Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 116 Suzhou River

Chapter 116 Suzhou River

The big round table is full of delicacies. The cost of this meal alone is extremely luxurious. Ordinary people dare not imagine that a small laborer at Shiliupu Wharf can earn 6 to 8 yuan a year, and this One meal is worth the money earned by 100 anti-package laborers in a year.

When the meal was almost finished, a person came from outside the banquet hall and reported a few words to Uncle Fu. After listening to Uncle Fu, he came to He Qi's side, as usual, and whispered: "My lord, things are alright. .”

Mr. Lu put down his chopsticks with a curious expression on his face.

The people below also put down their chopsticks in unison.

He Qi smiled and said: "Tomorrow, the eighth day of the lunar new year, is a good day. It is appropriate to break ground. I sent a batch of materials to the construction site overnight. I heard that there was trouble in Zhabei at night. I was afraid that the materials would be burned again, so I asked Uncle Fu Get a few people to watch over it, and it will be fine, and work will start normally tomorrow."

Mr. Lu suddenly understood that the matter in Zhabei would be settled within a short time of revenge.

After the meal, everyone went to the ballroom. He Qi summoned Manager Zhang and gave some instructions in a low voice. Manager Zhang seemed unbelievable, and then ran forward excitedly.

When everyone stepped into the ballroom, the music just stopped, and the dancers on the stage stood in a row. On the dance floor, the men and women who danced the waltz were all puzzled, and the many noble guests on the deck were very dissatisfied, and all the lights were focused on the entrance. On the body of Mr. Lu.

Manager Zhang stood on the stage and shouted excitedly into the microphone: "Today, Mr. Lu will pay for all the expenses in the audience. Guests, just eat, drink, and have fun."

The most famous private entertainment venue "Paramount", there are many powerful people in Shanghai, but this is the first one to do this. Mr. Lu was startled, turned his head to look at He Qi, and He Qi smiled and nodded. head.

Several members of the Huizhou Chamber of Commerce behind him were also taken aback by He Qi's attack.

"Let's welcome Mr. Lu." Manager Zhang said loudly and took the lead in applauding.

As a result, the huge "Paramount" ballroom immediately burst into overwhelming applause, all applauding for Mr. Lu's great writing.

After staying in the ballroom for a while, He Qi left. Mr. Lu knew that He Qi had something to do at night, so he didn't stay. After drinking for a while, he put his arms around the enchanting Miss Manli and went to the hotel on the third floor.

Along the Zhabei-Shanghai-Nanjing Railway, there are countless shacks. It is an out-and-out refugee camp. There are nine twists and eighteen bends inside. If there is no familiar guide to guide the way, ordinary people will definitely get lost in it.

Under the cover of night, it was pitch black here, only a few kerosene lamps in the shacks gave off inconspicuous light, illuminating the muddy road flickeringly. Uncle Fu walked in it calmly, and soon came to a bright residence, into the house.

The room was filled with a strong smell of blood. Three hemp ropes were tied to the girder, and three people were hanging there. The old scar was impressively among them. There were several blood holes on the legs and stomach, but these were not fatal wounds. Dozens of stab wounds all over his body.

Wang Li stood in front of Lao Scar with a grim face, the bandages wrapped around his hands and the machete were dripping red, and the other two were chopped badly.

After Uncle Fu entered the room, he glanced at the three hanging people, expressionlessly, took out a receipt from his body, and handed it to brothers Lin Yaodong and Lin Yaohua who were bandaging their wounds: "Other matters are settled, This was given by Mr. He separately, just follow the old rules."

After Lin Yaodong took it, he glanced at the number and was very satisfied. Immediately afterwards, Lin Yaohua asked: "Uncle Fu, brothers are all at ease, but we stepped on seventeen of them at night. According to the old rules, whoever played It belonged to someone, but Dafa and Daliu also contributed their efforts at night, and the patrol house was going to Zhabei, but they brought people to block it, and they haven't come back yet."

Uncle Fu said: "The patrol room is only called the patrol room in the French Concession, but it is not called the patrol room in the Chinese world."

Lin Yaodong thought about it: "You always have a look, do you want Mr. He to say hello?"

