Chapter 99
The doctor said that He Qi had just woken up and needed rest. Qian Xuan and Brother Xun left after staying for a while, so the news of He Qi's awakening spread immediately.

In the morning of the next day, many friends came to express condolences, and there was an endless stream of gifts. A corner of the ward was piled up with gifts, and Li Wan also appeared in front of everyone for the first time as a fiancée.

Zhao Ruyi and Zhao Deyi, father and daughter, came with Qian Xuan. Zhao Ruyi and Li Wan were classmates. When they saw Li Wan standing in front of He Qi's bed for the first time on this occasion, they couldn't believe it, and their expression was a little lonely, but It was quickly covered up by a smile.

Zhao Deyi naturally knew what his daughter was thinking, and there was nothing he could do about it, he just sighed behind his back.

Li Wan thought carefully and understood immediately.

After Zhao Ruyi left, there were only four people left in the ward. Brother Xun stood at the door, Qian Xuan sat down on the edge of the bed, and said meaningfully: "Wan Wan gave Ruyi that pen, Unexpectedly, it returned to Wanwan after going round and round."

He sighed again: "Both of you are my students, as the saying goes that gifts given to others cannot be returned, Wanwan, you must give Ruyi another pen."

"Pen" means "farewell", "send pen" means "farewell", Li Wan hummed softly: "Yeah!"

This is a proposition, what He Qi said was inappropriate, she pulled the quilt over her face, turned a deaf ear, Qian Xuan glared and said: "Tell me, how many people have you hurt invisibly?"

Li Wan pursed her lips and smiled sweetly.

After a while, Qian Xuan didn't come back, but heard Qian Xuan's angry voice from the end of the corridor, brother Xun went out to check, and came back and said: "Yubai, it's Lin Qinnan and Zhang Houde who came, and De Qian stopped them." How do you like them to come?"

Brother Xun said unhurriedly: "If you don't use classical Chinese, wouldn't it be easier to read?"

Li Wan said angrily, "Uncle, it's cold, be careful of catching a cold."

After Zhang Houde put down the gift, he reluctantly bowed and said, "Mr. Yubai, how are you?"

He Qi asked curiously, "Why are there always oranges, so you can't change them to other fruits?"

Brother Xun said: "Mr. Qin Nan, this statement is absurd. Beauty and obscurity are one of the two. It is difficult to draw conclusions on which one is right and which is wrong."

He Qi and Brother Xun laughed together.

He Qi was deeply convinced that this orange was too late to drop.

There is a custom among foreigners that when a broom star falls from the sky, the people who see it will make a wish on the broom star. Qian Xuan raised his head, and said to He Qi in an old-fashioned way: "You didn't do anything, but you are a broom star. When passing by, someone made a wish to you, and placed good wishes on you." up. "

Brother Xun said lightly: "A lesson from the past!"

After finishing the old story, he changed the topic and continued: "A few days ago, he came to ask the old man, and the old man was also worried that it was a crime, so he has been asking about it for the past few days. The reason why the old man came today is , I just want to give an explanation, the old man guarantees with his personal reputation, this matter is definitely not done by virtue."

Zhang Houde held his head high and his chest straight, looking straight at Brother Xun and Qian Xuan, fearing that they would not dare to agree.

For a famous person like Lin Qinnan, reputation is more important than life, and he is willing to use his life as a guarantee, so this matter should not be done by Zhang Houde. Brother Xun and Qian Xuan instantly became a little more serious, and looked at each other To He Qi.

Lin Qinnan said: "If you speak vernacular well, let's talk about the vernacular, and if you speak classical Chinese, then you should discuss the language. Everyone expresses their own opinions, and each has his own opinion, how about it?"

Brother Xun looked at Qian Xuan again, and said solemnly: "De Qian, come and eat an orange?"

"Help me sit up." He Qi thought for a while, then said to Li Wan, gave a reassuring look, and then said to Brother Xun: "Yucai, go and talk to De Qian, let them come .”

He Qi understood in seconds: "Hey hey hey"

He Qi said through the quilt: "It's not like you don't know, I didn't do anything."

Zhang Houde held his breath: "That's good, that's good."

The embarrassment in the ward was lingering, Qian Xuan turned his head and walked out the door of the ward, and went to the toilet in a hurry.

He Qi said: "Since Mr. Qin Nan said so, let's let this matter go. As for the result, I believe the Police Department will give it justice."

