Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 28 Face Changing and Rainy Day 1 Color

Chapter 28

Shopkeeper Zhao's performance was still going on. After drinking a sip of tea, his face suddenly covered with anger, and he scolded angrily: "Mr. I lost all my belongings and was robbed by the coachman and others."

"Ah!!!" These people suddenly exclaimed, and their writing hands visibly trembled.

"I couldn't stand it anymore, and wanted to help my husband to scold a few words, but my husband didn't take it to heart at all, saying that he must have encountered difficulties, so he had to do it." Shopkeeper Zhao showed admiration on his face, beyond words.

"Mr. He, Gao Yi!" Someone exclaimed.

"Yes!" Someone echoed.

"More than that!" Shopkeeper Zhao slammed his mouth and said angrily: "Mr. came to Peiping alone. He was so hungry that he wanted to eat a bowl of wontons on credit, but he was abducted by a human trafficker named Zhang Maoer." gone."

Probably thinking that He Qi, a living person, was abducted, and it would be unpleasant to say it, Shopkeeper Zhao added: "That guy Zhang Mao'er, he talked sweetly and pretended to be righteous, but when Mr. Wang returned to the country for the first time, he was careless for a while, so he got it. "

"Huh~" All of them took a deep breath, and the pens in their hands did not stop for a moment.

"That's it. Mr. still has kind thoughts in his heart. He escaped from the den of thieves overnight and rescued a fellow countryman who was abducted. He was seriously injured. Mr. has been taking care of him all the time. He is now in the backyard." Zhao Deyi showed a look of adoration on his face. .

"Mr. He, you value love and righteousness."

"Open-minded and very comparable."

"I, Mr. Zhao, have met many people of all kinds in the past few years when I opened the shop, but I have never seen such a kind person as Mr. So, seeing Mr. in trouble, I proposed to let Mr. live in a humble house temporarily. Make plans later." Shopkeeper Zhao proudly said with a warm smile on his face.

"Shopkeeper Zhao understands righteousness!"


Shopkeeper Zhao shook his hand and said with a smile, "It's absurd, it's absurd."

Suddenly, the curtain was lifted again, and two people came in. Shopkeeper Zhao took a closer look and saw that it was Mr. Deqian and Mr. Yucai. .”

"Let's go find Brother Qi, you can do your work." Qian Xuan glanced at him, left this sentence, and led Brother Xun straight to the backyard.

"Come on, you're walking." Zhao Deyi smiled apologetically.

Everyone in Beiping knew about Qian Xuan's violent temper. He was someone who even dared to confront Professor Gu head-on.

"Mr. Deqian, please wait." One of the three people holding the notebook shouted.

"What's wrong?" Qian Xuan stopped and turned around after hearing the words.

"I'm a reporter from Beijing News. My name is Liu Wensheng. Editor Shao asked me to come. Can I go with you to visit Mr. He in the backyard?" Liu Wensheng was a little nervous. After all, Qian Xuan was famous for his violent temper.

Qian Xuan and Shao Piaoping are old acquaintances. One claims to dare to talk about anyone, and the other claims to dare to publish any article. With this kind of friendship, Qian Xuan has to show some face. After thinking about it, he said: "You Son."

"Ah!" Liu Wenzheng felt very anxious.

Qian Xuan took Brother Xun to the side, and discussed in a low voice: "Yucai, why don't you go to the backyard first, it's inconvenient to bring them in, and when you come out, let Brother Qi say a few words and deal with it, old man Shao has to give some face."

At some point, Brother Xun had already taken out a cigarette, wiped the match, and was lighting it, when he suddenly came up with a plan, took a puff beautifully, and said, "Let him go directly to 'Haifengxuan'."

Yesterday afternoon, Qian Xuan could be regarded as having suffered a lot. Because of her self-righteousness, she said a few good words about He Qi's resume, and she was stunned by He Qi's yin and yang all afternoon. The routines are novel, and the tricks are not repetitive.

As soon as Qian Xuan remembered how He Qi was playing chess and hating himself at the same time, he felt lingering fear in his heart, and quickly shook his head and said, "That's not good, it's okay if brother Qi wins, but if he loses, it doesn't look good, I'm afraid To make matters worse, he said in a strange manner."

Brother Xun swallowed the clouds calmly, and said firmly: "Don't worry, Zifu and Shaomei said that if Brother Qi can win, he will definitely win. In the third game yesterday afternoon, Brother Qi also let Zifu and Zifu two sons, and he still won steadily. In my opinion, if Brother Qi goes all out, it is not a bad idea to let Zifu three sons."

"With your words, I'm at ease. If he loses face, I'll let him find you. Anyway, when it comes to swearing, you two are the same." Qian Xuan grinned.

"You will go to 'Haifengxuan' later." Qian Xuan turned around and said to Liu Wenzheng.

"Haifengxuan" is a relatively well-known chess club in Beiping. There are often some well-known famous players and national players playing chess here. It is just south of Xuanwu Gate and very close to Liulichang. Liu Wenzheng wondered why Qian Xuan asked him to go there. Waiting there with a question mark face, not sure why.

"If you are told to go, you can go, it won't hurt you." Qian Xuan said.

"Mr. Deqian, I'm a reporter from The Big Bell, can I go too?"

"Mr. Deqian, I am a reporter from "Peking Daily."

Seeing this situation, the other two reported their families one after another.

