Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 112 Black and white take all

Chapter 112 Black and white take all
Generally, places with relatively chaotic law and order will be relatively dark.

In the Shanghai stock market at the beginning of the [-]th century, the high-end concessions and the road construction areas crossing the concessions were naturally not included in the ranks, and the rest were those places in the Huajie.

As the old man said, the downtown area is the area of ​​Huangpu River Bay, where the city government is located, and the county seat is in the area of ​​Laochengxiang and Chenghuangmiao. Nanshi has mostly commercial areas, while Zhabei has mostly factories.

If we want to talk about chaos, Zhabei is the first to bear the brunt of it. A row of sweatshops along the Suzhou River is in full swing, and the Shanghai-Nanjing Railway is crowded with refugees fleeing famine. This is the poorest, most violent, lowest-level, and darkest Shanghai stock market.

From the railway station to the north, along the Shanghai-Nanjing Railway, there are houses and buildings on three plots of land, and the refugee shacks have been cleaned up. The Huizhou Chamber of Commerce has paid a lot of money that should be compensated.

He Qi didn't engage in forced buying and demolition, so the common people cooperated very well, and even the refugee shacks living here were compensated.

The land was planned in November last year. The Huizhou Chamber of Commerce planned to build a yarn factory, a match factory, and a cigarette factory, but more than a month later, they still haven't started construction.

Either the workers were beaten, or the construction materials were stolen or simply set on fire. In short, as soon as the construction started, something would happen.

Today, another batch of materials was transported to the construction site. Sure enough, after a while, a group of about a dozen people came, aggressively carrying a few gasoline cans, and after punching and kicking several workers, Poured all that gasoline on the building materials.

The leader was called Lao Ba, named after a slanted scar on his face. He was very arrogant. He stepped on a dying worker who was beaten and lay in the snow, and took out a cigarette. After lighting a match and lighting the cigarette, he threw the match that was still on fire behind him.

The remaining few workers were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and begged for mercy. Only one younger worker, whose hands were bound behind his back by Lao Ba's younger brother, spat blood at Lao Ba.

"Fuck your grandma." Wang Li scolded.

The people under Lao Ba also burst into laughter, laughing at Wang Li's overreaching.

A lighted cigarette was pressed on Wang Li's wrist with the ax tattoo, and there was a smell of burnt skin. The painful Wang Li's veins were exposed, but he clenched his teeth and didn't cry out. One sound.

"Hello Mr. Yubai!" Brothers Xia Yan and Xia Qiao saluted timidly, admiring and fearing He Qi at the same time.

Several combustion accelerants were added to the ferocious fire, and the fire became more and more intense.

Last year, after Lao Yuan died, the wind in Beiping suddenly stopped. After Lao Duan came to power, many martial laws were lifted one by one, and the atmosphere changed. After Brother Xun and Qian Xuan returned to Beiping, they continued to carry out the vernacular movement.

"It's winter, the clothes are wet, it's so cold, come, take him to the fire."

"Persevere, it will be wiped out immediately." Lao Scar didn't take this threat at all.

"Mr. Yu, how are you?" Mr. Zhongpu asked.

Wang Li was firmly controlled by Lao Ba's two subordinates, his wrist was burnt and festered a large piece, sweat and blood dripped down his painful face, so he could only shout: "Old Scar, labor and management drafted grandma's!"

"You guys, I didn't see anyone kneeling on the ground. It's so cold in winter. Take them to the fire quickly."

Wang Li's eyes were about to burst, and he shouted heart-piercingly: "Old Scar, xxxxxxxx"

There are many people who are jealous, and there are not a few people who want to get a share, but without exception, they dare not make a move, because He Qi's background is very complicated, and she has a close relationship with Lao Duan on the white face. Naturally, it is the most important thing, and the people in power in the municipal government cannot do without people from the Anhui Department.

A few workers ran away in fright, but unfortunately the road was blocked. Seeing that they could not escape, they knelt down and cried for mercy, their foreheads were scratched. How wonderful. I heard that your boss is not short of money, even those who live in shacks lose money, and you only earn a little money in your life as a coolie. Blessed are your wives and children."

He Qi was also warming up at the fire at this time, but it was a charcoal fire at Mr. Zhongpu's house. Mr. Zhongpu invited him to dinner today, with Yi Baisha and Wang Mengzou as companions. There were only four people on the table, and a burning wooden barrel under the table.

Old Scar lit another cigarette, turned his back to Wang Li, looked at the raging fire in front of him, and said calmly: "Go back and tell that chess player, if you play chess, you should play chess well, and when you write articles, you should write articles well. People do the work of educated people. He came to Zhabei to grab the jobs of us big bastards by himself, and asked him not to give him a way to survive. Isn't this pure nonsense?"

