Chapter 117
Last night, there was a lot of commotion in the Rush in Zhabei District. The French Concession next door saw it clearly. This morning, everyone in Shanghai knew about it. Big boss Zhang, one of the three giants of the Green Gang, Most of the opium business in Shanghai went through his hands, and seventeen sites were swept away overnight.

When the underworld hears it, they are greatly shaken, when the white way hears it, they watch in silence, and the common people eat melons after hearing it.
In the patrol room of the French Concession, the atmosphere was solemn and misty, and the old man with a livid face sat in front of Lao Huang, who was smoking a cigar, and said, "What is his surname? Scar, ah Cheng, ah Feng, who is it?" I don’t know if it’s Zhang’s younger brother who died tragically in Zhabei last night, if this place can’t be found, how can I still be on the road in the future?”

Lao Huang was indifferent, silently smoking his cigar.

Old Huang had tried his best last night, but the people in the patrol room were blocked on the way to Huajie. It wasn't that he didn't want to take care of it, but he couldn't do it.

The water in Shanghai Beach is too muddy, and there are some things that Lao Huang can't do anything about.

Over the years, Lao Huang has understood one thing, that beating, killing and killing is not a popular method after all. It is a pity that Lao Zhang will never understand this truth.

Big boss Zhang, Boss Du and Lao Huang were sworn brothers who had kowtowed in front of Guan Gong and drank blood wine. They came together through ups and downs, and their friendship is not ordinary.

After smoking half a cigar, Lao Huang remained indifferent and didn't say a word, like a statue, Big Zhang immediately understood that Lao Huang didn't want to get involved.

Da Lao Zhang threw off his arms, turned around and left in a rage.

"Old Zhang, where are you going?" Lao Huang had to shout.

"Where you go is none of your business, don't worry, one person does the work and the other person is responsible, and you will never be involved. I, Zhang, will solve the matter by myself." The eldest Zhang stuck his neck and spoke angrily.

"Old Zhang, in the morning, which little red guy are you going to deal with?" Boss Du came at the right time, pushed Sangsang, and then pushed the big old Zhang back into the house.

When Boss Du came, Lao Huang felt relieved, sat back on the chair, and calmly smoked the remaining half of the cigar.

"Old Zhang, I heard about the matter, what are you going to do?" Boss Du knew about it last night, and received a call from Lao Huang in the morning. Lao Huang was basically the same, he didn't want to get involved, but he also didn't want to watch Lao Zhang step in.

The ones who come out to play around are talking about righteousness. If you break Lao Zhang, you will lose your righteousness, and the face of the two of them will not be good.

"What should I do? Of course, there is revenge for revenge, and revenge for revenge. The horse-riding man, surnamed He, went to my site to build a factory without even calling. I asked Scar to ask for directions, and he chopped off three of me. Underlings. Dao Scar, ah Cheng, ah Feng, you know that you have worked with me for so many years, and you have worked hard without credit."

"Old Zhang, what are you going to do?" Mr. Du interrupted.

"Cut his wife and daughter, exactly three people." Old Zhang said harshly.

"Isn't this bullshit?" Lao Huang shook his head secretly when he heard this, and continued to smoke his cigar in silence.

Boss Du laughed angrily in an instant: "Old Zhang, if you really want to talk about this matter, you were the one who started it first. You let the scar go to someone else's construction site, not to mention a fire, and burned three other people. Now that they have killed three of you, you have to kill their wife and children. Believe it or not, you can't pass the test of Lao Jiu, let alone brothers who didn't remind you."

The "Old Ninth" is Wang Yaqiao. Lao Zhang couldn't help but think of Xu Guoliang, the former chief of the security department who was blown off his arms and legs. .”

Lao Huang interjected: "He is not from the Green Gang."

"This doesn't work, and that doesn't work either." Old Zhang rolled his eyes and said, "Then let him hand over Lin Yaodong and Lin Yaohua. These two little red guys have been around for a day or two, and they just did it to make Zhabei clean."

Boss Du felt that Lao Zhang hadn't figured out the situation before him, so he said insinuatingly: "Last night, Lin Yaodong and Lin Yaohua cut scars in Zhabei. Do you know where he is? What is he doing?"

Old Zhang said: "I don't care what this bum is doing?"

Boss Du said patiently: "He has hired 'Paramount', invited Mr. Lu, the whole audience is free of charge, spending 12 overnight."

"It's great to be rich in Mahler Gobi. Once the emperor and a courtier, that brat surnamed Lu, labor and management will do him sooner or later." Lao Zhang sat down cursingly, although he still had cruel words on his mouth, but not Idiot, Mr. Lu cannot afford to offend him, so his momentum has weakened a lot.

Since ancient times, black has been afraid of white, but in this era, there is no distinction between black and white, but an iron law has been born. Those who hold knives are definitely inferior to those who hold guns. Guns are justice, and more guns are more justice. There are tens of thousands of rules behind Mr. Lu. justice.

In Mr. Lu's words, a gangster is nothing.

Boss Du saw that Lao Zhang finally lowered his head and stopped clamoring, so he acted as a peacemaker and said: "Well, I will be the host, and I invite him to have a meal. Everyone is hanging out in Shanghai Beach. I don’t see you when I look down. peace brings money."

Old Huang suffered a great loss from Mr. Lu. This incident is vivid in his mind. When he came out to hang out, he made friends and relied on friends. With this kind of relationship, Mr. Lu will also be able to talk to him in the future, saying: "I Let's make a post."

Now that there are steps, what else can Lao Zhang say?

Hit hard?
Lao Zhang is not that stupid to be able to get into today's position!

Last night, He Qi drank some wine and took a night cruise on the Suzhou River with his wife. After returning home, he had a few small meetings. He woke up later than usual in the morning, and the person next to him was no longer there.

Li Wan knew that her husband was going to invite important people to have a family dinner at home today, so she woke up early after being tossed all night, and directed the family servants to go shopping and prepare the lunch.

The old man was strolling in the courtyard with Xiao Shu'er in his arms, and Fu's mother followed behind. After He Qi washed up, she yawned and went downstairs. Li Wan came up and said, "It's still early, you can sleep for a while, and I'll call you when it's time."

He Qi hugged the little charming wife and pulled her into a corner. The shy Li Wan ran away quickly, her face was flushed, she looked around and saw no one saw her, she said coquettishly, "Someone is here."

"Then go to a place where no one is there."


"Go, go upstairs." He Qi refused.

"Hey." Li Wan really had no choice but to see the servant approaching, and said coquettishly, "I'll listen to you at night, okay?"

"Bite again." He Qi smirked.

Li Wan's neck became red with shame from the whispering between husband and wife, so she had no choice but to nod.

After making a cup of tea, He Qi went to the courtyard, chatted with the old man, teased Xiao Shuer by the way, and received a post from Lao Huang, time passed, and it was almost noon, Uncle Fu said: "Master, uncle , the guests have arrived."

Fu's mother went to pick up Xiao Shu'er, but the old man held her tightly and said: "I don't understand the group of writers, so go and stare, you just go."

He Qi said: "It's also good to meet the old subordinates."

The old man stared: "If he wants to miss me, won't he come to see me in the courtyard?"

He Qi chuckled and stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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