"Let's all go to 'Haifengxuan' and wait." Qian Xuan waved his big hand, and led Brother Xun to the backyard.

The backyard was very quiet. Ruyi got up early and was playing with the chessboard on her own. Gouwa took a broom and cleaned the yard. She glanced at the house from time to time to see if the husband was up.

"Ruyi, is brother Qi awake?" Qian Xuan shouted loudly as soon as he entered the yard.

Ruyi, who was concentrating on her concentration, was startled suddenly, turned around quickly, and saluted: "Mr. Deqian, Mr. Yucai, hello." Then said: "Mr. is not awake yet!"

"Aren't you awake yet?" Qian Xuan yelled loudly towards He Qi's room.

Brother Xun turned his face away and secretly smiled.

Sure enough, He Qi's voice came from inside the room: "Wake up! Wake up!"

He Qi was sleepy, she was wearing a dress, and pushed open the door. Seeing Qian Xuan and brother Xun coming together, she couldn't help asking curiously: "It's so early in the morning, what wind brought you two here?"

"The job has been settled, do you want to listen?" Qian Xuan said seriously.

"Hey! Why are you standing still? Both of you sit down quickly, Ruyi, watch tea, I'll wash up, and I'll be ready soon." He Qi was instantly relieved when she heard this, she put her arms around her clothes and went to the bathroom run.

"Yucai, look, how quickly this face changed!" Qian Xuan joked.

Brother Xun put his hands behind his back, looked up at the sky, the wind was sunny, the sky was high and the clouds were clear, but his face was serious, and he thought deeply: "It doesn't look normal this day, I'm afraid it will rain later."

"Ah? How did you see it?" Qian Xuan asked puzzled.

"The solitary duck and the sunset fly together, and the changing face is the same as the rainy day." Brother Xun said firmly.

"Hahaha" Qian Xuan bent over laughing upon hearing this.

"Puchi!" Ruyi couldn't hold back, she covered her mouth and giggled.

After a while, He Qi washed up, wiped her hair with water, and rushed over, asking, "Deqian, what is your job? How much is your salary? Do you want to pay social security?"

"You can work freely, but your salary is not fixed." Qian Xuan put it off, and asked again: "What is social security?"

He Qi realized that he had said the wrong thing, thought for a while and explained: "Social security is social protection. The society is so chaotic now that people can be abducted in broad daylight. It is normal to have a collision. The boss has a backer, and the subordinates Just rest assured."

"Not so much." Qian Xuan teased, drinking tea in a leisurely manner, continuing to whet his appetite.

"Hey, what kind of job is it?" He Qi urged, feeling extremely anxious. Finding a job and moving house are He Qi's top priority now.

"Yucai, tell me." He Qi said expectantly.

"Play chess." Brother Xun said.

He Qi opened her mouth and said the quintessence of the country, and she took off her pants, so just show me this?
What do you think is a good job?
It is not impossible to make money by playing chess, but that is the treatment of masters. Although He Qi feels that his chess skills have improved a lot recently, it is only limited to entertainment games with friends, and has nothing to do with making money for dinner.

Yesterday afternoon, I played a few rounds with Xi Zique and Gu Weixian. Although they won easily, He Qi always believed that it was not that she was too good, but that they were too good.

Besides, both of them are probably no match for a girl like Ruyi.

In this regard, He Qi is very self-aware.

"Ruyi, see off the guests!" He Qi slammed her mouth and said, pouring a cup of tea to herself, very depressed.

Qian Xuan simply gave up on the game, and said directly: "Brother Qi, Brother Zifu invites you to play chess with Gu Rushui at the 'Haifengxuan', three rounds, there is a lottery."

Yesterday, Brother Xun gave ten yuan as an appearance fee, and He Qi didn't ask for anything, so he just helped out, asking for money would be too low, today, when He Qi heard that Ma Zique grouped up again A chess game, and immediately lost the mind to go. Firstly, he had a close relationship with Brother Xun, so it was inappropriate to ask for money, and secondly, it was a waste of time to find a job.

If you can do something that is thankless, you can just quit it.

Besides, yesterday I heard Xi Zique mention that Gu Rushui is a famous Go player, needless to say, his chess skills, if he goes there, he will give away his head. He Qi immediately shook his head and declined: "Deqian, Yucai, we will wait for you." I still have to go out to find a job, and I don’t have time to play chess, so please help me and brother Zifu to say sorry.”

"Raising 50 oceans! Whoever wins wins!" Brother Xun said calmly.

As soon as the words fell, He Qi saw his eyes shining, and stood up with a "squeak", looking for a job, and even a ball job. This can buy two of us, and shouted: "'Haifengxuan' Where?"

"Aren't you short of time?" Qian Xuan was startled by He Qi's face change again, and suppressed a smile.

"Time is like a sponge, there are still some squeezes." He Qi said solemnly.

"Then are you sure you can beat Gu Rushui?" Qian Xuan asked again.

"Dreams are still necessary, what if we win?" He Qi pondered.

"Hahaha" Qian Xuanle's face twitched, and he laughed loudly: "Yucai, did you hear that? Brother Qi's little stories, why are they all in one set?"

"Hey! It's going to rain, let's go quickly." Brother Xun glanced at the sky and said with a smirk.

"Hey hey" several people burst into laughter.

He Qi looked bewildered, not knowing why, and asked, "Why is it raining? Isn't it a good day?"

Don't worry if you don't talk about it, the few people laughed even louder.

(End of this chapter)

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