Uncle Fu said: "There's no news tomorrow, I'll go get the man myself."

The upright Lin Yaohua asked again: "Uncle Fu, while you are always here, how can you divide these seventeen venues, lest Dafa and Daliu gossip."

Lin Yaodong glanced at his younger brother, sighed inwardly, always thinking of the tip of the hob for food, lacking any discernment, and then said: "Uncle Fu, give the place to Liu and Dafa, Mr. He has given enough."

Lin Yaohua furrowed his eyebrows, and immediately became unhappy. He had worked so hard to do this, but seeing his elder brother winking all the time, he had no choice but to hold back, but the displeasure was obvious on his face.

"Ah Dong, I don't care about these things. You choose a venue for Wang Li, and you can decide the rest yourself." Uncle Fu glanced at Wang Li, and his words were thought-provoking.

Lin Yaodong said: "Wang Li, take someone to take care of that casino on Dadong Road tomorrow."

Wang Li was promoted from a little pony to a small head in one day, and he was so excited that he envied the whole room of pony boys, and quickly kowtowed to the two bosses and Uncle Fu to thank him.

It seems that He Qi will not come forward for these beatings and killings. Now he has returned to the "Li Mansion". The old man and Xiao Shuer are both asleep, but the hall is brightly lit, and Li Wan is sitting alone .

As soon as the car stopped at the door, Li Wan couldn't wait to welcome her out. Seeing He Qi returning home safely, she let go of a hanging heart. Sometimes fate is such a trick. Li Wan obviously didn't want to follow the old road her mother walked. , but helplessly repeated the same mistakes.

The car didn't turn off, and He Qi didn't enter the house. Instead, he pulled his wife into the car. The car drove along the Suzhou River. The night wind was a bit cold. He Qi took off the windbreaker and put it on Li Wan.

This year, He Qi has been very busy. Li Wan is pregnant and has given birth to Xiao Shuer. The couple rarely have time to be alone.

In the evening, after He Qi drank some wine, she suddenly lost the idea of ​​going to sleep, so she thought about going out for a walk.

Holding hands, the couple walked along the Suzhou River. Not far away was a large steel bridge called "Waibaidu Bridge". The bridge was full of traffic and brightly lit, like a bright ribbon, spanning both sides of the Suzhou Creek.

The two were speechless all the way, and walked to the bridge. He Qi leaned against the guardrail, and Li Wan leaned on He Qi's chest. The two were like a couple of young lovers, embracing each other in the crowd.

"What's the matter?" Li Wan raised her head and asked timidly, He Qi's abnormality made her feel worried.

"It's nothing, I drank and didn't want to sleep, so I went out for a stroll." He Qi looked at the endless stream of pedestrians on the bridge, and said again: "We haven't been out for a long time, last time, you should have taken me to the Bund to buy clothes .”

"By the way, I haven't asked you yet? You obviously don't like extravagance and waste. Why did you buy me such expensive clothes that day? Did you have a plan for me long ago?"

Li Wan, who was nestled in her arms, said coquettishly: "No! I just want to see if you are the same person as them? You married me, not our family."

"Now, do you see it?"

"You married me and married our family."

Speaking of it, He Qi is helpless, like a person who drinks water, he knows how warm and cold he is. If He Qi didn't think of helping General Cai and Li Li had an accident, then He Qi should be in Beiping at this moment, playing chess and leading the way. Children, scold the old and stubborn when you are free, and the gods live a life.

However, it is impossible to re-select everything.

Time is like the water in this river, gone forever, and this meandering river is always engraved in the center of the city, it feeds countless people, and also buries countless people, year after year , when the high-rise buildings on both sides rise from the ground, the Suzhou Creek is still the same Suzhou Creek.

However, the people standing on this bridge are no longer the same group of people as before. He Qi hugged his wife tightly and told a story. A girl named Peony jumped off the bridge. , a man named Ma Ma has been looking for her since then.
Looking for a thing called love, but he was wrong, love is like the flowing water of Suzhou Creek, gone forever, gone, gone.

Therefore, He Qi is very fortunate that she is not a motor.

(End of this chapter)

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