Chapter 106 shudder
Li Yu rented a room not far from the "Li Mansion" as a temporary residence, with all the facilities in it. At night, Li Wan waited on He Qi to lie on the bed, talking privately, and quickly Brother and Qian Xuan came to visit.

Brother Xun didn't see him for three or three years, he said he was not long, he was not short, he had a lot to say, Li Wan went out wisely, Qian Xuan sat down on the bedside, Xun brother opened a window Cracking, standing on the edge smoking a cigarette slowly.

Qian Xuan gave a brief account of what happened in Peking. Now the newspapers in Peking are all talking about "reviving Confucianism". Master Kang is particularly active. He also united with a group of old gentlemen to establish "Confucianism". , Anyone who uses vernacular will be dealt with, please drink tea.

Brother Xun didn't say a word, and sucked one after another. Qian Xuan chattered and scolded Master Kong's eight generations of ancestors for a long time, and suddenly said: "Cheng Zhongpu and the others are stubborn and continue to implement the plan. I saw the latest issue "New Youth" is still criticizing Confucianism, especially the old man Kang, it's really a relief, can you think we can re-submit "New Youth"?"

He Qi thought carefully: "No, our roots are in Beiping, so don't act rashly for the time being."

Qian Xuan didn't give up, and said again: "What about an alias?"

Brother Xun tried to persuade him: "As soon as your article came out, I knew it was you who wrote it. I can see it, and others can see it too. Deqian, you are not like me and Yubai. In Beiping, it is said that it is control, but it is actually a literary inquisition. At this juncture, you must not be reckless."

Qian Xuandao: "If this is the case, I will immediately go back to Beiping and move my wife and children to the Shanghai stock market, so as to relieve my worries."

Brother Xun was afraid that Qian Xuan would take the lead, so he really returned to Beiping, frowned and said: "We were in Beiping, we have been stared at for a long time, we were able to come to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, it was an excuse for Yubai to get married, you go back to pick up your family now What excuse are you going to use to come to the Shanghai stock market? Now that the war in the Southwest is tense, and Beiping is being controlled more and more strictly, don’t even think about coming out when you go back.”

Qian Xuan rolled his eyes and said indignantly, "Are we just watching like this? Doing nothing?"

Seeing that He Qi's reaction was mediocre, and he didn't know that there was a treasure mountain in the sky, Qian Xuan immediately envied and hated him, saying: "He Yubai, you are really lucky. You said earlier that I don't shake a bottle of water, and half a bottle of water dangles. I said that you are only at a half-level level, you don’t know anything about Chinese studies, and you have to pick up words when you read a slightly difficult article, just like that, you can still chat and laugh with us every day, I wonder, how did you get in?”

As an aside, Li Wan is really the daughter of the boss Hei, and He Qi has already hugged Li Wan and lay on the same bed. If she regrets the marriage right now, the one she proposed in the morning will probably end up in the Huangpu River at night.

"What should I say to a girl about her father? She naturally thinks that I don't know." Qian Xuan bluffed and said with a glance: "Wanwan is a good girl with both talent and beauty. Avant-garde thinking, just suitable for you, this is what I like. He Yubai, if you marry Wanwan, you can secretly have fun. If you don’t endure hardships, you don’t know hardships. The woman in Riwo's family, she doesn't understand what you say, just like the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, they will never meet, and then you will know that an inappropriate marriage is the most boring thing in the world."

Brother Xun couldn't help looking at He Qi.

However, these words were just He Qi's random thoughts, and he said to Qian Xuan: "I have nothing good to say about you, and the more I say it, the more outrageous it becomes. If I don't like it, I can still lie here and listen to you talking non-stop? If I Don't think about love, but still want to find a way to lure you to the Shanghai stock market to avoid the limelight?"