Just in the morning, they delivered a lot of fruits, and oranges were among them. Brother Xun picked out a petite orange, which I saw pity, and weighed it in his hand: "Yubai, do you want to eat it? I'll peel one for you. "

He Qi quickly vetoed it: "I'm tired of eating it, you can eat it yourself."

But Qian Xuan was not afraid of this, he was about to respond immediately, but was stopped by Brother Xun, and asked: "Mr. Qin Nan, I don't know what to say?"

Li Wan looked worried, frowned and stared at the hospital bed, shaking her head slightly.

Qian Xuan pretended for a second, then stopped cooking immediately.

Before He Qi opened his mouth, Zhang Houde was fuming from the anger of the two brothers, and stammered: "You you."

Qian Xuan didn't show any good looks all the way, while Brother Xun was neither warm nor salty, neither salty nor bland, the two led Lin Qinnan and Zhang Houde into the ward, He Qi was already leaning on the bedside, posing: " Mr. Qinnan, Mr. Houde, please forgive me for taking the liberty to welcome you from far away."

The old god Lin Qinnan was there, and seeing his disciple suffer verbally, he didn't care about it, and said, "The water in the Yellow River is turbid, but the water in the Yangtze River is clear. Since ancient times in China, there has been a source of Confucianism, and Confucius may consult Daoxue, but not like this, find a time and discuss it."

Brother Xun said with a smirk, "If Ju Zi were a human being, she would be scolding her."

Brother Xun smiled: "Could it be that Brother Yubai's article is not good? I think it's quite good, probably Brother Houde is not satisfied, so that's fine, then I will trouble Brother Yubai to write another article." until Brother Houde is satisfied."

With his hands behind his back, Qian Xuan said pretendingly, "I'm someone who has been here, and I can tell you clearly, since you and Wan Wan have a good rest, the rest has already been settled, and I'm doing this for your own good."

Li Wan moved a chair. After Lin Qinnan thanked him, he sat down facing He Qi, leaning on his crutches, and sighed: "This old man and Zhang Binglin are old acquaintances. We have known each other a lot. ,in those days."

This is bullying people. Obviously, the overwhelming majority support classical Chinese, but at this point, there is no room for rejection. Brother Xun said again: "When and where?"

He Qi: "."

He Qi said: "Hands are still in command, don't delay cursing people."

Qian Xuan also interjected: "What you speak is vernacular and what you write is classical Chinese. One is father and the other is mother. This is not the same? Brother Houde, you have to distinguish between elegant and vulgar parents. That's disrespectful."

Brother Xun at the door couldn't take it anymore, turned his head and said, "Deqian, my oranges are gone, when will I bring some?"

Lin Qinnan wore a hat, a long gray beard, and a cane. Although he was old, he was still energetic, and he didn't give Qian Xuan any sympathy. He lowered his head slightly and said, "Mr. .”

Zhang Houde glanced at the anger, and replied: "Could it be that you and I can't understand it in classical Chinese?"

Qian Xuan was stunned, cold sweat broke out behind his back.

Qian Xuan stood in front of the window, watching the rain and snow falling, as if he didn't know anything.

Lin Qinnan stroked his beard and said with a smile: "You must not have the intention of harming others. Once this precedent is set, it will not end in the future. Mr. Yubai has a disagreement with the scoundrels. It is not human beings who are at odds. I often teach scoundrels to be harmonious but different. Just like Zhang Binglin and I, we had a big quarrel over certain things before, but after the incident, we still smiled when we met. However, Mr. Yubai’s vernacular point of view is indeed unacceptable. The vernacular essay, I appreciate it It’s really good writing, but it’s more beautiful if it can be written in classical Chinese.”

Zhang Houde poked his neck: "How can we be the same?"

"Let's wait for Mr. Yubai to recover from his illness. You can set the time." Lin Qinnan looked at He Qi on the hospital bed and said, implying that He Qi cannot be missing without anyone.

Brother Xun couldn't help looking at He Qi, Qian Xuan also looked over, and Lin Qinnan's master and apprentice also stared at He Qi. He Qi was somehow pushed to the forefront by this era.

Li Wan held He Qi's hand, unconsciously tightening it a little bit. From her point of view, she absolutely didn't want He Qi to make such a move, but she also knew that some things couldn't be stopped.

The ward was quiet for a while, and several people were waiting for He Qi's reply, but He Qi had no choice but to accept the "appointment" with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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