Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 100 Bloody Smile

Chapter 100 Bloody Smile
The holly tree in the small courtyard has a head of white hair, like an old man. The ground of the courtyard paved with blue bricks is covered with a thin layer of ice. Gouwa fell no less than three or four times in the morning. There are crystal clear ice skates hanging, and the melted snow water seems to be a trickle.

Today is the eleventh day of the first lunar month, and it is the fifth day of He Qi's return home to recuperate. The drowsy sky seems to be overwhelmed, and the snow is still falling, endlessly, and I don't know when it will end?
It's really strange that there is no sunny day in the first lunar month.

There are more than 70 people in Beiping, and there are more than 70 mouths. They can say anything, and they can spread it to ten, and then spread it to a hundred. Yuan De's position was not correct, and for a while, people were panicked.

Investigating the reason, we have to start with Lao Yuan being the emperor.

Under the control of Yang Chengzan and Mr. Yuan, Lao Yuan finally ascended the throne years ago, known as Hong Xian, and rewarded a large number of ministers who followed the dragon, but this year, Lao Yuan had a very bad life. A whole host of troubles followed.

The most irritating person is Cai Songpo. This person has one thing on the outside and another on the back. He visits the Eight Great Alleys every day. Everyone knows about his affair with Xiaofengxian. He was the first to raise his hand to express his approval of the imperial system.

Old Yuan was careless, thinking that Cai Songpo would no longer be brave, so he agreed with Cai Songpo to go to Dongyi for treatment, but Cai Songpo went straight back to Caiyun Province. As soon as the news of Lao Yuan's enthronement was announced, Caiyun Province in the southwest corner He did it alone, and then the southern provinces rose up one after another.

Ju Zhang's office is different from ordinary people. He Qi noticed it when he came here before. Half of it is a place for interrogating prisoners, and the other is an office area. There is a row of large bookcases against the north wall in the middle.

Generally speaking, this place for interrogating prisoners is just a decoration, and it was deliberately used by Ju Zhang to scare people, but today it came in handy. Not only that, there were two people sitting on the sofa, drinking tea while drinking tea. Watching Ju Zhang interrogate the prisoner are Yang Chengzan and the prince.

Ju Chang's face was dark all the time, and he dragged a soft whip on the ground in his hand, like a living Hades: "Fuck, tell me, labor and management will ask you for the last time, did you say it on purpose after taking money?" ?”

"I don't know me." The man gritted his teeth.

Ju Chang immediately whipped down, and with a "pop", another wound was added to the man's body. There was a muffled sound in his throat, and he resisted. Blood was dripping down, but it was a face that remained firm, young and determined.

But the two are their own masters. Since he dared to come to Peiping, he already had the heart to die.

"Bang!" Ju Zhang shot, not daring to let him continue.

This person spoke uprightly, and retorted loudly: "Mr. Sun said that China is weak, nobles, officials, and family survivors follow the old ways and whitewash the bluff, but what about the common people? They have become the bloody ones in your dog's mouth." The birds of China are majestic. They are not ashamed of other nations, and they are underestimated by other races. Today, it has reached the point of no control. Even us reckless people can see things clearly. Ask yourself, Yang thief, you really see it Don't you know?"

"I don't know." The man looked at Ju Chang and said, becoming more and more calm, as if death was at home.

Yang Chengzan and the prince who was limping and wearing a yellow four-clawed python suit came, and met the man's eyes. He could see all the teasing and ridicule. Yang Chengzan had never met such a desperate person before. The young man who was about to die in front of him could not help being moved for the sake of his ideals, and he persuaded him: "You are still young, if you die, all your ideals and revenge will be gone, so why don't you think about it?"

Yang Chengzan said: "How do you know it must be wrong now?"

"You work as a labor manager for nothing?" Ju Chang roared, staring at his eyes like copper bells: "The labor management sees that you are young and ignorant, so I will give you one last chance and say, have you been bullied by the southern rebellious party?" Bewitching, deliberately spreading rumors in Beijing?"

