Chapter 21

The days passed unhurriedly, and a week passed quietly. This is already the tenth day of He Qi's arrival in the Republic of China.

The outside world is full of hustle and bustle, one wave is not smooth, and another wave is rising again, making the end of this golden autumn even more uneven. The "Preparation Committee" continues to promote restoration. "Heavy article.

First of all, he believes that if China wants a republic, then the people must know what a republic is?Judging from the current situation, most people don't even know what law, freedom, and equality are. If they rashly go from autocracy to republic, they can only hope for a rich country, a strong country, and a constitution.

Secondly, he focused on the issue of successors, believing that only a constitutional monarchy can prevent civil wars for leadership positions and other wars that waste national power in vain.

In the end, he believed that "a false constitution will inevitably lead to disasters", listed in detail the examples of the Qing government's false constitution that led to its demise, and pointed out that a true constitution must be established in order to secure the country with justice and win the trust of the people with honesty.

Yang Chengzan is quite a legend. He was known as a child prodigy when he was a teenager.

Wang Kaiyun is a celebrity with a great reputation. He advocates the application of the world and studies the "learning of emperors", that is, to find an "extraordinary person" and help him achieve hegemony and return the people to a clear world.

Speaking of which, Yang Chengzan, Qi Chunzhi, and Liu Guangdi were brothers of the same school, but the three brothers had their own strengths. Qi Chunzhi later became a master of painting, Liu Guangdi was one of the six gentlemen of the Eighth Century, and Yang Chengzan was obsessed with " Emperor's Learning", and took Su Qin and Shang Yang as examples.

In [-], Yang Chengzan went to Japan to study abroad, entered the crash course of teachers at Hongbun Academy in Tokyo, and became a classmate with Huang Xing, so he met many allies. It was at this time that he initially formed his "constitutional monarchy". "Thought.

In [-], Yang Chengzhan returned to China and took part in the special economic examination. He was ranked second in high school and got second place in the first class. The champion was Liang Shiyi, who is the current Minister of Communications. , Liang Shiyi was dismissed as the No. [-] scholar, Yang Chengzan was also implicated and was wanted, so he had to flee to Japan to avoid disaster. In Yokohama, he met Liang Rengong who was also avoiding disaster.

The two met very happily, talked and laughed happily, and discussed for a long time to explore the way to save the nation and survive, and they appreciated each other. Later, Liang Rengong wrote the article "On Young China". , among which "If the country of China dies, unless all the people in Hunan Province die," comes from this article.

In [-], when the Qing court was preparing to establish a constitution, the "five ministers" went to Japan to investigate the constitutional government model, and also specially invited the famous Yang Chengzan to come out of the mountain. As a result, Yang Chengzan returned to China, thinking that he could show his talents, but he did not expect to end up It is the flower in the mirror and the moon in the water.

The disheartened Yang Chengzan no longer had any hope for the Qing court. After a few years, he was appreciated by the big head, and Gao Ru etiquette hired him to serve as a consultant in Pingjin, thus officially starting a legendary life.

As soon as "The Theory of Saving the Nation by the Constitution of the Monarch" was published, one stone stirred up a thousand waves, and people from all walks of life reacted fiercely.

Of course, no matter how loud the people above are, the porters on the Tongzhou port wharf still have to squeeze their bodies to earn a meager ration every day; at the entrance of Yongding, Wang Laoer and his assistant Saner are still selling wontons for six cents a bowl; The master who pulls the rickshaw can't earn three cents of money even after a hard day.

He Qi is not much better. This week has been very torturous. He didn't receive a single job, because Zhang Wuye sent a message, but for all future translation jobs in Liulichang, he will charge a commission that is two yuan lower than that of Zhao Deyi. , not for anything else, but to fight for one breath.

Seeing that the way of making money from translation was hopeless, He Qi had to find another way to stay behind closed doors every day. Except for a few games with Ruyi, she devoted all her time to writing novels, but the result was not satisfactory.

Writing novels is not about treating guests to dinner, paying attention to human relationships and sophistication, not writing essays, just a little bit or two, not to mention painting and embroidery, which is taught by a master. Writing novels is a skill, a skill that relies on self-discovery of talents. For someone with a gift for writing, it's one thing to remember the outline of a story and quite another to write it out.

It’s like a man who conceived a child with a beautiful ex-wife that has good facial features, fair skin and beautiful appearance, but a child conceived by an equally beautiful current wife has short eyebrows, thick nose, eagle head and sparrow brain. Why do the sons of the same father have such big facial features? Surprised?

The reason is that the ex-wife was born with natural beauty, while the current wife is artificially beautiful, acquired, so there is this result.

And Mr. Kim Yong is the ex-wife who is naturally beautiful, and He Qi is the current wife who is artificially beautiful. The outline of the same story, in Mr. Kim Yong's writing, is a colorful world full of grievances and hatred. When it comes to He Qi , It became a stinky pool of garbage thrown at the east end of the village.

Seeing dozens of manuscript papers worth less than [-] words after hard work for a week, He Qi read them a few times, endured the pain, and burned all these hard work, because the writing was so bad that even she couldn't read it. I can't go down.

