Chapter 27 Famous

“Fresh fried tofu~”

"Fresh baked biscuits!"

"Wontons, buns, fried dough sticks, hot!"

The early paving man wore a sweat towel over his shoulder, poked his head, and opened his mouth to call for customers on the road.

"Boy! Boom! Stop shouting! Stop shouting!"

Zhang Wuye, dressed in a long robe and mandarin jacket, loves a bowl of fried tofu in the morning, but today he tasted it, and immediately recognized the taste, so he called the shopkeeper and asked, "Why didn't you put marinated shrimp oil in it?" ?”

"Fifth Lord, I'm really sorry, the braised shrimp oil is used up." The guy knew he was wrong, bowed his body, and smiled apologetically.

"Then can this thing still be eaten?" Mr. Zhang Wu shook his chopsticks and said with a straight face, "I can tell you, you won't be paid if you finish eating in a while."

"Fifth Master, let's go after eating, I didn't serve you well today, come back tomorrow!" the man said.

In this way, Zhang Wuye's complexion improved, he put a piece of tofu in his mouth, and said vaguely: "It's not that I deliberately made things difficult for you, but it's because you didn't do this properly. You don't have any marinated shrimp oil. Let me tell you earlier, there are other places."

"Yes! Yes! Fifth Master, don't be so angry." The man squeaked.

"Hey, fifth master, your mouth is really big. It's no wonder that you are used to delicacies from mountains and seas, so we haven't tasted them yet!" The diners on the side joked.

"Isn't it? It has to be you, Fifth Master." Another diner said.

"That's it. When Master Fang was young, he didn't have to take a look."

These people laughed openly and secretly at his family's downfall, and Mr. Zhang Wu had already seen it, pretended to be confused, and said, "Let me tell you, this fried tofu looks simple, but the seasoning is troublesome! Shrimp oil, bean curd sauce, chive flowers, sesame paste, chili oil, if you lack any of them, it doesn’t taste the same.”

"Yes yes yes! Fifth Master, you use it first, there are visitors, I am busy with work." The man said, and walked towards the visitors.

Zhang Wuye saw that the clerk was very interesting, so it was not difficult for him. He took out a few copper coins from his pocket, threw them on the table, wiped his mouth and walked towards Liulichang.

"Fifth Master, stop." Someone shouted from the booth.

Master Zhang Wu looked back and saw those who had just laughed at him, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, are you guys going to treat me to dinner? It's not noon or evening, what kind of meal are you going to have?"

"Fifth Master, don't talk about me in shame. I know what we are worth. I can't reach your face. Please stop. I want to ask you what is going on in the newspaper. We I don't know a few big characters, so I can't count on you, a cultural person?"

As soon as this was said, everyone at the breakfast stall immediately started talking, and another person said: "I heard people say that in Guanghe Residence yesterday, Professor Gu and Master Qian were arguing, saying that the house collapsed and the foundation collapsed There is also a gentleman who came back from the West, saying that there is a river in Africa, and there are big fish that eat people in it.”

"Yangzhou, Suzhou, I know, but where is Africa?"

"Hey! How big is a fish that can eat people?"

A group of people chatted in a hurry in the early morning, relying on the trivial details they heard from other places.

Mr. Zhang Wu thought that there was nothing to do anyway, so he went back to the booth in a few steps, found a place to sit down, took this morning's newspaper, and began to read it. It turned out that someone wrote about the incident in Guangheju yesterday The article was published in today's "Beijing News".

The article was not long, only a few hundred words long, Zhang Wuye finished reading it in a while, and everyone who had figured out what was going on started chattering again.

"I think what Professor Gu said is right. You can't throw away the things of your ancestors. Let's take seeing a doctor for example. I have a cold and headache. Just grab a few packs of medicine and go home and sleep. If you go to If you go to a western doctor, it costs a fortune just to see a doctor, not to mention how expensive the medicines are.”

"Then what if you don't see the disease? Do you want to give me a piece of ocean?"

"Are you stupid, who is not sick and went to see a doctor?"

"I think that Mr. He is right. The man-eating fish in the river is Dongyi. The territory left by the Germans is still occupied by them and they won't return it. The man above us is too arrogant to say anything." One sound, and you know that your own people are beating your own people, and if this continues, there is no guarantee that the world will change again."

"Hey, the one above us wants to be the emperor!"

"When the sky falls, there will be a tall man to hold it up. As long as we ordinary people have a bowl of rice to eat, who cares about that?"

"Just this bowl of rice is not tasty. A few years ago, one yuan could buy fifty catties of rice, but this year it can buy thirty catties. In a few years, I'm afraid it will only buy ten catties."

"You are really willing, my house is all mixed with sorghum rice."

"By the way, fifth master, what do you think of this matter?"

"Look with your eyes, or you still have a nose to see?" Zhang Wuye was talking nonsense with a toothpick in his mouth.

"Hey! Don't tell me if you don't say it."

"So what can I say? We, a bunch of mud legs, still want to wink at the higher-ups? Can I buy you fifty catties of rice? If there is such a gap, why don't you take an extra bus ride and sell an extra bowl of wontons, and you will live at home. If you are a person, don't talk about your head, you won't be caught in it, you will be the most criminal, and then there will be no place to cry." Zhang Wuye threatened.

