Chapter 111

In [-], at the end of January, just a few days after the new year, the heavy snowfall finally stopped. In the courtyard of "Li Mansion", several plum blossoms in the northeast corner were in bloom, and the garden was filled with fragrance. Li Yu held his hands behind his back. , hunched over, standing quietly in front of the wintersweet flowers for a long time, Uncle Fu put on a thick cotton coat, and began to clean the remaining snow under the wintersweet trees.

After a while, Li Li's tomb was exposed. There was a round earth bag and a small stele. Uncle Fu stood up and said, "My lord, it's getting cold. Go back to the house and you can see it upstairs." Master."

Li Yu didn't make a sound, as if no one was there, still only staring at Li Li's stele.

A car stopped at the gate of "Li Mansion". A man in black, wearing a black windbreaker, a black bowler hat, and a pair of black leather shoes, got out of the car.

When he entered the room, a wave of warm air came towards him. Li Wan, who had just finished confinement, was plump and approached, took off his black windbreaker, and put on a blue cotton gown. His original appearance.

He is He Qi.

"It's cold outside. Dad has been staying with the second brother. Uncle Fu won't come back. Go and persuade him." Li Wan whispered, looked up, lowered her head again, buttoned her gown, and continued. : "Brother wrote a letter, saying he wanted to come back to see the second brother. I asked, but Dad didn't say anything, probably because he disagreed. The eldest brother hasn't come back for several years, and once Dad sees him, it's one less time."

Thinking about his wife's words, He Qi couldn't help but look towards the front yard. Through the blurred window, she vaguely saw an old figure standing under the wintersweet flowers, nodded and said, "Yes! I see."

He asked again, "Is Xiao Shu'er awake?"

"It's fine for you to smoke outside, why do you still smoke when you go home? Xiao Shu'er is still young and can't smell the smell of cigarettes. Once you smoke, Dad wants to smoke too. He is old, and Doctor Tang said he can't smoke."

Li Wan said: "Little Shu'er is crying, refuses to nurse, and is making a fuss, go and hug her."

"It's not smoking, it's the way of the world."

Fu's mother understood, so she packed the dirty diapers on the ground into a basket, and went out. He Qi closed the door, walked up to the old man, looked at the peaceful baby girl with a chubby face, and smiled knowingly.

"Yubai! If you smoke in the future, don't touch Xiao Shu'er. I don't smoke now, I don't see people, I don't go out. You can handle other things yourself, and don't ask me in the future. I'm serious. I'm old, I can't accept my old age! In the past year, I have seen everything you have done. I am not as good as you, and Li Li is much worse than you, so I am relieved. The Huizhou Chamber of Commerce is doing well. To be able to subdue others without fighting is something that I will never be able to do in my life. I can't do it, and naturally these old guys can't do it either."

The old man didn't make any trouble, he hugged Xiao Shu'er and turned around, walked to the window, not letting He Qi touch Xiao Shu'er's little hand.

"Old Huang wants to be a peacemaker. In private, he wants to invite me, an old guy, to play chess. He said that your chess is too high. , he can find a solution by nesting in the French Concession? The French Concession is in charge of the affairs of the French Concession. Zhabei, Nanshi, the county seat, the downtown area, Xujiahui, and Yangshupu are not under the control of the French Concession. This is the Huajie. Huizhou Chamber of Commerce must be in The construction of a factory in Shanghai is welcomed by the municipal government and supported by the common people. Jiangwan is the seat of the city government, the county seat is the old city, and the area around Chenghuang Temple. There are many people living in Nanshi, and they are all houses. Xuhui is a muddy pond, so it can only be in Suzhou. A factory has been built in Zhabei along the river. The wharf is not allowed to be touched, so it is close to the train station. The transportation is convenient. This matter is reasonable and legal. If someone insists on blocking it, if it is a bad rule, then no one can blame others.”

Before He Qi spoke, he saw that the old man had already turned around and rushed into the house, and Xiao Shu'er was the old man's lifeblood.

There was still a half-smoked cigarette in the snow, and Li Wan said in a low voice, "Doctor Tang said that smoking is not good. If you didn't smoke before, smoke less." In other words, it is said that I will invite you to dinner at noon tomorrow, but some people from the Huizhou Chamber of Commerce have already made an appointment at noon tomorrow, so you have an idea."

He Qi didn't pierce the cigarette, so he extinguished the cigarette.

Li Wan's expression froze: "Is it necessary?"

The old man smiled happily, smoked half of it tremblingly, and suddenly threw the cigarette on the ground, and stepped on it with his foot, because Li Wan came, and seeing He Qi smoking, she complained immediately.

Li Wan replied, "Mom Fu is breastfeeding."

For a moment, Li Wan's ten tense fingers were tangled together.

"Smoking is harmful to health, both good and bad."

The three cigarettes were emitting scarlet sparks, and the white smoke was curling up. The old man looked back into the room and saw that Li Wan hadn't followed, so he picked up a cigarette from the ground and smoked it while coughing.

"Oh! It seems that they know better than me, and they all started smoking this."

He Qi said: "The Huizhou Chamber of Commerce will be changed to the evening, and I will go to Mr. Zhongpu's at noon tomorrow. The new year is just over, and I'm afraid I won't be able to go home these few days. You push as much as you can. On the night of the eighth day, prepare at home. I want the editor of the newspaper to come."

"Can't you smoke a better one?" The old man smoked furtively, while dismissing the poor quality of "Hardman".

He Qi took a deep breath and said, "It is necessary."

He Qi lit one match after rubbing it too many times, then lit three in succession with lit cigarettes, bent down, and erected it in front of Li Li's tomb, collecting a pile of snow fixed.

The old man seemed to be fine.

He Qi thought for a while and said: "You tell Fu's mother to feed you later, I'll go and persuade the old man to go back to the house first."

Li Wan smiled instantly.

Upstairs in the baby room, the old man was hugging Xiao Shu'er and feeding him with a doting look on his face. He Qi walked in quietly and whispered to Fu's mother, "Fu's mother, bring some clean diapers."

Having already embarked on this road, there is no need to regret taking the medicine. He Qi hugged his restless wife tightly in his arms, and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, I'm here! It'll be fine."

"Dad, there's not enough firewood." He Qi touched her daughter's little hand while talking. Although the old man had already handed over all the burdens in the past year, He Qi still felt like this. Will say it up front.

He Qi turned around and took out a pack of "Hadman" from the pocket of the black windbreaker hanging on the hanger, which was the one Brother Xun liked to smoke. He walked towards the front yard and nodded after seeing Uncle Fu. Then he walked towards the old man.

"You play chess, I don't worry."

"The venue will definitely be built in Zhabei."

At the bottom of Dongting Lake, there are still two boats sinking and seventeen lives. When He Qi thought of Li Li, who was half lost, and Li Li who was gnawed by fish and shrimp, he felt a pang of pain in his heart.

"Niuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whou"

(End of this chapter)

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