Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 107 Ju Zhang Was His Younger Brother

Chapter 107 Ju Zhang Was His Younger Brother
On the 16th, Wu Xiangzhen's troops were defeated, and the Northern Army suffered heavy losses. On the 18th, the Wuchang support army arrived, and the two sides in the south began a tug-of-war on the battlefield in Hunan Province. Snowflake-like information was passed from the front to the rear.

On the same day, several merchants from the Shanghai stock market appeared in Jiuzimi City, buying grain at a price higher than the market price, and hoarding grain on the spot. The grains from Jing, Hunan, and Chaohu areas were all bought up. There were also Shanghai stock market merchants in the Wuxi rice market. Large sums of money were spent to buy grain, bandits frequently appeared on the Yangtze River section from Gushu to Jinling, and the route was blocked, and ships capsized on the section from Jingkou to Shanghai.

Several major gangs in the Shanghai stock market started to empty the grain store in the empty street. They not only forced to buy food, but also all the necessities of life. Only one day later, the situation suddenly went wrong. The price of food on the Internet kept rising, and the prices of daily necessities such as salt and oil also rose accordingly. For a while, the entire Shanghai stock market panicked, forming a wave of panic buying.

After Li Yu attended the banquet, when he came back, he kept frowning and never went out again. He stayed at home and entertained guests. He never talked about what happened that day. He Qi wanted to ask several times, but Li Yu Yu deliberately diverted from the conversation.

Li Li has also disappeared in the past few days.

He Qi was unable to go out because of her physical condition, so she didn't know the outside situation, but after Qian Xuan and Brother Xun went out to find Cheng Zhongpu, when they came back, they were worried, with things written all over their faces.

At the dinner table that night, Qian Xuan, who had a bad temper, looked gloomy. He drank alone and soon became drunk, unable to control himself. Pull it away, otherwise the next scene will be a bit embarrassing.

After dinner, Xu Shoutang, Shen Qiuming, and Qiming went to another room to rest, while Qian Xuan stayed behind, throwing up and shouting about going back to Peiping, Brother Xun looked after him.

He Qi found Li Wan, and probably had to ask Li Wan to come forward in this matter. After being helped back to the house, she lay on the bed, anxiously waiting for Li Yu to appear.

Not long after, Li Yu stepped on the dim light and came with two cups of tea. His face was as usual, and he was not angry because of Qian Xuan's attack. He put a cup of tea on the bedside table, and then moved a chair and sat on it. In front of He Qi, drinking tea slowly.

Brother Xun also nodded secretly, heaved a sigh of relief, went to the front yard, lit a cigarette, and smiled to see that Qian Xuan was throwing up.

Li Yu exhaled smoke and muttered: "I have always smoked, and I carry a pack with me. I used to go out and see people hand out one, but I am getting old, and Wanwan won't let me smoke anymore, but I always have a pack of cigarettes in my pocket." , I always feel that something is missing if I don’t smoke.”

He Qi said: "I don't smoke. After returning to China, I fell in love with drinking tea, but I can't drink what is good tea? I have a friend in Beiping. Speaking of which, you should know him. His name is Liu Aiguo, a foreigner. No. Liu Laowu, Liu Yanwang, Chief Ju of the Beiping Police Department. Not long after I returned to Beiping at that time, I was involved in the "church case" and was invited to drink tea by him. He is very strange, and his office is different from ordinary people. It is an interrogation room, usually a meeting place. He invited me to drink Houkui tea, which he said had won the Panama Gold Medal. When I sat there, I couldn’t taste any good tea. bitter."

In this way, Ju Chang was once Li Yu's younger brother.

Because Li Yu was very familiar with Ju Chang, so Li Yu was very aware of those things in Peking.

In the room, Qian Xuan's vomiting could be vaguely heard. Li Yu walked to the bed and looked down, and couldn't help laughing: "It's been so many years, De Qian is still like this, and his alcohol capacity is still so bad."

He Qi was stunned, and for a moment he was astonished, and a horrifying thought suddenly popped up in his heart, Ju Chang knew Li Yu very well, and even Ju Chang's monkey leader was sent by Li Yu, and Ju Chang took such care of himself later, and it was not the same as Li Yu. Li Yu is related.

Li Yu was silent for a while, before he said: "I know him. If you want to do something in Beiping, you can't avoid someone. But what he said is right, Houkui is indeed good tea, and there is also one at home. Tomorrow I'll give you this one, it's produced in the same place as his Monkey Queen, I don't drink it very much, I always feel that it has a scent of orchids, I'm not a cultural person, it will make people say arty when I drink it, you are very suitable for this kind The scent of orchids."

After a series of thoughts, He Qi came to a conclusion that Li Yu was more complicated than imagined, and it was really not simple. No wonder several big families in the Shanghai Stock Exchange asked him to discuss matters a few days ago.

Otherwise, He Qi was attacked, life and death were uncertain, and at the age of thirty, how could Li Yu dare to let Li Wan, a girl, go to Peiping alone?

So the question is coming?

He Qi was very surprised. In his impression, Li Yucha never left his hand. He had never seen Li Yu smoke a cigarette.

He Qi couldn't help being amused when he heard this, and said, "He's still wearing that suit now! He has a very stubborn temper, and if he doesn't get drunk at night, I'm afraid he will fight you to the end."

"Cough cough." After not smoking for a long time, Li Yu coughed twice, then choked out the cigarette, bowed his head and took a sip of tea. After recovering, he wandered, "It's been almost 20 years, and his appearance has changed. Fat ones are not good, when he first came to the Shanghai stock market, he had nothing to eat, and he was skinny like a monkey. But he is a good fighter, desperate to rush back to the front, we all call him 'Desperate Goro'."

"More than ten years ago, Deqian came to Shanghai for the first time. We were only in our twenties. At that time, our family was still living on the edge of the Suzhou Creek, surrounded by shacks. On the ground, Deqian, a cultural person, is very uncomfortable. He is very literary. He is so hot in the summer that his clothes are sweaty and he is still wearing a long gown. I am really afraid that he will be overheated. He got drunk and took off his clothes."

Since Li Yu is willing to come, then he will definitely say something. He Qi suddenly lost his hurry, picked up the hot tea from the bedside table, and took a sip. Brother, secretly made an ok gesture.


Ask again: "Do you smoke?"

Li Yu took another sip of tea, recalled his thoughts from 20 years ago, and continued: "Let's not talk about him, let's talk about Deqian. You told him the matter, right?"

Li Yu smiled knowingly, and then closed the window. Qian Xuan's vomiting sound was no longer heard. He sat back on the chair in front of the bed, took out a cigarette from his pocket, rubbed a match and lit it.

Thinking of this, He Qi suddenly remembered what Li Wan once said to Li Yu: "Don't you know how we got back?"

Does Li Wan know that his father knows Ju Chang?
He Qi thinks that Li Wan should know that Li Yu has something to do with him in Beiping, but he doesn't know that it is Ju Chang. So, when Ju Chang came to visit that night and said that he killed a southern rebellious party, Li Wan was so frightened that his face turned pale. .

He Qi did not deny it.

Li Yudao: "So, you did it on purpose?"

He Qi shook her head: "I didn't think that much at the time."

Li Yu also thought about it, and said lightly: "I will teach you one thing. Whoever you meet in the future, what to say, if you have a temper like Deqian, don't say this to him, unless you can have a better solution." Method. When I was young, because of this, I suffered a lot and offended many people. Sometimes, I often offended people because of my speech, and I didn’t know it. Therefore, speaking is a science. In a word, think carefully."

(End of this chapter)

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