It’s not hard, it’s soft, but this hard bone doesn’t accept this kind of thing. Instead, he watched Yang Chengzan’s long-standing resentment burst out, and said: "Tie Yang, have your ideals and ambitions been realized? Your Junxian Salvation is bringing China into a dead end. I am young, I choose to die, but I am still young, and countless young me will be born behind me, and they are not afraid of death just like me. But you are already old, your There is no one behind you, so you don't have the courage to die."

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly dropped to freezing point. No one knew that this person would speak shocking words before he died, and uttered a heart-breaking theory.

The crown prince said angrily: "Presumptuous, boastful."

The man looked at the crown prince's lame leg, laughed loudly and said, "It's you who are afraid of death, because you know that you will die worse than me. If you take my life today, the people behind me will kill you in the future." Your soul. Maybe you won’t be able to wait until that day, and you will die miserably, even worse than Li Chengqian, because your legs are all "

Ju Changyu couldn't bear it, but there was someone staring behind him, and there was nothing he could do, so he shook his head in an almost undetectable way.

The man had no intention, grinned, coughed suddenly, blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, but turned to stare at the prince and laughed, as if looking at a clown, and said: "Do you know what you look like now? Have you read Mr. Yubai's article? You are like the dog in Mr. Yubai's article. You want to treat us as the bird in your mouth, and you want to exploit us forever. But you I never expected that thousands of birds that are not afraid of death will come to peck you. The Southwest has rioted, and the South has rioted, how long will you be safe?"

The man shook his head with a smile, looked straight into Yang Chengzan's eyes and said, "I don't know what the future will hold, but the present must be wrong."

Yang Chengzan was touched to the bottom of his heart, his whole body was shocked, and he said in disbelief, "How do you know that the future you chose is correct?"

The crown prince opened his eyes angrily: "Are you really not afraid of death?"

He smiled gratifiedly, expressing his gratitude.

This person knew that Ju Chang was merciful, otherwise these 20 whips alone would have killed him, and they understood each other.

Ju Chang threw away the whip, took out the thing from his waist, pulled the bolt and loaded it, and asked in a deep voice: "Now you confess to the rest of the people, labor and management can serve as bail, and save your life, but if you don't tell, labor and management will send you off immediately on the road."

The man looked at Yang Chengzan calmly and said, "Have you ever thought about which of the major powers in the world today has not become stronger through innovation? How can China not think about innovation? But what are you doing, thief Yang? You are going big Qing's old road."

The crown prince spoke at the right time, so Ju Chang had no choice but to stop.

"Hold on."

To be honest, Ju Zhang admired such a person from the bottom of his heart, but such a person is doomed not to survive. Rather than being tortured to look like a human being in the end, it is better to get rid of it as soon as possible. Between eyebrows.

"I heard what someone said, so I blended it in. One mouth." This man looked like 23 or [-], and spoke intermittently. The pain and the biting cold, I was stunned that I was not asked a word.

There was a Yang thief on the left, and another Yang thief, Yang Chengzan interrupted angrily: "It's not something you foolish people can understand about important national affairs."

There was a bloody smile on the young man's face, like a blood rose in full bloom. There was a blood hole between his eyebrows, and blood was spilling out. It was a bloody stamen, and the gunpowder smoke took his life away. , His words also came to an abrupt end.

Although he was dead, his words kept circling in Yang Chengzan's mind, thinking of the troubles and chaos that had occurred since Lao Yuan's ascension to the throne, and the world was never peaceful, he couldn't help thinking absurdly: "Am I really wrong? "

Li Chengqian's fate is well known, the prince's face was very embarrassed, he was poked on the main artery, the pain was so painful, the fire in his stomach had nowhere to go, he squinted at the chrysanthemum, and said viciously: "Find out the man behind him as soon as possible!" People, otherwise you know the consequences."

Ju Chang gritted his teeth timidly and said: "The humble job is guaranteed to be completed."

(End of this chapter)

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