Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 20 I'm afraid that the hooligans are educated!

Chapter 20 I'm afraid that the hooligans are educated!

He Qi went to university in Jinling, and the ancient city of Jinling has many titles, one of the most unique titles is "Duck Capital". Don't be fooled, this "duck" is not the other "duck".

There is an old saying: "Rabbits don't enter Sichuan, dogs don't pass through customs, and ducks in Jinling don't cross the river." Sichuan Province seems to have a paranoid love for rabbits, so that no rabbit can escape the fate of being served on the dining table; dogs are so cute , must not let it go out and run around, this is the unchanging creed of the people in the pass; and in Jinling City, there is a secret circulating: "No duck can leave Jinling City alive."

In Jinling City, in the streets and alleys, the cries of "cut a duck" echoed everywhere, duck blood vermicelli soup, salted duck, duck fried pancakes, old duck stew...

Therefore, there is a legend that Jinling people eat [-] million ducks a year, so it has the reputation of "Duck Capital".

For He Qi, eating ducks is nothing special. From snacks to big meals, roast ducks, salted ducks, Wuwei salted ducks, and red-skinned ducks are neither a passion nor a dislike. The devastation is like being married for a long time, which cannot avoid the qualitative change of love turning into family affection, so that sleeping in separate rooms has become the norm for most people.

The roast duck in "Bianyifang" is very different from what He Qi's later generations eat. Eat a little, and the taste is amazing, but it is not suitable to eat too much, mainly because the fat content is too high. This is related to the extreme lack of oil and water in the current daily diet, so He Qi was not used to it, so she put down her chopsticks after eating half of it, and drank tea to relieve her greasy.

Brother Xun's recent life is just like what Qian Xuan said, living a very poor life, the salary is delayed again and again, and the monthly expenses sent to the whole family are not a lot, about radish and cabbage are also delicacies, so in After eating half a roast duck before, I can still enjoy it.

"Brother Qi, why do you eat so little?" Qian Xuan asked.

"A little greasy." He Qi smiled.

"Add more shredded cucumbers to relieve the greasiness." Qian Xuan said.

"Brother Qi is not used to greasy food. Cucumber shreds can slow the disease, but it can't cure it. It's unnecessary." Brother Xun also stopped at this time, habitually took out a cigarette, and leaned against the window to light it.

Men are a very strange group, from being unfamiliar to talking and laughing, sometimes it’s just a matter of a few glasses of wine. The newly unsealed Dukang wine on the table is more than half at this time, and He Qi was forced to accept a new gift from Brother Xun. According to Brother Xun's explanation: "'Brother He' is too obliterated in the public, and everyone with the surname 'He' can be 'Brother He', but 'Brother Qi' is not. So, why, why, how to relieve worries, only Du Kang."

Just relying on Brother Xun's tongue, he put together a few irrelevant words, and insisted on replacing a pot of ordinary turbid wine with "Du Kang". It was a rip-off.

Master Pian'er Ya left the private room in good time, the waiter served a pot of tea again, Qian Xuan poured out the tea and delivered it to him one by one, and continued what Brother Xun said just now, saying:

"No! Yucai, you and I are both in love, and don't know the true face of Mount Lu, but Brother Qi is not. He just came back from the West, and he must have a different opinion, just like this food. We think this roast duck is delicious, but Brother Qi thinks it is greasy. Brother Qi's sentence of "take off your pants and fart" the day before yesterday is to the point, concise and to the point, I deeply agree. Today, I invite Brother Qi to come here because I want to take advantage of Brother Qi to travel around the world. So that I can wait for the person in the urn and increase my knowledge."

He Qi was shocked when he heard this, feeling that this was going to be a public administration, she couldn't help feeling a little palpitating, looking at this private room, but surrounded by screens on all sides, what was said inside could be heard clearly from the outside, if it was someone with a heart After listening to it, I can't guarantee that I won't see the sun tomorrow, so I deliberately declined: "Brother Xie Deqian, it's just that I just returned to China, my eyes are darkened, I don't know the left and right, I have no experience, so I have no right to speak. Let me tell you one or two points, I can only proceed from the reality and talk about my thoughts..."

"Oh? All ears." Qian Xuan said expectantly.

Brother Xun held a cigarette in his hand, and opened a pair of eyes half-closed by the smoke, listening quietly, calmly and naturally.

