Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 101 People sit at home, the pot comes from the sky

Chapter 101 People sit at home, the pot comes from the sky

The prince limped back to sit on the sofa, Yang Chengzan sat across from him, silent, Ju Chang summoned someone to clean up the house, and when he returned to the sofa, he was startled suddenly, only to see the prince was staring at a The article in an old newspaper was exactly the one in which He Qi scolded Zhang Houde.

The article is not long, the prince read it in a while, and his mood calmed down a lot. He put down the newspaper, turned to Yang Chengzan who was opposite, and asked lightly: "Mr. recently mentioned 'respecting Confucius'. Is there anything wrong?"

"Respect Confucianism" is to vigorously promote the way of Confucius and Mencius. The purpose of restoring and maintaining the feudal ethics is to imprison the people's thoughts and make the people support Lao Yuan. It is a measure to remedy the situation.

However, the implementation of "Respecting Confucius" has not been very smooth. There are many people who support it and many people who oppose it.

People like Gu Tangsheng and Lin Qinnan originally belonged to the royalist party with a clear-cut banner, so they naturally supported them. In general, classical Chinese and "respecting Confucius" lead to the same goal by different routes, but they showed restraint and did not stand out.

Suddenly a person popped up, his performance these few days was very eye-catching, and it was hotly searched every day. This person has a lot of background and a great reputation. He is called "Mr. Kang", and the famous Mr. Nanhai is also. Several articles were posted in a row in a few days, praising Confucianism as the crystallization of China's thousands of years of civilization and education, "All civilizations are related to Confucianism. If Confucianism can be discarded, all civilizations will disappear with it." , That is to say, all races will be destroyed.” Propagating that Confucianism is the “spirit of the country” of China, and proclaiming “Do you want to perish in China? You must start with sincerity and respect, and respect Confucius as the leader.

Naturally, those who opposed it were some people represented by He Qi. They advocated vernacular Chinese. They originally exchanged articles with Lin Qinnan and others, debating the pros and cons of vernacular and classical Chinese.

With a swipe of his pen, Master Kang defined the people represented by He Qi as the school of derogatory literature. What’s more, those who are deceitful and obscene, full of strange and bad things, have no sense of shame and morality, do not speak big, pretend to be black and white, confuse names and facts, disregard thousands of years of etiquette and law, they are really treacherous and evil people.”

He Qi is still sick, bedridden all day long, and needs to be taken care of by Li Wan every day, not to mention any articles written by hand, which are all written by Brother Xun, Qian Xuan and others.

The crown prince was so annoyed by Yang Chengzan's repeated ignorance, he couldn't help raising his voice, and asked again: "Sir, what do you think?"

Ju Chang's forehead was covered with fine sweat, and his back was wet. He seemed to be sitting on a fire in the cold weather, as if he was sitting on pins and needles. He wiped the sweat off his face in a panic, and said truthfully, "I am I want him to work part-time, but he doesn't like it, the salary is confiscated once, and I have been there several times, all of which are official business, and there is no private relationship."

Yang Chengzan's intensive cultivation of the way of the emperor naturally had to thoroughly study Emperor Jiajing, who had used the emperor's art to the extreme. He did not expect that a casual sentence at the beginning would be turned speechless at this time.

The prince said: "There is nothing to do, a few words can always be said. A few days ago, he had an accident, and you helped him and caught him."

Yang Chengzan understood what the crown prince meant. It was nothing more than being scolded bloody by the young man who had just quoted He Qi's article, and wanted to use this incident to vent his anger. Politics has been mingled with cultural debates, so we have to deal with it hastily.

"There is also the national player He Yubai."

Ju Chang's heart hung in his throat for a moment, he secretly thought it was bad, Mr. Yuan has always been narrow-minded, since he became lame, his mind is particularly sensitive, and he is taboo to be lame, so he was stabbed by that young man, now Becoming a prince, anyone who sees him will have to bow his knees, but Yang Chengzan is so shameless, the two things come together, I am afraid it will not end well today.

Ju Chang hurriedly said: "The man was caught, but he was just doing things for money, and I haven't figured out what happened next."

The crown prince pushed Master Kang's article in front of Yang Chengzan, and read: "There is a different government, and the whole country is terrified. Since Confucianism has been abolished, elementary school boys don't know what to teach, and when they grow up, they will be rejected by the Chinese people. For the scourge!"

Speaking of this, the crown prince took a sip of tea, and suddenly stopped talking, looking at Ju Chang with a cheerful smile.

But the crown prince doesn't think so. "Respecting Confucius" involves the stability of his status, and all unfavorable factors must be eliminated. He Qi and the others' blatant opposition naturally became the ranks of being eliminated. This is understandable.