Qian Xuan's short words clarified all kinds of things that He Qi has encountered since he came to this era, but this guy picked up all the good things and said that when He Qi encountered bad things, Qian Xuan didn't say anything, and He Qi He punched him and rolled his eyes: "I'm just lucky. When I'm not unlucky? When I just returned to China, I was robbed in Pingjin and almost sold out in Beiping. I'm afraid you forgot all about it." ?”

Qian Xuan was furious, and continued to scold: "Hmph. You are right? Well, let's continue to talk about it. You have been wandering abroad for half your life, and you have achieved nothing. Once you return to China, you will open the whole Peking University." The most famous chess hall, others say that this chess hall is all thanks to you, He Yubai, but in fact, Yucai and I are the ones behind the scenes. Sometimes I am scolded so bloody by you that I dare not fart. You haven’t been married for more than 20 years, Wan Wan is chased by a lot of people, there are many rich and powerful sons, how can you not compare to you who are poor and white? As a result, the two of you look at mung beans—they met each other. I'm going to get married in a blink of an eye, is this really unreasonable? I feel wronged for those sons of rich families. However, you are still acting reluctantly, making it look like Wanwan deserves to wrong you, Who is this for?"

"You were writing articles in Beiping, writing hard and cursing people, and the blame was all on me. Zhang Houde, Lin Qinnan, and that surnamed Kang grabbed me and scolded me. Why didn't you say it?"

Brother Xun felt more and more credible the more he listened, he extinguished the cigarette, and asked, "It may be estimated, how long will it take?"

He Qi made a straight-forward analysis: "I don't think so. During the second reform, the three generals under Lao Yuan made great efforts, but now Lao Duan plays chess at home all day, and doesn't hear anything. Suzhou Province does not move, Wang Shizhen is restricted to the staff headquarters, and is not allowed to visit the front line in person. What kind of shrimp soldiers and crab generals are leading the Northern Army now? Look again, the library in Peking is afraid that a mouse will come out at this moment. , the salaries of many public officials have been paid for almost a year. The four compensations from the people, and the loans from various countries have not been repaid when they are due. Let’s just say last year that Shaanxi, Gansu, Shanxi, northern Hebei, and Zhili were all affected by drought. This year’s spring began, and there was not enough grain. It is not a long-term thing to rely on one northeast to support many provinces in the north."

Brother Xun was smoking a cigarette, watching the play cheerfully, without interrupting a word, scolding Qian Xuan for his lack of eyesight, He Qi was not good at writing articles, but he was really good at criticizing people in person.

He Qi giggled: "Joke, their only purpose is to make money. Let me calculate for you. The Shanghai stock market has a population of more than 100 million, and all food is transferred from outside. Calculated as a ration of four liang per person per day, at least 400 catties of food per day , nearly [-] million catties a month, and now the price of grain has risen by two-thirds, if it continues to double on the second basis, and lasts for three months, the money earned will be astronomical. People can do without money, But we can’t live without food. In this wave, the savings of families with a little wealth in the whole Shanghai market will be harvested. When the war stops, the autumn grain harvest will come in, and the inflation will shrink. This will be another terrifying fortune. Benefit."

He Qi knew that Qian Xuan was angry, so he didn't care about it: "In the war in the southwest, the northern army should just be defeated."

He Qi asked suspiciously: "I asked Wanwan, and Wanwan said you didn't know! So you know?"

According to historical records, Lao Yuan was in front of the emperor for 80 days. He Qi counted, and said that Lao Yuan had only a few months to live, and said, "What's the hurry? The wind in Beiping will blow away soon, and I will go back at that time." Isn't it done?"

Brother Xun lit another cigarette, his brows furrowed even tighter.

Qian Xuan was so sprayed that he shut himself up, so He Qi couldn't care less. Then he said: "The old man went out in the afternoon and hasn't come back yet. He said that Song and Kong were invited to discuss matters. I won’t say what follows, you probably already guessed it.”

