Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 19 Jing Zeyan Xiangxiang! !

Chapter 19 Jing Zeyan Xiangxiang! !

The main entrance of "Bianyifang" is quite distinctive. In front of the main entrance, there are four big red lacquered wooden pillars as thick as one person, implying visitors from all over the world. The couplet "get off the horse after smelling the fragrance" and the second couplet "stop the car after knowing the smell", are taken from the allusion "Three Heroes of the Han Dynasty dismounted after smelling the fragrance, and the blast furnace wine is fragrant for ten miles".

The two clever men standing in front of the door saw Qian Xuan coming, and rushed to meet him to lead the way, and shouted respectfully: "Master Qian, you are here, the private room has been reserved, let's walk inside with the little one."

"Is there a guest who arrived first?" Qian Xuan asked as he walked.

"It's been a while." The man replied.

Qian Xuan's mind turned, a sly smile appeared on his face, he turned around and said to He Qi: "Brother He, we are late, we have to toast him with a glass of wine later."

However, He Qi felt that something was wrong.

As the clerk entered the store, what came into view was a wide hall with dozens of tables, only three or two were empty, and the rest were full of diners. From time to time, a master chef could be seen With a young apprentice, they performed a piece of duck on the spot, which attracted applause from the diners.

Passing through the hall, the staff led them straight up to the second floor. The area was the same as the downstairs, but it was divided into exquisite private rooms. You could vaguely see the diners in the private rooms enjoying themselves. In front of the reserved private room, the clerk stopped, opened the door and said, "Master Qian, please go in and sit for a while, the little one will serve the food."

"Wait, old Chen, please come over and act like a duck." Qian Xuandao turned around and introduced to He Qi: "Food and skill, both complement each other, and one is indispensable. Brother He comes first." Next time, might as well see and see.”

"I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it. Today I can take a good look at it." He Qi smiled, and then entered the private room with Qian Xuan, but they were all stunned.

I saw a roast duck on the table that was mostly eaten, and sitting by the window was a gentleman in a blue gown, with short shaved hair, who was concentrating on rolling the roast duck. He turned a deaf ear to anyone entering the private room, as if in his In the world, there is nothing more important than eating roast duck.

He Qi took a closer look and felt that this person looked very familiar. It wasn't until Qian Xuan shouted: "Yucai, why did you eat it first?" He Qi suddenly realized, and then couldn't help laughing. The most famous is Brother Xun.

The photos of Brother Xun in the history books are when he was in his 50s. At this time, Brother Xun was only in his early 30s, and his appearance was very different. With this pair of deep eyes, he seemed to be able to see through everything in this world. He Qidi I didn't recognize it at a glance, so it should be taken for granted.

Hearing Qian Xuan's shouting, Brother Xun raised his eyes slightly, then put down the rolled roast duck unhurriedly, stood up, glanced at He Qi, bowed and saluted, and then sat back down , Continue to eat the rolled roast duck without saying a word.

This is He Qi's first impression of Brother Xun who is full of aloofness.

"Yucai, I'm talking to you!" Qian Xuan shouted again, seeing that brother Xun didn't want to answer, he simply stepped forward, took out the rest of the roast duck on a plate, waved to a waiter, and ordered : "Remove this one, hurry up and reupload."

"Roast another one, pack it together with this one, and I'll take it away later." Brother Xun said in a deep voice.

The buddy looked at Qian Xuan, hesitating.

Qian Xuan looked at Brother Xun, but smiled strangely: "I'm treating guests today. I usually only hear that guests do whatever they want, but I've never heard of hosts doing whatever they want. Yucai, you are the most polite. Yes, did you say that?"

Brother Xun wiped the greasy corners of his mouth, took a sip of tea, and said calmly: "A few days ago, when you said you were going to treat someone to dinner, I was thinking that if you didn't agree, you might say that you looked down on me. This kind of person, I accepted. Today you are treating guests to dinner, and I am thinking that I can’t invite two guests for one meal, so that you Qian Xuan will be looked down upon by others. I am not such a person, and you are not short of money for a roast duck. People. So, after thinking about it, I ordered a roast duck in advance, and it was all the meal you invited me to eat."

"If I eat this roast duck ahead of time, I will make people look down on you. If I don't eat this roast duck ahead of time, I will teach you to be looked down upon, so I eat it ahead of time."

He Qi almost couldn't hold back her laughter when she heard this, she hurriedly turned her head and endured it, thinking that she finally saw what serious nonsense was.

"Then roast another one, so what should I say?" Qian Xuan was also amused by these remarks, and simply asked again.

"A few days ago, early in the morning, you came to my house and brought me a few catties of oranges. I got angry from eating, and I thought the fire was caused by you. It happens that the roast duck is cold, and it can reduce the fire. It is up to you In the end." Brother Xun said firmly without feeling embarrassed at all.

"I brought you oranges, but I didn't let you eat them, so why did you get angry because of me?" Qian Xuan asked back.

"Then why did you bring oranges?" Brother Xun looked straight at Qian Xuan, and asked again without answering.