The prince squinted his eyes and said: "Oh? It seems that things are not simple? It's not safe for a well-known national player to walk on the street. After so many days, he was arrested for doing things for money. This is you The Police Department has failed in its duty!"

Yang Chengzan naturally read Master Kang's article and understood what the crown prince meant, so he was obviously not interested and didn't talk to him, so he couldn't help looking behind the crown prince, where the young life disappeared just now.

But just like that, He Qiren was lying at home, the pot came from the sky, and was caught by Master Kang.

Ju Chang was obese and couldn't stand for a long time. At this time, his legs were already trembling. That's it. He still gritted his teeth, bowed his body with difficulty, and pleaded guilty: "The humble official must solve the case as soon as possible."

The crown prince didn't speak, and Ju Zhang didn't dare to straighten his back. Beads of sweat flowed from his chin to his forehead, and dripped down from his hair. This humble and groveling appearance made Yang Chengzan feel deeply shameless and sympathetic, and immediately wiped it off. Going over the head, no longer looking at it, and my heart gradually sank.

But the prince was very interested, sniffed the fragrance of orchids, took a sip, praised the tea, and said: "The tea is good tea, and your Huizhou is a good place. Not only does it produce good tea and wine, but it also produces good tea." Talent, let alone Li Zhongtang in the previous dynasty, is a general in this dynasty."

The prince said firmly: "When Mr. established the Preparatory Committee, I asked him why he accepted people like Uncle Liu Shen. At that time, Mr. answered me with the words of Emperor Jiajing. Mr. said: The ancients called the Yangtze River a river, and the Yellow River It is a river. The Yangtze River is clear and the Yellow River is turbid. As the Yangtze River flows, so does the Yellow River. An ancient proverb says: "When the sage comes out, the Yellow River is clear." But when will the Yellow River clear? The water has also irrigated the fields on both sides of the river in several provinces, so we can only use it because of its clearness, or not waste it because of its turbidity, which has been the case since ancient times.”

Ju Chang wanted to make peace, but his words were light. He was not worried about Yang Chengzan, but worried about He Qi, who was innocent being implicated, so he dared not move for a while.

He also said: "Mr. Nanhai's words really appeal to my heart. Mr. Nanhai wants to respect Confucianism as the state religion, restore Confucianism in an all-round way, and let children and young people do their best to be disciples of Confucius and Mencius. I also agree. The implementation of 'respecting Confucianism' has become a national policy." It is against the law to use a mantis arm as a cart, what do you think, sir?"

The crown prince found out another newspaper from yesterday, which published the article that Master Kang pointed out and scolded He Qi, and said indifferently: "What's the point of arguing?"

Yang Chengzan had no intention of drinking tea.

"No!" Yang Chengzan flatly refused, with a livid face, and said bluntly: "This man has a dignified appearance. In the early years, he promoted Confucianism in order to restore the Qing imperial system. Now that the gloomy trend of the former Qing Dynasty cannot be reversed, he turned his head to welcome him. Again, don’t be fooled by his nonsense.”

"Since you are from his hometown, you may also have some contacts in private. I heard that he still works part-time here."

Seeing that Yang Chengzan couldn't avoid it, he agreed casually: "A few literati are arguing, let them go, it won't affect the overall situation, so don't worry about it."

The prince poked his fingers on the table from time to time, and smiled to himself, making people's backs shine, and said with a sneer, "Sir, do you really think it's irrelevant to the overall situation?"

"Drink tea, drink tea." Ju Zhang interjected in time, and served two cups of steaming tea in front of the two, gagging: "Prince, this is the tea from my hometown, which just won the gold medal in the World Expo this year. Try it."

Yang Chengzan realized it and hesitated, but his literati nature prompted him to insist stubbornly: "There is nothing illegal about them, and there shouldn't be only one voice in the newspaper."

Yang Chengzan participated in the reform movement when he was young, knew Master Kang, and had heard about Kang Shi's various actions over the years. In Yang Chengzan's view, this person was trying to catch his name, duplicity, and flattery under the guise of "respecting Confucius". One ten thousandth of that young man.

The prince sipped several sips of tea before he said slowly, "Since the case has not been solved yet, then you should spend more time and protect him, so as not to cause trouble again and spread it badly."

Ju Zhang had difficulty breathing, so he had to hold his breath, his face was swollen to a liver color, and he said with difficulty: "I understand."

"En!" The prince snorted softly, then got up, and limped towards the door until his figure disappeared at the door, Ju Chang couldn't hold on any longer, staggered and fell to the ground, panting heavily.

Only then did Yang Chengzan turn his head, glanced at Ju Chang who was lying on the ground, took a sip of tea, then got up and left, his back was as rugged as a piece of dead wood.

(End of this chapter)

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