Qian Xuan realized something, stared at He Qi and said, "Let me tell you, Lao Li is Lao Li, and Wanwan has never been involved in these matters. If not, she would not have run to Peiping alone as a girl." Come to study. The reason why I introduced you to you is because I think you are a good match for Wanwan, a talented woman. You will live in Beiping in the future, and you will have nothing to do with the Shanghai stock market. That is to say, one thousand, ten thousand, Lao Li also There is no way, if he is not a little impatient, the bones that have been eaten long ago will be gone in the Shanghai market. Don't think about it!"

Qian Xuan was even more disdainful: "I'm afraid you don't know, the second revolution, the Southern Army's Northern Expedition, and those who were beaten by the Northern Army lost their helmets and armor. Although the Northern Army is currently losing temporarily, in the long run, the Northern Army is less likely to win. big."

"Why can't I move my neck, don't you know? Anyway, it's me, He Qi, who almost hiccups while lying in the hospital, and not you, Qian Xuan?"

He Qi didn't answer, but instead asked mysteriously: "De Qian, do you really know about Wan Wan's family?"

Brother Xun was shocked, and the smoke in his mouth suddenly lost its taste.

Qian Xuan cursed and said: "Damn it, we have to wait for three months, it's better to die sooner."

Brother Xun asked suspiciously: "Are they going to jointly raise food prices and secretly help the Southern Army?"

He Qi thought about it: "It's hard to say how prepared, but according to the current trend, it will take less than three months."

Qian Xuan's eyes turned cold: "Who knows how long the wind in Beiping will blow? I think you wish to lie down in the gentle countryside and miss you so much."

It was true that Qian Xuan scolded him right, Lao Yuan really wouldn't live long, but He Qi couldn't say it clearly, leaning on the bedside and looking at Brother Xun, each of them felt relieved, and finally convinced Qian Xuan, the extreme A hot-blooded young man who is easy to get ahead.

Qian Xuan frowned: "Of course I understand, I know about Lao Li."

Brother Xun was speechless, and blew smoke into the night.

"In war, with the same equipment, the fight is not about the number of people, but the economy. Since the beginning of the war, food prices have risen slowly. The four rice markets in the south of the Yangtze River, Shashi have been affected by the war. Jing, Xiang's grain The merchants had to move to Jiujiang, Jiuzi, and Wuxi in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. These three are all in the south, and all rely on the Yangtze River for transportation. I heard that there are already bold ones who are ready to unite to store hard currency and grain, and use this as a High food prices will make the country lose money. In this way, inflation will increase, and the people will have less money to buy. In normal years, they will suffer from man-made disasters and natural disasters. At that time, the first ones to scold will be the North."

Compared with others, Qian Xuan is obviously not the opponent. Just for a short while, He Qi's mouth is like a machine gun. When there is no rest, Qian Xuan doubts life.

He Qi said cheekily: "I sneaked in openly and aboveboard."

Qian Xuan didn't intend to keep it a secret anymore, and told about Li Yu's family history, He Qi had been mentally prepared for it, Brother Xun was shocked when he first heard it, it was unexpected, Li Yu looked amiable on the outside , was also a ruthless character who dared to slash people with a knife.

Qian Xuan continued: "Just now you said that there are people in the Shanghai stock market who want to raise the price of grain and make the country lose money. Who wants to do this 'immoral thing'?"

"Now tell me, are they going to help the Southern Army fight the Northern Army, or are they doing it for their own benefit?"

Qian Xuan's back went cold when he heard this, and he didn't dare to say anything: "How dare they?"

"Of course they dare. Foreigner banks lend at high interest rates, and they use the money to buy grain on the spot in the upper reaches of Jiuzi. Several gangs in the Shanghai stock market empty out the grain stores in the world, and then sell high-priced grain. If there is dissatisfaction, people in the daytime will suppress it during the day, and gangsters will suppress it at night. This is a top-down interest chain, and all parties will benefit, who dares to jump out and oppose it?"

"At this time, whoever dares to sing against the tune will be set on fire?"

(End of this chapter)

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