At the beginning, Ju Chang said that it was not that he didn't want to go home, but that he didn't dare. He was doing the job of pinning his head to his waistband. Over the past year, He Qi had a deep understanding, so Mr. Zhong Pu's dinner has been delayed until today.

"Hey! You have a lot of backbone!" Old Ba let go of the worker under his feet, walked towards the young man with a cigarette in his mouth, looked at the bloody face from the beating, and said with a wicked smile: "What's your name?" name?"

Wang Meng was so anxious that he found He Qi and explained his intention. He Qi didn't care about the little money, and generously funded it. Mr. Zhong Pu said he would give the corresponding shares, but He Qi didn't want it either.

On the black face, there is the support of the "Huizhou Township Association", which is commonly known as the "Axe Gang". Therefore, He Qi eats black and white in the Shanghai stock market. Without the diamond, how dare he take on the porcelain job.

If anyone is to say who was the best person in the Shanghai stock market last year, then it must be He Qi, who was born out of nowhere. There are more than 20 factories, some people joked: the money earned by the Huizhou Chamber of Commerce is like the water of the Huangpu River.

Wang Mengzou looked at the two figures standing at the door who refused to come in, and shouted: "I said, you two young masters, did you hear that? If you don't come in, why are you dawdling?"

"It's okay. Now I don't smoke or drink anymore. I hug my granddaughter every day and don't let go. Sometimes I want to hug my granddaughter, but the old man won't let me. He thinks I smell of cigarettes." He Qi laughed. .

Therefore, today's meal was specially invited by Mr. Zhong Pu to thank He Qi for his financial support.

The two sons of Mr. Zhongpu, Xia Yan and Xia Qiao, came in. Their faces were immature, they were dressed in rags, and their thumbs were exposed because of the rotten shoes on their feet.

Although everyone is in the same city, they seldom meet each other, and the number of hands is less than one hand. New Young" brings trouble.

"Mengsheng" mainly promotes vernacular Chinese, which is like-minded with "New Youth". However, He Qi has a lot of money. To separate, once to suspend publication.

"Don't be stubborn, there will be another time, I'll take you to warm yourself by the fire." Just as he was speaking, Old Ba suddenly caught a glimpse of the workers kneeling in the snow, slapped his forehead, and said angrily, "What the hell, look My brain."

In order to respond to Brother Xun and Qian Xuan, He Qi also opened a magazine "Success" in Shanghai. The editor-in-chief was recommended by Qian Xuan, and his name was Liu Banxia. Yan's novels are well-known in the Shanghai stock market.

"Hey, labor and management are so scary!" Lao Ba smiled contemptuously, and kindly tidied Wang Li's clothes. At this time, he saw the tattoo on the upper part of Wang Li's wrist, which was an axe. Help? Are you stubborn?"

"Haven't you two always been curious about Mr. Yubai? Well, Mr. Yubai finally came today. If you want to ask anything, just ask. After passing this village, there will be no such shop." Wang Mengzou said.

"It's a good day! Don't worry about anything, don't worry about anything, hug your granddaughter and take care of her life, I can do the same when I'm old, that's all right." Mr. Zhong Pu also laughed.

A raging fire suddenly ignited on the construction site, and the melted snow flowed down the ground to the workers. After a while, the workers' clothes were completely soaked and shivering from the cold.

"Old Scar, why did you remember that Laozi's name is Wang Li, if you have the guts, kill Laozi, otherwise your whole family will be cut off sooner or later."

The smoke was extinguished, and the old scar lit a match again. When the flame burned Wang Li's wrist, the painful Wang Li could no longer bear it, and struggled desperately. The old scar smiled and reprimanded the two men: "Hurry up!" , don’t waste matches, it’s windy, it’s not good.”

The match finally went out and was thrown on the snow, and soon even the rest of the salary was wiped out, but after the pain, Wang Li still held his head up, and he didn't give in. Many, and they are counting on Wang Li to deliver the message.

Mr. Zhong Pu asked Xia Yan and Xia Qiao to eat at the table, but the two brothers refused to do it, but when He Qi opened his mouth, the two brothers could not say no, and immediately sat down obediently.

Halfway through the meal, Uncle Fu came in and whispered a few words in He Qi's ear. He Qi didn't change his face, stood up and offered a glass of wine to everyone, apologetically saying: "Something happened temporarily, I'm really sorry .”

Mr. Zhong Pu said, "What's wrong?"

He Qi pursed her lips and smiled, and said lightly: "A few workers in the factory are afraid of the cold, so they warmed up by the fire, something happened, and people died. We are responsible for what we did for the factory, and it would be shameful not to go."

(End of this chapter)

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