Writing a novel is so hard!

He Qi couldn't help looking up to the sky and screaming.

As the saying goes, house leaks happen to rain all night, and Zhao Deyi finally understood that He Qi was a loss-making business. He paid so much, but didn't get any return. Instead, he had to put money into it every day. Of course, he had to stop the loss in time .

He Qi gradually discovered that the daily three dishes became two dishes, and the big white rice became brown rice, followed by Zhao Deyi's complaints. Even shit costs money.

Yes, you heard that right, shit does cost money, it’s called a shipping fee, and someone will come to collect it every morning.

Although Zhao Deyi didn't say it clearly, he just complained, but He Qi immediately understood that this was driving people away.

He Qi thought that she was not the kind of rogue who took advantage of it and was too lazy to leave, so she offered to live until the end of this month, leaving ten or so days to find a job and a new place to live.

Zhao Deyi expressed reluctance, and repeatedly explained that he had no such intentions. He also said that Ruo Heqi felt that it was inappropriate, so she could teach Ruyi English and chess for a fixed time, so as to offset the rent and other living expenses.

He Qi just smiled and shook her head, but in fact, she has already decided in her heart that no matter whether she finds a job or not, she must move out at the end of the month, even if she sleeps on the street, she must move out, just like Zhang Wuye, everyone is fighting for breath .

This Saturday, He Qi went out early in the morning. In order to save money, he walked in the city of Beiping on foot, just for two things:
First, find a dental office and rent a place with low rent.

Second, find a suitable job.

There are many dental shops on the street, and He Qi found one without much effort. He agreed that the monthly rent should not exceed two yuan, that electricity should be connected, and that the location should not be remote. After leaving the address, he went out and followed the newspaper. Look for the job advertisements posted on the Internet one by one.

Autumn Japan should be full of joy of harvest, but He Qi can't feel any joy, only melancholy, even the crowds on the street can't help but become hurried in He Qi's eyes, walking towards each other. Two youthful male students came, with neatly shaved short hair, wearing improved Chinese tunic suits, no lapels, and three internal pockets, looking very energetic.

"Shi Yan, have you read Yang Chengzan's article?"

"Of course I did."

"Do you think the constitutional system he mentioned is feasible?"

"It's nonsense. Liang Rengong said that he is a big-headed dog-headed military adviser. He is really true. This thief has a heart to punish, and he wants to be a minister of the dragon. It is a big daydream."

"However, I heard from some students that Eikoku established a constitutional system after the Glorious Rebellion, and that Eikoku is what it is today. After the Meiji Restoration, Hirobumi Ito brought back the constitutional system from Europe, and Japan just rose. , Since we have learned from the past, why don't we follow suit?"

"Confused, short-sighted, the republic can be abolished today, the constitutional system can be abolished tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow will be his enthronement ceremony. The words of such villains are absolutely unbelievable."


They are the most passionate young people with the purest love for this country, but in the face of the politically complicated situation, they can only look at the ocean and sigh, and the painting makes a useless lament.

This is not something they can interfere with.

He Qi saw it in her eyes and heard it in her ears, but she didn't empathize with her, and she didn't even feel a wave of emotion in her heart. Compared with these major issues of serving the country and the people, He Qi cared more about how to find a job and be able to work. Fill your stomach and live a stable life as soon as possible, no longer relying on others, no longer wandering.

Thinking of this, He Qi couldn't help speeding up her pace.

In one morning, He Qi relied on her legs to run to two newspaper offices and a bookstore. The newspaper office wanted to recruit a proofreader, that is, a corrector to submit manuscripts. The monthly salary was 8 yuan. He Qi was confident that she would definitely be able to apply for the job. But I was dumbfounded. People opened their mouths and asked what degree you have?
Secondly, He Qi was at a loss as to whether she was familiar with the usage of Chinese characters and classical Chinese.

The signboard of the bookstore with a monthly salary of 15 yuan is even more demanding. In addition to requiring a diploma of at least high school, you must also have relevant work experience. This is still a primary election. The remaining 1300 people participated in the subsequent exams, and finally 1000 people were admitted. He Qi thought about it seriously, but he didn't think that the 300 people included himself.

Of course, these three failed job application experiences were not in vain. At least He Qi had a better understanding of how to find a job in the Republic of China. He immediately searched a lot of newspapers that published job advertisements, and prepared to go back and carefully select the ones that are suitable for him. Special work, so as not to run in vain and waste energy.

Unexpectedly, as soon as He Qi returned to the small courtyard, she saw Qian Xuan sitting under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, waiting anxiously. Seeing He Qi's return, she hurried up to greet her, dragged He Qi and walked towards the door of the shop.

"Brother Deqian, what happened?" He Qi asked in confusion.

"I can't tell at the moment, you follow me first, anyway, it's a great thing to make money." Qian Xuan walked in three steps at a time, in a hurry, and walked out of the shop without turning his head.

As soon as He Qi heard about making money, his eyes sparkled with excitement, his exhaustion was swept away, and he was full of energy. There was no way out, and there was no way out, and there was another village in the dark. Without a word, he caught up with Qian Xuan. Run towards the Shaoxing Guild Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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