Qian Xuan became dumb for a moment, as if he had been stepped on the tail, and while He Qi was not paying attention, he hurriedly winked at Brother Xun, and said meaningfully: "Yucai, you and I have agreed before, no How could someone who mentioned this go back on his word?"

Brother Xun took a sip of tea, calm and calm, but replied: "When did I promise you?"

When Qian Xuan heard this, he quit immediately, and immediately said with certainty: "Just a few days ago, on the day you brought the oranges, you personally agreed."

Is this orange a real orange?

He Qi was a little confused.

After thinking about it, Brother Xun nodded and said: "A few days ago, I promised you, it is true. Then I ate an orange and got angry, so the one who got angry is not the same as I was a few days ago .And the one who promised you was me before I got angry, so what does it have to do with me who is getting angry now?"

Qian Xuan knew that playing tricks was no match for Brother Xun, so he laughed angrily at his brazenness, and said: "You are a talent, you can forget about having a red mouth and white teeth for the sake of a mere roast duck, it's really unreasonable Right now."

Brother Xun took out a cigarette and lit it. With the smog swirling around, Qian Xuan seemed to be asking himself and the world at the same time. He sighed, "What is truth? What is truth?" Arrogance? They all say it’s right, and that’s right, just like they all say that roast duck is delicious. Although I don’t know what it tastes like, but seeing that everyone wants to eat it, I was moved to try it just now. , to know that it is so.”

Qian Xuan pursed his lips and said sarcastically: "You can eat it if you want it. It's just roast duck. I, Qian, can still afford it. But it's good to be straightforward. If you don't know, you might think I can't invite you." get up!"

Brother Xun gave Qian Xuan a rare look.

He Qi took a quick bite and asked, "Mr. Yucai, what's the taste of roast duck?"

"Scent!" Brother Xun exhaled the smoke slowly.

He Qi smiled "puchi" and couldn't hold back anymore.

"Brother He, it's okay to say something if you have something to say." Qian Xuan said.

"There is a person whose surname is Wang, whose name is Jingze, whose name is Zhenxiang, and whose name is Zhengzheng Iron Bones, Brother Qian, has he never heard of it?" He Qi asked.

"The words are really fragrant, and the name is strong and iron-boned, which is quite peculiar." Qian Xuan muttered, shaking his head.

Brother Xun leaned against the window, put down his cigarette, and seemed to be listening attentively.

He Qi said solemnly: "Wang Jingze's name is really fragrant, and his name is iron bone. One day, someone tempted him with cold white boiled rice and egg fried rice, and wanted to make him obey. Ze was furious, and suddenly pointed to the sky, saying: "My king Jingze, It is suffering from hunger!" Then he pointed his hand to the ground and said: "I will die in the wild, and I will fall into the abyss of unpredictability." Suddenly he pointed his finger at the crowd, everyone was shocked, and they quickly retreated a few steps. Ze laughed when he saw it. , looking up to the sky and screaming: "I will not bend my waist for five buckets of rice, and I will not eat small grains waiting for you." Not long after, Ze was very hungry and had no choice but to eat it. He looked around and laughed and said: "It's very fragrant!"

Qian Xuan was suddenly embarrassed, and realized that He Qi was teasing him that he would miss Brother Xun, and then said to Brother Xun: "Yucai, in my opinion, Brother He's eloquence is too much to give way to! "

"I might as well!" Brother Xun smiled and shook his head, picked up the cigarette again, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled the smoke out of the window. Looking at all the living beings on the street, he couldn't help sighing: "Brother He In a word, in a word, there are so many people in the environment!"

"The one who is innocent of the environment will bear the brunt of it." Qian Xuan took the words, gritted his teeth, and said, "I have read all the newspapers today, tsk tsk, he alone paid 100 yuan for the retouching fee, and the others probably took a lot of it. It's really up and down Together."

"You wrote that article?" Brother Xun finally came to his senses, dusted off the cigarette ash, and asked, "How do you know?"

"If you want people not to know, unless you don't do it yourself, I don't need to say it, his family members have told it themselves, and they are very proud of it! I am not the only one who knows about this. The others were taken by Gu Tangsheng. I have a great reputation, I look forward and look backward, and I want someone to buy him, so what can I do?"

"It's true that you have no choice but to be afraid that someone will make you look bad." He Qi reminded her.

"It's nothing more than some rascals, playing some shameful calculations. If you say that earlier, I was a little worried about my wife and children at home. Now I live in Dongjiaomin Lane. People in twos and threes in the society can't easily enter, so I don't have any worries."

Just when the roast duck arrived, it was a whole duck. It was just roasted and was shiny with oil. Master Chen used a slender sharp blade to cut the duck meat with the skin as thin as a lotus leaf. Add shredded green onion and cucumber , rolled up with a thin skin, dipped in sauce, bite down, all kinds of flavors flow between the teeth, blend with each other, and form a new flavor. A century-old shop does have its uniqueness.

The three of them chatted while drinking fresh roast duck.
"Go home at night and continue to update the chapter. If you have a vote, vote for it. Monthly tickets and recommended tickets are all OK. It's a new book list!" "

(End of this chapter)

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