Thinking of this, He Qi became furious, and finally she was able to vomit quickly, and angrily said: "Human traffickers, you will be arrested at any time, if you don't, you can't do it. Think about it, you just returned to China, and you appeared in the south of the city." , unaccompanied, penniless, hungry, a kind person treats you to eat wontons, you went there very happy, and then you were abducted by human traffickers!"

"Uh uh." Qian Xuan knew about this, but was still teased by He Qi so much that he covered his forehead and let out a squeak of laughter.

Brother Xun accidentally choked on the smoke, grinning and weeping, finally calmed down, and asked, "Why are you penniless?"

"I was robbed first!" He Qi said indignantly.

So Brother Xun and Qian Xuan laughed unkindly again.

With this crop, the atmosphere in the private room became much more lively. Brother Xun put down his cigarette, took a big sip of tea, and sighed: "The country is prosperous and the people are rich, happy and peaceful, and the doors are not closed at night, and the roads do not pick up things; It's hot and cold, people's hearts are not old, and theft is rampant."

"It doesn't seem to be so absolute. Since ancient times, theft, like mange, has been common. I have traveled in Western countries and seen it often. It is not unique to our country." He Qi said.

"Brother Qi, why is it that you can walk in the west without any hindrance, but once you return to China, you get hits one after another?" Brother Xun asked curiously again.

"Hooligans are not scary, but they are educated." He Qi sighed.

Both of them were puzzled, they frowned and looked at each other, hoping for an explanation.

"The hooligans in China all have 'culture', they have learned the art of war, and go to war strategy; the hooligans in the West are simple-minded, with well-developed limbs, and they attack the city." He Qi said.

It was probably because He Qi's way of thinking and language habits were completely different from those of people in this era, which made the two of them unable to understand Fei Fei, and on the contrary became even more confused.

"The hooligans in the West see that I am from China, and they are nothing more than plundering and plundering. Naturally, I can avoid it. However, my Huaxia hooligans know how to be tactful. First, they invite me to eat wontons, distance them, and then greet me. Lowered my guard, and finally extended a helping hand when I was in trouble. From this, I stepped into his trap step by step. The so-called open spear is easy to hide, but hidden arrows are hard to guard against. My Huaxia hooligans know the essence of the art of war, and all of them can use "Sun Tzu's Art of War" flexibly, aren't they just educated hooligans?"

Only then did the two of them suddenly realize what an "educated hooligan" is, and they couldn't help laughing loudly. At the same time, they had a new understanding of He Qi, and Qian Xuan further interpreted He Qi's remarks, saying: : "Yucai, to paraphrase brother Qicai's words, 'Hooligans are not to be feared, but to be afraid of being educated'. Those like Gu Tangsheng are all educated hooligans. Thinking about it this way, the article I wrote yesterday is really immature, far inferior to Qi's." Brother is experienced, wait for me to go back and write a new article."

"What are you going to do?" Brother Xun asked.

"Gu Tangsheng, the name is Jingze, and the name is Rogue Layman!" Qian Xuan blurted out.

"Brother Deqian, please don't, just spare my life." He Qi's tone was solemn, not like teasing.

Because once Qian Xuan's article is published, and after being carefully studied by interested people, He Qi will be pointed at and scolded at the slightest, and at worst, his life will be in danger. This is by no means an exaggeration. "Platform, and behind the "Preparation Meeting" is the big head.

He Qi is just a scumbag who has just arrived here, without any powerful background, unlike Qian Xuan and the others, who have already gained a great reputation, and his teacher is Mr. Taiyan, who dared to break into Datou's mansion alone back then, throwing a table, The peerless fierce man who kicked the bench.

If you want to scare the chickens to scare the monkeys, use others as a knife, set up a model, and imitate others, then He Qi, who has no powerful background, is the most suitable little chicken.

"Brother Qi, how do you say that?" Qian Xuan asked puzzled.

After thinking about it for a while, Brother Xun understood what He Qi was worried about, and smoothed things over, and said to Qian Xuan, "Brother Qi, it's not like you live in Dongjiaomin Lane, where idlers can't easily enter."

Speaking of Dongjiaomin Lane, He Qi suddenly had an idea, so he changed the subject, talking about Gouwa who dared not sleep at night, and his recent plan to move.

I don’t know if I don’t ask, but I’m shocked when I ask, the rent in Dongjiaomin Lane is too expensive. From Qian Xuan’s mouth, I learned that the monthly rent of an ordinary small courtyard is 10 yuan, which is enough for half of my family’s belongings. Monthly rent, He Qi had to give up her thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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