Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 108 Big Boss Brother Xun

Chapter 108 Big Boss Brother Xun

Li Yu then continued: "Yubai, you are more tactful than Deqian, which is a good thing, but in essence, you are still a pure cultural person, no different from Deqian. I always want to change the things I am used to. But there are many things in this world that cannot be changed. They are born with you. What can you do when you see and hear? The workers on the dock, after carrying the sacks for a day, went home After eating a bowl of warm rice, he slept very comfortably at night. The driver who pulled the cart pulled a customer today and gave him double the usual money. He was also very happy and went home to sleep happily. The fish hawkers in the vegetable market sold out the fish early today, and closed their stalls early to go home. And you cultural people, writing an article casually, the income is unimaginable to them, but you are not happy. Why? ?Because, after you read the book, your horizons are broader, you can see things that we can't see, and you always feel that you are shouldering the mission of saving China from danger. Li Ji is like this, so I never stopped him, Wanwan If I want to marry you, I won't stop me."

"In the evening, you asked Wanwan to come to me. I understand what you're trying to say, and I can understand. But I want to tell you one thing clearly. It's a done deal, and no one can change it. The Shanghai stock market is so big that today there are three The big gang, another three big gangs will emerge tomorrow, Kong and Song are gone today, and Zhang and Chen will appear tomorrow. What you see now is like duckweed in the water, a piece of green, but green There is a pool of black water behind, if you don’t drain the pool, if you scoop up a piece of duckweed, it will grow out tomorrow.”

"Can you drain the pool?"

What did He Qi not plan to do?I can clearly tell how many catties I have, and I have a heart-to-heart talk with Li Yu, just want to know what kind of person Li Yu is, and then ask him to do a small thing within his ability.

"Dad, there is a letter in the second drawer of the bedside table, take a look."

Li Yu was confused. He spent several days thinking about his words, but it was useless. He opened the drawer, took out the letter, looked at the person who wrote the letter, and suddenly looked at He Qi and said, "You and He Qi?" He knows?"

He Qi said: "Dad, you should read the letter first, and then we'll talk after reading it."

Li Yu opened the letter cautiously. After reading it carefully, he fell into deep thought and asked after a while, "What are you going to do?"

He Qi said with a sly smile: "Don't you think the money is unconscionable? Isn't it a coincidence?"

Of course, He Qi would not say that she knew the history process, so she had to say in a profound way: "Dad, this is all just my guess."

"The north is supported by the Dongyi people, and the south is supported by Yingfa and other countries, so this battle must be fought, but once the southwest is fought, the Shanghai stock market will make big moves frequently. I am afraid that there are inextricably linked , I heard that when General Cai returned to Caiyun Province, he passed by the Shanghai market and stopped for a few days. Since there is going to be a war, there must be weapons and food. It fell from the sky. This battle can't be fought too long, the common people can't stand it, and it can't be too short. If it is short, the profit will not be high. The newspapers said in the past few days that the Southern Army's offensive has slowed down, and the battlefield in Hunan Province has become a tug of war. It was probably because General Cai was in a hurry and hurt the north, and the people behind were worried, so they advised him to slow down, because the supplies could not keep up."

He Qidao: "To tell you the truth, I only met General Cai twice. The first time was after I won Gao Bu Daoping, the old Duan loved chess, and a group of people came to the chess hall to congratulate him. General Cai was there at that time, but the two of us I didn't say a few words. The second time, I came back to the Shanghai stock market and won the gold medal. After I returned to Beiping, Lao Duan was entertaining guests in the mansion. General Cai was also there at the time. He and Yang Shiqi had a disagreement. , General Cai went to the yard. I don’t like Yang Shiqi either, so I went to the yard too. It was snowing in Beiping at that time, and the wintersweet flowers in the old Duan’s house were in bloom. I saw General Cai standing in front of the bamboo, but he had no intention of admiring the bamboo. He said that he admired the bamboo in his eyes and smelled the plum fragrance in his heart. I told him what was on his mind, and we chatted for a long time. After that, we had no contact with each other. Not long after, I heard that he had fallen ill and was going to the east. To my surprise, he shot a false shot and returned to Caiyun Province. He told me that he didn’t like bamboo, but that he liked wintersweet flowers. In the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, thousands of flowers disappear, only plum blossoms stand proudly on the branches. Enough. He is a man who dares to speak and act. He said that he was seriously ill and unable to recover, and he wanted to take advantage of the last time to do an earth-shattering event. Only now do I know that what he said at the time was earth-shattering What's the big deal."

He Qi's eyes were bright, and she was very grateful: "Dad, thank you, I'll take care of Deqian's matter, and I promise he will pay you for the wine and apologize tomorrow."

Li Yu asked in surprise, "You don't like the south?"

He Qi thought for a while and said, "Most people help him."

Li Yu's eyes lit up: "How did you find out?"

After another long while, Li Yu said, "Tell me, what kind of person is Cai Songpo?"

Holding the thin letter in his hand, Li Yu took another look at He Qi, neither saying yes nor no: "Does anyone else know about this?"

He Qi said in a deep voice: "Wanwan knew it was sent this morning, but I haven't read the letter. You are the second person who read this letter. I'm not sure how to convince you, so I dare not let Deqian and Yu Only then did I know about it.”

Li Yu accepted the letter, mainly because there was a contact person on it. After taking a deep breath, he sighed: "Guesses don't count, so don't tell others, so as not to cause more trouble. What you just said , I already know, I took this letter away first, and Li Li will go back to his hometown in the next few days. He will not attend the wedding between you and Wanwan on the 26th, so don’t blame him. As for the other Don't inquire about it, don't talk about it, take good care of your injury, don't rush to remove the plaster cast on your neck, I will call Dr. Tang tomorrow, and check it again, don't leave the root cause of the disease, you will suffer it when you are old."

Li Yu listened to He Qi's words quietly, and was in awe of Cai Songpo, but Li Yu was not like Qian Xuan, who was hot-blooded. This society taught him what rationality is, so he calmly asked He Qi: "What are you doing?" Want to help him as a person, or support what he's doing?"

Just now Li Yu, the father-in-law, showed his tricks in front of his son-in-law, and now He Qi, the son-in-law, is going to repeat his tricks, and also show his tricks in front of his father-in-law, so as not to be underestimated.

Li Yu paced around the room with his hands behind his back, silent, obviously weighing the gains and losses, this is a big event, He Qi was holding tea, leaning against the head of the bed, not speaking.

He Qi said regretfully: "His illness is hopeless, and he has few days left. I don't know how he knew I was in the Shanghai stock market, but he begged me, a person who has only met twice, which shows that the situation must be serious. Urgent, I admire him very much and want to help him."

Li Yu waved his hand with a smile, and went out, and then Li Wan came in, seeing He Qi's smile, she immediately understood, hurriedly went downstairs again, and nodded to Brother Xun with a smile.

Brother Xun was relieved, like a big boss, smoking a cigarette comfortably, spitting white circles towards the night.

In fact, Brother Xun was the second person who read the letter, and Li Wan was the third, and Brother Xun came up with this method.

Poor Qian Xuan didn't know what was going on, and was vomiting continuously, almost vomiting yellow bile.

(End of this chapter)

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