"Fifth Master, it's not that serious. Let's just talk about it and make a fresh picture. Both of these two masters have been in the newspapers. If you want to arrest them, you must arrest them!"

"Hmph! It's because they were published in the newspaper that they will not be arrested. If you are published in the newspaper, they will not be arrested." Mr. Zhang Wu rolled his eyes and said.

"Hey. We don't have that ability, but what is this Mr. He's background? He is a person who can speak in front of Professor Gu. Why haven't I heard of this name before?"

"When Zhang Wuye first read the newspaper, did you not listen or what? Mr. He, a native of Huizhou, was born in Nanyang. After his parents passed away, he went to the West to study for more than ten years. He learned all the skills and obeyed his parents' last wish. The fallen leaves return to their roots, and now they live in Wenhuiju, a country that they just returned to a while ago.”

"I just came back a while ago, where do you know where to go?"

"Ahem, cough, I didn't hear clearly."

In short, after a report in the newspaper, He Qi became famous.

Wenhui Residence.

The layout of the shop is the same as usual, the windows are still very brightly polished, on the shelves are vases and tripods on mahogany multi-treasure trees; on the bookshelves are stacks of ancient books in blue cloth covers with white labels , There are several calligraphy and paintings, hanging scrolls and couplets hanging on the wall.

But this morning, it was obviously different. As soon as the store opened, the shopkeeper Zhao went out for a while, and a person came in every now and then. He looked decent and asked, "Is Mr. He there?" After Yan replied, "Mr. hasn't gotten up yet", these people didn't speak, and wandered around the shop with their hands behind their backs, looking here and there, and didn't buy anything. Dare to relax, for fear of losing something.

Fortunately, shopkeeper Zhao came back, and as soon as the door curtain was lifted, a chubby figure rushed in, out of breath, facing Li Yan, and eagerly ordered: "Don't be so busy, go to the vegetable market to buy some meat, When you come back, pass Zuixianglou, drink a pot of wine, and then go to the backyard to ask your wife to make some small dishes for lunch, and then go to Guangheju to settle for a steamed Pan's green fish, and ask for mandarin fish."

"By the way, tell the cooks in Guangheju not to put coriander, sir doesn't like it." Shopkeeper Zhao specifically reminded.

Li Yan was confused when he heard this, thinking that Mr. He will be moving out at the end of the month, what is the master doing?

"Why don't you go?" Shopkeeper Zhao urged while bending over to support the counter, panting heavily.

"There are a lot of people in the shop today, master, please pay more attention, I will go to the vegetable market right away." Li Yan looked at the people in the shop.

Only then did shopkeeper Zhao realize that there were several strangers in the store, so he hurriedly waved and stopped Li Yan, who was about to go out, and said, "Don't go, just watch for me, go when it's empty."

When those people heard that it was the shopkeeper of Wenhuiju, their faces showed surprise, and they immediately came up to him. Shopkeeper Zhao greeted him with a smile and asked, "Masters, what are your orders?"

"We're here to visit Mr. He. Can shopkeeper Zhao inform us in the backyard?"

"Yan'er, have you woke up yet?" Shopkeeper Zhao looked back at Li Yan and asked.

"No! Mr. Er came back late last night. I sneaked a look at it just now, and Gouwa was alone in the courtyard. I'm afraid Mr. Er is still awake." Li Yan replied truthfully.

"Yan'er, watch the tea!" Shopkeeper Zhao ordered, turned his head and smiled again, and said, "Masters, you heard that too, Mr. is still asleep, why don't you have a few sips of tea first, and so on."

"Trouble shopkeeper Zhao!" The man bowed his hands and thanked him.

"No trouble!" Shopkeeper Zhao nodded in response.

"I don't know Mr. He, what kind of books do you usually like to read?" one of them asked.

"How can you allow me to talk too much about Mr. Mr. Zhao?" Shopkeeper Zhao smiled apologetically.

At this time, Li Yan made a pot of tea and brought it over. Shopkeeper Zhao poured good tea for the three of them one by one. One of them suddenly understood and said, "Mr. just returned to China, and he lived with Shopkeeper Zhao. It must be here." There must be something special about it, brother Jia, brother Zhao, if we buy something alone, it will be a good thing."

"Hmm! Not bad!" Only then did the remaining two people come to their senses.

When shopkeeper Zhao heard this, he was happy and said with a smile: "I don't know how many masters, what should I choose? Ancient paintings, postcards, orphan copies, rubbings, I have everything here."

In this way, shopkeeper Zhao opened his shop early in the morning and sold three small items, so he was very happy.

The three of them silently put the small items into their bags, and took out a notebook. One of them asked, "When did Mr. He return to China?"

Shopkeeper Zhao received the money and started to do business immediately. He looked up and recalled: "One morning about ten days ago, a big ship sailed from Pingjin Port. Mr. who had been wandering for more than 20 years finally returned to his motherland, got off the ship, Excited, Mr. Knelt on the ground and kissed the ground. Someone asked Mr. Why? Mr. said that I love my motherland and I want to kiss it.”

The eyes of these people were bright when they heard it, and they immediately wrote it down.

Shopkeeper Zhao chuckled and continued: "."

The pens in the hands of these people continued to write.

(End of this chapter)

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