodded slightly.

Ju Chang glanced at Li Wan again: "The labor and management know that she is your fiancée. His father's name is Li Yu. He is from Xuancheng. He started out selling raw paper. Now he runs a printing factory and has quite a fortune in Shanghai. Her second brother is Li Li. "

Dongjiaomin Lane is the top priority. This place is not controlled, it is a natural sanctuary area, but the security department has long been prepared, and secretly ambushed many people, monitoring all the entrances and exits, not even a fly can escape go in.

Ju Chang took a careful look at Li Wan, took the tea, took a sip, and kept silent, which was quite different from the previous performance of talking loudly as soon as he entered the door. This made He Qi keenly aware that the outside should be like what Gouwa said, If something serious happened, they were arresting people everywhere.

Li Wan turned her head slowly and looked at He Qi with a nervous expression and fear in her eyes.

He Qi said, "Do you mean Europe, or the southwest corner of our country?"

"Miss Wan, people are being arrested outside, and they are not allowed to go out." Gou Wa timidly said.

Ju Zhang lowered his voice, not allowing Li Wan to refuse: "Answer, what's your elder brother's name?"

Li Wan walked to the bed in a few steps, supported He Qi's head, and put a pillow on the head of the bed. He Qi slowly moved her body up until her waist rested on the pillow, and she sat up.

"Didn't you buy it?" Li Wan heard the sound of the door opening, and went out to check. The sky was dim, and it was a little far away from the gate, so she couldn't see clearly.

Ju Zhang is the direct person in charge of the police department, and he is arresting people outside, so he came to drink tea, which is illogical. He Qi guessed that Ju Chang might have something important to say, and Li Wan was in the way, so he couldn't speak.

Li Wan hesitated for a while, then couldn't help looking at He Qi.

Li Wan's nervous chest heaved up and down, and she stroked her forehead hair behind her ears, and her face recovered a lot of color. Then she led Ju Chang into the room, and then poured a cup of hot tea for him, and served it to Ju Zhang who was sitting upright. In front of the chief: "Tea, please."

"It's labor!"

Ju Zhang just stared at Li Wan: "What's your elder brother's name?"

Li Wan tremblingly said: "I don't know."

"Help me up." He Qi woke up Li Wan who was in fear.

Ju Chang’s words revealed a lot of key information, and He Qi connected back and forth, and immediately understood that the people outside are arresting people like Li Wan, and immediately explained: “She didn’t know, something happened to me, she came alone In Beiping, you can find all these. I didn’t see her elder brother when I went to the Shanghai Stock Exchange. I heard that I went to Dongyi and haven’t been back for several years.”

He Qi held Li Wan's cold and restless hand, looked at Ju Chang: "Say it."

Li Wan's fingertips were trembling, and her heart was beating violently: "He didn't come."

He Qi, who was lying on the bed, was startled, and said loudly, "What's wrong?"

The soft lights spread out from the window. In the quiet courtyard, the snowflakes fall without rush. The falling snow under the cover of the night is dyed crystal yellow by the firefly lights. It is an extremely gorgeous but extremely short-lived brilliance. , just like the young life that died in the hands of Ju Chang today, when illuminated by the lights in the room, there is nowhere to hide.

In the winter in the north, coal is needed to keep warm. After leaving the folk alleys in the eastern suburbs, you can buy coal lumps by walking a few steps to the street. At the entrance of the alley, he was driven back.

Ju Chang thought deeply: "Why do you fight all day long?"

Ju Chang narrowed his eyes: "Do you know where he is?"

After a pause, Chief Ju put down his teacup, raised his head seemingly casually, and asked Li Wan, "Your elder brother, have you come to Peking yet?"

Li Wan didn't know Ju Zhang, nor had he seen him before, thinking that Ju Zhang was here to arrest He Qi, her heart was hanging in the air, and she said in shock, "What are you going to do?"

Ju Zhang looked away, as if nothing happened before, turned to look at He Qi, and said in a deep voice: "I have something I don't understand, so I come to ask you, you may know the answer."

Until Ju Chang stepped over the threshold, dressed in military uniform, very solemn, with gloomy eyes, appeared naked in front of Li Wan, thinking of what Gou Wa said was arresting people outside, so frightened that Li Wan stopped breathing for a while, and his heart sank. seized.

Ju Chang glanced at him: "Those foreigners are not very good birds. They are fighting in their own nests, and they are thousands of miles away from us. It is naturally their own business to ask you."

"Oh!" He Qi snorted, thought for a while and said, "Your question is very complicated, and it may take you a day and a night to explain it in detail."

Ju Chang stared with tiger eyes: "Then talk about it in a way that labor and capital can understand."

He Qi smiled and said: "Let's put it this way, you and I were originally working for the boss. We lived and lived, and we could make do with it. People in the family saw that the two of us could have a bite of food, so they came to the house one after another. Come to rely on the two of us, so we both became their leaders, and each followed a group of people to beg for food. As a result, one day, the two of us found that the wages given by the boss were not enough to eat, but we had to work more every day than before. It is more tiring work, so everyone is unwilling to work for the boss. After a group of people behind us pushed forward, the two of us decided to open a store together and replaced the original boss. The two of us add two to five, each with half of the shares, discussing everything, but gradually, you think I'm in the way, and rely on your fist to be bigger than me, you don't listen at first, and finally drive me away, Exclusively enjoy all the shares, and say what you say. You are happy, but I am definitely not happy, so, do you think I want to fight with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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