Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 109 Something happened to Li Li.

Chapter 109 Something happened to Li Li.

In this world, unaccustomed things happen all the time, just like a person who is in a hurry and suddenly encounters a heavy rain, if he happens to not bring an umbrella, he must be scolded, it is going to rain , Mother wants to marry, but she can't stop it.

Li Yu also said that there were so many things he could not get used to, even if he wanted to, he was powerless. Of course, He Qi understood this truth, so he tried his best to do a small thing that seemed insignificant, so he could still feel at ease.

An unavoidable Civil War broke out due to the struggle of various forces, but the people who finally paid the bill were ordinary people who had nothing to do with this incident.

The common people in the Shanghai market probably never imagined that in just a few days, what used to buy ten catties of grain can now only buy five catties. Even so, money may not necessarily buy it.

The "Peace Hotel" stands tall on the Bund. Under the exquisite decoration, they are pushing cups and cups, drinking toasts, western steaks, and red wine. They overlook the city that will be swept away by the autumn wind. Facing the back of the tired figure, there are vivid faces, which are mostly just a smile.

He Qi ushered in her wedding in a low-key way. There were no three matchmakers and six certificates, no red makeup, and no fanfare. It was only under the witness of many relatives and friends that Li Wan changed into a bright red wedding dress, and He Qi held her hand. Kowtowing three times to his father-in-law Li Yu, and then having a dinner together, the wedding is considered complete.

The wedding room was not specially arranged, but in Li Wan's boudoir there were a few extra pieces of He Qi's clothes, and a few big red paper-cut double happiness characters were pasted on it. These were written by Shen Qiuming with a brush, and Brother Xun cut them out by himself according to the gourd painting. Yes, Qian Xuan personally posted it.

In the traditional wedding, Li Wan wore a red hijab and waited with joy. He Qi, who was drunk, was dragged into the wedding room by a group of bad friends. Naturally, the bridal chamber was going to happen next.

Li Yu was holding a cup of tea, leaning against the door, happily watching the commotion in the room, Qian Xuan was the happiest in the commotion, and he found an opportunity, again as a matchmaker, as an elder, as a friend Because of his identity, he and He Qi each have three glasses of wine.

"Dad, I'm looking for Li Li, why not? As long as you're still here, they won't dare to do anything wrong. This incident happened because of me. I have an inescapable responsibility for what happened to Li Li." Responsibility, even if Li Li is true, I will get him back." He Qi insisted.

"Dad!!" Li Wan whimpered.

If He Qi drank it, the bridal chamber would be gone at night. If he didn’t drink it, he wouldn’t be able to pass Qian Xuan’s test. He Qi didn’t want her wedding night to be like a dead pig, so she had to obediently confess her love and respectfully call out the matchmaker, Brother Deqian. , Uncle, let Qian Xuantuo grow up.

Li Yu retreated slowly from the door, went downstairs, went to the front yard, leaned on the chair, took out a cigarette from his pocket, looked at the stars in the sky, and smoked quietly.

He Qi has been a human being for two generations. Now that he is married, he happened to drink again. He felt a lot of emotion for a while, and said through the alcohol: "My parents died young, and I have been wandering around the world for many years. I have no fixed place. Everywhere I go, Every time I walk a distance, when I look back, there is nothing behind me. At this time, I will worry about gains and losses, especially when I am alone at night. I worry that even if I disappear, no one will know. But it is different now , with Wanwan, no matter how far I go, no matter how far I go, whenever I look back, Wanwan is there, and she completes a piece of the puzzle of my life. The time of glory, I think it is now; if I say, I have had the most incredible moment in my life, I think it is now; if I say, I have the most exciting moment in my life, I think it is now; I have had the happiest moment in my life, and I think it is still now. Today we are still young, but tomorrow we may gradually grow old, Wanwan will gradually become fatter, and will no longer be slim, I will become old and dim-sighted, and become a sloppy old man. I may also experience some pain, and my mood will become numb afterwards, but I will not be afraid of all of the above, because from now on, I will no longer be alone, and we will go through it together and remain committed. "

Qian Xuan quietly turned his head away, not daring to answer the words, which made everyone very happy.

This trip to Hunan Province was different from the usual ones. Li Wan was deeply involved in dangers, but on the one hand was her second brother whose life or death was uncertain, and on the other was her husband. Li Wan didn't know how to choose.

Xu Shoutang wrote down all the above words in his small notebook.

Brother Xun glared at him: "What do you know about delivering oranges?"

In the past few days, "Li Gong's Mansion" was originally full of joy, but an emergency call from Hunan Province brought the joy to an abrupt end. Something happened to Li Li. When the delivery was passing through Dongting Lake, two boats were blown up, life and death. Uncertain.

These words from the heart touched everyone deeply, Brother Xun nodded and moved out of the way, Qian Xuan grinned and said: "It sounds so touching. "

Going back or not going back made He Qi start to worry about gains and losses, but at some point, the night erased everything, and He Qi fell into a deep sleep with a smile on her lips.

In the dead of night, everyone dispersed, and He Qi, who was sweating profusely, was lying on the bed, holding her hot body in her arms. She couldn't help feeling that this was an extremely real dream, but she was afraid that if she woke up from the dream, everything would be gone.

Speaking of this matter, He Qi bears the inescapable responsibility. If He Qi hadn't asked for it, Li Li would not have had such a thing. Now that Li Yu is lying on the bed, it is only natural for He Qi to stand up.

In front of Li Yu's bed, He Qi said, "Wanwan, take care of Dad at home, and I'll go to Hunan Province."

This made He Qi very entangled, and couldn't help but start to fantasize, if there was an opportunity to go back to the past, how would she choose?

Li Yu's health has deteriorated a lot in recent years. Hearing this news, he couldn't get over it for a while and fell on the bed. No matter how powerful Li Yu was when he was young, but at this time he is just a father, white-haired people give black-haired people Things are too cruel.

After only one night, Li Yu's hair turned gray a lot, his face was full of vicissitudes, and he also wanted to understand many things. He closed his eyes slightly, and after careful consideration, he couldn't give Li Li away, and then put He Qi in. With a long sigh: "Yubai, don't go, life and death are fate, admit it. Li Li is my son, so let's pay his debts for his father."

Li Yu was silent for a while, weighing He Qi's words, why didn't he want to get Li Li back?
"I want to see people when I'm born, and I want to see corpses when I die. I must go to Hunan Province. You can't stop me." He Qi said again.

After Qian Xuan passed, Brother Xun sat on the chair again, not too embarrassed, but asked He Qi to give a wedding speech.

He Qi is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, with an out-and-out stubborn temper. Li Yu knew this a long time ago. Seeing the self-blame on He Qi's face, Li Yu was determined to go to Hunan Province. Li Yu was afraid that He Qi would secretly After suffering a great loss, he simply said, "Wanwan, you go and call Uncle Fu."

Uncle Fu is a driver. He Qi has met him several times. The first time he went shopping with Li Wan on the Bund, it was Uncle Fu who drove him. Although Li Wan didn't understand, she still did it.

After a while, Uncle Fu came, a little fat, not tall, with a friendly face, and he didn't talk much. He was the kind who wouldn't notice if he was thrown into the crowd. Li Yu said: "Look for the woodcutter, just Said that there is no firewood at home, let him find a way to send some."

Uncle Fu nodded, stopped talking, and retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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